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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): 775, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369872


Background: Lacrimal gland adenocarcinoma is an extremely rare malignant neoplasm, with few descriptions in the literature. Therefore, its etiology and treatment are not well understood. The present study aims to report the case of an equine histologically diagnosed with lacrimal gland adenocarcinoma in the lower eyelid region and third eyelid treated by surgical excision and intralesional chemotherapy. Case: A 17-year-old male mixed-breed equine weighing 300 kg was treated in the large animal clinic and surgery sector of the Federal University of Santa Catarina in the city of Curitibanos, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The equine revealed an alert and docile temperament without considerable physiological changes in the physical examination. In the evaluation of the right eye, a tumor mass was observed in the region of the lacrimal gland adhered to the third eyelid and lower eyelid, with a light red ulcerated appearance approximately 7 cm in diameter. Therefore, the surgical excision of the adhered tumor mass was performed, with the subsequent intralesional application of 2 mL of Vincristine Sulfate. In the histopathological evaluation following the surgical excision of the tumor mass, yellowish-white fragments of irregular nodules were observed measuring from 3.5×2.0×1.7 cm to 2.0×0.5×0.3 cm, in addition to microscopy focus clusters of weakly basophilic neoplastic glandular cells, some with a randomly arranged lacy aspect, forming disorganized acinar structures and others showed marking islands of the cells organized in a palisade shape by vascular delicate stroma. The neoplastic cells presented anisocytosis, anisokaryosis, prominent nucleoli sometimes binucleated and with basophilic intracytoplasmic secretory material, delimited by scarce connective tissue. In some areas, there were small foci of infiltrated lymphocytes and plasmocytes and areas of necrosis. The mass was surrounded by connective tissue, where red blood vessels were found outside the vessels (hemorrhage), and mitoses were observed 2 per field at high magnification (40x). After the surgical procedure, it was not possible to follow up and reassess of the patient, so there is no clarification on the possibility of tumor recurrence. Discussion: The case reported is uncommon, being only the second report of adenocarcinoma in the equine lacrimal gland. Therefore, there are few descriptions in the literature about its defined etiology and the best treatment method, although, surgical excision is the method of choice because it is a tumor of high recurrence and invasiveness. In this case, we opted for the exeresis of the tumor mass and later application of chemotherapy, a treatment that was relatively effective, to avoid recurrence and the failure of the technique. In these cases, monitoring the animal after the procedure is recommended, evaluating whether there was tumor recurrence, although this was not possible in the present possible. The third eyelid, lacrimal, and zygomatic salivary glands may be sources of intraorbital neoplasms. These neoplastic processes may have similar histological and behavioral characteristics, and their differentiation is, therefore, problematic. These structures may be differentiated based on the anatomical location, however, clinical appearance and symptoms are identical in most cases. Adenocarcinoma in the equine lacrimal gland is a neoplasm considered rare, so it is important to emphasize an accurate diagnosis through histopathological analyses to differentiate it from other frequent orbital neoplasms in horses, allowing more information about this tumor and establishing different treatment methods.

Animais , Masculino , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Cavalos , Aparelho Lacrimal , Vincristina/uso terapêutico , Neoplasias Orbitárias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub.762-4 jan. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458570


Background: Enostosis like lesions are characterized by areas of intramedullary sclerosis affecting the long bones andtheir presence in any cases may be not associated with lameness. It has a migratory characteristic and, therefore there isthe occurrence of lameness at different sites from the initial lesion. Its etiology is speculative and has been attributed tointraosseous increased pressure, of Havers’ canals compression, stimulation of unmyelinated fibers and circulating plateletaggregates. Diagnosis is made through nuclear scintigraphy and associated with radiographic examination. This paperaims to report a clinical case on the use of scintigraphy for the reference diagnosis of enostosis-type injury and treatmentthrough surgical bone decompression.Case: A 2-year-old thoroughbred mare, weighing 483 kg, with a history of acute lameness of the left pelvic limb associatedwith the no previous signs of trauma and no noteworthy changes in radiographic and ultrasound images, was referred to theHorse Center Veterinary Clinic. In the examination of the locomotor system, the animal presented a 2/5 degree lamenessin a straight line, with accentuated exacerbation of the same after flexion of the left femoro-tibio-patellar joint. In addition,presented a reduction in the caudal phase of the stride and croup asymmetry associated with mild myopenia. The findingsof the scintigraphic exam characterized by intense focal area of hyperconcentration of medullary radiopharmaceutical inthe proximal third of the right third metatarsal, and multiple areas of hyperconcentration in the aspect proximal to thedistal third of the left tibia. In the radiographic images, multifocal radiopaque regions that coincided with the areas ofradiopharmaceutical hyperconcentration were observed. The initial treatment was based on rest, use of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs and acetylsalicylic acid. In the 60 days...

