Descrevem-se os aspectos clínicos, anatomopatológicos, imuno-histoquímicos, microbiológicos e moleculares de um caso de adenocarcinoma pulmonar associado à infecção por Mycobacterium sp. em uma vaca. O animal apresentou hiporexia, emagrecimento, vocalizações, postura ortopneica, ingurgitamento da jugular, estase venosa positiva, gemido expiratório e morte. Na necropsia, os pulmões estavam aumentados e apresentavam, na superfície pleural, nódulos branco-amarelados, firmes, multifocais a coalescentes, interpostos por áreas avermelhadas. Ao corte, os nódulos aprofundavam-se ao parênquima e possuíam múltiplos focos de aspecto caseoso e friável e áreas de mineralização. O saco pericárdico e os linfonodos traqueobrônquicos, ilíacos, lombares aórticos e mamários apresentavam lesões semelhantes. Histologicamente, observou-se neoformação carcinomatosa associada a áreas multifocais de necrose e mineralização. As células neoplásicas foram fortemente imunomarcadas pelo anticorpo antipancitoqueratina AE1/AE3. Na cultura microbiológica de fragmentos dos pulmões, houve crescimento de colônias bacterianas compatíveis com micobactérias atípicas. O sequenciamento molecular submetido ao BLASTn identificou o Mycobacterium sp. WCM 7299 (ID: gb|KJ873243.1|).(AU)
The clinical, anatomopathological, immunohistochemical, microbiological and molecular aspects of a case of pulmonary adenocarcinoma associated with infection by Mycobacterium sp. in a cow are described. The animal presented hyporexia, weight loss, vocalizations, orthopneic posture, jugular engorgement, positive venous stasis, expiratory groaning and death. At necropsy, the lungs were enlarged and presented firm, multifocal to coalescent yellowish nodules, interposed by reddish areas on the pleural surface. At cut, the nodules deepened to the parenchyma and had multiple foci of caseous and friable appearance and areas of mineralization. The pericardial sac and tracheobronchial, iliac, aortic lumbar and mammary lymph nodes showed similar lesions. Histologically, a carcinomatous neoformation, associated with multifocal areas of necrosis and mineralization, was observed. Neoplastic cells were strongly immunolabelled by anti-PanCytokeratin antibody AE1/AE3. Microbiological culture of lung fragments showed growth of bacterial colonies compatible with atypical mycobacteria. Molecular sequencing submitted to BLASTn identified the Mycobacterium sp. WCM 7299 (ID: gb|KJ873243.1|).(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/veterinária , Mycobacterium/isolamento & purificação , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias Pulmonares/veterináriaResumo
This paper reports the occurrence of goat mastitis due to Arcanobacterium pyogenes in Paraiba State - Brazil. The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical symptoms and microbiological culture. Amastectomywasperformedasclinical treatment.
Animais , Feminino , Cabras/microbiologia , Arcanobacterium/isolamento & purificação , Mastite/veterináriaResumo
This paper reports the occurrence of goat mastitis due to Arcanobacterium pyogenes in Paraiba State - Brazil. The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical symptoms and microbiological culture. Amastectomywasperformedasclinical treatment.
To evaluate the effect of phosphorus supplementation for goats grazing for the semiarid region, one group of 16 recently weaned Moxotó goats was supplemented with a mineral supplement containing Na, Cl, Zn, Cu, Se, Co, and P during 240 days. Another similar group was supplemented with a similar mineral supplement without P. The mean daily consumption of supplement by animal was of 7.09±2.77g and 7.67±3.14g for the groups with and without P, respectively. The mean weight gain of the P supplemented group (45.20±5.56g) was significantly higher (P<0.05) than the non-supplemented group (40.03±2.80g). The average total P in soil was 30.8mg/kg and in the pasture 0.13 percent in dry matter. These results demonstrate the occurrence of P deficiency in some areas of the Brazilian semiarid region.(AU)