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Ci. Rural ; 45(1)2015.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-709084


Laryngeal and tracheal tumors are rare in pets; some piece of information on their disease behavior, therapy and evolution are limited. Neoplasms in this area are a diagnostic challenge. In many cases, they can be biopsied and excised using endoscopic instruments, but there is no report of this in canines. The goal of this study is to report a successful case of a laryngeal neoplasm removal through endoscopy. A head and neck radiogram revealed a mass in the laryngeal lumen protruding into the trachea. The patient then underwent an endoscopy to confirm the radiographic diagnosis and to surgically remove the tumor. The histopathological diagnosis was poorly differentiated carcinoma. The most appropriate treatment for laryngeal tumors is the resection of the submucosa or a partial laryngectomy however, partial and total laryngectomies are associated with many postoperative complications. In contrast, the endoscopic approach allows for highly magnified visualization of the lesion in situ, which facilitates the surgical removal of the mass through videosurgery. With little manipulation of the affected area, the chances of postoperative complications are reduced, leading to a more rapid recovery.

Tumores de laringe e traqueia são raros em animais de estimação e as informações sobre o comportamento, terapia e evolução destas neoplasias são limitadas. Neoplasias nesta área são desafios diagnósticos. Em muitos casos, pode ser feita a biópsia e excisão da massa utilizando instrumentos endoscópicos, mas não existe relato deste tipo de procedimento em caninos. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar um caso de sucesso da remoção endoscópica de um tumor de laringe. A radiografia da região cervical revelou uma massa na luz da laringe invadindo a traqueia. O paciente foi então submetido a uma endoscopia para confirmar o diagnóstico radiográfico e remover cirurgicamente o tumor. O diagnóstico histopatológico foi de carcinoma pouco diferenciado. O tratamento mais adequado para os tumores da laringe é a ressecção da submucosa ou uma laringectomia parcial, no entanto, estas estão associadas a muitas complicações pós-operatórias. Em contraste, a abordagem endoscópica permite a visualização da lesão in situ, o que facilita a remoção cirúrgica da massa através de videocirurgia. Com pouca manipulação da área afetada, as chances de complicações pós-operatórias são reduzidas, levando a uma recuperação mais rápida.

Ci. Rural ; 45(1)2015.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-709060


Laryngeal and tracheal tumors are rare in pets; some piece of information on their disease behavior, therapy and evolution are limited. Neoplasms in this area are a diagnostic challenge. In many cases, they can be biopsied and excised using endoscopic instruments, but there is no report of this in canines. The goal of this study is to report a successful case of a laryngeal neoplasm removal through endoscopy. A head and neck radiogram revealed a mass in the laryngeal lumen protruding into the trachea. The patient then underwent an endoscopy to confirm the radiographic diagnosis and to surgically remove the tumor. The histopathological diagnosis was poorly differentiated carcinoma. The most appropriate treatment for laryngeal tumors is the resection of the submucosa or a partial laryngectomy however, partial and total laryngectomies are associated with many postoperative complications. In contrast, the endoscopic approach allows for highly magnified visualization of the lesion in situ, which facilitates the surgical removal of the mass through videosurgery. With little manipulation of the affected area, the chances of postoperative complications are reduced, leading to a more rapid recovery.

Tumores de laringe e traqueia são raros em animais de estimação e as informações sobre o comportamento, terapia e evolução destas neoplasias são limitadas. Neoplasias nesta área são desafios diagnósticos. Em muitos casos, pode ser feita a biópsia e excisão da massa utilizando instrumentos endoscópicos, mas não existe relato deste tipo de procedimento em caninos. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar um caso de sucesso da remoção endoscópica de um tumor de laringe. A radiografia da região cervical revelou uma massa na luz da laringe invadindo a traqueia. O paciente foi então submetido a uma endoscopia para confirmar o diagnóstico radiográfico e remover cirurgicamente o tumor. O diagnóstico histopatológico foi de carcinoma pouco diferenciado. O tratamento mais adequado para os tumores da laringe é a ressecção da submucosa ou uma laringectomia parcial, no entanto, estas estão associadas a muitas complicações pós-operatórias. Em contraste, a abordagem endoscópica permite a visualização da lesão in situ, o que facilita a remoção cirúrgica da massa através de videocirurgia. Com pouca manipulação da área afetada, as chances de complicações pós-operatórias são reduzidas, levando a uma recuperação mais rápida.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41: 01-03, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457078


