Background: Clear cell carcinoma (CCC) of the cervix is a rarely seen malignant tumor which is classified in adenocarcinomas of the endometrium. It is responsible for 2.15-3.0% of endometrial tumors. The diagnosis is difficult and is still controversial in uterine carcinomas. Macroscopically, masses were protruding to endometrial surface. However, the definitive diagnosis was carried by microscopical evaluation. The cells contain clear cytoplasm. The cells are seen in this pattern because there is either glycogenation or secretoric activity in the cells.Case: In the present case, clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical findings of clear cell carcinoma of the cervix were defined in a 3 year-old spayed Golden retriever bitch. Previously spayed bitch, which had vaginal discharge for the last month-long, was submitted to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In the general clinical examination, vaginoscopy was performed and vaginal cytology was obtained from smear. The source of discharge was detected as cervix uteri. In vaginal cytologic examination, erythrocyte, neutrophile and superficial cells were observed. In abdominal ultrasonography, a hypoechoic mass was detected at cranial part of the urinary bladder. To evaluate the general health condition of the dog, total blood counting and serum biochemistry were analyzed in addition to assessing its hormone prophlye. Estrogen and progesterone levels were evaluated. Estradiol (E2) level was measured as 23 pg/mL and progesterone level was measured as 1.96 ng/mL from collected serum. The cervical mass in diameters of 3x4x2.5 cm was removed in operation. In macroscopical examination, it had spherical and regularly shape. After the macroscopical examination, tissue samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Then, the samples stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin (H&E), Massons trichrome and PAS stainings, respectively.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Carcinoma/veterinária , Colo do Útero/patologia , Neoplasias Uterinas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Clear cell carcinoma (CCC) of the cervix is a rarely seen malignant tumor which is classified in adenocarcinomas of the endometrium. It is responsible for 2.15-3.0% of endometrial tumors. The diagnosis is difficult and is still controversial in uterine carcinomas. Macroscopically, masses were protruding to endometrial surface. However, the definitive diagnosis was carried by microscopical evaluation. The cells contain clear cytoplasm. The cells are seen in this pattern because there is either glycogenation or secretoric activity in the cells.Case: In the present case, clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical findings of clear cell carcinoma of the cervix were defined in a 3 year-old spayed Golden retriever bitch. Previously spayed bitch, which had vaginal discharge for the last month-long, was submitted to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In the general clinical examination, vaginoscopy was performed and vaginal cytology was obtained from smear. The source of discharge was detected as cervix uteri. In vaginal cytologic examination, erythrocyte, neutrophile and superficial cells were observed. In abdominal ultrasonography, a hypoechoic mass was detected at cranial part of the urinary bladder. To evaluate the general health condition of the dog, total blood counting and serum biochemistry were analyzed in addition to assessing its hormone prophlye. Estrogen and progesterone levels were evaluated. Estradiol (E2) level was measured as 23 pg/mL and progesterone level was measured as 1.96 ng/mL from collected serum. The cervical mass in diameters of 3x4x2.5 cm was removed in operation. In macroscopical examination, it had spherical and regularly shape. After the macroscopical examination, tissue samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Then, the samples stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin (H&E), Massons trichrome and PAS stainings, respectively.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Carcinoma/veterinária , Colo do Útero/patologia , Neoplasias Uterinas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Moorens ulcer is a chronic and painful ulceration of the cornea. It begins progressively in the periphery and spread centrally in cornea. In human, it is seen uniaterally in most of cases. Mooren ulcer has not been reported in any kind of animals up to now. Although its aetiology is not completely enlighted, it has been suspected of the inflammatory reaction against injuries-microbiological and immun mediated effects. Immun response in presence of accumulation of immune complexes into the limbal vessels.As a result of the deficit in the regulatory mechanism because the number of suppressor cells control over B and T lymphocytes, These situations can result in a progressive tendancy to inflammation because the production of autoantibodies and/or lymphokine from cytotoxic T-lymhocytes creates an immune-mediated vasculitis. Numerous immigrant inflammatory cells and proteins are evaded from vessels. After triggering inflammatory cells and releasing of meditors, corneal vascularization, scar tissue and re-epithelization develop. This regenerative-reperative process plays an important role during post-inflammatory process.Case: In this case, it was aimed to detect pathomorphological structure and immunologic relations in progressive Moorens ulcer (MU). A 1 year-old mix breed cat was submitted to clinic with complaints of progressive painful and eyesight loss in left eye. There were 1 cm-ulceration, opacification and old haemorrhagic areas at peripheral cornea. Histopathologically, there was wide ulceration including all layers of corneal epithelium and particularly vacuolar degeneration at suprabasal cells. In corneal stroma, numerous neutrophiles and mononuclear cells were infiltrated. Neovascularisation and fibrosis beginning from limbus were also present. This fibrotic progress was confirmed by Massons trichrome staining method.[...]
