For honey production, beekeepers add one or more supers to the hives to allow honeybees to store their products. However, the increase in hive space can affect the social and health organization in the colony, promoting stress. This study assessed the management of honey production, physicochemical honey properties, population development, and forages immune system gene expression patterns to be used as biomarker for monitoring beekeeping welfare. The treatments comprised 40 beehives divided in four treatments. Treatment 1 - control, supers added according to storage necessity. Treatments 2, 3, and 4 presented two, three, and four supers at the beginning of the experiment, respectively. T1 presented greater honey production (39.4 % increased). No difference in open brood area in the colonies was observed and honey properties and only T2 showed closed brood area higher than the other treatments. Foragers from T4 showed higher catalase and defensin gene expression at the middle-end experiment. Thus, the increasing internal space at the beginning of honey season can affect honey production and immune system of foragers. Catalase and defensin can be used as biomarkers for monitoring honey production welfare.
Animais , Abelhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Biomarcadores Ambientais , Catalase/administração & dosagem , Defensinas/administração & dosagem , Expressão Gênica , Mel/análise , Sistema ImunitárioResumo
For honey production, beekeepers add one or more supers to the hives to allow honeybees to store their products. However, the increase in hive space can affect the social and health organization in the colony, promoting stress. This study assessed the management of honey production, physicochemical honey properties, population development, and forages immune system gene expression patterns to be used as biomarker for monitoring beekeeping welfare. The treatments comprised 40 beehives divided in four treatments. Treatment 1 - control, supers added according to storage necessity. Treatments 2, 3, and 4 presented two, three, and four supers at the beginning of the experiment, respectively. T1 presented greater honey production (39.4 % increased). No difference in open brood area in the colonies was observed and honey properties and only T2 showed closed brood area higher than the other treatments. Foragers from T4 showed higher catalase and defensin gene expression at the middle-end experiment. Thus, the increasing internal space at the beginning of honey season can affect honey production and immune system of foragers. Catalase and defensin can be used as biomarkers for monitoring honey production welfare.
Animais , Abelhas/genética , Biomarcadores , Expressão Gênica , Criação de Abelhas/métodos , MelResumo
ABSTRACT: For honey production, beekeepers add one or more supers to the hives to allow honeybees to store their products. However, the increase in hive space can affect the social and health organization in the colony, promoting stress. This study assessed the management of honey production, physicochemical honey properties, population development, and forages immune system gene expression patterns to be used as biomarker for monitoring beekeeping welfare. The treatments comprised 40 beehives divided in four treatments. Treatment 1 - control, supers added according to storage necessity. Treatments 2, 3, and 4 presented two, three, and four supers at the beginning of the experiment, respectively. T1 presented greater honey production (39.4 % increased). No difference in open brood area in the colonies was observed and honey properties and only T2 showed closed brood area higher than the other treatments. Foragers from T4 showed higher catalase and defensin gene expression at the middle-end experiment. Thus, the increasing internal space at the beginning of honey season can affect honey production and immune system of foragers. Catalase and defensin can be used as biomarkers for monitoring honey production welfare.
This study aims to research natural Leishmania sp equine infection in an endemic American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis area of Teresina City, Piauí State, Brazil. Leishmania are caused by intracellular hemoflagellate protozoa of the gender Leishmania. Clinically we can observe a variety of signals since cutaneous injuries until viscerotropic types which are more severe and potentially fatal. They constitute a great worldwide public health problem. The dog is considered the main domestic reservoir of American Visceral Leishmaniasis (AVL). In the peridomicile of rural abodes, the equines, although with less relevance than canines, may become an important host for this parasite. Peripheral blood was collected from 42 equines for DNA research of leishmania spp through the technique of "nested" PCR with oligonucleotides flanking the region ITS1. The confirmation of the species was performed by the digestion of the amplified product with restriction enzyme Hae III. The animals did not present any suggestive clinical pathology signal, however, 21 (50%) were PCR positive for Leishmaniasis (14 equines, four donkeys and three mules). The digestion of the product from "nested" PCR permitted to identify DNA sequences of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum, characterizing the infection as American Visceral Leishmaniasis (AVL). The presence of infected equines with Leishmania (Leishmania) infantun suggests theirparticipation in the cycle of visceral Leishmaniasis transmission in Teresina City, Piauí State, Brazil.(AU)
Objetivou-se com este estudo pesquisar infecção natural de equídeos por Leishmania sp em área endêmica de leishmaniose tegumentar americana de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. As leishmanioses são causadas por protozoário hemoflagelado, intracelular integrante do gênero Leishmania. Clinicamente observa-se uma variedade de sinais desde lesões cutâneas até formas viscerotrópicas que são mais graves e potencialmente fatais. Constituem grande problema de saúde pública mundial. O cão é considerado o principal reservatório doméstico de leishmaniose visceral americana (LVA). No peridomicílio de moradias rurais, os equídeos, embora com menor relevância que os canídeos, podem se transformar em importante hospedeiro para este parasito. Coletou-se sangue periférico de 42 equídeos para pesquisa de DNA de leishmânia spp através da técnica de "nested" reação em cadeia de polimerase (PCR) com oligonucleotídeos flanqueando a região ribossomal internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1). A confirmação da espécie foi realizada pela digestão do produto amplificado com enzima de restrição Hae III. Os animais não apresentavam sinal clínico sugestivo de nenhuma patologia, entretanto 21 (50%) foram PCR positivos para leishmaniose (14 equinos, quatro asininos e três muares). A digestão do produto da "nested" PCR permitiu identificar sequências de DNA de Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum, caracterizando a infecção como leishmaniose visceral americana (LVA). A presença de equídeos infectados com Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum sugere sua participação no ciclo de transmissão da leishmaniose visceral em Teresina, Piauí, Brasil.(AU)