Feminino , Animais , Cavalos/lesões , Claudicação Intermitente/diagnóstico por imagem , Claudicação Intermitente/veterinária , Descompressão Cirúrgica/veterinária , Doenças da Coluna Vertebral/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças da Coluna Vertebral/veterinária , Cintilografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.455-2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458219


Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common cutaneous neoplasms found in equine breeding.The main cause is still unknown, based on predisposing factors such as excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, advancedage, depigmented skin and viral or parasitic agents. There is currently a range of possibilities for the treatment of SCC.The choice of the ideal treatment changes according to the location, evolution and size of the tumor, economic costs andavailability of material. The present case report aims to report the case of a Campeiro breed, diagnosed with SCC in theleft lacrimal gland region and to evaluate the action of vincristine sulfate as intralesional chemotherapy.Case: A 30-year-old stallion of the Campeiro perlino coat it was attended in the sector of Clinic and Surgery of LargeAnimals, at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - Curitibanos campus. Physical examination revealed an alert anddocile temperament, with no considerable physiological changes. In the evaluation of the left eye, it was observed a massof 2x2 cm rosacea, with granular and ulcerated appearance, it was detected in the portion of the medial corner of the eye,and the lacrimal gland cannot be macroscopically delimited. Also it was detected a moderate mucopurulent secretion.The mass was collected through fine-needle aspiration (FNA) and puncture without aspiration of contents found in thethird eyelid region for cytological analysis, and a malignant epithelial cell neoplasia associated with septic suppurativeinflammation was observed, suggestive of SCC. After the laboratory results analyzed, 0.25 mL of intralesional vincristinesulfate (Vincizina®) with 20x06 needle was applied in the base of the tumor mass as treatment. After 24 days of the firstand only application of the antineoplastic, treatment success was remarkable, with a macroscopic involution...

Masculino , Animais , Aparelho Lacrimal/patologia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/terapia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/tratamento farmacológico , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Cavalos , Vincristina/uso terapêutico , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 455, 10 dez. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25645


Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common cutaneous neoplasms found in equine breeding.The main cause is still unknown, based on predisposing factors such as excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, advancedage, depigmented skin and viral or parasitic agents. There is currently a range of possibilities for the treatment of SCC.The choice of the ideal treatment changes according to the location, evolution and size of the tumor, economic costs andavailability of material. The present case report aims to report the case of a Campeiro breed, diagnosed with SCC in theleft lacrimal gland region and to evaluate the action of vincristine sulfate as intralesional chemotherapy.Case: A 30-year-old stallion of the Campeiro perlino coat it was attended in the sector of Clinic and Surgery of LargeAnimals, at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - Curitibanos campus. Physical examination revealed an alert anddocile temperament, with no considerable physiological changes. In the evaluation of the left eye, it was observed a massof 2x2 cm rosacea, with granular and ulcerated appearance, it was detected in the portion of the medial corner of the eye,and the lacrimal gland cannot be macroscopically delimited. Also it was detected a moderate mucopurulent secretion.The mass was collected through fine-needle aspiration (FNA) and puncture without aspiration of contents found in thethird eyelid region for cytological analysis, and a malignant epithelial cell neoplasia associated with septic suppurativeinflammation was observed, suggestive of SCC. After the laboratory results analyzed, 0.25 mL of intralesional vincristinesulfate (Vincizina®) with 20x06 needle was applied in the base of the tumor mass as treatment. After 24 days of the firstand only application of the antineoplastic, treatment success was remarkable, with a macroscopic involution...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/tratamento farmacológico , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/terapia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Vincristina/uso terapêutico , Aparelho Lacrimal/patologia , Cavalos , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(5): 355-363, May 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1012750


