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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(12): 2289-2292, dez. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976418


The objective of this study was to determine the biochemical profile of dairy cows with induced lactation. For comparison, another group of normally calved cows was used as control. Lactation was induced in multiparous Holstein cows (n=10) with two norgestomet implants (3mg each implant) on day 1. The testing continued with intramuscular norgestomet (3mg/animal) on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15. On days 1, 9, 16 to 18 and then every 14 days, bSTr (500mg/animal) was added. On day 16, the intravaginal implant was removed and intramuscular prostaglandin F2α (0.530mg/animal) and intramuscular estradiol benzoate (5mg/animal) were added. On days 16 to 18 dexamethasone (10mg/animal) was added, and from days 18 to 20 intramuscular metoclopramide (100mg/animal) was added. Milking began on day 19 of the induction. Blood was collected for a biochemical profile after 21 days in milk. It was found that urea and triglyceride concentrations were significantly higher in the induced cows (P<0.05). Therefore, it was concluded that the animals that had lactation induced did not present disorders related to the biochemical profile indicating that the hepatic function, renal function and lipidogram of the animals were not affected by the use of the drugs to induce lactation.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o perfil bioquímico de vacas leiteiras com submetidas a indução de lactação. Para comparação, outro grupo de vacas que apresentaram parto normal foi usado como controle. A lactação foi induzida em vacas Holandesas (n=10) utilizando dois implantes de norgestomet (3mg cada implante) no dia 1. O protocolo continuou com a aplicação de norgestomet intramuscular (3mg / animal) nos dias 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 e 15. Nos dias 1, 9, 16 a 18 e depois a cada 14 dias, foi adicionado bSTr (500mg / animal). No dia 16, o implante intravaginal foi removido e adicionou-se prostaglandina F2a intramuscular (0,530 mg / animal) e benzoato de estradiol intramuscular (5mg / animal). Nos dias 16 a 18 foi adicionada dexametasona (10mg / animal) e dos dias 18 a 20 foi adicionada metoclopramida intramuscular (100 mg / animal). A ordenha começou no dia 19 da indução. O sangue foi coletado para mensuração do perfil bioquímico após 21 em leite. Verificou-se que as concentrações de ureia e triglicérides foram significativamente maiores nas vacas induzidas (P<0,05). Portanto, concluiu-se que os animais que tiveram a lactação induzida não apresentaram distúrbios relacionados ao perfil bioquímico, indicando que a função hepática, a função renal e o lipidograma dos animais não foram afetados pelo uso das drogas para induzir a lactação.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Lactação/efeitos dos fármacos , Bovinos/metabolismo , Biomarcadores
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(12): 2289-2292, dez. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22407


The objective of this study was to determine the biochemical profile of dairy cows with induced lactation. For comparison, another group of normally calved cows was used as control. Lactation was induced in multiparous Holstein cows (n=10) with two norgestomet implants (3mg each implant) on day 1. The testing continued with intramuscular norgestomet (3mg/animal) on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15. On days 1, 9, 16 to 18 and then every 14 days, bSTr (500mg/animal) was added. On day 16, the intravaginal implant was removed and intramuscular prostaglandin F2α (0.530mg/animal) and intramuscular estradiol benzoate (5mg/animal) were added. On days 16 to 18 dexamethasone (10mg/animal) was added, and from days 18 to 20 intramuscular metoclopramide (100mg/animal) was added. Milking began on day 19 of the induction. Blood was collected for a biochemical profile after 21 days in milk. It was found that urea and triglyceride concentrations were significantly higher in the induced cows (P<0.05). Therefore, it was concluded that the animals that had lactation induced did not present disorders related to the biochemical profile indicating that the hepatic function, renal function and lipidogram of the animals were not affected by the use of the drugs to induce lactation.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o perfil bioquímico de vacas leiteiras com submetidas a indução de lactação. Para comparação, outro grupo de vacas que apresentaram parto normal foi usado como controle. A lactação foi induzida em vacas Holandesas (n=10) utilizando dois implantes de norgestomet (3mg cada implante) no dia 1. O protocolo continuou com a aplicação de norgestomet intramuscular (3mg / animal) nos dias 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 e 15. Nos dias 1, 9, 16 a 18 e depois a cada 14 dias, foi adicionado bSTr (500mg / animal). No dia 16, o implante intravaginal foi removido e adicionou-se prostaglandina F2a intramuscular (0,530 mg / animal) e benzoato de estradiol intramuscular (5mg / animal). Nos dias 16 a 18 foi adicionada dexametasona (10mg / animal) e dos dias 18 a 20 foi adicionada metoclopramida intramuscular (100 mg / animal). A ordenha começou no dia 19 da indução. O sangue foi coletado para mensuração do perfil bioquímico após 21 em leite. Verificou-se que as concentrações de ureia e triglicérides foram significativamente maiores nas vacas induzidas (P<0,05). Portanto, concluiu-se que os animais que tiveram a lactação induzida não apresentaram distúrbios relacionados ao perfil bioquímico, indicando que a função hepática, a função renal e o lipidograma dos animais não foram afetados pelo uso das drogas para induzir a lactação.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Lactação/efeitos dos fármacos , Bovinos/metabolismo , Biomarcadores
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 34(3): 199-204, mar. 2014. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-10445


