Background: Cutaneous lesions in horses are common, accounting for approximately 50% of all neoplasms of this species, and can cause irritability, pruritus and predispose to secondary infections. Studies have provided information of frequency of cutaneous neoplasms in horses, but few included non-neoplastic lesions. The aim of this study is to identify the frequency of cutaneous lesions in horses diagnosed in Southern Brazil, through a retrospective study and identification of the anatomic location of the lesion, the breed, gender and age of the animals affected. Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective study on skin lesions in horses using the database of the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory located in Southern Brazil was carried out from January 2000 to February 2013. Cases were searched for and selected by diagnosis, considering age, breed, gender, location and time of occurrence. The most common lesions included sarcoid, exuberant granulation tissue, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), pythiosis, habronemiasis, melanoma, papillomatosis and Culicoides hypersensitivity. The most affected age range for sarcoid was animals from 1 to 5 years of age and for SCC was over 15 years of age. There was a positive association between sarcoid occurrence and being female and between SCC and habronemiasis and being male. Sarcoid, exuberant granulation tissue, pythiosis and habronemiasis[...](AU)
Animais , Cavalos/lesões , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Sarcoidose/diagnóstico , Sarcoidose/veterinária , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Infecções por Spirurida/veterinária , Ceratopogonidae , PitioseResumo
Background: Cutaneous lesions in horses are common, accounting for approximately 50% of all neoplasms of this species, and can cause irritability, pruritus and predispose to secondary infections. Studies have provided information of frequency of cutaneous neoplasms in horses, but few included non-neoplastic lesions. The aim of this study is to identify the frequency of cutaneous lesions in horses diagnosed in Southern Brazil, through a retrospective study and identification of the anatomic location of the lesion, the breed, gender and age of the animals affected. Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective study on skin lesions in horses using the database of the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory located in Southern Brazil was carried out from January 2000 to February 2013. Cases were searched for and selected by diagnosis, considering age, breed, gender, location and time of occurrence. The most common lesions included sarcoid, exuberant granulation tissue, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), pythiosis, habronemiasis, melanoma, papillomatosis and Culicoides hypersensitivity. The most affected age range for sarcoid was animals from 1 to 5 years of age and for SCC was over 15 years of age. There was a positive association between sarcoid occurrence and being female and between SCC and habronemiasis and being male. Sarcoid, exuberant granulation tissue, pythiosis and habronemiasis[...]
Animais , Cavalos/lesões , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Infecções por Spirurida/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Sarcoidose/diagnóstico , Sarcoidose/veterinária , Ceratopogonidae , PitioseResumo
Choristomas are mature normal tissues in abnormal anatomical positions. Reports in domestic animals are uncommon to rare, usually restricted to cattle, with the proliferation of different tissues in various locations, such as subcutaneous tissue, thoracic cavity, retroperitoneal and ocular regions. No age range is predominantly affected, but there are more reports in young cattle. The Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul received a brainstem sample of a bull, Nelore breed, 5 years old, from the project of Supplementary Diagnostic Methods of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs). The animal presented recumbency at the time of slaughter; was alert, with a complete fracture to the right femur and without neurological signs. On gross examination, there was a white oval firm mass, located caudally to the left caudal colliculus, on the left cerebellar peduncle. In the microscopic examination, there was a well-demarcated area, unencapsulated and composed predominantly of connective tissue fibers (collagen). Immunohistochemical examination for glial fibrillary acidic protein was negative. Due to the gross and microscopic characteristics, a diagnosis of collagenous choristoma at the cerebellar peduncle was established, since the presence of collagen within the brain tissue itself is abnormal.(AU)
Coristomas são tecidos normais maduros e posições anatômicas anormais. Relatos em animais domésticos são incomuns a raros, restringindo-se geralmente à espécie bovina, com proliferação de diferentes tecidos em várias localizações, como tecido subcutâneo, cavidade torácica, região retroperitoneal e ocular. Não há uma faixa etária predominantemente afetada, porém há mais relatos em bovinos jovens. O Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul recebeu uma amostra de tronco encefálico de um bovino Nelore, macho, cinco anos de idade, vinculado ao projeto de Complementação de Métodos Diagnósticos de Encefalopatias Espongiformes Transmissíveis (EETs). O animal apresentava-se no momento do abate em decúbito; estava alerta, com uma fratura completa no fêmur direito e sem sinais neurológicos. No exame macroscópico, observou-se uma massa branca oval, firme, localizada caudalmente ao colículo caudal esquerdo, sobre o pedúnculo cerebelar esquerdo. No exame microscópico, observou-se uma área bem delimitada, não encapsulada, composta predominantemente por fibras de tecido conjuntivo fibroso (colágeno). O exame imuno-histoquímico para proteína ácida fibrilar glial foi negativo. Devido às características macroscópicas e microscópicas, o diagnóstico de coristoma colagenoso foi estabelecido, visto que a presença de colágeno no encéfalo é anormal.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Coristoma/veterinária , Pedúnculo Cerebral/patologiaResumo
Choristomas are mature normal tissues in abnormal anatomical positions. Reports in domestic animals are uncommon to rare, usually restricted to cattle, with the proliferation of different tissues in various locations, such as subcutaneous tissue, thoracic cavity, retroperitoneal and ocular regions. No age range is predominantly affected, but there are more reports in young cattle. The Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul received a brainstem sample of a bull, Nelore breed, 5 years old, from the project of Supplementary Diagnostic Methods of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs). The animal presented recumbency at the time of slaughter; was alert, with a complete fracture to the right femur and without neurological signs. On gross examination, there was a white oval firm mass, located caudally to the left caudal colliculus, on the left cerebellar peduncle. In the microscopic examination, there was a well-demarcated area, unencapsulated and composed predominantly of connective tissue fibers (collagen). Immunohistochemical examination for glial fibrillary acidic protein was negative. Due to the gross and microscopic characteristics, a diagnosis of collagenous choristoma at the cerebellar peduncle was established, since the presence of collagen within the brain tissue itself is abnormal.