Although ultrasound (US) is a routine diagnostic modality, it still presents limitations for the diagnosis of lesions such as those in the proximal insertion of the suspensory ligament (PISL) because of its composition, which includes muscle fibers and adipose tissue interspersed with the ligament fibers. The objective of the present study was to describe the ultrasonographic, macroscopic and histological aspects of the PISL of thoracic limbs (TL) and pelvic limbs (PL) in Crioulo horses (CH). We selected 34 specimens of TL (right and left) and 10 specimens of PL of horses with a mean age of 5.7 years, from a private clinic or sent to the Department of Veterinary Pathology of UFSM, which died from different causes. The animals had no previous history of lameness in selected limbs associated with PISL injuries. The 34 specimens of PISL of TL were divided into CH (n=25) and Thoroughbred horses (TBH) (n=9), which composed the control group, and 11 specimens of PISL of PL were divided into CH (n=8) and TBH (n=3), which also served as control. The US examination was performed in the PISL using a Sonosite Edge device, 5-10 MHz linear transducer, with cross-sectional and longitudinal palmaromedial and palmarolateral images of the proximal surface of metacarpus III, II and IV (MCIII/MCII/MCIV). In PL, the evaluation was performed four centimeters below the chestnut in the plantaromedial aspect of metatarsus III and II (MTIII/MTII). PISL lobulated shape and size were compared with those of the contralateral limb, as well as the regularity of the palmar bone surface of MC III, II and IV. Subsequently, dissection of the PISL lobes was performed, as well as its macroscopic evaluation, which preceded the histological processing of the samples. In specimens of the CH breed, PISL showed echogenicity varying from peripheral dorsal hyperechogenic zones that merge into echogenic and hypoechogenic zones, where lobulation occurs. In the samples from the TBH group, PISL was also lobulated, but with differences in the echogenicity pattern such as diffuse hypoechogenicity and echogenicity. Macroscopically, CH samples presented a large amount of adipose tissue that corresponds to the dorsal peripheral zone of PISL, which ends in the connective tissue that delimits the ligamentous lobes. On a macroscopic cross-section of PISL, muscle fibers in red are mixed with white ligament fibers in the center of the ligament. This macroscopic finding was not observed in TBH samples, in which muscle fibers overlap ligament fibers throughout the ligament extension and a small amount of fat is present in the dorsal periphery of the ligament. PISL of PL had a triangular shape with echogenicity characteristics very similar to those observed in TL. In ultrasonographic, macroscopic and histological evaluation, PISL samples of TL and PL in CH showed a larger amount of peripheral dorsal adipose tissue, as well as a larger number of merged ligament and muscle fibers compared with those in TBH.(AU)

Embora uma modalidade diagnóstica rotineira, a ultrassonografia ainda possui algumas limitações para o diagnóstico de lesões como as que afetam a inserção proximal do ligamento suspensório (IPLS). Uma dessas limitações é relacionada à composição desse ligamento que inclui fibras musculares e tecido adiposo intercalados entre as fibras ligamentares. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi descrever os aspectos ultrassonográficos (US), macroscópicos e histológicos da IPLS de membros torácicos (MT) e membros pélvicos (MP) de equinos da raça crioulo (CC). Foram selecionados 34 espécimes de MT (direito e esquerdo) e 10 espécimes de MP de equinos com idade média de 5,7 anos, que vieram a óbito por diferentes causas, oriundos de uma clínica privada ou destinados ao Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da UFSM. Não havia histórico prévio de claudicações nos membros selecionados que pudessem estar relacionadas a lesões da IPLS. Os 34 espécimes da IPLS MT foram divididos pela raça CC (n=25) e Puro Sangue Inglês (PSI) (n=9), o qual serviu como grupo controle e, 11 espécimes da IPLS do MP divididos em raça CC (n=8) e PSI (n=3) também como grupo controle. O exame US foi realizado na IPLS com um aparelho Sonosite Edge, transdutor linear de 5-10 MHz, com imagens transversais e longitudinais palmaromedial e palmarolateral da face proximal do metacarpiano (MC) III, II e IV. No MP a avaliação foi realizada quatro centímetros abaixo da castanha no aspecto plantaromedial do metatarsiano III e II (MTIII / MTII). Foram também observadas à forma lobulada da IPLS e o tamanho em comparação ao membro contralateral, bem como a regularidade da superfície óssea palmar do MC III, II, IV. Posteriormente foi realizada a dissecação dos lobos IPLS, bem como a avaliação macroscópica dos mesmos que antecedeu o processamento das amostras para histologia. Em espécimes CC, a IPLS possui uma ecogenicidade que varia de zonas periféricas dorsais hiperecogênicas que se mesclam a zonas ecogênicas e hipoecogênicas onde ocorre a sua lobulação. Nas amostras do grupo PSI, a IPLS também é lobulada, mas com diferenças no padrão de ecogenicidade como, hipoecogenicidade e ecogenicidade difusas. Macroscopicamente, as amostras CC apresentaram uma grande quantidade de tecido adiposo que corresponde à zona periférica dorsal da IPLS, a qual termina no tecido conjuntivo que delimita os lobos ligamentares. Em uma secção transversal macroscópica da IPLS as fibras musculares em vermelho se mesclam as fibras ligamentares brancas no centro do ligamento. Este achado macroscópico não foi observado na raça PSI, onde as fibras musculares intercalam as fibras ligamentares em toda a extensão do ligamento e pequenas quantidades de gordura estão presentes na periferia dorsal do mesmo. A IPLS no MP possui um formato triangular com características de ecogenicidade muito similares as citadas no MT. Na avaliação US, macroscópica e histológica as amostras da IPLS em MT e MP de equinos na raça CC demonstraram uma maior quantidade de tecido adiposo dorsal periférico bem como, uma maior quantidade de fibras musculares e ligamentares mescladas em comparação às amostras PSI.(AU)

