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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 33(1): 7-10, Jan.- Mar. 2011.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460671


Nowadays, there is a great interest in the research and the production of functional foods, such as isoflavones. Which present proven action on the prevention of health problems, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Considering the importance of soybean supplements standardization, this study aimed identifying and quantifying the isoflavones in products sold at different pharmacies. Isoflavones samples were acquired in six different pharmacies specialized in the production of phytotherapic medications. The isoflavones were extracted, quantified and identified in HPLC. None of the samples, from different pharmacies, presented the isoflavones content presented on the label, i.e., 20 mg. In relation to the isoflavones profile, the highest levels found were of daidzein, with up to 66.8 ± 0.09 µg, being the lowest levels the ones of genistein. It is necessary, therefore, the adoption of methods for the standardization and characterization of the raw materials used by different pharmacies. It would assure the isoflavones content, once they are essential for the effects prescribed by the professionals in the medical area.

Nowadays, there is a great interest in the research and the production of functional foods, such as isoflavones. Which present proven action on the prevention of health problems, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Considering the importance of soybean supplements standardization, this study aimed identifying and quantifying the isoflavones in products sold at different pharmacies. Isoflavones samples were acquired in six different pharmacies specialized in the production of phytotherapic medications. The isoflavones were extracted, quantified and identified in HPLC. None of the samples, from different pharmacies, presented the isoflavones content presented on the label, i.e., 20 mg. In relation to the isoflavones profile, the highest levels found were of daidzein, with up to 66.8 ± 0.09 µg, being the lowest levels the ones of genistein. It is necessary, therefore, the adoption of methods for the standardization and characterization of the raw materials used by different pharmacies. It would assure the isoflavones content, once they are essential for the effects prescribed by the professionals in the medical area.

Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 33(1): 7-10, jan.-mar. 2011. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-6526


Nowadays, there is a great interest in the research and the production offunctional foods, such as isoflavones. Which present proven action on the prevention of healthproblems, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Considering the importance of soybeansupplements standardization, this study aimed identifying and quantifying the isoflavones inproducts sold at different pharmacies. Isoflavones samples were acquired in six differentpharmacies specialized in the production of phytotherapic medications. The isoflavones wereextracted, quantified and identified in HPLC. None of the samples, from different pharmacies,presented the isoflavones content presented on the label, i.e., 20 mg. In relation to the isoflavonesprofile, the highest levels found were of daidzein, with up to 66.8 ± 0.09 μg, being the lowestlevels the ones of genistein. It is necessary, therefore, the adoption of methods for thestandardization and characterization of the raw materials used by different pharmacies. It wouldassure the isoflavones content, once they are essential for the effects prescribed by theprofessionals in the medical area.(AU)

O uso do HPLC na identificação equantificação dos teores de isoflavonas em amostras obtidas de farmácias de manipulação.Atualmente há um grande interesse na pesquisa e produção de alimentos funcionais, como asisoflavonas, que apresentam comprovada ação na prevenção de males, como o câncer e asdoenças cardiovasculares. Considerando a importância da padronização dos suplementos de soja,o objetivo do presente estudo foi de identificar e quantificar as isoflavonas em produtoscomercializados em diferentes farmácias de manipulação. Amostras de isoflavonas foramadquiridas em seis diferentes farmácias especializadas em manipulação de fitoterápicos. Asisoflavonas foram extraídas, identificadas e quantificadas em CLAE. Nenhuma das amostras, dasdiferentes farmácias de manipulação, apresentou os teores de isoflavonas indicado no rótulo, ouseja, 20 mg. Quanto ao perfil de isoflavonas, os maiores teores encontrados nas amostras foi dedaidzeína com até 66,8 ± 0,09 μg, e os menores de genistina. Sendo assim, é necessário quesejam adotados métodos de padronização e caracterização das matérias-primas utilizadas nasdiferentes farmácias de manipulação. Assegurando os teores de isoflavonas, os quais sãoimprescindíveis para os efeitos prescritos pelos profissionais da área médica.(AU)