Coristomas são tecidos normais maduros e posições anatômicas anormais. Relatos em animais domésticos são incomuns a raros, restringindo-se geralmente à espécie bovina, com proliferação de diferentes tecidos em várias localizações, como tecido subcutâneo, cavidade torácica, região retroperitoneal e ocular. Não há uma faixa etária predominantemente afetada, porém há mais relatos em bovinos jovens. O Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul recebeu uma amostra de tronco encefálico de um bovino Nelore, macho, cinco anos de idade, vinculado ao projeto de Complementação de Métodos Diagnósticos de Encefalopatias Espongiformes Transmissíveis (EETs). O animal apresentava-se no momento do abate em decúbito; estava alerta, com uma fratura completa no fêmur direito e sem sinais neurológicos. No exame macroscópico, observou-se uma massa branca oval, firme, localizada caudalmente ao colículo caudal esquerdo, sobre o pedúnculo cerebelar esquerdo. No exame microscópico, observou-se uma área bem delimitada, não encapsulada, composta predominantemente por fibras de tecido conjuntivo fibroso (colágeno). O exame imuno-histoquímico para proteína ácida fibrilar glial foi negativo. Devido às características macroscópicas e microscópicas, o diagnóstico de coristoma colagenoso foi estabelecido, visto que a presença de colágeno no encéfalo é anormal.
Animais , Bovinos , Coristoma/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos , Pedúnculo Cerebral/patologiaResumo
Background: Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) that affects sheep flocks and goat herds. The transfer of animals or groups of these between sheep farms is associated with increased numbers of infected animals and with the susceptibility or the resistance to natural or classical scrapie form. Although several aspects linked to the etiology of the natural form of this infection remain unclarified, the role of an important genetic control in scrapie incidence has been proposed. Polymorphisms of the PrP gene (prion protein, or simply prion), mainly in codons 136, 154, and 171, have been associated with the risk of scrapie.Case: One animal from a group of 292 sheep was diagnosed positive for scrapie in the municipality of Valparaíso, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The group was part of a flock of 811 free-range, mixed-breed Suffolk sheep of the two genders and ages between 2 and 7 years from different Brazilian regions. Blood was collected for genotyping (for codons 136, 141, 154 and 171), and the third lid and rectal mucosa were sampled for immunohistochemistry (IHC) for scrapie, from all 292 animals of the group. IHC revealed that seven (2.4%) animals were positive for the disease. Collection of samples was repeated for 90 animals, among which the seven individuals diagnosed positive and 83 other animals that had some degree of kinship with those. These 90 she...(AU)
Animais , Encefalopatias/diagnóstico , Encefalopatias/veterinária , Ovinos , Proteínas Priônicas/genética , Haplótipos , Doenças Priônicas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) that affects sheep flocks and goat herds. The transfer of animals or groups of these between sheep farms is associated with increased numbers of infected animals and with the susceptibility or the resistance to natural or classical scrapie form. Although several aspects linked to the etiology of the natural form of this infection remain unclarified, the role of an important genetic control in scrapie incidence has been proposed. Polymorphisms of the PrP gene (prion protein, or simply prion), mainly in codons 136, 154, and 171, have been associated with the risk of scrapie.Case: One animal from a group of 292 sheep was diagnosed positive for scrapie in the municipality of Valparaíso, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The group was part of a flock of 811 free-range, mixed-breed Suffolk sheep of the two genders and ages between 2 and 7 years from different Brazilian regions. Blood was collected for genotyping (for codons 136, 141, 154 and 171), and the third lid and rectal mucosa were sampled for immunohistochemistry (IHC) for scrapie, from all 292 animals of the group. IHC revealed that seven (2.4%) animals were positive for the disease. Collection of samples was repeated for 90 animals, among which the seven individuals diagnosed positive and 83 other animals that had some degree of kinship with those. These 90 she...
