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Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 49(4): 872-878, Oct.-Dec. 2018. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738176


In order for the use of biological carotenoids to become feasible, it is necessary to have adequate low cost sources and improved methods of cultivation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplementation with nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium, on the biomass and carotenoid volumetric production by yeast Rhodotorula rubra L02 using a complex medium (sugarcane juice) and synthetic media (sucrose and maltose) as substrates. The experimental design used for each substrate was randomized in blocks with 16 treatments and 3 repetitions. The treatments were compound for 15 different combinations of nutrients (N; Mg; Zn; P, N + Mg; N + Zn; N + P; Mg + Zn; Mg + P; Zn + P; N + P + Zn; N + P + Mg; N + Zn + Mg; P + Zn + Mg; N + Zn + Mg + P) alone and combined, and a control. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey test at 5% significance level. Among the treatments evaluated, the highest production of dry biomass, with both maltose and sucrose, was observed for Mg (1.60 g/L and 1.94 g/L, respectively). Additionally, another treatment that stood out in terms of biomass production was the control treatment with maltose (1.54 g/L). After the incubation time, killer activity was not observed since there was no formation of inhibition halo around the L02 yeast.(AU)

Ci. Rural ; 45(9): 1695-1700, Sept. 2015. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27046


Os biocombustíveis apresentam-se com grande importância para suprir a demanda global de energia. São produzidos a partir de biomassa vegetal, emitem menor quantidade de dióxido de carbono e de partículas poluentes ao ambiente quando utilizados e possuem grande vantagem por serem combustíveis renováveis. Entre as matérias-primas com potencial para produção de etanol, cita-se o sorgo sacarino. Objetivou-se comparar o processamento industrial do genótipo de sorgo sacarino CVSW80007 e da cultivar de cana-de-açúcar 'RB966928' para produção de bioetanol em início de safra. As análises realizadas foram: brix; pH, ART, AR, acidez total, ARRT, glicerol, teor alcoolico, viabilidade celular, viabilidade de brotos e brotamentos. Quanto às características químico-tecnológicas, as matérias-primas apresentaram-se aptas ao processamento industrial, com índices superiores para a cana-de-açúcar. O desenvolvimento das fermentações ocorreu de forma adequada para ambas, sendo que o mosto fermentado (vinho), produzido a partir do mosto de cana-de-açúcar, apresentou maior teor alcoolico e rendimento fermentativo.(AU)

Biofuels have great importance to supply the global energy demand. These fuels are produced from plant biomass, emit less carbon dioxide and particulate pollutants to the environment when used and have great advantage of being renewable fuels. Among the raw materials with potential for ethanol production, is cited sweet sorghum. This study aimed to compare industrial processing of genotype sorghum CVSW80007 and the cultivar sugar cane 'RB966928' for bioethanol production in early season. The analyzes performed were: brix, pH, ART, AR, total acidity, ARRT, glycerol, alcohol content, cell viability, shoots viability and buds. Regarding the chemical-technological characteristics, raw materials were suitable for industrial processing, with higher rates for sugar cane. The development of fermentations occurred appropriately for both, and the fermented must (wine) produced from the must of sugar cane had higher alcohol content and fermentation yield.(AU)

Biocombustíveis , Fermentação , Sorghum , Saccharum , Biomassa
Hig. aliment ; 19(133): 58-62, jul. 2005. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-50210


O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a presença de enterococos e clostridios sulfito-redutores em águas minerais engarrafadas, utilizadas pela população de Jaboticabal, SP. Para tanto, foram avaliadas três marcas, cinco lotes e três volumes de embalagens (0,2 L, 1,5 L e 20 L). A contagem de enterococos foi conduzida pelo método do substrato cromogênico. O método de membrana filtrante foi utilizado para contegem de clostridios sulfito-redutores. Os resultados mostraram que 18 por cento das amostras de águas minerais apresentaram-se fora do padrão de potabilidade para enterorcocos e 3 por cento para clostridios sulfito-redutores. Estas águas estavam acondicionadas em embalagens de 20 L, significando que estes galões não foram preparados adequadamente para a reutilização.(AU)

The aim of this work was verify the presence of enterococci and sulphite reducing clostridia in bottled mineral waters consumed by the population of Jaboticabal, SP. Have been evaluated: three brands, five lots and three size bottles (0,2 L, 1,5 L and 20 L). The count of the enterococci has been conducted by chromogenic substrate method. The count of the sulphite reducing clostridia has been conducted by membrane filter technique. The results showed that 18% of samples of bottled mineral water did not meet the drinkability standard for presented enterococci, and 3 % for sulphite reducing clostridia. This water was packed in bottles of 20 L, meaning that containers were not having appropriate preparation for reutilization. (AU)

/microbiologia , Microbiologia da Água , Enterococcus , Clostridium