Background: The human epidermal growth factor type 2 (HER2) receptor is a membrane glycoprotein tyrosine kinase. In woman, HER2 expression is diagnosed in 30% of breast carcinomas and it is associated with a worse prognosis, higher rate of recurrence and mortality. In the bitch, the HER2 overexpression in canine mammary tumors is still controversial and the prognostic value remains uncertain. Thus, we aimed to verify the HER2 expression in canine mammary carcinomas and relate it to the type and histological grade, lymph node metastasis and clinical staging. Materials, Methods & Results: Ninety bitches diagnosed with mammary carcinoma were included in this study. The inclusion criteria were bitches with complete clinical examination, thoracic radiographic examination and submitted unilateral or bilateral mastectomy. Ninety-nine samples of mammary carcinoma were used and the fragments of tumor and regional lymph nodes were fixed in 10% neutral formalin for histopathological and immunohistochemistry analysis. The lesions were evaluated by two pathologists and classified according to the type and histological grade. HER2 expression was performed by semi-quantitative analysis of the slides according to the HerceptTestTM (Dako) recommended score. Simple carcinomas were the most frequent (51.51%) followed by complex carcinomas (46.47%) and in situ carcinoma (2.02%). [...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Receptores ErbB/análise , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Prognóstico , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Metástase NeoplásicaResumo
Background: The human epidermal growth factor type 2 (HER2) receptor is a membrane glycoprotein tyrosine kinase. In woman, HER2 expression is diagnosed in 30% of breast carcinomas and it is associated with a worse prognosis, higher rate of recurrence and mortality. In the bitch, the HER2 overexpression in canine mammary tumors is still controversial and the prognostic value remains uncertain. Thus, we aimed to verify the HER2 expression in canine mammary carcinomas and relate it to the type and histological grade, lymph node metastasis and clinical staging. Materials, Methods & Results: Ninety bitches diagnosed with mammary carcinoma were included in this study. The inclusion criteria were bitches with complete clinical examination, thoracic radiographic examination and submitted unilateral or bilateral mastectomy. Ninety-nine samples of mammary carcinoma were used and the fragments of tumor and regional lymph nodes were fixed in 10% neutral formalin for histopathological and immunohistochemistry analysis. The lesions were evaluated by two pathologists and classified according to the type and histological grade. HER2 expression was performed by semi-quantitative analysis of the slides according to the HerceptTestTM (Dako) recommended score. Simple carcinomas were the most frequent (51.51%) followed by complex carcinomas (46.47%) and in situ carcinoma (2.02%). [...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Prognóstico , Receptores ErbB/análise , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Metástase NeoplásicaResumo
Background: Mammary tumors are a type of neoplasia that are most commonly found in female dogs and are mostly malignant. The aim of this study, performed in the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of Uberlândia (LVP-FUU) from 2004 to 2014, was to determine the prevalence of mammary tumors in bitches and to verify the relationship between the epidemiological factors (age and breed) and clinicopathological aspects (ulceration, tumor size, and malignancy) in the occurrence of tumors.Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective study was carried out using histopathological information retrieved from the LPV-UFU database. We collected the information on age and breed of female dogs, as well as about the location, macroscopic aspects, and histological diagnosis of mammary lesions. Only female dogs were considered for this study; a total of 911 histo-pathological protocols (with only one diagnosis) were analyzed along with 36 protocols that presented more than one diagnosis of mammary tumor. The age of animals ranged from one to 20 years, and the mean age was 9.99 years. The most affected breeds of dogs were: Cross breed (39.56% - 288/728) and Poodle (20.19% - 147/728). The inguinal glands were most affected by the malignant tumors (P< 0.05). A prevalence of tumors bigger than 5 cm in diameter (T3) was observed in the elderly animals (P= 0.0154) and in the inguinal mammary glands (P= 0.044). Simple carcinoma was the most frequent histological type.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/epidemiologia , Prognóstico , Carcinoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: Mammary tumors are a type of neoplasia that are most commonly found in female dogs and are mostly malignant. The aim of this study, performed in the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of Uberlândia (LVP-FUU) from 2004 to 2014, was to determine the prevalence of mammary tumors in bitches and to verify the relationship between the epidemiological factors (age and breed) and clinicopathological aspects (ulceration, tumor size, and malignancy) in the occurrence of tumors.Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective study was carried out using histopathological information retrieved from the LPV-UFU database. We collected the information on age and breed of female dogs, as well as about the location, macroscopic aspects, and histological diagnosis of mammary lesions. Only female dogs were considered for this study; a total of 911 histo-pathological protocols (with only one diagnosis) were analyzed along with 36 protocols that presented more than one diagnosis of mammary tumor. The age of animals ranged from one to 20 years, and the mean age was 9.99 years. The most affected breeds of dogs were: Cross breed (39.56% - 288/728) and Poodle (20.19% - 147/728). The inguinal glands were most affected by the malignant tumors (P< 0.05). A prevalence of tumors bigger than 5 cm in diameter (T3) was observed in the elderly animals (P= 0.0154) and in the inguinal mammary glands (P= 0.044). Simple carcinoma was the most frequent histological type.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/epidemiologia , Prognóstico , Carcinoma/veterináriaResumo