Animais , Encefalopatias/diagnóstico , Encefalopatias/veterinária , Haplótipos , Ovinos , Proteínas Priônicas/genética , Doenças Priônicas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Gastric dilatation volvulus syndrome (GDV) is an acute and severe disease affecting specially dogs of big breeds. It is a severe illness, which may have a high risk of death if not treated quickly. GDV consists in stomach acute dilatation and rotation, resulting in decrease of gastric and splenic infusion, in addition to the obstruction of abdominal venous return. The aim of this research was to analyze clinical pathological findings of dogs with GDV diagnosis in which necropsy was performed. Materials, Methods & Results: The necropsy records were reviewed from January 2001 to December 2011 to identify these cases. In the period, 4877 autopsies were performed by the Setor de Patologia Veterinária from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), being 55 cases (1.15%) of GDV. Four main breeds were identified: Fila Brasileiro (43.6%), Great Dane (12.7%), German Shepherd (10.9%) and Boxer (5.4%). Clinical signs such as bloating, lethargy and dyspnoea were reported. At necropsy, the findings that consisted with gastric alterations were stomach distention due to accumulation of gas, dark red mucosa, and rotations of 90° to 360° especially clockwise. Splenomegaly was observed in 96.36% of dogs and V-shaped spleen in 60%. There was compressive atelectasis in 38.18% of autopsies. The main histological findings in the stomach were characterized by congestion, hemorrhage and necrosis of the mucosa. In the spleen, congestion and necrosis of lymphoid follicles were found. Discussion: When GDV's casuistic is analyzed, our results were similar to other studies, with 0.7% and 2.5%. What is concerned about the breed and age of the animals affected is the high number of GDV in breeds such as Great Dane and German Shepherd. However, we also found high numbers of Fila Brasileiro, a Brazilian breed, that hasn't been mentioned in other studies about this illness before. Similar clinical signs were described by other authors, between them, vomit, a previous sign of acute GDV, which is expected as while there is a gastric rotation, gastric-oesophageal obstruction happens. However, vomit is described as GVD predisposing factor associated to aerophagia, and should be considered a previous sign to the dislocation. The observation of gastric clockwise rotation in most cases is described as the most frequent. Gastric pathologic findings are characteristics of a circulatory compromising due to the rotation, leading to ischemic areas and necrosis. Splenomegaly and the identification of the V-shaped spleen were commonly observed, because when GDV happens, the spleen follows the gastric displacement by the presence of the gastrosplenic ligament. These findings cause splenic congestion by obstruction of venous return, which may lead it to twist too. It is concluded that the GDV was responsible for a low number of necropsies, reaching large and giant breeds. The identification of a large number of Fila breed dogs suggests that this breed is predisposed to the GDV. The gastric lesions indicated circulatory injury by vascular obstruction due to the rotation. Lung compressive atelectasis occurs secondary to gastric distention, also, compression of the caudal vena cava and of the portal vein can occur, decreased venous return, less displacement of blood from the right ventricle to be oxygenated by the lungs leading to breathing recrudescence.
Animais , Cães , Volvo Gástrico/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/etiologia , Autopsia/veterinária , CãesResumo
Background: Chondrodysplasia is a congenital anomaly related to defects of the genes that control the chondrogenesis. This anomaly is described in many breeds of cattle and consanguineous matings increases the likelihood of developing defective traits. There are three distinct syndromes known: Dexter, Telemark and Brachycephalic type. The chondrodysplasia Dexter type syndrome is associated to an incompletely dominant gene, which occurs in Dexter and Holstein breeds more frequently, yet Charolais and Jersey can also be affected. There are three recognized phenotypes in this form of disease: severe achondroplasia, with abortion before the seventh month of gestation (monster Dexter), when related to dominant homozygous; chondrodisplasia with limbs shortening, when heterozygous; and normal animals, when recessive homozygous. The objective of this paper is to describe Dexter chondrodysplasia observed in two bovine fetuses examined by the Setor de Patologia Veterinária from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS). Case: The necropsy of two aborted bovine calves was performed by the SPV-UFRGS. The Fetus 1 did not have data, neither clinical history. The Fetus 2, a Jersey breed calf, was in the last third of gestation and came from a property with Jersey and mini-Jersey herd. Natural mating was used for reproduction, with only one bull. Macroscopic alterations observed in both fetuses were characterized by shortened limbs, rounded and disproportionate skull, short snout, undershot jaw, tongue protrusion and abdominal hernia with eventration. In the second fetus was also observed spina bifida and palatoschisis. Microscopically, in both fetuses were observed extensive areas of immature cartilage, chondrocytes of the femur's bone tissue were not organized in recognizable growth plates, the metaphysis was markedly shortened and consisted in short bone trabeculae with occasional cartilage isles. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) to detect bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) was negative. Discussion: The macroscopic and microscopic alterations in both fetuses were compatible with chondrodysplasia "monster Dexter" type. Such alterations, associated with dominant homozygotes, are due to defective endochondral ossifi cation with little growth in the length of long bones, meanwhile intramembranous ossification beneath the periosteum keeps growing and contributing to the abnormal volume and growth of the bones. Such difference is clearly observed when the size of the head is compared with the rest of the body. As the skull bones depends basically on intramembranous ossification, they are generally bigger than the rest of the body. The negative result of IHC to BVDV shows that this agent, known as the cause of congenital malformation did not have association with the anomalies observed. According to other researchers, this low frequency of viral agents as responsible for congenital anomalies was observed previously in cattle from the south of Brazil. Although Dexter chondrodysplasia can be considered of occasional occurrence, it can be responsible for considerable damage. As an abnormality with hereditary nature and consanguinity is the main reason to its occurrence, prevention is the main method to be adopted by the producer to avoid bigger loses.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Doenças do Desenvolvimento Ósseo/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos/genética , Exostose Múltipla Hereditária/veterinária , Condrogênese/genética , Aborto AnimalResumo
Background: Congenital anomalies are structural and functional abnormalities that are present at birth, and they are frequently the result of environmental or genetic factors or both. Their etiology may also be related to infectious agents, such as viruses, hereditary factors, or the ingestion of toxic plants or chemical agents. Congenital anomalies usually occur sporadically, but they also can occur as outbreaks. The objective of this paper is to describe the multiple congenital malformations observed in an aborted bovine fetus. Case: A bovine fetus was sent to Laboratory Veterinary Pathology UFRGS for necropsy, histological analysis and complementary exams such as bacteriology, direct immunofluorescence for Leptospira sp. and immunohistochemistry for bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). The fetus presented multiple congenital alterations, such as dextraposition of the aorta and absence of the pulmonary artery, tracheal stenosis, a hypoplastic lung, multiple heart defects, arthrogryposis, osteopetrosis, and the absence of the middle phalanx and accessory digits in the forelimbs. Furthermore, dystocia and enlargement of the liver were observed, the organ showed irregular surface, firm consistency and nodular formation. A histological exam verified the accentuated hepatic periportal fibrosis. All complementary exams were negative. Discussion: Congenital anomalies can affect only one organ or can be multisystemic due to a malformation of one part of the body leading to the loss of another. Arthrogryposis can delay delivery, and signs of dystocia may be present in the resulting fetus. The etiology of arthrogryposis is difficult to determine, and even studies that were previously performed in ruminants have failed to identify a specific agent. Osteopetrosis, which was also observed, is a congenital skeletal anomaly caused by the failed resorption of cartilage and endochondral bone, and it has been associated with intrauterine BVDV infections, can also be associated with autosomal recessive genes in the Angus bovine breed. Congenital heart defects are relatively rare in cattle. Ventricular sept defects and transposition of the great vessels are two of the most common cardiovascular anomalies in bovines, and they can occur individually or in association with other heart defects. Generally, these malformations are linked to genetic factors. In this study, the animal presented with several conformational heart defects that resulted in embryonic development alterations in its structure or that resulted in progressive heart failure. Blood flow changes caused by an anatomic defect can significantly influence the structural and functional development of the circulation, resulting in secondary alterations. In this case, the primary defect is hard to determine, but the observed bilateral pulmonary hypoplasia may be the consequence of a blood flow decrease to the lungs because the pulmonary artery was absent. Pulmonary hypoplasia is defined as the incomplete development of the lungs, reducing the number of divisions of the bronchial tree and the associated alveoli. Many causes of pulmonary hypoplasia have been described in human beings and animals, such as chest abnormalities, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, chromosome anomalies, musculoskeletal disorders and heart failure. The accentuated hepatic fibrosis observed in this study, which was predominantly periportal, correlated with congestive heart failure due to the cardiac and pulmonary malformation observed in the fetus, which would have altered the systemic blood flow. It is suggested that the studied case is a congenital malformation of sporadic origin, characterized by multiple deformities associated with unknown genetic factors.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Bovinos/anormalidades , Doenças dos Bovinos/congênito , Aborto AnimalResumo
Background: Wild boar population is present worldwide. Contact between wild boars and domestic pigs may occur occasionally, and several diseases, as well as the occurrence of opportunistic infections are observed in both species. Mycotic rhinitis and pneumonia were reported before in pig herds, mainly associated with immunosuppression caused by viral infection. This study reports the occurrence of mycotic rhinitis in two wild boars due to Aspergillus fumigatus, A. fl avus and Candida albicans, together with Pneumocystis sp. in the lungs, originating from a herd infected with PCV2. Cases: In a commercial wild boar herd, poor body condition, sneezing and diarrhea were observed. Three animals were euthanized and, in two of them, yellow and green plaque-like masses of fungal growth in the mucosal and in cartilage surface and accentuated atrophy of nasal turbinates were observed. Additionally, multifocal subcutaneous abscesses in the maxillary area and bilateral reddening of the ocular mucosa with muco-purulent discharge were noted. Microscopically, in fragments from the nasal cavity of the two affected wild pigs, massive ulceration of the mucosal surface and presence of hyphae with septations and dichotomous branching and pseudohyphae were observed. Multifocal moderated interstitial pneumonia and alveolar edema were the main histological lesions founded in the lungs of 3 animals. In the lymph nodes multifocal moderated lymphoid depletion and lymphohistiocytic infi ltrated was the main microscopical lesion. Aspergillus fumigatus, A. fl avus and Candida albicans were isolated in nasal cavity. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from the subcutaneous abscesses and Staphylococcus hyicus and Streptococcus equisimilis from ocular swab. Pneumocystis was detected in lungs from the three wild boars by nested PCR, Grocott´s staining and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) was detected in lungs by PCR. Virus detection by IHC was only confi rmed in one wild boar. Discussion: Diagnostic of mycotic rhinitis and pneumonia was based on macroscopical and microscopical fi ndings, as well as mycological analysis, IHC and Groccott ´s methenamine staining. Pneumocystis carinii, Aspergillus spp. and Candida spp. are considered as opportunistic fungal pathogens commonly associated with immunosuppression in animals and humans and have been found in lungs and in muco-cutaneous tissue of PMWS affected pigs. Clinically, immunodeficiency is usually associated with illness caused by organisms of low pathogenicity or well-know secondary pathogens, among other factors. Besides immunodefi ciency, prolonged antimicrobial therapy is another predisposing factor to the development of mycotic infections, well described in animals. In the present report, antimicrobial therapy was performed when respiratory signs were noted in therapeutic doses, suggesting that massive antibiotic use was not the trigger of mycotic rhinitis. PCV2 IHC result positive only in one wild pig, although all the samples were positive by PCR. This fi nding could indicate a subclinical infection or a recovery phase of the disease in the IHC negative cases, as previously suggested for domestic and wild pigs using in situ hybridization. PCV2 load in wild boar was lower when compared with domestic pigs. A viral load higher than 108 PCV2 genomes per 500 ng DNA was required to give a visible IHC staining in swine. Although quantitative PCR it was not used in order to detect PCV2 in the present report, the viral load could be another possible explanation for the IHC negative cases observed. The role of PCV2 as a cause of immunosupression, facilitating the infection with secondary agents as Aspergillus, Candida and Pneumocystis cannot be ruled out.(AU)
Animais , Sus scrofa/imunologia , Rinite/veterinária , Pneumonia/veterinária , Aspergillus flavus , Aspergillus fumigatus , Infecções por Pneumocystis/diagnóstico , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Background: Wild boar population is present worldwide. Contact between wild boars and domestic pigs may occur occasionally, and several diseases, as well as the occurrence of opportunistic infections are observed in both species. Mycotic rhinitis and pneumonia were reported before in pig herds, mainly associated with immunosuppression caused by viral infection. This study reports the occurrence of mycotic rhinitis in two wild boars due to Aspergillus fumigatus, A. fl avus and Candida albicans, together with Pneumocystis sp. in the lungs, originating from a herd infected with PCV2. Cases: In a commercial wild boar herd, poor body condition, sneezing and diarrhea were observed. Three animals were euthanized and, in two of them, yellow and green plaque-like masses of fungal growth in the mucosal and in cartilage surface and accentuated atrophy of nasal turbinates were observed. Additionally, multifocal subcutaneous abscesses in the maxillary area and bilateral reddening of the ocular mucosa with muco-purulent discharge were noted. Microscopically, in fragments from the nasal cavity of the two affected wild pigs, massive ulceration of the mucosal surface and presence of hyphae with septations and dichotomous branching and pseudohyphae were observed. Multifocal moderated interstitial pneumonia and alveolar edema were the main histological lesions founded in the lungs of 3 animals. In the lymph nodes multifocal moderated lymphoid depletion and lymphohistiocytic infi ltrated was the main microscopical lesion. Aspergillus fumigatus, A. fl avus and Candida albicans were isolated in nasal cavity. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from the subcutaneous abscesses and Staphylococcus hyicus and Streptococcus equisimilis from ocular swab. Pneumocystis was detected in lungs from the three wild boars by nested PCR, Grocott´s staining and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) was detected in lungs by PCR. Virus detection by IHC was only confi rmed in one wild boar. Discussion: Diagnostic of mycotic rhinitis and pneumonia was based on macroscopical and microscopical fi ndings, as well as mycological analysis, IHC and Groccott ´s methenamine staining. Pneumocystis carinii, Aspergillus spp. and Candida spp. are considered as opportunistic fungal pathogens commonly associated with immunosuppression in animals and humans and have been found in lungs and in muco-cutaneous tissue of PMWS affected pigs. Clinically, immunodeficiency is usually associated with illness caused by organisms of low pathogenicity or well-know secondary pathogens, among other factors. Besides immunodefi ciency, prolonged antimicrobial therapy is another predisposing factor to the development of mycotic infections, well described in animals. In the present report, antimicrobial therapy was performed when respiratory signs were noted in therapeutic doses, suggesting that massive antibiotic use was not the trigger of mycotic rhinitis. PCV2 IHC result positive only in one wild pig, although all the samples were positive by PCR. This fi nding could indicate a subclinical infection or a recovery phase of the disease in the IHC negative cases, as previously suggested for domestic and wild pigs using in situ hybridization. PCV2 load in wild boar was lower when compared with domestic pigs. A viral load higher than 108 PCV2 genomes per 500 ng DNA was required to give a visible IHC staining in swine. Although quantitative PCR it was not used in order to detect PCV2 in the present report, the viral load could be another possible explanation for the IHC negative cases observed. The role of PCV2 as a cause of immunosupression, facilitating the infection with secondary agents as Aspergillus, Candida and Pneumocystis cannot be ruled out.