Animais , Ultrassonografia/classificação , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Ligamentos/diagnóstico por imagem
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(5): 355-363, mai. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23754


Although ultrasound (US) is a routine diagnostic modality, it still presents limitations for the diagnosis of lesions such as those in the proximal insertion of the suspensory ligament (PISL) because of its composition, which includes muscle fibers and adipose tissue interspersed with the ligament fibers. The objective of the present study was to describe the ultrasonographic, macroscopic and histological aspects of the PISL of thoracic limbs (TL) and pelvic limbs (PL) in Crioulo horses (CH). We selected 34 specimens of TL (right and left) and 10 specimens of PL of horses with a mean age of 5.7 years, from a private clinic or sent to the Department of Veterinary Pathology of UFSM, which died from different causes. The animals had no previous history of lameness in selected limbs associated with PISL injuries. The 34 specimens of PISL of TL were divided into CH (n=25) and Thoroughbred horses (TBH) (n=9), which composed the control group, and 11 specimens of PISL of PL were divided into CH (n=8) and TBH (n=3), which also served as control. The US examination was performed in the PISL using a Sonosite Edge device, 5-10 MHz linear transducer, with cross-sectional and longitudinal palmaromedial and palmarolateral images of the proximal surface of metacarpus III, II and IV (MCIII/MCII/MCIV). In PL, the evaluation was performed four centimeters below the chestnut in the plantaromedial aspect of metatarsus III and II (MTIII/MTII). PISL lobulated shape and size were compared with those of the contralateral limb, as well as the regularity of the palmar bone surface of MC III, II and IV. Subsequently, dissection of the PISL lobes was performed, as well as its macroscopic evaluation, which preceded the histological processing of the samples. In specimens of the CH breed, PISL showed echogenicity varying from peripheral dorsal hyperechogenic zones that merge into echogenic and hypoechogenic zones, where lobulation occurs. In the samples from the TBH group, PISL was also lobulated, but with differences in the echogenicity pattern such as diffuse hypoechogenicity and echogenicity. Macroscopically, CH samples presented a large amount of adipose tissue that corresponds to the dorsal peripheral zone of PISL, which ends in the connective tissue that delimits the ligamentous lobes. On a macroscopic cross-section of PISL, muscle fibers in red are mixed with white ligament fibers in the center of the ligament. This macroscopic finding was not observed in TBH samples, in which muscle fibers overlap ligament fibers throughout the ligament extension and a small amount of fat is present in the dorsal periphery of the ligament. PISL of PL had a triangular shape with echogenicity characteristics very similar to those observed in TL.(AU)

