Emergências obstétricas são comuns na rotina clínica de cães e gatos. Dentre as emergências obstétricas uma das mais importantes é a distocia. De modo geral, a distocia ocorre quando há falha no momento do parto ou na expulsão do feto, sendo que a causa mais comum de distocia nas duas espécies é a inércia uterina primária. Outra emergência obstétrica de ocorrência frequente em cadelas e gatas é a piometra. Esta doença é uma infecção que ocorre no útero, causada por alterações hormonais na fase do diestro dos animais. As duas enfermidades (distocia e piometra) podem ter o envolvimento de anticoncepcionais, tanto nas cadelas como nas gatas. Em relação ao tratamento, na maioria das vezes, as distocias em cadelas e gatas são abordadas por meio da realização de cesarianas. Em piometra, a terapêutica mais efetiva é a realização de ovariohisterectomia. Neste estudo, 43 cadelas e 20 gatas com emergências obstétricas foram monitoradas durante 90 dias. Entre as cadelas, 29 (67,44%; 29/43) apresentaram piometra e 13 (30,23%; 13/43) distocia. Além disso, uma cadela apresentou prolapso vaginal. Entre as gatas, 13 apresentaram distocia (65%; 13/20) e sete (35%; 7/20) piometra. Algumas dessas emergências obstétricas foram relacionadas ao uso de anticoncepcional. Assim, os clínicos veterinários devem desencorajar esta prática e incentivar a castração das fêmeas.
Obstetric emergencies are common in the clinical routine of dogs and cats. One of the most important obstetric emergencies is dystocia. In general, dystocia occurs when there is a failure at the parturition time or expulsion of the fetus, and the most common cause of dystocia in both species is primary uterine inertia. Another frequently occurring obstetric emergency in bitches and cats is piometra. This disease is an infection that occurs in the uterus caused by hormonal changes in the diestrus phase of animals. In both diseases (dystocia and pyometra), contraceptives can be involved in female dogs and cats. Regarding the treatment, most of the time, dystocias in bitches and cats are addressed through cesarean sections. In pyometra, the most effective therapy is to perform ovariohysterectomy. In the present study, 43 female dogs and 20 female cats with emergency obstetric were monitored during 90 days. Among bitches, 29 (67.44%; 29/43) had pyometra, and 13 (30.23%; 13/43) showed dystocia. In addition, one female dog presented vaginal prolapse. Among the cats, 13 had dystocia (65%; 13/20) and seven (35%; 7/20) pyometra. Some of these obstetric emergencies were related to contraceptive use. Thus, veterinary clinicians must discourage this practice and encourage the neutering of females.
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Doenças do Gato , Doenças do Cão , Distocia/veterinária , Emergências/veterinária , Hospitais Veterinários , Complicações do Trabalho de Parto/veterináriaResumo
Ovariohisterectomia (OH) é o procedimento cirúrgico mais realizado na rotina veterinária. Tal cirurgia pode ser realizada como tratamento de enfermidades, sendo denominada de OH terapêutica. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão é determinar quais as indicações de OH terapêutica em gatas. Para isso, foi realizada uma busca em sites de artigos científicos utilizando-se termos relacionados ao tema, abrangendo o período de 2012 a 2022 (10 anos). Os artigos sobre indicação de OH terapêutica em gatas foram analisados e os dados obtidos foram dispostos em tabela e gráfico. Foram analisadas 27 publicações, perfazendo 1.264 casos de OH terapêutica em gatas. Piometra foi a enfermidade mais frequente, totalizando 1.010 casos (79,90%). Cisto ovariano foi a segunda causa mais frequente, compreendendo 95 casos (7,51%). A terceira causa mais frequente de OH terapêutica foi a distocia, representando 81 casos (6,40%). A hiperplasia mamária foi indicação de OH terapêutica em 30 casos (2,37%). Prolapso uterino e torção uterina obtiveram a mesma frequência (11 casos; 0,87%). Maceração fetal foi uma indicação terapêutica em três relatos (0,23%) nos artigos analisados. Ocorreram dez outras indicações menos comuns de OH terapêutica em gatas. Desta forma, os resultados indicam a piometra como a doença mais frequente, entretanto, foram encontrados poucos artigos sobre o tema, indicando a necessidade de mais estudos envolvendo a espécie felina.
