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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41: 01-06, 2013.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457130


Background: The infection with Mycoplasma (M.) hyopneumoniae is a major cause of pneumonia in pigs worldwide, but the interaction between M. hyopneumoniae and Pasteurella (P.) multocida has been described with low frequency and histopathological characteristics of this association have not been described. In Brazil this interaction is considered very important and is found in most cases of pigs with pneumonia and pleuritis at slaughter. The objective of this work was to examine 41 samples of swine lungs collected at slaughter, from which P. multocida had been isolated and to study the co-infection with M. hyopneumoniae by histopathology and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Materials, Methods & Results: Among lung tissue samples obtained from necropsy in swine with clinical signs of pneumonia, 41 that had shown positive results on bacteriological examination for P. multocida were selected. The histopathological findings of bronchopneumonia were classified in different degrees according to the extension of the lesion as follow: absent (0), mild (+), moderate (+ +) and severe (+ + +). Hyperplasia of bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium was classified as absent (0) and present (+). The bronchus associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) hyperplasia lesions were classified as absent (0), (+) when the peribronchial and peribronchiolar lymphocytic infiltrate were discrete, (+ +) when the peribr

Pasteurella (P.) multocida causa a pasteurelose pulmonar dos suínos, sendo necessária a interação com outros agentes para causar pneumonia. Entretanto, existem evidências de que possa atuar como patógeno primário, pois em suínos SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) inoculados experimentalmente, um determinado isolado da bactéria foi capaz de causar lesões de pleurite e pericardite. Mycoplasma (M.) hyopneumoniae, agente da pneumonia enzoótica suína, é um patógeno primário que predispõe a infecções secundárias, principalmente com P. multocida. A relação entre os dois agentes é explicada pelo efeito imunodepressor exercido pelo Mycoplasma devido à necrose do epitélio do trato respiratório e ciliostase, além da modulação do sistema imune. [...]

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41: 01-04, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457049


Background: Candida organisms are ubiquitous pathogens that may cause mucosal or systemic infection in humans and animals. Candida albicans was the main Candida specie associated with cases of systemic candidosis, and Candida glabrata is the second most isolated in those cases. In animals there are few reports of candidosis. In pigs C. albicans was described as mucocutaneous disease affecting oral mucosa, esophagus and aglandular stomach of pigs affected by porcine circovirus type 2. Systemic invasion by Candida species in pigs is rare. This report describes the pathological changes observed in a case of systemic candidosis due to C. glabrata infection in a piglet. Case: In a nursery facility with 500 piglets a 47-days-old piglet showed lateral recumbency that progressed to inability to stand, paddling and death. In the necropsy it was observed valvular vegetative endocarditis in the left atrio-ventricular valve and in the kidneys multifocal to coalescing whitish foci in the sub-capsular and in the cut surface. Microscopical examination of the cerebral cortex, brain steam and cerebellum revealed multifocal random necrotic suppurative focci surrounded by mononuclear cells, epithelioid and multinucleated giant cells together with discret linfoplasmocitic meningitis. In the kidneys there was embolic suppurative nephritis with multifocal abscesses in renal parenchyma, characterized

Background: Candida organisms are ubiquitous pathogens that may cause mucosal or systemic infection in humans and animals. Candida albicans was the main Candida specie associated with cases of systemic candidosis, and Candida glabrata is the second most isolated in those cases. In animals there are few reports of candidosis. In pigs C. albicans was described as mucocutaneous disease affecting oral mucosa, esophagus and aglandular stomach of pigs affected by porcine circovirus type 2. Systemic invasion by Candida species in pigs is rare. This report describes the pathological changes observed in a case of systemic candidosis due to C. glabrata infection in a piglet. Case: In a nursery facility with 500 piglets a 47-days-old piglet showed lateral recumbency that progressed to inability to stand, paddling and death. In the necropsy it was observed valvular vegetative endocarditis in the left atrio-ventricular valve and in the kidneys multifocal to coalescing whitish foci in the sub-capsular and in the cut surface. Microscopical examination of the cerebral cortex, brain steam and cerebellum revealed multifocal random necrotic suppurative focci surrounded by mononuclear cells, epithelioid and multinucleated giant cells together with discret linfoplasmocitic meningitis. In the kidneys there was embolic suppurative nephritis with multifocal abscesses in renal parenchyma, characterized

Ci. Rural ; 39(6)2009.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-706305


Samples of intestine with necrotic enteritis from 63 pigs naturally infected with porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) were studied. Colon was the main target of PCV2 associated necrotic enteritis in 60 cases. Immunohistological investigations were carried out to detect the presence of PCV2 in necrotic lesions and to identify the type of cells infected by the virus. Crypt epithelial cells had positive labelling for PCV2 in 17 cases. Depletion of goblet cells occurred in 10 cases. In 24 necrotic enteritis cases, co-infection of PCV2 and Salmonella was identified. An increased rate of apoptosis in the crypt epithelial cells of the large intestine from PCV2 of naturally infected pigs was observed. Immunohistochemical findings confirmed the presence of PCV2 within cells from necrotic intestinal tissue, suggesting that PCV2 may play a role in the development of those lesions. Diagnosis of necrotic enteritis associated with PCV2 should be based on the detection of PCV2 antigen or DNA in the necrotizing lesions. However, bacteriological examination should be performed to rule out the presence of bacterial agents, since co-infections are likely to occur in PCV2 affected pigs.