Embora uma modalidade diagnóstica rotineira, a ultrassonografia ainda possui algumas limitações para o diagnóstico de lesões como as que afetam a inserção proximal do ligamento suspensório (IPLS). Uma dessas limitações é relacionada à composição desse ligamento que inclui fibras musculares e tecido adiposo intercalados entre as fibras ligamentares. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi descrever os aspectos ultrassonográficos (US), macroscópicos e histológicos da IPLS de membros torácicos (MT) e membros pélvicos (MP) de equinos da raça crioulo (CC). Foram selecionados 34 espécimes de MT (direito e esquerdo) e 10 espécimes de MP de equinos com idade média de 5,7 anos, que vieram a óbito por diferentes causas, oriundos de uma clínica privada ou destinados ao Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da UFSM. Não havia histórico prévio de claudicações nos membros selecionados que pudessem estar relacionadas a lesões da IPLS. Os 34 espécimes da IPLS MT foram divididos pela raça CC (n=25) e Puro Sangue Inglês (PSI) (n=9), o qual serviu como grupo controle e, 11 espécimes da IPLS do MP divididos em raça CC (n=8) e PSI (n=3) também como grupo controle. O exame US foi realizado na IPLS com um aparelho Sonosite Edge, transdutor linear de 5-10 MHz, com imagens transversais e longitudinais palmaromedial e palmarolateral da face proximal do metacarpiano (MC) III, II e IV. No MP a avaliação foi realizada quatro centímetros abaixo da castanha no aspecto plantaromedial do metatarsiano III e II (MTIII / MTII). Foram também observadas à forma lobulada da IPLS e o tamanho em comparação ao membro contralateral, bem como a regularidade da superfície óssea palmar do MC III, II, IV. Posteriormente foi realizada a dissecação dos lobos IPLS, bem como a avaliação macroscópica dos mesmos que antecedeu o processamento das amostras para histologia. Em espécimes CC, a IPLS possui uma ecogenicidade que varia de zonas periféricas dorsais hiperecogênicas que se mesclam a zonas ecogênicas e hipoecogênicas onde ocorre a sua lobulação. Nas amostras do grupo PSI, a IPLS também é lobulada, mas com diferenças no padrão de ecogenicidade como, hipoecogenicidade e ecogenicidade difusas. Macroscopicamente, as amostras CC apresentaram uma grande quantidade de tecido adiposo que corresponde à zona periférica dorsal da IPLS, a qual termina no tecido conjuntivo que delimita os lobos ligamentares. Em uma secção transversal macroscópica da IPLS as fibras musculares em vermelho se mesclam as fibras ligamentares brancas no centro do ligamento. Este achado macroscópico não foi observado na raça PSI, onde as fibras musculares intercalam as fibras ligamentares em toda a extensão do ligamento e pequenas quantidades de gordura estão presentes na periferia dorsal do mesmo.(AU)

Animais , Ultrassonografia/classificação , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Ligamentos/diagnóstico por imagem
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46: Pub.1612-2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457903


Background: The injury repair process in tendons and ligaments includes different phases such as inflammation, neovascularization, fibroblast proliferation and fibrosis. Collagen type and tissue characteristics of tendon and ligament repair are described such as type collagen differentiation and properties of the scars tissue. The degeneration of articular cartilage when, characterized by loss of the articular layers associated of the decreased of proteoglycans. The aim of this study is to describe by histochemistry techniques the characteristics of tissue scar, collagen type in the repair process of tendons and ligaments, as well as articular cartilage degeneration.Materials, Methods & Results: Tissue samples of equine tendons, ligaments and articular cartilage of the metacarpophalangeal joint region were evaluated by ultrasonography, macroscopically and prepared for routine histopathology (H&E staining). The inclusion criterion of the samples in this study was based on the presence of lesions characterized in H&E stain as fibroplasia, neovascularization, collagenolysis, chondroid metaplasia in tendons and ligaments and fibrillation and cartilaginous eburnation lesions in the articular cartilage samples. The Masson’s trichrome, Picrosirius red and Alcian blue staining techniques were also performed in addition to H&E. Pathologic findings in the tendons and ligaments included fibroplasia, collagenolysis, chondroid metaplasia and lymphohistioplasmacytic inflammation. Tendons and ligaments scars were composed of type III collagen but there was also some type I collagen. Fiber alignment of tendons and ligaments in the reorganization tissue was not flawless and the fiber appearance was characterized by a lack of the fiber crimp and parallelism. The fibroplasia was characterized by endotendinous tickening areas associated with the presence of loose connective tissue.[...]