PURPOSE: Evaluate the effects of two anesthetic associations in giant Amazon river turtles (P. expansa). METHODS: Twenty P. expansa, healthy, of both sexes, with weights between 1.0 and 1.5 kg of a commercial breeding facility located in the valley of the Araguaia River, Goiás, Brazil, were divided into two groups ( G1 n = 10 and G2 n = 10). Each group received a protocol being: P1 = midazolam (2 mg/kg IM) and ketamine (20 mg/kg IM) and P2 = midazolam (2 mg/kg IM) and ketamine (60 mg/kg IM), applied on G1 and G2, respectively. The drugs were applied in the left forelimb. The clinical parameters evaluated were: locomotion, muscle relaxation, response to pain stimuli in the right thoracic and pelvic members and heart rate. These assessments were made at time 0 (immediately after injection) and times of 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minutes after the injections. RESULTS: Group 2 showed a higher heart rate than G1 and more rapid and prolonged immobilization. CONCLUSION: The sedation scores obtained by these protocols (P1 and P2) were satisfactory, with possible pharmacological contention for collecting biological samples and physical examination in P. expansa.(AU)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos de duas associações anestésicas em tartarugas da Amazônia em (Podocnemis expansa). MÉTODOS: Vinte P. expansa, hígidas, de ambos os sexos, com massa corporal entre 1,0 e 1,5 kg, de um criatório comercial localizado no vale do rio Araguaia, Goiás, Brasil, foram distribuídas em dois grupos (G1 n=10 e G2 n=10). Cada grupo recebeu um protocolo sendo: P1 = midazolam (2 mg/kg IM) com cetamina (20 mg/kg IM) e P2 = midazolam (2 mg/kg IM) com cetamina (60 mg/kg IM), aplicados nos grupos G1 e G2, respectivamente. Os fármacos foram aplicados no membro torácico esquerdo. Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados foram: locomoção, relaxamento muscular, resposta aos estímulos dolorosos nos membros torácico direito e pelvinos e freqüência cardíaca. Essas avaliações foram feitas no tempo 0 (imediatamente após a injeção) e nos tempos 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150 e 180 minutos após as injeções. RESULTADOS: O G2 apresentou maior freqüência cardíaca que o G1 e imobilização mais rápida e prolongada. CONCLUSÃO: As sedações obtidas por esses protocolos (P1 e P2) foram satisfatórias, sendo possível a contenção farmacológica para a coleta de amostras biológicas e exame físico em P. expansa.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Analgésicos/farmacologia , Anestesia/veterinária , Anestésicos Combinados/farmacologia , Ketamina/farmacologia , Midazolam/farmacologia , Frequência Cardíaca , Locomoção , Relaxamento Muscular , Medição da Dor , Fatores de Tempo , TartarugasResumo
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o intuito de avaliar os efeitos da lidocaína 2%, por via espinhal, em cágados tigres dágua brasileiros. Foram utilizadas dez fêmeas da espécie Trachemys dorbignyi, com peso médio de 1,128±0,4 kg, mantidas durante a fase experimental, em temperatura ambiente de 27 a 29ºCe umidade de 59 a 61%. Para a contenção física e aplicaçãodo anestésico, os quelônios foram posicionados em decúbito dorsal e a cauda foi tracionada ventro-cranialmente ao plastrão. Após assepsia local com álcool iodado, aplicou-se a dose de 3mgkm-1 de lidocaína 2% sem vasoconstritor no seio vertebral da cauda, tomando-se como referência o início da porção caudal da coluna vertebral. Para avaliação da anestesia, foram observados os períodos de latência, hábil e de recuperação, além da analgesia e relaxamento muscular da cauda, cloaca e membros pelvinos e frequência cardíaca. O uso da lidocaína2%, aplicada no seio vertebral caudal de Trachemys dorbignyi, promoveu satisfatória analgesia e relaxamento muscular na cauda, cloaca e membros pelvinos, com duração média da anestesia ideal por 81,5 minutos. Além disso, esse protocolo anestésico não causou efeitos adversos nos animais e a frequência cardíaca não foi significantemente alterada durante o período trans-anestésico.
This work was developed in order to evaluate the effects os application os spinal lidocaine 2% in DOrbignys slider turtle. Ten females of Trachemys dorbignyi, with average weight of 1,128±0,4kg, were kept at ambient temperature of 27 to 29ºC and humidity of 59 to 61% throughout the experiment. For the physical restraint of the turtles, they were placed in the dorsal position at the tail was pulled in the sense of the ventral-cranial part of the plastron. After local asepsis there was applied 3mg/kg of 2% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor, in the caudal vertebral vein of animals, taking as reference the begigging of the caudal portion of the spine. For evaluation of anesthesia were observed latency, skilled and recovery periods, in addition to analgesia and muscle relaxation of the tail, cloaca and pelvic members and heart rate. It was observed that the use of great anesthesia in 81.5 minutes. Moreover, this anesthetic protocol did not cause side effects in animals and heart rate was not significantly changed during the trans-anesthetic.