In order to characterize the anemia and its impact over the white blood cell count (WBC) due to gastrointestinal parasitism, cells blood count (CBC) of 96 adult Saanen goats were performed. Fifty-seven of these goats were anemic. The disease diagnosis was based on the characteristic signals of gastrointestinal parasitism (whitened conjunctival mucous, submandibular edema, loss of weight and bristling hair coat), confirmed by the presence of Trichostrongyloidea eggs in the stool test. The blood samples were collected from the jugular vein using an EDTA siliconized tubes with vacuum. Erythrocyte counts, packed cell volume, hemoglobin concentration, blood indices (MCV, MCH and MCHC), total leukocyte counts, and differential leukocyte count were performed. The goats were divided into four groups based on the magnitude of packed cell volume decrease: (1) goats without anemia, (2) mild anemia, (3) moderate anemia, and (4) severe anemia. Normocytic and normochromic anemia were observed in animals with mild to moderate anemia, while in animals with severe anemia (decreased more than half of normal values of He, Ht, Hb) hypochromic and normocytic anemia was observed. The total number of leukocytes did not change, while the anemic state due to gastrointestinal parasitism determined neutrophilia without a left shift, monocytosis and lymphopenia absolute. It was observed a change of the pattern leukocyte count, which becoming mostly neutrophilic. This reversal was more pronounced as the anemic process became more intense.(AU)

Com o intuito de caracterizar a anemia decorrente da verminose gastrintestinal e avaliar as alterações no leucograma, foram realizadas hemogramas de 96 caprinos da raça Saanen adultos, sendo que 57 destes estavam anêmicos. O diagnóstico da enfermidade foi realizado pelos sintomas característicos da doença como mucosas conjuntival esbranquiçadas, edema submandibular, emagrecimento e pelame arrepiado, confirmados por exame de fezes no qual se detectou a presença de ovos da superfamília Trichostrongyloidea. As amostras de sangue foram colhidas por punção da veia jugular, utilizando-se o EDTA como anticoagulante. Realizaram-se as seguintes provas: contagem do numero de hemácias, determinação do volume globular, dosagem de hemoglobina, cálculo dos índices hematimétricos (VCM, HCM e CHCM), contagem do número total de leucócitos e a contagem diferencial de leucócitos, efetuada em esfregaços sanguíneos, corados pelo método de Rosenfeld. Os animais foram divididos em grupos, baseado na magnitude da diminuição do volume globular, (1) animais sem anemia, (2) anemia de grau leve, (3) anemia moderada e (4) anemia intensa. Nos processos anêmicos leves ou moderados a anemia era do tipo normocítico e normocrômico, enquanto nos animais com anemia intensa (diminuição maior que metade dos valores normais de He, Ht, Hb) observou-se anemia do tipo normocítico e hipocrômico. O estado anêmico decorrente da verminose gastrintestinal determinou normoleucocitemia, neutrofilia sem desvio a esquerda, monocitose e linfopenia absoluta. Observou-se inversão do padrão leucocitário, que passou de linfocitário para neutrofílico. Essa inversão acentuou-se à medida que a gravidade da anemia verminótica tornava-se mais intensa.(AU)

Animais , Ruminantes/parasitologia , Índices de Eritrócitos/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Linfopenia/veterinária , Haemonchus/isolamento & purificação , Helmintíase Animal
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 33(1): 119-125, jan. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-8085


Para avaliar as proteínas do soro lácteo durante a lactação, o soro obtido a partir de 48 amostras de leite coletadas de 12 vacas da raça Jersey antes da ordenha foi estudado. Os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos: terço inicial (30-120 dias de lactação), terço médio (121-210 dias de lactação) e terço final da lactação (mais de 211 dias de lactação). O proteinograma consistiu da concentração de proteína total do soro lácteo, determinado pelo método de biureto e da eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (SDS-PAGE). A diminuição gradual e significativa de algumas frações do soro de leite foi observada durante a lactação, albumina, lactoferrina, imunoglobulinas, β-lactoglobulina e α-lactoalbumina. Os valores de normalidade obtidos para as proteínas do soro do leite de vacas Jersey foram: proteína total do soro de leite 569,0-713,0mg/dL, lactoferrina 36,0-49,0mg/dL, albumina 24,0-34.0mg/dL, cadeia pesada de imunoglobulina 38,0-51,0 mg/dL; cadeia leve de imunoglobulina 59,0-95,0mg/dL, β-lactoglobulina 207,0-256,0mg/dL, α-lactoalbumina 117,0-157,0mg/dL, proteína com 226 KDa 5,80-12.0mg/dL, e proteína com 118 kDa 2,30-6.80mg/dL.(AU)