Animais , Cartilagem Articular/anatomia & histologia , Cartilagem Articular/química , Cavalos , Ligamentos/anatomia & histologia , Ligamentos/química , Tendões/anatomia & histologia , Tendões/química , Técnicas Histológicas/métodos
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46: Pub. 1612, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738784


Background: The injury repair process in tendons and ligaments includes different phases such as inflammation, neovascularization, fibroblast proliferation and fibrosis. Collagen type and tissue characteristics of tendon and ligament repair are described such as type collagen differentiation and properties of the scars tissue. The degeneration of articular cartilage when, characterized by loss of the articular layers associated of the decreased of proteoglycans. The aim of this study is to describe by histochemistry techniques the characteristics of tissue scar, collagen type in the repair process of tendons and ligaments, as well as articular cartilage degeneration.Materials, Methods & Results: Tissue samples of equine tendons, ligaments and articular cartilage of the metacarpophalangeal joint region were evaluated by ultrasonography, macroscopically and prepared for routine histopathology (H&E staining). The inclusion criterion of the samples in this study was based on the presence of lesions characterized in H&E stain as fibroplasia, neovascularization, collagenolysis, chondroid metaplasia in tendons and ligaments and fibrillation and cartilaginous eburnation lesions in the articular cartilage samples. The Massons trichrome, Picrosirius red and Alcian blue staining techniques were also performed in addition to H&E. Pathologic findings in the tendons and ligaments included fibroplasia, collagenolysis, chondroid metaplasia and lymphohistioplasmacytic inflammation. Tendons and ligaments scars were composed of type III collagen but there was also some type I collagen. Fiber alignment of tendons and ligaments in the reorganization tissue was not flawless and the fiber appearance was characterized by a lack of the fiber crimp and parallelism. The fibroplasia was characterized by endotendinous tickening areas associated with the presence of loose connective tissue.[...](AU)

Animais , Cavalos , Tendões/anatomia & histologia , Tendões/química , Ligamentos/anatomia & histologia , Ligamentos/química , Cartilagem Articular/anatomia & histologia , Cartilagem Articular/química , Técnicas Histológicas/métodos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(10): 1165-1171, out. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895350


O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever e caracterizar as estruturas que compõem a articulação metacarpofalangena equina por meio de análise ultrassonográfica, anatômica e histológica. Membros torácicos equinos (=70), obtidos em instalações frigoríficas, foram submetidos a exame ultrassonográfico post mortem. Destes, 30 membros apresentaram imagens ultrassonográficas consideradas sem alterações. Posteriormente foi realizada a dissecação dos mesmos e o estudo anátomo-histológico. Critérios como tamanho, forma, arquitetura e ecogenicidade foram observados a fim de caracterizar as imagens ultrassonográficas, anatômicas e histológicas normais das estruturas ligamentares, tendíneas, capsulares e cartilaginosas da articulação metacarpofalangeana equina.(AU)

The purpose of this study was to describe and characterize the equine metacarpophalangeal joint structures through ultrasonographic, anatomical and histological analysis. Seventy forelimb specimens were obtained from a slaughterhouse and submitted to ultrasonographic evaluation. Thirty specimens without ultrasonographic detectable lesions were selected for dissection and subsequent anatomical and histological evaluation. Criteria such as size, shape, architecture and echogenicity were observed in order to characterize normal ligaments, tendons, joint capsule and articular cartilage of the metacarpophalangeal joint.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Articulação Metacarpofalângica , Articulação Metacarpofalângica/diagnóstico por imagem
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(10): 1165-1171, out. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19323


O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever e caracterizar as estruturas que compõem a articulação metacarpofalangena equina por meio de análise ultrassonográfica, anatômica e histológica. Membros torácicos equinos (=70), obtidos em instalações frigoríficas, foram submetidos a exame ultrassonográfico post mortem. Destes, 30 membros apresentaram imagens ultrassonográficas consideradas sem alterações. Posteriormente foi realizada a dissecação dos mesmos e o estudo anátomo-histológico. Critérios como tamanho, forma, arquitetura e ecogenicidade foram observados a fim de caracterizar as imagens ultrassonográficas, anatômicas e histológicas normais das estruturas ligamentares, tendíneas, capsulares e cartilaginosas da articulação metacarpofalangeana equina.(AU)

The purpose of this study was to describe and characterize the equine metacarpophalangeal joint structures through ultrasonographic, anatomical and histological analysis. Seventy forelimb specimens were obtained from a slaughterhouse and submitted to ultrasonographic evaluation. Thirty specimens without ultrasonographic detectable lesions were selected for dissection and subsequent anatomical and histological evaluation. Criteria such as size, shape, architecture and echogenicity were observed in order to characterize normal ligaments, tendons, joint capsule and articular cartilage of the metacarpophalangeal joint.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Articulação Metacarpofalângica , Articulação Metacarpofalângica/diagnóstico por imagem