Animais , Aspergillus flavus , Aspergillus fumigatus , Pneumonia/veterinária , Rinite/veterinária , Sus scrofa/imunologia , Infecções por Pneumocystis/diagnóstico , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Background : Mammary tumor is uncommon in cats. In felines is most frequently observed in old animals and Siamese breed. Apparently there is no relation between the age of the animal at the time of spay how is observed in dogs, although the progression from a focal hyperplasia to an adenoma or a carcinoma is known. The ratio between malignant and benign tumors is estimated between 9:1 and 4:1, most of them are adenocarcinomas and highly metastatic behavior. Mammary carcinosarcoma is rare in felines. The objective of this work was to describe a case of carcinosarcoma in a female cat. Case : Mammary gland mass from a 13-year-old, intact female Siamese cat was submitted for biopsy. The tumor was observed recently by the owners, who reported that the animal never received contraceptives. Macroscopically, it was observed focally extensive poorly demarcated, whitened, firm mass measuring 4.0 x 3.0 x 1.5 cm, recovered by skin with central round area of ulceration measuring 2.0 cm in diameter. Histologically, the neoplasm was composed of epithelial cells and spindle mesenquimal cells with bone and cartilaginous differentiation. Immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and 8/18 were stained intracitoplasmatic positive, accentuated (+++) and moderate (++), respectively in tubular epithelia in more than 50% of the cells. There was immunostaining for vimentin in the cytoplasm of mesenchymal neoplastic cells, cartilaginous and tubular epithelial cells with moderate intensity (++) in less than 50% of the cells. Discussion: Carcinosarcoma is a rare neoplasm in cats and have being reported in the mammary gland and in the lungs. The neoplasm is characterized by mesenchymal and epithelial cells. In many cases the histological exam is insufficient to determinate the diagnosis, being necessary to do the immunohistochemistry (IHC) exam to verify vimentin and cytokeratin coexpression in neoplasic cells. Histologically, was observed epithelial and mesenchymal characteristics, confi rmed by IHC. In another paper, carcinosarcoma demonstrated similar arranged, as heterogenic cellular composition and infiltrative proliferation of mesenchymal cells. In this case report was also observed cartilaginous and osseous differentiation. Some carcinosarcoma can present differentiated mesenchymal tissue and a mixture of all carcinomatosos and sarcomatosos elements in the same neoplasic mass. Histogenesis of carcinosarcoma remains uncertain thus far, although two theories suggest its origin: a multiclonal and other monoclonal. The first one suggests that mesenchymal and epithelial cells are originated from two or more different base cells. The second theory suggests that the tumors behavior is the result of a totipotent ability of neoplasic cells to differ and be histologically recognizable as epithelial and mesenchymal structures. In this study, tubular epithelial cells were positive stained for cytokeratins (AE1/AE3 and 8/18) and to vimentin, which suggest a monoclonal origin, because it was observed epithelial and mesenchymal differentiation. According to localization, morphology features and immunohistochemistry evaluation, the present study reports a rare case of carcinosarcoma in a cat.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/classificação , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Estreptavidina , BiotinaResumo
Background : Mammary tumor is uncommon in cats. In felines is most frequently observed in old animals and Siamese breed. Apparently there is no relation between the age of the animal at the time of spay how is observed in dogs, although the progression from a focal hyperplasia to an adenoma or a carcinoma is known. The ratio between malignant and benign tumors is estimated between 9:1 and 4:1, most of them are adenocarcinomas and highly metastatic behavior. Mammary carcinosarcoma is rare in felines. The objective of this work was to describe a case of carcinosarcoma in a female cat. Case : Mammary gland mass from a 13-year-old, intact female Siamese cat was submitted for biopsy. The tumor was observed recently by the owners, who reported that the animal never received contraceptives. Macroscopically, it was observed focally extensive poorly demarcated, whitened, firm mass measuring 4.0 x 3.0 x 1.5 cm, recovered by skin with central round area of ulceration measuring 2.0 cm in diameter. Histologically, the neoplasm was composed of epithelial cells and spindle mesenquimal cells with bone and cartilaginous differentiation. Immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and 8/18 were stained