To evaluate the whey proteins during the lactation, whey obtained from 48 milk samples collected from 12 Jersey cows before milking were studied. Cows were distributed into three groups as follows: early (30-120 days), middle (121-210 days) and end of lactation (more than 211 days). The proteinogram consisted of total proteins concentration determined by biuret method and polyacrymalide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). A gradual and significant decrease of some fractions of the whey was observed during the lactation cycle albumin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, β-lactoglobulin and α -lactoalbumin. The normal ranges obtained for the whey proteins of Jersey cows were: whey total proteins 569.0 to 713.0mg/dL, lactoferrin 36.0 to 49.0mg/dL, albumin 24.0 to 34.0mg/dL, immunoglobulin's heavy chain 38.0 and 51.0mg/dL; immunoglobulin's light chain 59.0 to 95.0mg/dL, β-lactoglobulin 207.0 to 256.0mg/dL, α-lactoalbumin 117.0 to 157.0mg/dL; protein with 226 KDa 5.80 to 12.0mg/dL, and protein with 118 KDa 2.30 to 6.80mg/dL.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/metabolismo , Leite/enzimologia , Proteínas/análise , Albuminas/análise , Imunoglobulinas/análise , Lactação/metabolismo , Inflamação/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 33(12): 1478-1482, Dec. 2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-9993


The purpose of this study was to establish normal reference electrocardiographic (ECG) values for standard limb lead II in Saanen goats. For this, were used 19 healthy adult female Saanen goats. And for reference values for the ECG parameters, were used 95% confidence level. The overall P, Q, R, S and T durations (seconds) were 0.03±0.01, 0.02±0.005, 0.03±0.014, 0.03±0.011, 0.06±0.014 respectively, and the reference values were 0.01-0.04, 0.01-0.02, 0.01-0.06, 0.02-0.04 and 0.04-0.08 respectively. The amplitudes (milivolts) of these waveforms were 0.1±0.031, 0.06±0.023, 0.44±0.312, 0.39±0.434, 0.26±0.164 (T negative) and 0.15±0.071 (T positive), respectively. The reference values were 0.05-0.15, 0.05-0.1, 0.05-1.2, 0.05-1.1 and -0.2-0.7 respectively. The PR and QT interval, the QRS complex and the ST segment durations (seconds) were 0.08±0.018, 0.26±0.03, 0.05±0.008, 0.15±0.041 respectively. The reference values were 0.06-0.12, 0.2-0.32, 0.04-0.07 and 0.11-0.26, respectively. It was possible to observe differences in ECG of Saanen goats regarding the amplitude and duration of the constituents when compared to the results of other breeds. Therefore it is necessary to conduct further studies to allow comparisons, detect and diagnose cardiac arrhythmias and help the development of therapies. (AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi de estabelecer os valores de referência para o eletrocardiograma normal de derivação II de cabras Saanen sadias. As durações totais (segundos) das amplitudes de P, Q, R, S e T foram 0.03±0.01, 0.02±0.005, 0.03±0.014, 0.03±0.011, 0.06±0.014, respectivamente, e os valores de referência foram 0.01-0.04, 0.01-0.02, 0.01-0.06, 0.02-0.04 e 0.04-0.08, respectivamente. As amplitudes (milivolts) dessas formas de onda foram 0.1±0.031, 0.06±0.023, 0.44±0.312, 0.39±0.434, 0.26±0.164 (T negativo) e 0.15±0.071 (T positivo), respectivamente. Os valores de referência foram 0.05-0.15, 0.05-0.1, 0.05-1.2, 0.05-1.1 e -0.2-0.7, respectivamente. As durações (segundos) dos intervalos PR e QT, do complexo QRS e do segmento ST foram 0.08±0.018, 0.26±0.03, 0.05±0.008, 0.15±0.041, respectivamente. Os valores de referência foram 0.06-0.12, 0.2-0.32, 0.04-0.07, e 0.11-0.26, respectivamente. Foi possível observar diferenças em relação à duração e amplitude dos constituintes do ECG quando comparados com os resultados de outras raças. Portanto, torna-se necessário a realização de mais estudos para se permitir comparações, detectar e diagnosticar arritmias cardíacas bem como auxiliar no desenvolvimento de terapias. (AU)