Isoflavonas , Genisteína , Glycine max , Farmácias Homeopáticas
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 32(2): 175-181, abr.-jun. 2010. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459270


O experimento teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do sistema de criação e da época do ano, sobre o desempenho e qualidade da carne de frangos de corte. Foram estudadas 524.000 aves da linhagem comercial Cobb 500, distribuídas em três galpões com diferentes sistemas de automatização, durante as quatro estações do ano. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 3 x 4 (tipo de galpão x época do ano). Foram utilizadas rações do sistema integrado, cama de palha de arroz, e as aves foram abatidas em um frigorífico aos 43 dias de idade. Foram avaliados os dados de desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de peso diário, conversão alimentar e mortalidade), com dados fornecidos pelo sistema integrado. Também, foram avaliados os defeitos nas carcaças, e análises de pH, maciez e perda de água da carne. As aves criadas nos sistemas automatizado e semiautomatizado, e nos períodos mais quentes do ano, apresentaram menor rendimento de carcaça e piores características de qualidade de carne (maior perda de peso, menor maciez e maior acidez), e maior incidência de defeitos nas carcaças. As aves criadas no sistema não-automatizado e nos períodos mais frios apresentaram melhor desempenho, com menor índice de mortalidade e melhor qualidade da carne.

This study had as objective to evaluate the effect of the handling system and season of the year on the performance and meat quality of broiler chicken. Five hundred twenty-four thousand commercial Cobb 500 chicks were allocated in three different handling systems, during the four seasons of the year. The experimental design was completely randomized, with a 3 x 4 factorial scheme (three types of storage shed and four seasons). The diet was provided by a co-operative system and consisted of rice straw, and the broilers were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse at 43 days of age. Feed intake, weight, daily weight gain and mortality rate were available with data provided by the co-operative system. Carcass defects were also evaluated, and analyses of pH, tenderness and drip loss of meat were determined. The chickens raised in automatic and semi-automatic systems and during warm seasons showed lower carcass yield and worse meat quality (great values of drip loss and acidity, small values of tenderness), and higher rates of carcass defects. Chickens raised in a non-automatic system and during cold seasons showed the best performance, with low mortality rate and the best meat quality.

Animais , Carne/análise , Redução de Peso
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 32(2): 175-181, abr.-jun. 2010.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459276


This study had as objective to evaluate the effect of the handling system and season of the year on the performance and meat quality of broiler chicken. Five hundred twenty-four thousand commercial Cobb 500 chicks were allocated in three different handling systems, during the four seasons of the year. The experimental design was completely randomized, with a 3 x 4 factorial scheme (three types of storage shed and four seasons). The diet was provided by a co-operative system and consisted of rice straw, and the broilers were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse at 43 days of age. Feed intake, weight, daily weight gain and mortality rate were available with data provided by the co-operative system. Carcass defects were also evaluated, and analyses of pH, tenderness and drip loss of meat were determined. The chickens raised in automatic and semi-automatic systems and during warm seasons showed lower carcass yield and worse meat quality (great values of drip loss and acidity, small values of tenderness), and higher rates of carcass defects. Chickens raised in a non-automatic system and during cold seasons showed the best performance, with low mortality rate and the best meat quality.

O experimento teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do sistema de criação e da época do ano, sobre o desempenho e qualidade da carne de frangos de corte. Foram estudadas 524.000 aves da linhagem comercial Cobb 500, distribuídas em três galpões com diferentes sistemas de automatização, durante as quatro estações do ano. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 3 x 4 (tipo de galpão x época do ano). Foram utilizadas rações do sistema integrado, cama de palha de arroz, e as aves foram abatidas em um frigorífico aos 43 dias de idade. Foram avaliados os dados de desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de peso diário, conversão alimentar e mortalidade), com dados fornecidos pelo sistema integrado. Também, foram avaliados os defeitos nas carcaças, e análises de pH, maciez e perda de água da carne. As aves criadas nos sistemas automatizado e semiautomatizado, e nos períodos mais quentes do ano, apresentaram menor rendimento de carcaça e piores características de qualidade de carne (maior perda de peso, menor maciez e maior acidez), e maior incidência de defeitos nas carcaças. As aves criadas no sistema não-automatizado e nos períodos mais frios apresentaram melhor desempenho, com menor índice de mortalidade e melhor qualidade da carne.

Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 32(2): 175-181, abr.-jun. 2010. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-7244


O experimento teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do sistema de criação e da época do ano, sobre o desempenho e qualidade da carne de frangos de corte. Foram estudadas 524.000 aves da linhagem comercial Cobb 500, distribuídas em três galpões com diferentes sistemas de automatização, durante as quatro estações do ano. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 3 x 4 (tipo de galpão x época do ano). Foram utilizadas rações do sistema integrado, cama de palha de arroz, e as aves foram abatidas em um frigorífico aos 43 dias de idade. Foram avaliados os dados de desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de peso diário, conversão alimentar e mortalidade), com dados fornecidos pelo sistema integrado. Também, foram avaliados os defeitos nas carcaças, e análises de pH, maciez e perda de água da carne. As aves criadas nos sistemas automatizado e semiautomatizado, e nos períodos mais quentes do ano, apresentaram menor rendimento de carcaça e piores características de qualidade de carne (maior perda de peso, menor maciez e maior acidez), e maior incidência de defeitos nas carcaças. As aves criadas no sistema não-automatizado e nos períodos mais frios apresentaram melhor desempenho, com menor índice de mortalidade e melhor qualidade da carne.(AU)

This study had as objective to evaluate the effect of the handling system and season of the year on the performance and meat quality of broiler chicken. Five hundred twenty-four thousand commercial Cobb 500 chicks were allocated in three different handling systems, during the four seasons of the year. The experimental design was completely randomized, with a 3 x 4 factorial scheme (three types of storage shed and four seasons). The diet was provided by a co-operative system and consisted of rice straw, and the broilers were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse at 43 days of age. Feed intake, weight, daily weight gain and mortality rate were available with data provided by the co-operative system. Carcass defects were also evaluated, and analyses of pH, tenderness and drip loss of meat were determined. The chickens raised in automatic and semi-automatic systems and during warm seasons showed lower carcass yield and worse meat quality (great values of drip loss and acidity, small values of tenderness), and higher rates of carcass defects. Chickens raised in a non-automatic system and during cold seasons showed the best performance, with low mortality rate and the best meat quality.(AU)

Animais , Carne/análise , Redução de Peso
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 32(4): 447-453, Oct.-Dec. 2010. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-7084


O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de comparar as características de carcaça e da carne de 18 novilhas dos cruzamentos comerciais: ½ Nelore ½ Limousin (L), ½ Limousin » Red Angus » Nelore (LR), e ⅝ Red Angus ⅜ Nelore (RNR). As novilhas foram confinadas aos 18 meses de idade, com média de peso de 280 ± 8,4 kg, durante 112 dias. Após o abate e resfriamento das carcaças foram avaliados: rendimento (RC), área de olho de lombo (AOL), espessura de coxão (EC), cobertura de gordura (CG), comprimento de carcaça e perna, percentagem de músculo, ossos e gordura. Das amostras do Longissimus dorsi foram analisados a composição centesimal, o pH, a perda de água, a força de cisalhamento (FC), o comprimento de sarcômero (CS) e o índice de fragmentação miofibrilar (IFM). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. O cruzamento LR apresentou as melhores características de carcaça e de carne com 54,72% de RC; 27,87 cm de EC; 4,53 cm de CG; 63,65 cm2 de AOL; 64,58% de carne magra; 26,63% de perda de água; pH de 5,72; 2,49 kg de FC; 1,91 microm de CS; e 83,59 de IFM.(AU)

The experiment was carried out with the objective of comparing carcass and meat characteristics of 18 heifers from the following industrial crossbreeds: ½ Nelore ½ Limousin (L), ½ Limousin » Red Angus » Nelore (LR), and ⅝ Red Angus ⅜ Nelore (RNR). The heifers were confined at 18 months of age, weighing 280 ± 8.4 kg, during 112 days. After slaughter and carcass cooling, the following traits were evaluated: carcass yield (CY); rib eye area (REA); cushion thickness (CT); fat thickness (FT); carcass length (CL) and leg length (LL); muscle, bone and fat percentages. From Longissimus dorsi muscle samples, the following traits were evaluated: aproximate composition; pH; water loss; shear force (SF); sarcomere length (SL); myofibril fragmentation index (MFI). The data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukeys test at 5% significance. The LR crossbreed showed the best carcass and meat characteristics, with CY=54.72%, CT=27.87 cm, FT=4.53 cm, REA=63.65 cm2, lean meat=64.58%, water loss=26.63%, pH=5.72; SF=2.49 kg, SL=1.91 microm and MFI=83.59.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , /genética , Peso Corporal/genética , Carne/análise , Sarcômeros/fisiologia , Miofibrilas/fisiologia
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 32(4): 447-453, Oct.-Dec. 2010. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459300


O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de comparar as características de carcaça e da carne de 18 novilhas dos cruzamentos comerciais: ½ Nelore ½ Limousin (L), ½ Limousin » Red Angus » Nelore (LR), e ⅝ Red Angus ⅜ Nelore (RNR). As novilhas foram confinadas aos 18 meses de idade, com média de peso de 280 ± 8,4 kg, durante 112 dias. Após o abate e resfriamento das carcaças foram avaliados: rendimento (RC), área de olho de lombo (AOL), espessura de coxão (EC), cobertura de gordura (CG), comprimento de carcaça e perna, percentagem de músculo, ossos e gordura. Das amostras do Longissimus dorsi foram analisados a composição centesimal, o pH, a perda de água, a força de cisalhamento (FC), o comprimento de sarcômero (CS) e o índice de fragmentação miofibrilar (IFM). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. O cruzamento LR apresentou as melhores características de carcaça e de carne com 54,72% de RC; 27,87 cm de EC; 4,53 cm de CG; 63,65 cm2 de AOL; 64,58% de carne magra; 26,63% de perda de água; pH de 5,72; 2,49 kg de FC; 1,91 microm de CS; e 83,59 de IFM.

The experiment was carried out with the objective of comparing carcass and meat characteristics of 18 heifers from the following industrial crossbreeds: ½ Nelore ½ Limousin (L), ½ Limousin » Red Angus » Nelore (LR), and ⅝ Red Angus ⅜ Nelore (RNR). The heifers were confined at 18 months of age, weighing 280 ± 8.4 kg, during 112 days. After slaughter and carcass cooling, the following traits were evaluated: carcass yield (CY); rib eye area (REA); cushion thickness (CT); fat thickness (FT); carcass length (CL) and leg length (LL); muscle, bone and fat percentages. From Longissimus dorsi muscle samples, the following traits were evaluated: aproximate composition; pH; water loss; shear force (SF); sarcomere length (SL); myofibril fragmentation index (MFI). The data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey’s test at 5% significance. The LR crossbreed showed the best carcass and meat characteristics, with CY=54.72%, CT=27.87 cm, FT=4.53 cm, REA=63.65 cm2, lean meat=64.58%, water loss=26.63%, pH=5.72; SF=2.49 kg, SL=1.91 microm and MFI=83.59.

Animais , Bovinos , Carne/análise , Peso Corporal/genética , Miofibrilas/fisiologia , Sarcômeros/fisiologia
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 33(1): 7-10, 2011.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765742


Nowadays, there is a great interest in the research and the production of functional foods, such as isoflavones. Which present proven action on the prevention of health problems, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Considering the importance of soybean supplements standardization, this study aimed identifying and quantifying the isoflavones in products sold at different pharmacies. Isoflavones samples were acquired in six different pharmacies specialized in the production of phytotherapic medications. The isoflavones were extracted, quantified and identified in HPLC. None of the samples, from different pharmacies, presented the isoflavones content presented on the label, i.e., 20 mg. In relation to the isoflavones profile, the highest levels found were of daidzein, with up to 66.8 ± 0.09 µg, being the lowest levels the ones of genistein. It is necessary, therefore, the adoption of methods for the standardization and characterization of the raw materials used by different pharmacies. It would assure the isoflavones content, once they are essential for the effects prescribed by the professionals in the medical area.

Nowadays, there is a great interest in the research and the production of functional foods, such as isoflavones. Which present proven action on the prevention of health problems, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Considering the importance of soybean supplements standardization, this study aimed identifying and quantifying the isoflavones in products sold at different pharmacies. Isoflavones samples were acquired in six different pharmacies specialized in the production of phytotherapic medications. The isoflavones were extracted, quantified and identified in HPLC. None of the samples, from different pharmacies, presented the isoflavones content presented on the label, i.e., 20 mg. In relation to the isoflavones profile, the highest levels found were of daidzein, with up to 66.8 ± 0.09 µg, being the lowest levels the ones of genistein. It is necessary, therefore, the adoption of methods for the standardization and characterization of the raw materials used by different pharmacies. It would assure the isoflavones content, once they are essential for the effects prescribed by the professionals in the medical area.

Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 32(2): 175-181, 2010.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764449


This study had as objective to evaluate the effect of the handling system and season of the year on the performance and meat quality of broiler chicken. Five hundred twenty-four thousand commercial Cobb 500 chicks were allocated in three different handling systems, during the four seasons of the year. The experimental design was completely randomized, with a 3 x 4 factorial scheme (three types of storage shed and four seasons). The diet was provided by a co-operative system and consisted of rice straw, and the broilers were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse at 43 days of age. Feed intake, weight, daily weight gain and mortality rate were available with data provided by the co-operative system. Carcass defects were also evaluated, and analyses of pH, tenderness and drip loss of meat were determined. The chickens raised in automatic and semi-automatic systems and during warm seasons showed lower carcass yield and worse meat quality (great values of drip loss and acidity, small values of tenderness), and higher rates of carcass defects. Chickens raised in a non-automatic system and during cold seasons showed the best performance, with low mortality rate and the best meat quality.

O experimento teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do sistema de criação e da época do ano, sobre o desempenho e qualidade da carne de frangos de corte. Foram estudadas 524.000 aves da linhagem comercial Cobb 500, distribuídas em três galpões com diferentes sistemas de automatização, durante as quatro estações do ano. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 3 x 4 (tipo de galpão x época do ano). Foram utilizadas rações do sistema integrado, cama de palha de arroz, e as aves foram abatidas em um frigorífico aos 43 dias de idade. Foram avaliados os dados de desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de peso diário, conversão alimentar e mortalidade), com dados fornecidos pelo sistema integrado. Também, foram avaliados os defeitos nas carcaças, e análises de pH, maciez e perda de água da carne. As aves criadas nos sistemas automatizado e semiautomatizado, e nos períodos mais quentes do ano, apresentaram menor rendimento de carcaça e piores características de qualidade de carne (maior perda de peso, menor maciez e maior acidez), e maior incidência de defeitos nas carcaças. As aves criadas no sistema não-automatizado e nos períodos mais frios apresentaram melhor desempenho, com menor índice de mortalidade e melhor qualidade da carne.