intracitoplasmatic positive, accentuated (+++) and moderate (++), respectively in tubular epithelia in more than 50% of the cells. There was immunostaining for vimentin in the cytoplasm of mesenchymal neoplastic cells, cartilaginous and tubular epithelial cells with moderate intensity (++) in less than 50% of the cells. Discussion: Carcinosarcoma is a rare neoplasm in cats and have being reported in the mammary gland and in the lungs. The neoplasm is characterized by mesenchymal and epithelial cells. In many cases the histological exam is insufficient to determinate the diagnosis, being necessary to do the immunohistochemistry (IHC) exam to verify vimentin and cytokeratin coexpression in neoplasic cells. Histologically, was observed epithelial and mesenchymal characteristics, confi rmed by IHC. In another paper, carcinosarcoma demonstrated similar arranged, as heterogenic cellular composition and infiltrative proliferation of mesenchymal cells. In this case report was also observed cartilaginous and osseous differentiation. Some carcinosarcoma can present differentiated mesenchymal tissue and a mixture of all carcinomatosos and sarcomatosos elements in the same neoplasic mass. Histogenesis of carcinosarcoma remains uncertain thus far, although two theories suggest its origin: a multiclonal and other monoclonal. The first one suggests that mesenchymal and epithelial cells are originated from two or more different base cells. The second theory suggests that the tumors behavior is the result of a totipotent ability of neoplasic cells to differ and be histologically recognizable as epithelial and mesenchymal structures. In this study, tubular epithelial cells were positive stained for cytokeratins (AE1/AE3 and 8/18) and to vimentin, which suggest a monoclonal origin, because it was observed epithelial and mesenchymal differentiation. According to localization, morphology features and immunohistochemistry evaluation, the present study reports a rare case of carcinosarcoma in a cat.
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/classificação , Biotina , EstreptavidinaResumo
Coristomas são tecidos normais maduros e posições anatômicas anormais. Relatos em animais domésticos são incomuns a raros, restringindo-se geralmente à espécie bovina, com proliferação de diferentes tecidos em várias localizações, como tecido subcutâneo, cavidade torácica, região retroperitoneal e ocular. Não há uma faixa etária predominantemente afetada, porém há mais relatos em bovinos jovens. O Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul recebeu uma amostra de tronco encefálico de um bovino Nelore, macho, cinco anos de idade, vinculado ao projeto de Complementação de Métodos Diagnósticos de Encefalopatias Espongiformes Transmissíveis (EETs). O animal apresentava-se no momento do abate em decúbito; estava alerta, com uma fratura completa no fêmur direito e sem sinais neurológicos. No exame macroscópico, observou-se uma massa branca oval, firme, localizada caudalmente ao colículo caudal esquerdo, sobre o pedúnculo cerebelar esquerdo. No exame microscópico, observou-se uma área bem delimitada, não encapsulada, composta predominantemente por fibras de tecido conjuntivo fibroso (colágeno). O exame imuno-histoquímico para proteína ácida fibrilar glial foi negativo. Devido às características macroscópicas e microscópicas, o diagnóstico de coristoma colagenoso foi estabelecido, visto que a presença de colágeno no encéfalo é anormal.
Choristomas are mature normal tissues in abnormal anatomical positions. Reports in domestic animals are uncommon to rare, usually restricted to cattle, with the proliferation of different tissues in various locations, such as subcutaneous tissue, thoracic cavity, retroperitoneal and ocular regions. No age range is predominantly affected, but there are more reports in young cattle. The Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul received a brainstem sample of a bull, Nelore breed, 5 years old, from the project of Supplementary Diagnostic Methods of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs). The animal presented recumbency at the time of slaughter; was alert, with a complete fracture to the right femur and without neurological signs. On gross examination, there was a white oval firm mass, located caudally to the left caudal colliculus, on the left cerebellar peduncle. In the microscopic examination, there was a well-demarcated area, unencapsulated and composed predominantly of connective tissue fibers (collagen). Immunohistochemical examination for glial fibrillary acidic protein was negative. Due to the gross and microscopic characteristics, a diagnosis of collagenous choristoma at the cerebellar peduncle was established, since the presence of collagen within the brain tissue itself is abnormal.