Animais , Cabras/anatomia & histologia , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Padrões de Referência
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 32(4): 357-360, abr. 2012. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-1746


Com a finalidade de estabelecer valores de referência e de avaliar a influência do fator etário sobre o eritrograma de bezerras sadias, da raça Holandesa, utilizaram-se amostras de sangue de 300 animais, distribuídos por 15 grupos experimentais, de acordo com a idade, no primeiro mês de vida. As variações dos valores médios obtidos para os componentes do eritrograma foram as seguintes: número de hemácias (x10(6)/mm³) = 6,68-7,60, volume globular (%) = 29,80-33,35, taxa de hemoglobina (g/dl) = 9,00-10,43, volume corpuscular médio (fl) = 38,93 47,68, hemoglobina corpuscular média (pg) = 11,75-14,69, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (%) = 29,53-31,63% e número de reticulócitos (x10³/mm³) = 0,00-11,86. A influência do fator etário provou-se significativa para o volume corpuscular médio, hemoglobina corpuscular média e número de reticulócitos.(AU)

In order to establish reference values, and to assess the influence of the age factor on the erytrogram of healthy Holstein calves, blood samples from 300 animals were used, spread over 15 experimental groups, according to age, in the first month of life. Variations of the average values for the components of erytrogram were as follows: number of red blood cells (x10(6)/mm³) = 6.68-7.60, packed cell volume (%) = 29.80-33.35, hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) = 9.00-10.43, mean corpuscular volume (fl) = 38.93-47.68, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (pg) = 11.75-14.69, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (%) = 29.53-31.63% and number of reticulocytes (x10³/mm³) = 0.00-11.86. The influence of the age factor proved to be significant for the mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and the number of reticulocytes.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Índices de Eritrócitos/veterinária , Hemoglobinas/análise , Distribuição por Idade , Padrões de Referência , Análise de Variância , Eritrócitos , Colostro/imunologia
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 2(1): 3-7, 2009. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435530


Bovine eurytrematosis in Brazil is induced by Eurytrema coelomaticum and is endemic in some Brazilian States. The pathology of the disease is not fully understood and there are few descriptions of the histopathological associated lesions. This study analyzed the histopathological patterns of 117 bovine pancreatic samples obtained randomly. Samples were collected during one year from the municipal slaughterhouse of Campo Mourão, Paraná, Brazil, during routine meat inspection; this location is endemic for bovine eurytrematosis. Five predefined histopathological patterns were analyzed. Differences between the types of lesions were analyzed statistically. The pancreas of 11.97% (14/117) animals normal; 31.62% (37/117) demonstrated initial proliferative periductal lesions; 17% (21/117) revealed severe proliferative periductal lesions; 21.37% (25/117) were characterized as chronic multifocal interstitial pancreatitis; while 17.09% (20/117) demonstrated chronic diffused interstitial pancreatitis. Statistically cases classified as initial proliferative interductal and chronic multifocal interstitial pancreatitis were the most frequently occurring lesions. The pathogenesis of lesions associated with this disease s also discussed.

Animais , Bovinos , Pâncreas/anatomia & histologia , Pâncreas/lesões , Dicrocoeliidae/parasitologia
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 2(2): 64-68, 2009. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435676


Forty seven mammary glands affected by indurative mastitis were analyzed in order to study parenchyma alterations caused by caprine arthritis encephalitis virus. The study was based on physical examination of the animals and physical-chemical characteristics of the milk. Diagnosis was based on physical examination, serological results, PCR of the milk and histopathology from the mammary tissue. Physical examination showed that indurative process affected the parenchyma of all animals. In many cases, there were nodules of different sizes. PCR detected the virus in the parenchyma and milk of many animals showing that mastitis was caused by a virus. Only 2.35% (47/2000) of the glands evaluated showed consistency alterations related to the virus. PH, chloride content and electroconductivity, as well as somatic cells counts, were greater in animals infected by CAE virus. Alterations in the consistency of the mammary parenchyma were observed in the 25 animals infected. Diameter of the nodules in the parenchyma of eight glands ranged from 1 to 3 cm. Retromammary lymphnodes were enlarged in 4 of 47 glands (8.5%). No clumps were observed in milk samples, but secretion had an aqueous appearance. From the 34 milk samples analyzed, 18/34 (52.9%) showed normal physical-chemical parameters; 9 showed one or two abnormal parameters, and 7 showed 3 or more abnormal parameters.

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/virologia , Vírus da Artrite-Encefalite Caprina/isolamento & purificação , Tecido Parenquimatoso/patologia , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/patologia , Mastite/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária