As papilas mamárias de 23 búfalas foram avaliadas por meio de exame clínico e ultra-sonográfico. Em oito animais do mesmo grupo, as papilas mamárias foram submetidas ao exame teloscópico. Os resultados mostraram que o exame ultra-sonográfico e a teloscopia podem ser utilizados para a avaliação das papilas mamárias na espécie bubalina. As restrições ao uso desses exames, com a metodologia e os equipamentos empregados, foram: a identificação ultra-sonográfica dos ductos papilares foi precária para as papilas mais curtas, e em matrizes jovens, a resistência do ducto papilar limita o uso de telescopia axial.(AU)
All the mammart papillae from 23 water buffaloes were clinically and ultrasonographically examined, and eight animals from the same herd were submitted to theloscopic examination. The results showed that ultrasonography and theloscopy are satisfactory methods to evaluate the mammary papillae of the water buffalo. However, the ultrasonographic identification of the streak canal of the shorter papillae was poor and, it was not possible to proceed with axial theloscopy in some animals, specially the primiparous.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Glândulas Mamárias Animais , BúfalosResumo
The research was accomplished in eight dairy water buffalo herds, randomically choosen in Região do Alto São Francisco, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Information was collected from March to November, 2003 during 270 days of observation. In order to determine the somatic cell count (SCC) in presence or absence of microbial isolation, 1,393 samples were collected from 285 lactating females and microbiological exams and SCC were done. Samples obtained from udders without evidence of clinical or subclinical inflammation showed infection for a great variety of microbial mastitis pathogens. The low SCC did not necessarily indicate the absence of intramammary infection, suggesting that SCC patterns used for bovine cannot be appropriate in order to control mastitis in buffalo herds.(AU)