The present study aimed at describing and evaluating the fauna of Anisakidae and Raphidacarididae nematodes of lutjanid fish (snappers) from the Brazilian northeastern coast unloaded at the city of Aracaju, capital of the State of Sergipe. A total of 186 lutjanids of 5 different species were analyzed including 69 Lutjanus analis, 51 L. vivanus , 29 Ocyurus chrysurus, 23 L. synagris, and 14 L. jocu. Nematode specimens found in the viscera of these fish were clarified with lactophenol. Illustrations of each of these specimens were prepared to help identify these samples and compose their taxonomic description and classification. At necropsy, 3,183 nematodes belonging to two families were collected from fish viscera which included the following: Anisakidae: Anisakis, Terranova , Contracaecum, and Goezia; Raphidascarididae: Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) and Hysterothylacium . A total of six genera of nematodes were found at postmortem examination of which adult worms of only three genera (Goezia, Raphidascaris and Hysterothylacium) were detected in the fish examined. Larvae of Terranova sp. were found only in the musculature of O. chrysurus . Most of the nematode larvae were present in the mesentery and organs of the fish necropsied. Therefore, the zoonotic potential of these nematodes cannot be ruled out. There was a significant negative correlation between the intensity of parasitism by anisakids and the total body length of O. chrysurus; the intensity of parasitism was greater in smaller and shortef fish. There was a significant positive correlation between the abundance of these parasites and the length of L. synagris; the presence of these parasites increased according to the fishs body length. To the authors knowledge, these are the first records of Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris ) sp. and Hysterothylacium sp. in L. vivanus , of Terranova sp. in O. chrysurus and L. jocu, and of Goezia sp. in L. analis. These novel findings add the Brazilian northeast coast and the State of Sergipe in the geographic distribution of these parasites in the country.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever e avaliar a fauna de Anisakidae e Raphidacarididae de peixes lutjanídeos do litoral nordeste do Brasil desembarcados na cidade de Aracaju, capital do estado de Sergipe. Foram analisados 186 lutjanídeos das espécies Lutjanus analis 69, L. vivanus 51, Ocyurus chrysurus 29, L. synagris 23 e L. jocu 14. Exemplares dos nematodas encontrados nas vísceras foram clarificados em lactofenol e ilustrados para auxiliar na identificação e compor a descrição taxonõmica. Foram coletados 3.183 nematodas das vísceras dos peixes, pertencentes a duas famílias: Anisakidae: Anisakis, Terranova, Contracaecum e Goezia; e Raphidascarididae: Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) e Hysterothylacium. Totalizando seis gêneros encontrados, apenas nos três últimos gêneros foram encontrados vermes em estágio adulto. Apenas em O. chrysurus foram encontradas larvas de Terranova sp. na musculatura. A maioria das larvas estava restrita ao mesentério e órgãos dos peixes, e em grande intensidade não podendo se descartar o potencial zoonótico. Observou-se uma correlação significativa negativa entre a intensidade anisakídeos e o comprimento total de O. chrysurus, onde a intensidade dos parasitas é maior em peixes de menor comprimento e uma correlação significativa positiva entre a abundância desses mesmos parasitos com o comprimento de L. synagris, onde a presença dos parasitas aumenta conforme o comprimento do peixe. Esse é o primeiro registro de Raphidascaris ( Ichthyascaris) sp. e Hysterothylacium sp. em L. vivanus ; de Terranova sp. em O. chrysurus e L. jocu e Goezia sp. em L. analis, adicionando o litoral nordeste do Brasil e o estado de Sergipe na distribuição geográfica desses parasitos.(AU)
Animais , Perciformes/parasitologia , Nematoides/patogenicidadeResumo
Abstract The present study aimed at describing and evaluating the fauna of Anisakidae and Raphidacarididae nematodes of lutjanid fish (snappers) from the Brazilian northeastern coast unloaded at the city of Aracaju, capital of the State of Sergipe. A total of 186 lutjanids of 5 different species were analyzed including 69 Lutjanus analis, 51 L. vivanus , 29 Ocyurus chrysurus, 23 L. synagris, and 14 L. jocu. Nematode specimens found in the viscera of these fish were clarified with lactophenol. Illustrations of each of these specimens were prepared to help identify these samples and compose their taxonomic description and classification. At necropsy, 3,183 nematodes belonging to two families were collected from fish viscera which included the following: Anisakidae: Anisakis, Terranova , Contracaecum, and Goezia; Raphidascarididae: Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) and Hysterothylacium . A total of six genera of nematodes were found at postmortem examination of which adult worms of only three genera (Goezia, Raphidascaris and Hysterothylacium) were detected in the fish examined. Larvae of Terranova sp. were found only in the musculature of O. chrysurus . Most of the nematode larvae were present in the mesentery and organs of the fish necropsied. Therefore, the zoonotic potential of these nematodes cannot be ruled out. There was a significant negative correlation between the intensity of parasitism by anisakids and the total body length of O. chrysurus; the intensity of parasitism was greater in smaller and shortef fish. There was a significant positive correlation between the abundance of these parasites and the length of L. synagris; the presence of these parasites increased according to the fishs body length. To the authors knowledge, these are the first records of Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris ) sp. and Hysterothylacium sp. in L. vivanus , of Terranova sp. in O. chrysurus and L. jocu, and of Goezia sp. in L. analis. These novel findings add the Brazilian northeast coast and the State of Sergipe in the geographic distribution of these parasites in the country.
Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever e avaliar a fauna de Anisakidae e Raphidacarididae de peixes lutjanídeos do litoral nordeste do Brasil desembarcados na cidade de Aracaju, capital do estado de Sergipe. Foram analisados 186 lutjanídeos das espécies Lutjanus analis 69, L. vivanus 51, Ocyurus chrysurus 29, L. synagris 23 e L. jocu 14. Exemplares dos nematodas encontrados nas vísceras foram clarificados em lactofenol e ilustrados para auxiliar na identificação e compor a descrição taxonõmica. Foram coletados 3.183 nematodas das vísceras dos peixes, pertencentes a duas famílias: Anisakidae: Anisakis, Terranova, Contracaecum e Goezia; e Raphidascarididae: Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) e Hysterothylacium. Totalizando seis gêneros encontrados, apenas nos três últimos gêneros foram encontrados vermes em estágio adulto. Apenas em O. chrysurus foram encontradas larvas de Terranova sp. na musculatura. A maioria das larvas estava restrita ao mesentério e órgãos dos peixes, e em grande intensidade não podendo se descartar o potencial zoonótico. Observou-se uma correlação significativa negativa entre a intensidade anisakídeos e o comprimento total de O. chrysurus, onde a intensidade dos parasitas é maior em peixes de menor comprimento e uma correlação significativa positiva entre a abundância desses mesmos parasitos com o comprimento de L. synagris, onde a presença dos parasitas aumenta conforme o comprimento do peixe. Esse é o primeiro registro de Raphidascaris ( Ichthyascaris) sp. e Hysterothylacium sp. em L. vivanus ; de Terranova sp. em O. chrysurus e L. jocu e Goezia sp. em L. analis, adicionando o litoral nordeste do Brasil e o estado de Sergipe na distribuição geográfica desses parasitos.