Background: Cases of ventricular foreign bodies are common in some species of birds. Moreover, ventricular impactions may develop depending on the type of the material ingested. The diagnosis is based on physical examination, radiography, endoscopy and surgical exploration. The choice of the treatment basically depends on the nature of the foreign body. Endoscopy is a less invasive approach that can be used in some situations, in some species. The benefi ts of endoscopic approaches are wide, as traditional approaches are more invasive and infl ict a higher postoperative morbidity and mortality. However, the correct endoscope technique never been described. This study reports a case of a foreign body in a toucans ventriculus, removed using a standard operative laparoscope/nephroscope.Case: A young Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco) was referred to the Veterinary Hospital (São Paulo State University - FCAV/UNESP) by the State Environmental Guard. Survey radiographs indicated a foreign body in the ventriculus. The physical exam revealed apathy, but the bird was responsive to handling. The patient was pinioned. Based on the size of the foreign body, the endoscope retrieval was the fi rst treatment option. The patient was fasted for 6 hours and anesthetized with isofl urane. The rigid endoscope/laparoscope with working channel was carefully passed through the esophagus, into the ventric

Background: Cases of ventricular foreign bodies are common in some species of birds. Moreover, ventricular impactions may develop depending on the type of the material ingested. The diagnosis is based on physical examination, radiography, endoscopy and surgical exploration. The choice of the treatment basically depends on the nature of the foreign body. Endoscopy is a less invasive approach that can be used in some situations, in some species. The benefi ts of endoscopic approaches are wide, as traditional approaches are more invasive and infl ict a higher postoperative morbidity and mortality. However, the correct endoscope technique never been described. This study reports a case of a foreign body in a toucans ventriculus, removed using a standard operative laparoscope/nephroscope.Case: A young Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco) was referred to the Veterinary Hospital (São Paulo State University - FCAV/UNESP) by the State Environmental Guard. Survey radiographs indicated a foreign body in the ventriculus. The physical exam revealed apathy, but the bird was responsive to handling. The patient was pinioned. Based on the size of the foreign body, the endoscope retrieval was the fi rst treatment option. The patient was fasted for 6 hours and anesthetized with isofl urane. The rigid endoscope/laparoscope with working channel was carefully passed through the esophagus, into the ventric

Acta amaz. ; 37(2)2007.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-450261


This work shows data about the use of natural resources by the human population located in (n=1) and around (n=6) the Guamá Ecotouristic Park (GEP), in order to evaluate the impact on the local fauna and flora in view of the project for constructing a road through the park. The methodology utilized in this community study was the application of two different types of questionnaires. One was directed to key persons such as old residents, presidents of associations, health agents, etc., and the other was randomly applied to local adults. We attempted to approach at least 50% of the families in the small villages ( 10 families) and 10-15% in the larger communities (> 11 families). In all cases, there was flora and fauna extractivism, especially for subsistence. The most hunted species were the Agouti paca, Dasyprocta agouti, Nasua nasua, Euphractus sexcintus and Hidrochaeris hidrochaeris. All the communities studied complement their family income by hunting wildlife on order. Fruit trees such as Euterpe oleracea Mart., Musa spp and the Theobroma cacao were found in 100% of the communities (n=7). Medicinal plants are cultivated and used routinely. Timber species such Inga edulis,Virola surinamensis (Rol.) Warb e Simaruba amara (Aubl.) are used for charcoal production, house building and transportation means. We discuss the results relating to construction of the road, and make recommendations for reducing the impact on the fauna, the flora and the traditional livelihood of the communities.