Coristomas são tecidos normais maduros e posições anatômicas anormais. Relatos em animais domésticos são incomuns a raros, restringindo-se geralmente à espécie bovina, com proliferação de diferentes tecidos em várias localizações, como tecido subcutâneo, cavidade torácica, região retroperitoneal e ocular. Não há uma faixa etária predominantemente afetada, porém há mais relatos em bovinos jovens. O Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul recebeu uma amostra de tronco encefálico de um bovino Nelore, macho, cinco anos de idade, vinculado ao projeto de Complementação de Métodos Diagnósticos de Encefalopatias Espongiformes TransmissÃveis (EETs). O animal apresentava-se no momento do abate em decúbito; estava alerta, com uma fratura completa no fêmur direito e sem sinais neurológicos. No exame macroscópico, observou-se uma massa branca oval, firme, localizada caudalmente ao colÃculo caudal esquerdo, sobre o pedúnculo cerebelar esquerdo. No exame microscópico, observou-se uma área bem delimitada, não encapsulada, composta predominantemente por fibras de tecido conjuntivo fibroso (colágeno). O exame imuno-histoquÃmico para proteÃna ácida fibrilar glial foi negativo. Devido à s caracterÃsticas macroscópicas e microscópicas, o diagnóstico de coristoma colagenoso foi estabelecido, visto que a presença
 Choristomas are mature normal tissues in abnormal anatomical positions. Reports in domestic animals are uncommon to rare, usually restricted to cattle, with the proliferation of different tissues in various locations, such as subcutaneous tissue, thoracic cavity, retroperitoneal and ocular regions. No age range is predominantly affected, but there are more reports in young cattle. The Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul received a brainstem sample of a bull, Nelore breed, 5 years old, from the project of Supplementary Diagnostic Methods of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs). The animal presented recumbency at the time of slaughter; was alert, with a complete fracture to the right femur and without neurological signs. On gross examination, there was a white oval firm mass, located caudally to the left caudal colliculus, on the left cerebellar peduncle. In the microscopic examination, there was a well-demarcated area, unencapsulated and composed predominantly of connective tissue fibers (collagen). Immunohistochemical examination for glial fibrillary acidic protein was negative. Due to the gross and microscopic characteristics, a diagnosis of collagenous choristoma at the cerebellar peduncle was established, since the presence of collagen within the brain tissue itself is abnormal.  Â
Coristomas são tecidos normais maduros e posições anatômicas anormais. Relatos em animais domésticos são incomuns a raros, restringindo-se geralmente à espécie bovina, com proliferação de diferentes tecidos em várias localizações, como tecido subcutâneo, cavidade torácica, região retroperitoneal e ocular. Não há uma faixa etária predominantemente afetada, porém há mais relatos em bovinos jovens. O Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul recebeu uma amostra de tronco encefálico de um bovino Nelore, macho, cinco anos de idade, vinculado ao projeto de Complementação de Métodos Diagnósticos de Encefalopatias Espongiformes TransmissÃveis (EETs). O animal apresentava-se no momento do abate em decúbito; estava alerta, com uma fratura completa no fêmur direito e sem sinais neurológicos. No exame macroscópico, observou-se uma massa branca oval, firme, localizada caudalmente ao colÃculo caudal esquerdo, sobre o pedúnculo cerebelar esquerdo. No exame microscópico, observou-se uma área bem delimitada, não encapsulada, composta predominantemente por fibras de tecido conjuntivo fibroso (colágeno). O exame imuno-histoquÃmico para proteÃna ácida fibrilar glial foi negativo. Devido à s caracterÃsticas macroscópicas e microscópicas, o diagnóstico de coristoma colagenoso foi estabelecido, visto que a presença
 Choristomas are mature normal tissues in abnormal anatomical positions. Reports in domestic animals are uncommon to rare, usually restricted to cattle, with the proliferation of different tissues in various locations, such as subcutaneous tissue, thoracic cavity, retroperitoneal and ocular regions. No age range is predominantly affected, but there are more reports in young cattle. The Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul received a brainstem sample of a bull, Nelore breed, 5 years old, from the project of Supplementary Diagnostic Methods of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs). The animal presented recumbency at the time of slaughter; was alert, with a complete fracture to the right femur and without neurological signs. On gross examination, there was a white oval firm mass, located caudally to the left caudal colliculus, on the left cerebellar peduncle. In the microscopic examination, there was a well-demarcated area, unencapsulated and composed predominantly of connective tissue fibers (collagen). Immunohistochemical examination for glial fibrillary acidic protein was negative. Due to the gross and microscopic characteristics, a diagnosis of collagenous choristoma at the cerebellar peduncle was established, since the presence of collagen within the brain tissue itself is abnormal.  Â