Background: Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy (THO) is a progressive disease that causes acute onset of peripheral vestibular signs with or without facial paralysis. Ankylosis of temporhyoid joint occurs which predispose to fractures of theinvolved bones and consequently causes the commonly neurological signs observed. Clinical signs vary depending on thestage of the disease and the nerves affected. Surgical treatment is advised to improve survival rates in which the ceratohyoidectomy is currently known as the most advantageous. The aim of the present study is to report a case and outcome ofa ceratohyoidectomy procedure in a Criollo mare presenting THO of the right temporohyoid joint.Case: A 17-year-old Criollo mare was referred to the Equine Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas witha 5-day history of facial paralysis on the right side, head tilt and difficulty to chew and swallow. Auricular, palpebraland labial ptosis along with deviation of the lip and nostril to the left were observed. A corneal ulcer was also identifiedin the right eye. Complementary imaging exams (endoscopy of the guttural pouches and radiography of the head) wereperformed and showed thickening of the right stylohyoid bone confirming a diagnosis of THO. Anti-inflammatory andantibiotic therapy were administered and the corneal ulcer was treated with topical antibiotics and autologous serum. Dueto rapid deterioration of clinical signs, the mare was referred to surgery. A ceratohyoidectomty procedure was performedunder general anesthesia. In this procedure, the ceratohyoid bone was disarticulated from the ceratohyoid-basihyoid jointand removed. During the procedure, a branch of the linguofacial vein was accidentally incised causing hemorrhage, thebranch was identified and successfully ligated. Recovery was uneventful. Supportive treatment with anti-inflammatory andantibiotics was continued after surgery and ...
Feminino , Animais , Doenças dos Cavalos , Osteoartropatia Hipertrófica Primária/veterinária , Osso Hioide/cirurgia , Paralisia Facial/veterinária , Radiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy (THO) is a progressive disease that causes acute onset of peripheral vestibular signs with or without facial paralysis. Ankylosis of temporhyoid joint occurs which predispose to fractures of theinvolved bones and consequently causes the commonly neurological signs observed. Clinical signs vary depending on thestage of the disease and the nerves affected. Surgical treatment is advised to improve survival rates in which the ceratohyoidectomy is currently known as the most advantageous. The aim of the present study is to report a case and outcome ofa ceratohyoidectomy procedure in a Criollo mare presenting THO of the right temporohyoid joint.Case: A 17-year-old Criollo mare was referred to the Equine Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas witha 5-day history of facial paralysis on the right side, head tilt and difficulty to chew and swallow. Auricular, palpebraland labial ptosis along with deviation of the lip and nostril to the left were observed. A corneal ulcer was also identifiedin the right eye. Complementary imaging exams (endoscopy of the guttural pouches and radiography of the head) wereperformed and showed thickening of the right stylohyoid bone confirming a diagnosis of THO. Anti-inflammatory andantibiotic therapy were administered and the corneal ulcer was treated with topical antibiotics and autologous serum. Dueto rapid deterioration of clinical signs, the mare was referred to surgery. A ceratohyoidectomty procedure was performedunder general anesthesia. In this procedure, the ceratohyoid bone was disarticulated from the ceratohyoid-basihyoid jointand removed. During the procedure, a branch of the linguofacial vein was accidentally incised causing hemorrhage, thebranch was identified and successfully ligated. Recovery was uneventful. Supportive treatment with anti-inflammatory andantibiotics was continued after surgery and ...(AU)