This study evaluated the use of chromic oxide in gelatin capsules to estimate the coefficient of apparent digestibility(CAD) of nutrients for cats. The CAD of two extruded diets were determined using both the fecal total collection method and the chromic oxide method. The cats were given orally approximately 140 mg of chromic oxide in gelatin capsules twice a day, immediately before feeding. Twelve adult neutered cats were used, housed individually in metabolism cages, a total of six animals per diet. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, with two among-subjects factors (foods), two within-subjects factors(methods), and considering the cat as the experimental unit. There was no statistical difference (p>0,05) between the CAD of nutrients determined by the fecal total collection method or estimated by the chromic oxide method. The fecal recovery of the marker was 97,78±4,0% and 98,07±5,5%. Notwithstanding the similar CAD obtained, visual evaluation of the feces showed that the green color of the chromic oxide was not uniformly distributed throughout the feces, which possibly indicates that the marker did not became evenly distributed in the gastrointestinal tract. Key-Words: Cats. Chromic oxide. Digestibility. Fecal recovery. Gelatin capsules.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of snake venom derived fibrin glue on the healing of the deep digital flexor tendon, during three periods. The tendon of the 2nd digit of 30 thoracic limbs of dogs was partially sectioned for glue application. Biopsies were performed 7, 15, and 30 days post surgery for the clinical and morphological study of tendons. Analysis of the results showed that 73.3% of the tendons showed stump retraction and 16.6% moderate to excessive adherence, which affected sliding. There was a significant difference in the number of inflammatory cells among the three studied periods, being the highest on day 15. The morphological analysis revealed a typical tendon healing process with a lower level of inflammation in the acute phase, facilitating the cicatricial maturation phase. Snake venom derived fibrin glue promotes the healing in dog flexor tendon.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of snake venom derived fibrin glue on the strength oftendon healing in dogs. The deep digital flexor tendon of the 5th digit of 24 thoracic limbs was partially sectioned for adhesive application. On the 7th, 15th, and 30th postoperative day tendons segments were removed for the clinical and biomechanical study. Results indicated that 62.5% of the tendons showed stump retraction and 20.8% moderate to excessive adherence, which affected gliding. The biomechanical evaluation showed that, over time, tendon healing gained progressive resistance for maximum traction and permanent deformations with satisfactory results on the 15th day for rigidity and resilience compared to the other two studied periods. Snake venom derived fibrin glue promotes healing in dog flexor tendon.
Esta pesquisa verificou a variação da ocorrência do herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 (BoHV-1) pela associação com duas doenças virais: diarréia viral bovina (BVD) e leucose enzoótica bovina (LEB). Como metodologias foram utilizados o teste de virusneutralização para detecção de BoHV-1 e BVD, e imunodifusão em gel de ágar para LEB. Foram selecionados cinco rebanhos bovinos, de propriedades localizadas em municípios dos Estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais, sendo três de exploração leiteira, um de corte e um misto, todos com parte dos animais soropositivos ao BoHV-1. Das 278 amostras analisadas, 54,68% (152/278) foram positivas ao BoHV-1, 69,70% (194/278) ao BVDV-1 e 34,33% (96/278) ao VLEB. Na análise estatística, ao relacionar cada enfermidade com o tipo de exploração do rebanho e a idade dos animais, houve diferença significativa (=0,01). Os rebanhos leiteiros foram mais suscetíveis ao BoHV-1 (81,31%) e a LEB (49,53%), enquanto o gado de corte teve como maior ocorrência o BVDV-1 (94,74%). A idade foi fator de risco apenas para o BoHV-1 e a LEB, sendo os animais mais velhos os mais susc
A qualidade da água oferecida aos animais é um fator importante que deve ser observado na produção animal, pois a água pode veicular organismos patogênicos e substâncias tóxicas prejudiciais à saúde de rebanhos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar a qualidade microbiológica e físico-química da água de fontes de abastecimento e do ponto de consumo animal quanto a potabilidade animal em propriedades rurais da Microbacia Hidrográfica do Córrego Rico, Jaboticabal, SP. Para isso, as análises microbiológicas realizadas foram: determinações dos números mais prováveis de Escherichia coli e enterococos e contagem de microrganismos heterotróficos mesófilos. As análises físico-químicas realizadas foram: determinações do pH, cor e turbidez e concentrações de nitrato e amônia. As colheitas de amostras de água ocorreram na estação de seca e chuva, a fim de se verificar a existência de influência da estação na qualidade da água. Os resultados indicaram que a maioria das fontes era representada por poços, não havia tratamento da água antes de ser oferecida aos animais e os bebedouros não eram limpos com frequência, prejudicando a qualidade da água. Altas porcentagens de amostras de água das fontes e dos bebedouros estavam impróprias para consumo animal, segundo os padrões microbiológicos, nas duas estações. A qualidade físico-química da água nos dois pontos de colheita não estava compro
This study evaluated the use of chromic oxide in gelatin capsules to estimate the coefficient of apparent digestibility(CAD) of nutrients for cats. The CAD of two extruded diets were determined using both the fecal total collection method and the chromic oxide method. The cats were given orally approximately 140 mg of chromic oxide in gelatin capsules twice a day, immediately before feeding. Twelve adult neutered cats were used, housed individually in metabolism cages, a total of six animals per diet. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, with two among-subjects factors (foods), two within-subjects factors(methods), and considering the cat as the experimental unit. There was no statistical difference (p>0,05) between the CAD of nutrients determined by the fecal total collection method or estimated by the chromic oxide method. The fecal recovery of the marker was 97,78±4,0% and 98,07±5,5%. Notwithstanding the similar CAD obtained, visual evaluation of the feces showed that the green color of the chromic oxide was not uniformly distributed throughout the feces, which possibly indicates that the marker did not became evenly distributed in the gastrointestinal tract. Key-Words: Cats. Chromic oxide. Digestibility. Fecal recovery. Gelatin capsules.