Animais , Anestésicos Intravenosos/administração & dosagem , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem , Tartarugas/fisiologia , Anestesia Caudal/veterináriaResumo
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of different concentrations of an anesthetic association in giant amazon turtles (Podocnemis expansa). METHODS: Twenty healthy P. expansa of both sexes weighing between 1.0 and 1.5kg commercially bred in the Araguaia River Valley, Goias, Brazil, were separated into two groups (G1 n=10 and G2 n=10). Each group received a respective protocol: P1= acepromazine (0.5 mg/kg IM) and propofol (5 mg/kg IV) and P2 = acepromazine (0.5 mg/kg IM) and propofol (10 mg/kg IV). The acepromazine was administered in the left thoracic member and the propofol in the cervical vertebral sinus. Assessments were made of the anesthetic parameters of locomotion, muscle relaxation, response to pain stimuli in the right thoracic and pelvic members and heartbeat. RESULTS: The anesthetic induction time was the same for both protocols (P1 and P2); however the P2 effects were of a longer duration. CONCLUSION: The sedation achieved with both protocols (P1 and P2) were satisfactory for the biological sample collection, physical examinations and minor surgeries on this species.(AU)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos de uma associação anestésica com diferentes concentrações em tartarugas-da-amazônia (Podocnemis expansa). MÉTODOS: Vinte P. expansa, hígidas, de ambos os sexos, com massa corporal entre 1,0 e 1,5 kg, de um criatório comercial localizado no vale do rio Araguaia, Goiás, Brasil, foram distribuídas em dois grupos (G1 n=10 e G2 n=10). Cada grupo recebeu um protocolo sendo: P1 = acepromazina (0,5 mg/kg IM) e propofol (5 mg/kg IV) e P2 = acepromazina (0,5 mg/kg IM) e propofol (10 mg/kg IV), aplicados nos grupos G1 e G2, respectivamente. A acepromazina foi aplicada no membro torácico esquerdo e o propofol no seio vertebral cervical. Foram avaliados os parâmetros anestésicos: locomoção, relaxamento muscular, resposta aos estímulos dolorosos no membro torácico direito e nos membros pelvinos e frequência cardíaca. RESULTADOS: O tempo de indução anestésica foi o mesmo para ambos os protocolos (P1 e P2), porém o P2 apresentou efeitos mais duradouros. CONCLUSÃO: As sedações obtidas por esses protocolos (P1 e P2) foram satisfatórias para a colheita de amostras biológicas, exames físicos e realização de pequenos procedimentos cirúrgicos nesta espécie.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Acepromazina/administração & dosagem , Anestesia/veterinária , Anestésicos Combinados/administração & dosagem , Propofol/administração & dosagem , Tartarugas , Brasil , Locomoção , Relaxamento Muscular , Fatores de TempoResumo
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o intuito de avaliar os efeitos da lidocaína 2%, por via espinhal, em cágados tigres dágua brasileiros. Foram utilizadas dez fêmeas da espécie Trachemys dorbignyi, com peso médio de 1,128±0,4 kg, mantidas durante a fase experimental, em temperatura ambiente de 27 a 29ºCe umidade de 59 a 61%. Para a contenção física e aplicaçãodo anestésico, os quelônios foram posicionados em decúbito dorsal e a cauda foi tracionada ventro-cranialmente ao plastrão. Após assepsia local com álcool iodado, aplicou-se a dose de 3mgkm-1 de lidocaína 2% sem vasoconstritor no seio vertebral da cauda, tomando-se como referência o início da porção caudal da coluna vertebral. Para avaliação da anestesia, foram observados os períodos de latência, hábil e de recuperação, além da analgesia e relaxamento muscular da cauda, cloaca e membros pelvinos e frequência cardíaca. O uso da lidocaína2%, aplicada no seio vertebral caudal de Trachemys dorbignyi, promoveu satisfatória analgesia e relaxamento muscular na cauda, cloaca e membros pelvinos, com duração média da anestesia ideal por 81,5 minutos. Além disso, esse protocolo anestésico não causou efeitos adversos nos animais e a frequência cardíaca não foi significantemente alterada durante o período trans-anestésico.(AU)
This work was developed in order to evaluate the effects os application os spinal lidocaine 2% in DOrbignys slider turtle. Ten females of Trachemys dorbignyi, with average weight of 1,128±0,4kg, were kept at ambient temperature of 27 to 29ºC and humidity of 59 to 61% throughout the experiment. For the physical restraint of the turtles, they were placed in the dorsal position at the tail was pulled in the sense of the ventral-cranial part of the plastron. After local asepsis there was applied 3mg/kg of 2% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor, in the caudal vertebral vein of animals, taking as reference the begigging of the caudal portion of the spine. For evaluation of anesthesia were observed latency, skilled and recovery periods, in addition to analgesia and muscle relaxation of the tail, cloaca and pelvic members and heart rate. It was observed that the use of great anesthesia in 81.5 minutes. Moreover, this anesthetic protocol did not cause side effects in animals and heart rate was not significantly changed during the trans-anesthetic.(AU)