São poucos os dados publicados sobre a aplicabilidade ou a confiabilidade dos métodos digitais para mensuração do ângulo do platô tibial (APT) em comparação à mensuração manual. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o APT obtido pelo cálculo manual padrão, em filmes radiográficos, com os valores obtidos por cálculos em imagens digitais, por meio do software do computador. Foram analisadas radiografias digitais do membro pélvico, direito e esquerdo, em perfil verdadeiro, de 20 cães saudáveis, com idade superior a um ano. Três observadores com graus de experiência semelhantes em cálculo do APT realizaram as mensurações em cada radiografia. Primeiramente, foram calculados os ângulos dos platôs tibiais manualmente nas películas radiográficas e, posteriormente, os cálculos foram realizados na imagem digital, por meio do software para medicina veterinária do sistema de raios X digital. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram diferenças significativas entre os métodos, com valor das médias do cálculo digital 20,48±3.71 e do cálculo manual 23.90±4.02. Valor de P foi < 0,01 na comparação entre médias dos dois grupos. Na avaliação interobservadores, houve diferença significativa no cálculo manual no perfil direito, o que sugere maior variação no cálculo manual quando comparado ao digital. O cálculo realizado pelo software apresentou menor variação nos valores interobservadores. Acredita-se que a menor variação obtida nos resultados aqui apresentados se dê em razão das facilidades proporcionadas pelo software. Conclui-se que houve diferença entre os valores obtidos por meio dos métodos convencional e digital no cálculo do ângulo do platô tibial, sendo os valores digitais menores entre os observadores, e que o método digital no cálculo do ângulo do platô tibial levou à menor variação quando comparado ao método manual.(AU)
There are few published data on the applicability and reliability of digital methods for measuring the TPA compared with manual measurement. The objective of this study was to compare the TPA obtained by calculating standard manual on conventional radiographs, with the values obtained by calculations in digital images through a computer program. Bilateral digital radiographs of hind limb were analyzed in true profile for 20 healthy dogs older than two years. Three observers with similar levels of experience in calculating the TPA conducted measurements on each radiograph. First we calculated the angle of the tibial plateaus manually in x-ray film and then the calculations were made through the program offered by the computer program in the digital image. The results of this study showed significant differences between the methods, with average value of 20.48±3.71 digital calculating average and 23.90±2.4 in the manual calculation. P value was < 0.01 when comparing averages. No significant difference in manual calculation in right profile were found between interobserver assessments, suggesting greater variation in manual calculation compared to digital. The calculation performed by the software showed less variation in values. The slight variation obtained in our results is believed to be due to the facilities provided by the software. There was a difference between the values obtained by means of conventional and digital methods for calculating the angle of the tibial plateau, and the smaller digital values between the observers and the digital method in the calculation of the tibial plateau angle led to less variation when compared to the manual method.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Estudo Comparativo , Ligamento Cruzado Anterior/anormalidades , Cães/anormalidades , Joelho/anormalidadesResumo
São poucos os dados publicados sobre a aplicabilidade ou a confiabilidade dos métodos digitais para mensuração do ângulo do platô tibial (APT) em comparação à mensuração manual. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o APT obtido pelo cálculo manual padrão, em filmes radiográficos, com os valores obtidos por cálculos em imagens digitais, por meio do software do computador. Foram analisadas radiografias digitais do membro pélvico, direito e esquerdo, em perfil verdadeiro, de 20 cães saudáveis, com idade superior a um ano. Três observadores com graus de experiência semelhantes em cálculo do APT realizaram as mensurações em cada radiografia. Primeiramente, foram calculados os ângulos dos platôs tibiais manualmente nas películas radiográficas e, posteriormente, os cálculos foram realizados na imagem digital, por meio do software para medicina veterinária do sistema de raios X digital. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram diferenças significativas entre os métodos, com valor das médias do cálculo digital 20,48±3.71 e do cálculo manual 23.90±4.02. Valor de P foi < 0,01 na comparação entre médias dos dois grupos. Na avaliação interobservadores, houve diferença significativa no cálculo manual no perfil direito, o que sugere maior variação no cálculo manual quando comparado ao digital. O cálculo realizado pelo software apresentou menor variação nos valores interobservadores. Acredita-se que a menor variação obtida nos resultados aqui apresentados se dê em razão das facilidades proporcionadas pelo software. Conclui-se que houve diferença entre os valores obtidos por meio dos métodos convencional e digital no cálculo do ângulo do platô tibial, sendo os valores digitais menores entre os observadores, e que o método digital no cálculo do ângulo do platô tibial levou à menor variação quando comparado ao método manual.(AU)
There are few published data on the applicability and reliability of digital methods for measuring the TPA compared with manual measurement. The objective of this study was to compare the TPA obtained by calculating standard manual on conventional radiographs, with the values obtained by calculations in digital images through a computer program. Bilateral digital radiographs of hind limb were analyzed in true profile for 20 healthy dogs older than two years. Three observers with similar levels of experience in calculating the TPA conducted measurements on each radiograph. First we calculated the angle of the tibial plateaus manually in x-ray film and then the calculations were made through the program offered by the computer program in the digital image. The results of this study showed significant differences between the methods, with average value of 20.48±3.71 digital calculating average and 23.90±2.4 in the manual calculation. P value was < 0.01 when comparing averages. No significant difference in manual calculation in right profile were found between interobserver assessments, suggesting greater variation in manual calculation compared to digital. The calculation performed by the software showed less variation in values. The slight variation obtained in our results is believed to be due to the facilities provided by the software. There was a difference between the values obtained by means of conventional and digital methods for calculating the angle of the tibial plateau, and the smaller digital values between the observers and the digital method in the calculation of the tibial plateau angle led to less variation when compared to the manual method.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/lesões , Ligamentos/lesõesResumo
Abstract The present study aimed at describing and evaluating the fauna of Anisakidae and Raphidacarididae nematodes of lutjanid fish (snappers) from the Brazilian northeastern coast unloaded at the city of Aracaju, capital of the State of Sergipe. A total of 186 lutjanids of 5 different species were analyzed including 69 Lutjanus analis, 51 L. vivanus , 29 Ocyurus chrysurus, 23 L. synagris, and 14 L. jocu. Nematode specimens found in the viscera of these fish were clarified with lactophenol. Illustrations of each of these specimens were prepared to help identify these samples and compose their taxonomic description and classification. At necropsy, 3,183 nematodes belonging to two families were collected from fish viscera which included the following: Anisakidae: Anisakis, Terranova , Contracaecum, and Goezia; Raphidascarididae: Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) and Hysterothylacium . A total of six genera of nematodes were found at postmortem examination of which adult worms of only three genera (Goezia, Raphidascaris and Hysterothylacium) were detected in the fish examined. Larvae of Terranova sp. were found only in the musculature of O. chrysurus . Most of the nematode larvae were present in the mesentery and organs of the fish necropsied. Therefore, the zoonotic potential of these nematodes cannot be ruled out. There was a significant negative correlation between the intensity of parasitism by anisakids and the total body length of O. chrysurus; the intensity of parasitism was greater in smaller and shortef fish. There was a significant positive correlation between the abundance of these parasites and the length of L. synagris; the presence of these parasites increased according to the fishs body length. To the authors knowledge, these are the first records of Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris ) sp. and Hysterothylacium sp. in L. vivanus , of Terranova sp. in O. chrysurus and L. jocu, and of Goezia sp. in L. analis. These novel findings add the Brazilian northeast coast and the State of Sergipe in the geographic distribution of these parasites in the country.
Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever e avaliar a fauna de Anisakidae e Raphidacarididae de peixes lutjanídeos do litoral nordeste do Brasil desembarcados na cidade de Aracaju, capital do estado de Sergipe. Foram analisados 186 lutjanídeos das espécies Lutjanus analis 69, L. vivanus 51, Ocyurus chrysurus 29, L. synagris 23 e L. jocu 14. Exemplares dos nematodas encontrados nas vísceras foram clarificados em lactofenol e ilustrados para auxiliar na identificação e compor a descrição taxonõmica. Foram coletados 3.183 nematodas das vísceras dos peixes, pertencentes a duas famílias: Anisakidae: Anisakis, Terranova, Contracaecum e Goezia; e Raphidascarididae: Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) e Hysterothylacium. Totalizando seis gêneros encontrados, apenas nos três últimos gêneros foram encontrados vermes em estágio adulto. Apenas em O. chrysurus foram encontradas larvas de Terranova sp. na musculatura. A maioria das larvas estava restrita ao mesentério e órgãos dos peixes, e em grande intensidade não podendo se descartar o potencial zoonótico. Observou-se uma correlação significativa negativa entre a intensidade anisakídeos e o comprimento total de O. chrysurus, onde a intensidade dos parasitas é maior em peixes de menor comprimento e uma correlação significativa positiva entre a abundância desses mesmos parasitos com o comprimento de L. synagris, onde a presença dos parasitas aumenta conforme o comprimento do peixe. Esse é o primeiro registro de Raphidascaris ( Ichthyascaris) sp. e Hysterothylacium sp. em L. vivanus ; de Terranova sp. em O. chrysurus e L. jocu e Goezia sp. em L. analis, adicionando o litoral nordeste do Brasil e o estado de Sergipe na distribuição geográfica desses parasitos.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of culture media (Alpha Minimum Essential Medium, α-MEM; and Tissue Culture Medium-199, TCM-199) in the absence or presence of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) on an in vitro culture of goat and sheep preantral follicles enclosed in ovarian tissue. The fragments of ovarian cortex from both species were immediately analyzed after collection (non-cultured control group) or cultured for 1 or 7 days in α-MEM+ or TCM-199+in the absence or presence of EGF (10 ng/ml). Before and after the culture, the fragments of ovarian cortex were analyzed by classical histology and fluorescence microscopy. After 1 day of culture, all treatments decreased the percentage of morphologically normal follicles when compared to non-cultured control in both species (P 0.05). Regarding follicle activation, an increase in the percentage of growing follicles was observed in all treatments after 7 days of culture when compared to the control group in both species. However, in sheep, after 7 days, only the treatments α-MEM+/EGF and TCM-199+showed larger(P < 0.05) oocytes than the control group. In conclusion, the TCM-199+ Preserved goat preantral follicle viability after in vitro culture. Furthermore, the media α-MEM+/EGF and TCM-199+ increased the oocyte diameter after 7 days of culture in sheep. Therefore, it isrecommended to use TCM-199+ In the culture of preantral follicles in both species.
Feminino , Animais , Cabras , Células Epidérmicas , Hormônio Foliculoestimulante , Meios de Cultura/análise , OvinosResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of culture media (Alpha Minimum Essential Medium, α-MEM; and Tissue Culture Medium-199, TCM-199) in the absence or presence of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) on an in vitro culture of goat and sheep preantral follicles enclosed in ovarian tissue. The fragments of ovarian cortex from both species were immediately analyzed after collection (non-cultured control group) or cultured for 1 or 7 days in α-MEM+ or TCM-199+in the absence or presence of EGF (10 ng/ml). Before and after the culture, the fragments of ovarian cortex were analyzed by classical histology and fluorescence microscopy. After 1 day of culture, all treatments decreased the percentage of morphologically normal follicles when compared to non-cultured control in both species (P < 0.05). In fluorescence microscopy, viable sheep follicles were observed to decrease in all treatments after 7 days of culture when compared to non-cultured controls. However, in goats, the culture with TCM-199+maintained follicle viability after 7 days of culture, similar to fresh tissue (P > 0.05). Regarding follicle activation, an increase in the percentage of growing follicles was observed in all treatments after 7 days of culture when compared to the control group in both species. However, in sheep, after 7 days, only the treatments α-MEM+/EGF and TCM-199+showed larger(P < 0.05) oocytes than the control group. In conclusion, the TCM-199+ Preserved goat preantral follicle viability after in vitro culture. Furthermore, the media α-MEM+/EGF and TCM-199+ increased the oocyte diameter after 7 days of culture in sheep. Therefore, it isrecommended to use TCM-199+ In the culture of preantral follicles in both species.(AU)