ABSTRACT This work was undertaken with the aim of studying the clinical evaluation of arthritis in 2 goats at the Hospital of Bovines and Small Ruminants at FMVZ-USP, Brazil. The differential between viral arthritis caused by the virus of the CAE and the bacterial arthritis by Mycoplasma spp. was made by using clinical exam, laparoscopy of the affected region, PCR, serum diagnose, techniques of culture isolation and PCR of the sinovial fluid.
RESUMO Foi realizada a avaliação clínica de 2 caprinos acometidos por artrite atendidos junto a Clínica de Bovinos e Pequenos Ruminantes da FMVZ-USP. O diferencial entre artrite viral causada pelo vírus da CAE e a artrite bacteriana pelo Mycoplasma spp. foi feito baseado no exame específico, sorodiagnóstico, nas técnicas de isolamento, detecção do vírus pela PCR do líquido sinovial e laparoscopia.