Foram selecionadas amostras intestinais com enterite necrótica de 63 suínos naturalmente infectados pelo circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PCV2). Enterite necrótica associada com PCV2 ocorreu principalmente no cólon, em 60 casos. Análise imuno-histoquímica foi realizada para identificar a presença de PCV2 em lesões necróticas e o tipo de células infectadas pelo vírus. Células epiteliais das criptas apresentaram marcação positiva para PCV2 em 17 casos. Depleção de células caliciformes ocorreu em 10 casos. Em 24 casos de enterite necrótica, observou-se co-infecção por PCV2 e Salmonella. Foi observado um aumento no índice de apoptose nas células das criptas do intestino grosso de suínos naturalmente infectados com PCV2. Os achados imuno-histoquímicos e histopatológicos sugerem que a infecção por PCV2 das células do tecido intestinal pode ocasionar enterite necrótica. O diagnóstico de enterite necrótica associada com PCV2 deve ser baseado na detecção do antígeno ou do DNA viral nas lesões necróticas. Contudo, análise bacteriológica deve ser realizada para descartar a presença de agente bacteriano, já que co-infecções são comuns.

Ci. Rural ; 39(6)2009.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-706018


Samples of intestine with necrotic enteritis from 63 pigs naturally infected with porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) were studied. Colon was the main target of PCV2 associated necrotic enteritis in 60 cases. Immunohistological investigations were carried out to detect the presence of PCV2 in necrotic lesions and to identify the type of cells infected by the virus. Crypt epithelial cells had positive labelling for PCV2 in 17 cases. Depletion of goblet cells occurred in 10 cases. In 24 necrotic enteritis cases, co-infection of PCV2 and Salmonella was identified. An increased rate of apoptosis in the crypt epithelial cells of the large intestine from PCV2 of naturally infected pigs was observed. Immunohistochemical findings confirmed the presence of PCV2 within cells from necrotic intestinal tissue, suggesting that PCV2 may play a role in the development of those lesions. Diagnosis of necrotic enteritis associated with PCV2 should be based on the detection of PCV2 antigen or DNA in the necrotizing lesions. However, bacteriological examination should be performed to rule out the presence of bacterial agents, since co-infections are likely to occur in PCV2 affected pigs.

Foram selecionadas amostras intestinais com enterite necrótica de 63 suínos naturalmente infectados pelo circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PCV2). Enterite necrótica associada com PCV2 ocorreu principalmente no cólon, em 60 casos. Análise imuno-histoquímica foi realizada para identificar a presença de PCV2 em lesões necróticas e o tipo de células infectadas pelo vírus. Células epiteliais das criptas apresentaram marcação positiva para PCV2 em 17 casos. Depleção de células caliciformes ocorreu em 10 casos. Em 24 casos de enterite necrótica, observou-se co-infecção por PCV2 e Salmonella. Foi observado um aumento no índice de apoptose nas células das criptas do intestino grosso de suínos naturalmente infectados com PCV2. Os achados imuno-histoquímicos e histopatológicos sugerem que a infecção por PCV2 das células do tecido intestinal pode ocasionar enterite necrótica. O diagnóstico de enterite necrótica associada com PCV2 deve ser baseado na detecção do antígeno ou do DNA viral nas lesões necróticas. Contudo, análise bacteriológica deve ser realizada para descartar a presença de agente bacteriano, já que co-infecções são comuns.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1477690


Samples of intestine with necrotic enteritis from 63 pigs naturally infected with porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) were studied. Colon was the main target of PCV2 associated necrotic enteritis in 60 cases. Immunohistological investigations were carried out to detect the presence of PCV2 in necrotic lesions and to identify the type of cells infected by the virus. Crypt epithelial cells had positive labelling for PCV2 in 17 cases. Depletion of goblet cells occurred in 10 cases. In 24 necrotic enteritis cases, co-infection of PCV2 and Salmonella was identified. An increased rate of apoptosis in the crypt epithelial cells of the large intestine from PCV2 of naturally infected pigs was observed. Immunohistochemical findings confirmed the presence of PCV2 within cells from necrotic intestinal tissue, suggesting that PCV2 may play a role in the development of those lesions. Diagnosis of necrotic enteritis associated with PCV2 should be based on the detection of PCV2 antigen or DNA in the necrotizing lesions. However, bacteriological examination should be performed to rule out the presence of bacterial agents, since co-infections are likely to occur in PCV2 affected pigs.