O trabalho apresenta dados sobre o uso dos recursos naturais por populações humanas em pequenas comunidades (vilas) localizadas no entorno (n = 6) e no interior (n = 1) do Parque Ecoturístico do Guamá (PEG), visando avaliar os impactos sobre a fauna e flora local, ante a implantação de um projeto de infra-estrutura rodoviária local. A metodologia consistiu da aplicação de dois modelos de questionários. Um direcionado a pessoas-chave, como: moradores mais antigos, presidentes de associações, agentes de saúde, etc, e o outro aplicado aleatoriamente aos adultos locais. Buscou-se atingir pelo menos 50% das famílias das pequenas localidades ( 10 famílias) e 10-15% no caso de comunidades maiores ( >11 famílias). Em todos os casos é realizado o extrativismo da fauna e flora, principalmente com o objetivo de subsistência. As espécies mais caçadas foram Agouti paca,Dasyprocta agouti,Nasua nasua, Euphractus sexcintus e Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris. A complementação da renda familiar através do comércio de caça sob encomenda é realizada em todas as comunidades estudadas. Frutíferas como Euterpe oleracea Mart., Musa spp e Theobroma cacao foram encontradas em 100% das comunidades (n=7). Plantas medicinais são rotineiramente cultivadas e empregadas. As espécies madeireiras exploradas são utilizadas com o objetivo de produção de carvão, construção de casas e de meios de transporte, predominando o Inga edulis, Virola surinamensis (Rol.) Warb e Simaruba amara (Aubl.). O trabalho discute os resultados sob o aspecto da implantação do projeto viário, oferecendo recomendações para a minimização dos impactos do mesmo sobre a fauna, a flora e o modo tradicional de vida das comunidades.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 41: 01-03, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-475521


Background: Cases of ventricular foreign bodies are common in some species of birds. Moreover, ventricular impactions may develop depending on the type of the material ingested. The diagnosis is based on physical examination, radiography, endoscopy and surgical exploration. The choice of the treatment basically depends on the nature of the foreign body. Endoscopy is a less invasive approach that can be used in some situations, in some species. The benefi ts of endoscopic approaches are wide, as traditional approaches are more invasive and infl ict a higher postoperative morbidity and mortality. However, the correct endoscope technique never been described. This study reports a case of a foreign body in a toucans ventriculus, removed using a standard operative laparoscope/nephroscope.Case: A young Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco) was referred to the Veterinary Hospital (São Paulo State University - FCAV/UNESP) by the State Environmental Guard. Survey radiographs indicated a foreign body in the ventriculus. The physical exam revealed apathy, but the bird was responsive to handling. The patient was pinioned. Based on the size of the foreign body, the endoscope retrieval was the fi rst treatment option. The patient was fasted for 6 hours and anesthetized with isofl urane. The rigid endoscope/laparoscope with working channel was carefully passed through the esophagus, into the ventric

Background: Cases of ventricular foreign bodies are common in some species of birds. Moreover, ventricular impactions may develop depending on the type of the material ingested. The diagnosis is based on physical examination, radiography, endoscopy and surgical exploration. The choice of the treatment basically depends on the nature of the foreign body. Endoscopy is a less invasive approach that can be used in some situations, in some species. The benefi ts of endoscopic approaches are wide, as traditional approaches are more invasive and infl ict a higher postoperative morbidity and mortality. However, the correct endoscope technique never been described. This study reports a case of a foreign body in a toucans ventriculus, removed using a standard operative laparoscope/nephroscope.Case: A young Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco) was referred to the Veterinary Hospital (São Paulo State University - FCAV/UNESP) by the State Environmental Guard. Survey radiographs indicated a foreign body in the ventriculus. The physical exam revealed apathy, but the bird was responsive to handling. The patient was pinioned. Based on the size of the foreign body, the endoscope retrieval was the fi rst treatment option. The patient was fasted for 6 hours and anesthetized with isofl urane. The rigid endoscope/laparoscope with working channel was carefully passed through the esophagus, into the ventric