The aim of this study was to evaluate a new source of injectable organic zinc (zinc edetate) on the energy and oxidative profile in sheep during the immediate postpartum period. Twenty-six Texel breed animals were previously identified and divided into two experimental groups: the treated group (TG; n= 13) that comprised the animals that received a subcutaneous (SC) injection of 100 mg of zinc edetate (2 mL) fifteen days before the parturition expected date and the control group (CG; n=13) that comprised the animals that received 2mL of physiological solution at the same date of TG. Blood samples were collected on the parturition day for the assessment of serum fructosamine, cholesterol and triglycerides, insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1), the oxidative stress index (OSi) and blood zinc concentration. In addition to these parameters, the measurement of zinc was made in food given to the animals. There was no difference in metabolic parameters and OSi between the experimental groups (P>0.05), as well as in blood zinc concentrations (P>0.05). The parenteral zinc edentate does not change the energy and oxidative profile of sheep in immediate postpartum.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ácido Edético/análise , Metabolismo Energético , Estresse Oxidativo , Período Pós-Parto/metabolismo , Ovinos/metabolismo , Zinco/administração & dosagemResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate a new source of injectable organic zinc (zinc edetate) on the energy and oxidative profile in sheep during the immediate postpartum period. Twenty-six Texel breed animals were previously identified and divided into two experimental groups: the treated group (TG; n= 13) that comprised the animals that received a subcutaneous (SC) injection of 100 mg of zinc edetate (2 mL) fifteen days before the parturition expected date and the control group (CG; n=13) that comprised the animals that received 2mL of physiological solution at the same date of TG. Blood samples were collected on the parturition day for the assessment of serum fructosamine, cholesterol and triglycerides, insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1), the oxidative stress index (OSi) and blood zinc concentration. In addition to these parameters, the measurement of zinc was made in food given to the animals. There was no difference in metabolic parameters and OSi between the experimental groups (P>0.05), as well as in blood zinc concentrations (P>0.05). The parenteral zinc edentate does not change the energy and oxidative profile of sheep in immediate postpartum.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/metabolismo , Período Pós-Parto/metabolismo , Zinco/administração & dosagem , Metabolismo Energético , Ácido Edético/análise , Estresse OxidativoResumo
Leaf area estimation is an important biometrical trait for evaluating leaf development and plant growth in field and pot experiments. We developed a non-destructive model to estimate the leaf area (LA) of Vernonia ferruginea using the length (L) and width (W) leaf dimensions. Different combinations of linear equations were obtained from L, L2, W, W2, LW and L2W2. The linear regressions using the product of LW dimensions were more efficient to estimate the LA of V. ferruginea than models based on a single dimension (L, W, L2 or W2). Therefore, the linear regression LA=0.463+0.676WL provided the most accurate estimate of V. ferruginea leaf area. Validation of the selected model showed that the correlation between real measured leaf area and estimated leaf area was very high.(AU)
A estimativa de área foliar é um importante traço biométrico para avaliação do desenvolvimento foliar e do crescimento vegetal em experimentos de campo e casa-de-vegetação. Foi desenvolvido um modelo linear não destrutivo capaz de estimar a área foliar (AF) de Vernonia ferruginea usando o comprimento (C) e a largura (L) foliar. Diferentes combinações de equações lineares foram obtidas a partir de C, C2, L, L2, CL e C2L2. As regressões lineares usando o produto de dimensões CL foram mais eficientes para estimar a AF de V. ferruginea do que os modelos baseados em uma única dimensão (C, L, C2 ou L2). O modelo linear "AF = 0,463+0,676 CL" forneceu com maior precisão a AF de V. ferruginea em relação aos demais modelos testados. A validação do modelo selecionado revelou elevada correlação entre a área foliar real e a área foliar estimada pelo modelo.(AU)
Modelos Biológicos , Folhas de Planta/anatomia & histologia , Vernonia/anatomia & histologia , Modelos Lineares , Vernonia/classificaçãoResumo
Among the tumors affecting the choroid plexus in dogs, the papilloma ranks second place in incidence after cell carcinoma tumors. Presumptive diagnosis can be made through imaging methods, such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance images. Definitive diagnosis of plexus choroid tumor is based on histopathological findings. This report presented the tomographic features of the brain in a 6-year-old intact female Rottweiler with choroid plexus papilloma. The computed tomography showed right lateral ventricle enlargement, midline deviation and an enhanced mass into the postcontrast phase. At necropsy, a mass on the floor of the right lateral ventricle was observed, associated with important ventricle dilatation. The histopathological analysis demonstrated the presence of neoplastic cell forms with papillary projections. The computed tomography proved to be an effective tool in the presumptive diagnosis of this kind of cerebral disorder.(AU)
Dentre os tumores que afetam o plexo coroide em cães, o papiloma figura como o segundo tipo de maior incidência, antecedido apenas pelo carcinoma. O diagnóstico presuntivo pode ser elaborado por meio de métodos de imagem, como a tomografia computadorizada e a ressonância magnética. O diagnóstico definitivo de tumor do plexo coroide é estabelecido com base nos achados histopatológicos. Relatamos os aspectos tomográficos do crânio em uma fêmea de 6 anos, inteira, da raça Rottweiler, com papiloma do plexo coroide. A tomografia computadorizada revelou dilatação do ventrículo lateral direito, desvio da linha média e a presença de uma massa, que sofreu realce na fase pós-contraste. À necropsia, foi observada uma massa sobre o assoalho do ventrículo lateral direito, associada à importante dilatação ventricular. A análise histopatológica demonstrou a presença de células poligonais neoplásicas, arranjadas em papilas longas. A tomografia computadorizada apresentou-se como uma ferramenta eficaz no diagnóstico presuntivo desse tipo de alteração cerebral.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Papiloma/patologia , Plexo Corióideo/anatomia & histologia , Neoplasias/patologia , Tomografia , Cães/classificaçãoResumo
As alterações anatômicas do aparelho reprodutor masculino de ovinos são pouco relatadas, especialmente a condição de bipartição escrotal. Devido à importância do esclarecimento sobre esta alteração anatômica, objetivou-se relatar o caso de um ovino da raça Morada Nova que apresentava bipartição escrotal associada à má formação prepucial. Observou-se que essa alteração pode ocorrer como condição de adaptabilidade a climas tropicais.(AU)
The anatomical changes in the male reproductive system of sheep are rarely described, especially the scrotal bipartition condition. Due to the importance of clarification of this anatomical change, we aimed to describe a case of a Morada Nova sheep that had scrotal bipartition associated with preputial malformation. It was observed that this change may occur as a adaptability condition to tropical climates.(AU)