The large scale of mango production allows for the application of immediate technologies to minimize post-harvest losses and add even more value to the fruit chain. As a consequence of feasible applications, the production of alcoholic beverages through fermentation and distillation has been elaborated, resulting in a supply of products with different characteristics. This study aimed to monitor the development of a distilled mango beverage and its profile for consumption. The mangoes were selected, pulped and subjected to physicochemical characterization and, subsequently, to fermentation and distillation processes where the kinetics were monitored, and the beverage obtained was compared to similar products found in the literature. During column distillation, the relationship between the temperature profile and the alcohol content was observed, allowing for careful selection of each fraction of the distillate and the establishment of a standard for future distillations. As regards the fraction of interest, good results were obtained in terms of composition with compounds such as methanol and acetaldehyde in minimal quantities, indicating a product that can be consumed without health risks. The small amount of studies following the same line of research confirms the potential mango pulp named Tommy Atkins for the formulation of alcoholic products.
Bebidas Alcoólicas/análise , Mangifera/químicaResumo
The large scale of mango production allows for the application of immediate technologies to minimize post-harvest losses and add even more value to the fruit chain. As a consequence of feasible applications, the production of alcoholic beverages through fermentation and distillation has been elaborated, resulting in a supply of products with different characteristics. This study aimed to monitor the development of a distilled mango beverage and its profile for consumption. The mangoes were selected, pulped and subjected to physicochemical characterization and, subsequently, to fermentation and distillation processes where the kinetics were monitored, and the beverage obtained was compared to similar products found in the literature. During column distillation, the relationship between the temperature profile and the alcohol content was observed, allowing for careful selection of each fraction of the distillate and the establishment of a standard for future distillations. As regards the fraction of interest, good results were obtained in terms of composition with compounds such as methanol and acetaldehyde in minimal quantities, indicating a product that can be consumed without health risks. The small amount of studies following the same line of research confirms the potential mango pulp named Tommy Atkins for the formulation of alcoholic products.(AU)
Destilação/métodos , Mangifera/química , Fenômenos QuímicosResumo
ABSTRACT The large scale of mango production allows for the application of immediate technologies to minimize post-harvest losses and add even more value to the fruit chain. As a consequence of feasible applications, the production of alcoholic beverages through fermentation and distillation has been elaborated, resulting in a supply of products with different characteristics. This study aimed to monitor the development of a distilled mango beverage and its profile for consumption. The mangoes were selected, pulped and subjected to physicochemical characterization and, subsequently, to fermentation and distillation processes where the kinetics were monitored, and the beverage obtained was compared to similar products found in the literature. During column distillation, the relationship between the temperature profile and the alcohol content was observed, allowing for careful selection of each fraction of the distillate and the establishment of a standard for future distillations. As regards the fraction of interest, good results were obtained in terms of composition with compounds such as methanol and acetaldehyde in minimal quantities, indicating a product that can be consumed without health risks. The small amount of studies following the same line of research confirms the potential mango pulp named Tommy Atkins for the formulation of alcoholic products.
Vinasse, main residue of the sugarcane industry, has high pollutant content, being subjected to the use in biogas production due to the high content of organic matter non-toxic to microbial action. For a consolidated process, it is necessary to study parameters that influence the process, in which the amount of inoculum is one of the major factors in the biological process of biogas production. This study investigated the influence of the amount of manure as inoculum (0.5 to 5.5%) during the biodigestion process, evaluating variables such as chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, biogas production, methane concentration, total solids and total phosphorus and nitrogen contents, as well as microbiological analysis in the sludge remaining in the digester. Biodigestion occurred normally, with hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 20 days, with an acidogenic phase, subsequent stabilization of pH and biogas production. The vinasse had COD and total solids reduced during biodigestion by around 67 and 40%, respectively. Biogas production was increased after the fifth day. Among the three studied conditions, there was no significant increase in efficiency of inoculum use and it can be used the lowest amount, 0.5 % (m v-1). (AU)
A vinhaça, principal resíduo da indústria sucroalcooleira, possui alto teor poluente, sendo passível seu uso na produção de biogás devido ao grande teor de matéria orgânica não tóxica à ação microbiana. Para que haja um processo consolidado, é necessário estudar parâmetros que influem em seu processo, sendo a quantidade de inóculo um dos principais fatores no processo biológico de produção de biogás. Este estudo verificou a influência da quantidade de esterco bovino como inóculo (de 0,5 a 5,5%) durante o processo de biodigestão, avaliando variáveis como demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), pH, produção de biogás, concentração de metano, sólidos totais e teores de fósforo total e de nitrogênio total, além de análises microbiológicas no lodo restante no biodigestor. A biodigestão aconteceu normalmente, com um tempo de retenção hidráulica (TRH) de 20 dias, verificando-se a fase acidogênica, posterior estabilização do pH e produção de biogás. A vinhaça teve seus parâmetros de DQO e de sólidos totais diminuídos durante a biodigestão, em torno de 67 e 40%, respectivamente. Houve crescente produção de biogás após o quinto dia. Percebeu-se que, dentre as três condições estudadas, não houve significativ elevação da eficiência de uso de inóculo, podendo ser usada a menor quantidade, 0,5% (m v-1).(AU)
Esterco/análise , Esterco/microbiologia , /metabolismo , Digestores de Biogás/análise , Digestores de Biogás/métodosResumo