Animais , Gatos , Úlcera da Córnea/diagnóstico , Úlcera da Córnea/fisiopatologia , Úlcera da Córnea/veterinária , Formação de Anticorpos , Imunidade CelularResumo
Background: Clear cell hidradenoma (acrospiroma) is adnexal tumors that arise from the distal excretory duct of eccrine sweat glands. It is generally defined in humanbeings. It presents solitary structure in firmness nodule. Most frequently are encountered in head, face, and upper extremities in humans. Hidradenomas are called generally by definition benign. Their malignant transformations and metastasis are seen very rarely. In veterinary literature database, the malignant form of tumor has been defined as an unique report in four dogs. They are extremely rare tumors in dogs. It is not documented within multiple tumor complex up to now.Case: In the case, three tumors were detected in a 9-year-old neutered female German shepherd dog. After clinical examination, a complete surgical resection of all masses was performed and masses were sent to Pathology for diagnosis. A mass on the right last rib was a 8x6 cm in diameters with severe ulceration. The mass had a hard texture, immobility and irregular borders. Other masses were localized on the back and left caudo-abdominal mammary lobe. Tumors on the back and the mammary lobe did not invade muscle layer, but the tumor on the last rib aggressively invaded surrounding tissue and were very difficult to remove surgically After macroscopy, all the masses were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H&E), Mayers mucicarmine and Periodic Acid Shiff (PAS) stainings. In the first mass, there were multilobular epithelial islands between prominent fibrous septa from the upper to deep of dermis. The neoplastic cells were generally round or polyhedral in shape. Some of cytoplasms were eosinophilic at different degree. But cytoplasms were generally finely granular and vesicular or clear in appearance. Some cells had possible glycogen deposits. Nucleus was oval to round and had fine reticular chromatin and a distinct nucleolus.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Acrospiroma/cirurgia , Acrospiroma/diagnóstico , Acrospiroma/veterinária , Neoplasias das Glândulas Sudoríparas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Moorens ulcer is a chronic and painful ulceration of the cornea. It begins progressively in the periphery and spread centrally in cornea. In human, it is seen uniaterally in most of cases. Mooren ulcer has not been reported in any kind of animals up to now. Although its aetiology is not completely enlighted, it has been suspected of the inflammatory reaction against injuries-microbiological and immun mediated effects. Immun response in presence of accumulation of immune complexes into the limbal vessels.As a result of the deficit in the regulatory mechanism because the number of suppressor cells control over B and T lymphocytes, These situations can result in a progressive tendancy to inflammation because the production of autoantibodies and/or lymphokine from cytotoxic T-lymhocytes creates an immune-mediated vasculitis. Numerous immigrant inflammatory cells and proteins are evaded from vessels. After triggering inflammatory cells and releasing of meditors, corneal vascularization, scar tissue and re-epithelization develop. This regenerative-reperative process plays an important role during post-inflammatory process.Case: In this case, it was aimed to detect pathomorphological structure and immunologic relations in progressive Moorens ulcer (MU). A 1 year-old mix breed cat was submitted to clinic with complaints of progressive painful and eyesight loss in left eye. There were 1 cm-ulceration, opacification and old haemorrhagic areas at peripheral cornea. Histopathologically, there was wide ulceration including all layers of corneal epithelium and particularly vacuolar degeneration at suprabasal cells. In corneal stroma, numerous neutrophiles and mononuclear cells were infiltrated. Neovascularisation and fibrosis beginning from limbus were also present. This fibrotic progress was confirmed by Massons trichrome staining method.[...](AU)
Animais , Gatos , Úlcera da Córnea/diagnóstico , Úlcera da Córnea/fisiopatologia , Úlcera da Córnea/veterinária , Imunidade Celular , Formação de AnticorposResumo
Background: Clear cell hidradenoma (acrospiroma) is adnexal tumors that arise from the distal excretory duct of eccrine sweat glands. It is generally defined in humanbeings. It presents solitary structure in firmness nodule. Most frequently are encountered in head, face, and upper extremities in humans. Hidradenomas are called generally by definition benign. Their malignant transformations and metastasis are seen very rarely. In veterinary literature database, the malignant form of tumor has been defined as an unique report in four dogs. They are extremely rare tumors in dogs. It is not documented within multiple tumor complex up to now.Case: In the case, three tumors were detected in a 9-year-old neutered female German shepherd dog. After clinical examination, a