Foram selecionadas amostras intestinais com enterite necrótica de 63 suínos naturalmente infectados pelo circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PCV2). Enterite necrótica associada com PCV2 ocorreu principalmente no cólon, em 60 casos. Análise imuno-histoquímica foi realizada para identificar a presença de PCV2 em lesões necróticas e o tipo de células infectadas pelo vírus. Células epiteliais das criptas apresentaram marcação positiva para PCV2 em 17 casos. Depleção de células caliciformes ocorreu em 10 casos. Em 24 casos de enterite necrótica, observou-se co-infecção por PCV2 e Salmonella. Foi observado um aumento no índice de apoptose nas células das criptas do intestino grosso de suínos naturalmente infectados com PCV2. Os achados imuno-histoquímicos e histopatológicos sugerem que a infecção por PCV2 das células do tecido intestinal pode ocasionar enterite necrótica. O diagnóstico de enterite necrótica associada com PCV2 deve ser baseado na detecção do antígeno ou do DNA viral nas lesões necróticas. Contudo, análise bacteriológica deve ser realizada para descartar a presença de agente bacteriano, já que co-infecções são comuns.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 41: 01-06, 2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-480152


Background: The infection with Mycoplasma (M.) hyopneumoniae is a major cause of pneumonia in pigs worldwide, but the interaction between M. hyopneumoniae and Pasteurella (P.) multocida has been described with low frequency and histopathological characteristics of this association have not been described. In Brazil this interaction is considered very important and is found in most cases of pigs with pneumonia and pleuritis at slaughter. The objective of this work was to examine 41 samples of swine lungs collected at slaughter, from which P. multocida had been isolated and to study the co-infection with M. hyopneumoniae by histopathology and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Materials, Methods & Results: Among lung tissue samples obtained from necropsy in swine with clinical signs of pneumonia, 41 that had shown positive results on bacteriological examination for P. multocida were selected. The histopathological findings of bronchopneumonia were classified in different degrees according to the extension of the lesion as follow: absent (0), mild (+), moderate (+ +) and severe (+ + +). Hyperplasia of bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium was classified as absent (0) and present (+). The bronchus associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) hyperplasia lesions were classified as absent (0), (+) when the peribronchial and peribronchiolar lymphocytic infiltrate were discrete, (+ +) when the peribr

Pasteurella (P.) multocida causa a pasteurelose pulmonar dos suínos, sendo necessária a interação com outros agentes para causar pneumonia. Entretanto, existem evidências de que possa atuar como patógeno primário, pois em suínos SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) inoculados experimentalmente, um determinado isolado da bactéria foi capaz de causar lesões de pleurite e pericardite. Mycoplasma (M.) hyopneumoniae, agente da pneumonia enzoótica suína, é um patógeno primário que predispõe a infecções secundárias, principalmente com P. multocida. A relação entre os dois agentes é explicada pelo efeito imunodepressor exercido pelo Mycoplasma devido à necrose do epitélio do trato respiratório e ciliostase, além da modulação do sistema imune. [...]

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 41: 01-04, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-475384


Background: Candida organisms are ubiquitous pathogens that may cause mucosal or systemic infection in humans and animals. Candida albicans was the main Candida specie associated with cases of systemic candidosis, and Candida glabrata is the second most isolated in those cases. In animals there are few reports of candidosis. In pigs C. albicans was described as mucocutaneous disease affecting oral mucosa, esophagus and aglandular stomach of pigs affected by porcine circovirus type 2. Systemic invasion by Candida species in pigs is rare. This report describes the pathological changes observed in a case of systemic candidosis due to C. glabrata infection in a piglet. Case: In a nursery facility with 500 piglets a 47-days-old piglet showed lateral recumbency that progressed to inability to stand, paddling and death. In the necropsy it was observed valvular vegetative endocarditis in the left atrio-ventricular valve and in the kidneys multifocal to coalescing whitish foci in the sub-capsular and in the cut surface. Microscopical examination of the cerebral cortex, brain steam and cerebellum revealed multifocal random necrotic suppurative focci surrounded by mononuclear cells, epithelioid and multinucleated giant cells together with discret linfoplasmocitic meningitis. In the kidneys there was embolic suppurative nephritis with multifocal abscesses in renal parenchyma, characterized

Background: Candida organisms are ubiquitous pathogens that may cause mucosal or systemic infection in humans and animals. Candida albicans was the main Candida specie associated with cases of systemic candidosis, and Candida glabrata is the second most isolated in those cases. In animals there are few reports of candidosis. In pigs C. albicans was described as mucocutaneous disease affecting oral mucosa, esophagus and aglandular stomach of pigs affected by porcine circovirus type 2. Systemic invasion by Candida species in pigs is rare. This report describes the pathological changes observed in a case of systemic candidosis due to C. glabrata infection in a piglet. Case: In a nursery facility with 500 piglets a 47-days-old piglet showed lateral recumbency that progressed to inability to stand, paddling and death. In the necropsy it was observed valvular vegetative endocarditis in the left atrio-ventricular valve and in the kidneys multifocal to coalescing whitish foci in the sub-capsular and in the cut surface. Microscopical examination of the cerebral cortex, brain steam and cerebellum revealed multifocal random necrotic suppurative focci surrounded by mononuclear cells, epithelioid and multinucleated giant cells together with discret linfoplasmocitic meningitis. In the kidneys there was embolic suppurative nephritis with multifocal abscesses in renal parenchyma, characterized