Ovariohysterectomy (OH) is the most performed surgical procedure in the veterinary routine. Such surgery can be carried out as a treatment for diseases, being called therapeutic OH. Thus, the present review aims to determine the indications for therapeutic OH in cats. For this purpose, a search was carried out on scientific article websites using terms related to the topic, covering the period from 2012 to 2022 (10 years). The articles on the indication of therapeutic OH in cats were analyzed and the data obtained were arranged in a table and graph. Twenty-seven publications were analyzed, totaling 1,264 cases of therapeutic OH in cats. Pyometra was the most frequent disease, totaling 1,010 cases (79.90%). Ovarian cyst was the second most frequent cause, comprising 95 cases (7.51%). The third most frequent cause of therapeutic HO was dystocia, representing 81 cases (6.40%). Breast hyperplasia was an indication for therapeutic OH in 30 cases (2.37%). Uterine prolapse and uterine torsion had the same frequency (11 cases; 0.87%). Fetal maceration was a therapeutic indication in three reports (0.23%) in the analyzed articles. There were ten other less common indications of therapeutic OH in cats. Thus, the results indicate pyometra as the most frequent disease; however, few articles were found on the subject, indicating the need for more studies involving the feline species.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Cistos Ovarianos/prevenção & controle , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Prolapso Uterino/prevenção & controle , Distocia/prevenção & controle , Piometra/prevenção & controle , Histerectomia/veterinária , Prevenção de DoençasResumo
O crescente número de animais de companhia, principalmente nos grandes centros, tem estreitado o contato entre esses e o homem, aumentando a exposição humana a agentes de zoonoses. A incidência de zoonoses parasitárias é frequente em cães. Entre as zoonoses parasitárias estão: Giardíase, Dipilidiose, Criptosporodiose, Toxocaríase, Larva migrans cutânea, Larva migrans ocular e Larva migrans visceral. Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão de literatura dessas zoonoses transmitidas por fezes de cães no Brasil. Foi realizada, para isso, uma busca em revistas acadêmicas científicas disponíveis on-line e impressas, com os seguintes termos de indexação: zoonoses parasitárias e parasitos intestinais em cães; sendo incluídos no estudo artigos publicados a partir de 1958 até 2021. Dessa forma, foram reunidos e comparados os diferentes dados encontrados nas fontes de consulta e listadas as principais zoonoses parasitárias em cães, além de etiologia, forma de transmissão e tratamento.
The growing number of companion animals, especially in large cities, has narrowed the contact between these animals and man, increasing human exposure to agents of zoonoses. The incidence of parasitic zoonoses is frequent in dogs. Among the parasitary zoonoses are Giardiasis, Dipilidiosis, Cryptosporodiosis, Toxocariasis, cutaneous larva migrans, ocular larva migrans, and visceral larva migrans. The aim of this study was to conduct a literature review of these zoonoses transmitted by dog feces in Brazil. A search was performed in scientific academic journals available online and in print, with the following indexing terms: parasitary zoonoses and intestinal parasites in dogs. Articles published from 1958 to 2021 were included in the study. Based on these articles, the different data related to the main parasitic zoonoses in dogs, etiology, form of transmission, and treatment were gathered and compared.
Humanos , Animais , Cães , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/epidemiologia , Zoonoses/transmissão , Infecções por Cestoides/veterinária , Giardíase/epidemiologia , Criptosporidiose/epidemiologia , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologiaResumo
A Síndrome de Ansiedade de Separação Animal (SASA) em cães é uma alteração comportamental comum na atualidade, decorrente do novo estilo de vida e de modificações sociais. Os sinais que compõem a síndrome são vocalização excessiva, destruição de objetos e micção e defecação fora do lugar determinado. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar animais portadores da síndrome e seus sinais, assim como avaliar o conhecimento dos tutores sobre os distúrbios comportamentais nos animais. A pesquisa foi realizada em um Hospital Veterinário Universitário, com uma população canina formada por 131 pacientes. Os cães foram avaliados sem distinção de raça, sexo, tamanho e idade por meio de informações fornecidas pelos proprietários, que foram indagados através de um questionário desenvolvido para o estudo. Ao avaliar os 131 questionários respondidos, observou 43,51% de animais positivos para SASA. Dentre os 57 animais positivos para SASA, 28 eram fêmeas e 29 machos. Um total de 12,28% das fêmeas foram castradas, enquanto para os machos, os castrados correspondiam a 5,26%. Os principais sinais observados foram vocalização excessiva (66,66%), comportamento destrutivo (57,89%) e sinais de depressão na ausência do tutor (35,08%). Afirmou-se que 85,97% dos tutores de animais positivos para SASA procuraram um veterinário para tratar problemas comportamentais e que 29,82% possuíam conhecimento sobre a existência da síndrome. Conclui-se que a SASA é comum em cães entre os clientes avaliados. Devido ao desconhecimento dos tutores sobre distúrbios comportamentais, sugere-se que os médicos veterinários abordem o assunto com mais frequência, enfatizando suas consequências e a necessidade de tratamento.
