A restrição intrauterina de crescimento (RIUC) é a condição na qual o feto não expressa o seu potencial de crescimento de acordo com a idade gestacional. Tal condição ocorre naturalmente na espécie suína, no entanto apresenta forma muito severa, trazendo sérios prejuízos à cadeia suinícola. Os efeitos deletérios da RIUC sobre parâmetros zootécnicos estão bem estabelecidos. No entanto, o conhecimento de tais efeitos sobre parâmetros reprodutivos em machos e fêmeas ainda é limitado. Portanto, a presente revisão tem por objetivo compilar os estudos sobre efeitos da RIUC em parâmetros reprodutivos em machos e fêmeas, bem como intervenções propostas para a diminuição da incidência da condição e de seus efeitos. Achados nesse assunto fornecerão informações valiosas acerca da morfofisiologia reprodutiva de suínos RIUC, estabelecendo estratégias para minimizar as perdas econômicas para o sistema de produção.(AU)
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is the condition in which the fetus does not express its growth potential according to the gestational age. This condition naturally occurs in the swine species. However, it is very severe and can cause serious losses to the swine production chain. The deleterious effects of IUGR on zootechnical parameters are well established. However, the knowledge of such effects on reproductive parameters in males and females is still limited. Therefore, the present review aims to compile the studies on the effects of IUGR on reproductive parameters in males and females, as well as proposed interventions to decrease the incidence of the condition and its effects. Findings on this issue will provide valuable information about the reproductive morphophysiology of IUGR pigs, establishing strategies to minimize economic losses to the production system.(AU)
Animais , Testes de Função Placentária/veterinária , Desenvolvimento Fetal , Reprodução/fisiologiaResumo
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a serious condition of multifactorial origin, mainly caused by maternal malnutrition, multiple gestation associated with nutrient competition, abuse of nocive substances and infections. The diagnosis of such syndrome is complex, as its own manifestations can mask its occurrence, requiring a thorough assessment of body weight and size. Moreover, it is not responsive to any kind of treatment. There is evidence that IUGR may predispose the individual to several pathologies, such as diabetes, hypertension and metabolic syndrome in adulthood, and it has also been linked to thrifty phenotype hypothesis. Thus, a healthy lifestyle is needed to better prevent those pathologies. Given the world high prevalence and importance of IUGR, mainly in developing countries, this review is focused on discussing how different animal models contribute to the biological screening and diagnosis of this condition.
Animais , Placenta , Útero/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Útero/patologia , Dispositivos Intrauterinos/veterinária , TriagemResumo
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a serious condition of multifactorial origin, mainly caused by maternal malnutrition, multiple gestation associated with nutrient competition, abuse of nocive substances and infections. The diagnosis of such syndrome is complex, as its own manifestations can mask its occurrence, requiring a thorough assessment of body weight and size. Moreover, it is not responsive to any kind of treatment. There is evidence that IUGR may predispose the individual to several pathologies, such as diabetes, hypertension and metabolic syndrome in adulthood, and it has also been linked to thrifty phenotype hypothesis. Thus, a healthy lifestyle is needed to better prevent those pathologies. Given the world high prevalence and importance of IUGR, mainly in developing countries, this review is focused on discussing how different animal models contribute to the biological screening and diagnosis of this condition.(AU)