Functional foods have been highlighted by having, in addition to nutritional characteristics, the possibility of preventing risk and/or delaying the development of several non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In the last decade, many articles related to functional food have been published worldwide, and there is a need to understand how the theme is reflected in national journals. The present research aimed to collect information about publications covering the topic of functional foods in journals, synthesizing these data and interpreting them, evaluating the profile of the authors and a frequency of the articles involved with the subject by scientific journal and by State/region. Subsequently, they were evaluated as the most studied foods and as more used methodologies, besides a small discussion about the advances of the Brazilian legislation on the subject. Between 2000 and 2015, 118 articles were selected in 62 educational institutions from 18 Brazilian states. The South (44%) and Southeast (34%) regions were the ones that published more, having Rio Grande do Sul the largest representation (24%). The journal with the largest publication was Food and Nutrition and the authors" academic formation was diverse (29 areas in total), in particular Food Technology (21%), Nutrition (18%) and Food Engineering (13%). The Brazilian legislation is in development and has a good perspective to include new foods/ingredients with functionalproperty.(AU)
Os alimentos funcionais destacam-se por possuírem, além de características nutricionais, a possibilidade de reduzirem o risco e/ou retardar o desenvolvimento de várias doenças não transmissíveis. Na última década, muitos artigos relacionados às propriedades funcionais de alimentos têm sido publicados mundialmente, havendo a necessidade de entender como o tema se reflete nos periódicos nacionais. O presente trabalho procurou coletar informações sobre as publicações, abrangendo o tema alimentos funcionais em periódicos nacionais, sintetizando esses dados e interpretando-os, avaliando o perfil dos autores e a frequência dos artigos envolvidos com o tema por revista científica e por Estado/região. Posteriormente, foram determinados quais os alimentos mais estudados e quais as metodologias mais empregadas, além de ter sido realizada uma pequena discussão sobre os avanços da legislação brasileira sobre o tema. Entre os anos 2000 e 2015 foram selecionados 118 artigos, em 62 instituições de ensino de 18 Estados brasileiros. As regiões sul (44%) e sudeste (34%) foram as que mais publicaram, tendo o Rio Grande do Sul a maior representação (24%). A revista com maior publicação foi a Alimentos e Nutrição e a formação dos autores era diversa (29 áreas no total), em especial Tecnologia de Alimentos (21%), Nutrição (18%) e Engenharia de Alimentos (13%).(AU)
Publicações Científicas e Técnicas , Alimento Funcional/análise , Alimento Funcional , Legislação de Medicamentos/classificaçãoResumo
Population growth and the increasing search for healthy foods have led to a major consumption of coconut water and, hence, to an environmental impact caused by the inappropriate disposal of green coconut husks. This lignocellulosic biomass has deserved attention of researchers concerning the seeking of new usages, as, for example, in renewable fuels production technologies. This study examines the potential of green coconut husk fibers as a feedstock for the production of bioethanol. The coconut fibers were pretreated through an alkaline method, hydrolyzed enzymatically and submitted to ethanol fermentation with commercial yeasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Despite the significant loss of cellulose (4.42% in relation to the fiber and 17.9% concerning the original cellulose content), the alkaline pretreatment promoted an efficient solubilization of lignin (80%), turning the coconut fibers into a feasible raw material for 2G ethanol production studies. Enzymatic hydrolysis converted 87% of the sugars and the ethanolic fermentation consumed 81% of the substrate in the hydrolyzate, leading to a sugar to ethanol convertion efficiency of 59.6%. These results points out that green coconut husks are a promising alternative to the production of renewable energy.(AU)
O crescimento populacional e a busca por alimentos saudáveis levam a um aumento do consumo da água de coco e, com isso, um impacto ambiental pela maior geração de resíduos, merecendo atenção de pesquisadores para o aproveitamento dessa biomassa, em que uma das tecnologias empregadas é a produção de combustíveis renováveis. Este trabalho avalia a fibra da casca de coco verde pré-tratada com álcali, hidrolisada com enzima e submetida à fermentação etanólica com a levedura comercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Apesar da significativa perda em celulose (4,42% em relação à biomassa e 17,9% em relação à celulose presente), o pré-tratamento alcalino apresentou alta solubilização de lignina (80%), tornando-se viável para estudos da produção de etanol 2G. A hidrólise enzimática converteu 87% dos açúcares e a fermentação etanólica consumiu 81% do substrato presente no hidrolisado, gerando uma eficiência na conversão de açúcares em etanol de 59,6%. Tais resultados indicam a casca de coco verde como uma alternativa promissora à produção de energia renovável.(AU)
Cocos , Etanol , Energia Renovável , Fermentação , Conservação dos Recursos NaturaisResumo
No Brasil, a legislação para empresas produtoras/industrializadoras de alimentos estabelece a exigência das Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) e dos Procedimentos Operacionais Padrão (POP), base das certificações mais respeitadas em todo o mundo. Neste trabalho, tratou-se de atualizar e implantar um cumprimento eficiente dos POP em uma indústria de processamento de polpa de frutas. Observaram-se várias divergências entre os POP elaborados inicialmente, os quais nunca foram atualizados ou sequer monitorados, com as atuais realidades da indústria. Realizaram-se treinamentos, reuniões com os colaboradores, gerência e supervisão de produção, além de auditoria interna para uma completa coleta de informações. A revisão e implementação dos POP foi originada de uma ação conjunta entre os funcionários, de forma a se buscar qualidade nos produtos e no processo.(AU)
In Brazil, legislation to producers/food industries requires Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP's) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's), base of the most respected certifications in the world. This work tried to update and deploy an efficient fulfillment of SOP's in a fruit pulp processing industry. It were observed several discrepancies between the SOP's prepared initially, which were never updated or even monitored with the current realities of the industry. There were trainings, meetings with staff, manage and supervise production, and internal audition for a complete collection of information. The review and SOP's implementation was originated from a joint action among employees in order to seek quality of products and process.(AU)