complete surgical resection of all masses was performed and masses were sent to Pathology for diagnosis. A mass on the right last rib was a 8x6 cm in diameters with severe ulceration. The mass had a hard texture, immobility and irregular borders. Other masses were localized on the back and left caudo-abdominal mammary lobe. Tumors on the back and the mammary lobe did not invade muscle layer, but the tumor on the last rib aggressively invaded surrounding tissue and were very difficult to remove surgically After macroscopy, all the masses were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H&E), Mayers mucicarmine and Periodic Acid Shiff (PAS) stainings. In the first mass, there were multilobular epithelial islands between prominent fibrous septa from the upper to deep of dermis. The neoplastic cells were generally round or polyhedral in shape. Some of cytoplasms were eosinophilic at different degree. But cytoplasms were generally finely granular and vesicular or clear in appearance. Some cells had possible glycogen deposits. Nucleus was oval to round and had fine reticular chromatin and a distinct nucleolus.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Acrospiroma/diagnóstico , Acrospiroma/cirurgia , Acrospiroma/veterinária , Neoplasias das Glândulas Sudoríparas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Although transmissible venereal tumor (TVT, transmissible venereal sarcoma, Stickers sarcoma) that affects dogs and other canids can be seen in many countries, it especially emerges in the countries which homeless dog population is very high. Female dogs are more susceptible than males. Transmissible venereal tumor is usually transmitted to genital organs during coitus and occasionally by social behavior such as sniffing and licking. The tumor is generally observed in the posterior part of the vagina. The tumor usually appears in various sizes, in the appearance of cauliflower, red and fragile. Metastases are rarely reported in cases with TVT. Metastases have been detected in lung, liver, tonsils, skin, lymph nodes, muscles, spleen. The diagnosis of transmissible venereal tumor is achived by considering the history of the animal, gross lesions, cytological examination and histopathology. Chemotherapy is frequently used in the treatment of TVT. In addition, radiotherapy, cryosurgery, surgical incision and immunotherapy are rarely applied for treatment. Chemical agents such as doxorubicin, vincristine sulfate, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate are preferred for chemotherapy.Case: Metastases to all mammary lobes, cervix uteri, neck, skin, gluteal muscles, the oropharyngeal region, and primary vaginal mass were described in spayed bitch, a 10-year old and mixed breed. The clinical examination manifested, fragile and hemorrhagic masses which resemble cauliflower in the vagina, neck, and inguinal region. Furthermore firm and multilobular masses in all mammary lobes, oropharyngeal region, and gluteal muscles of right leg were detected. Firstly, vaginal cytology was performed in order to confirm...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Metástase Neoplásica/diagnóstico , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/complicações , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/fisiopatologiaResumo
Background: Although transmissible venereal tumor (TVT, transmissible venereal sarcoma, Stickers sarcoma) that affects dogs and other canids can be seen in many countries, it especially emerges in the countries which homeless dog population is very high. Female dogs are more susceptible than males. Transmissible venereal tumor is usually transmitted to genital organs during coitus and occasionally by social behavior such as sniffing and licking. The tumor is generally observed in the posterior part of the vagina. The tumor usually appears in various sizes, in the appearance of cauliflower, red and fragile. Metastases are rarely reported in cases with TVT. Metastases have been detected in lung, liver, tonsils, skin, lymph nodes, muscles, spleen. The diagnosis of transmissible venereal tumor is achived by considering the history of the animal, gross lesions, cytological examination and histopathology. Chemotherapy is frequently used in the treatment of TVT. In addition, radiotherapy, cryosurgery, surgical incision and immunotherapy are rarely applied for treatment. Chemical agents such as doxorubicin, vincristine sulfate, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate are preferred for chemotherapy.Case: Metastases to all mammary lobes, cervix uteri, neck, skin, gluteal muscles, the oropharyngeal region, and primary vaginal mass were described in spayed bitch, a 10-year old and mixed breed. The clinical examination manifested, fragile and hemorrhagic masses which resemble cauliflower in the vagina, neck, and inguinal region. Furthermore firm and multilobular masses in all mammary lobes, oropharyngeal region, and gluteal muscles of right leg were detected. Firstly, vaginal cytology was performed in order to confirm...(AU)