Animal Separation Anxiety Syndrome (ASAS) in dogs is a common behavioral change nowadays, resulting from new lifestyle and social changes. The signs of the syndrome are excessive vocalization, destruction of objects, and urination and defecation out of the determined place. Thus, this study aimed to identify animals with the syndrome and its signs, as well as evaluate the knowledge of the tutors about behavioral disorders in animals. The research was carried out at a Veterinary Teaching Hospital with a canine population of 131 patients. Dogs were evaluated without distinction of breed, sex, size, and age through information provided by the owners, who were asked through a questionnaire developed for the study. By evaluating the 131 answered questionnaires, 43.51% of animals were positive for ASAS. Among the 57 ASAS-positive animals, 28 were female, and 29 were male. A total of 12.28% of the females were castrated, while for the males, the castrated corresponded to 5.26%. The main signs observed were excessive vocalization (66.66%), destructive behavior (57.89%), and signs of depression in the absence of the tutor (35.08%). It was stated that 85.97% of SASA-positive animal owners searched for a veterinarian to treat behavioral problems and that 29.82% of SASA-positive animal owners were aware of the existence of the syndrome. It was concluded that SASA is common in dogs among the assessed clients. Due to the lack of knowledge of tutors about behavioral disorders, it is suggested that veterinarians address the subject more frequently, emphasizing its consequences and the need for treatment.
Animais , Cães , Ansiedade de Separação , Comportamento Animal , Doenças do Cão , Animais DomésticosResumo
Emergências reprodutivas, como as piometras e distocias, são frequentes na rotina clínica de cadelas e gatas. A distocia ocorre quando há falha no momento do parto ou na expulsão do feto e sua causa mais comum, nas duas espécies, é a inércia uterina primária. A piometra é uma infecção que ocorre no útero, causada por alterações hormonais na fase do diestro dos animais. As duas enfermidades (distocia e piometra) podem ter o envolvimento de anticoncepcionais, tanto nas cadelas como nas gatas. Na maioria das vezes, as distocias, em cadelas e gatas, é abordada por meio da realização de cesarianas, enquanto para a piometra, a terapêutica mais efetiva é a realização de ovariohisterectomia. Desta forma, tendo em vista a deficiência na quantificação de emergências reprodutivas obstétricas em cadelas e gatas diagnosticadas em serviços veterinários do Brasil, este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar os achados obtidos através do monitoramento, durante 90 dias, de 43 cadelas e 20 gatas com emergências reprodutivas. Dentre as cadelas, 29 (67,44%; 29/43) apresentaram piometra, 13 (30,23%; 13/43) distocia e 1 prolápso vaginal. Dentre as gatas, 13 (65%; 13/20) apresentaram distocia e sete (35%; 7/20) piometra. Algumas das emergências reprodutivas foram relacionadas ao uso de anticoncepcional. Assim, os clínicos veterinários devem desencorajar esta prática e incentivar a castração das fêmeas.
Reproductive emergencies, such as pyometras and dystocias, are frequent in the clinical routine of female dogs and cats. Dystocia occurs when there is a failure during delivery or expulsion of the fetus, and its most common cause, in both species, is primary uterine inertia. Pyometra is an infection that occurs in the uterus caused by hormonal changes in the diestrous phase of animals. In both diseases (dystocia and pyometra), contraceptives can be involved in both female dogs and cats. Most of the time, dystocias, in female dogs and cats, is addressed through cesarean sections, while in pyometra, the most effective therapy is to perform ovariohysterectomy. Thus, given the deficiency in the quantification of obstetric reproductive emergencies in female dogs and cats diagnosed in veterinary services in Brazil, this study aimed to report the findings obtained by monitoring 43 female dogs and 20 female cats with reproductive emergencies for 90 days. Among bitches, 29 (67.44%; 29/43) presented pyometra, 13 (30.23%; 13/43) showed dystocia, and 1 had vaginal prolapse. Among the cats, 13 presented dystocia (65%; 13/20), and 7 (35%; 7/20) showed pyometra. Some reproductive emergencies were related to contraceptive use. Thus, veterinary clinicians must discourage this practice and encourage the castration of females
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Cães , Distocia/veterinária , Piometra/veterinária , Infecções do Sistema Genital/veterinária , Estudos RetrospectivosResumo
A orquiectomia consiste na remoção dos testículos e, em animais, pode ser realizada por motivo eletivo ou terapêutico. A cirurgia eletiva faz parte da guarda responsável de cães e gatos e é um dos procedimentos mais realizados na medicina veterinária, incluindo mutirões de castração onde a redução de custos é importante. A auto-hemoterapia (AHT) vem sendo aplicada em animais, inclusive em acupontos, com o intuito de produzir efeitos imunoestimulantes. Neste contexto, este estudo utilizou AHT, durante o período pós-operatório imediato, em acupontos de cães submetidos à orquiectomia eletiva sem a aplicação de antibióticos. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com dados referentes a outro grupo de animais, os quais foram orquiectomizados e previamente tratados com antibiótico sistêmico. Todos os animais foram acompanhados clinicamente e foram feitos hemogramas nos períodos pré e pós-operatório, assim como o registro de infecções e outras intercorrências relacionadas ao procedimento cirúrgico. Considerando os 20 cães usados no estudo, não houve ocorrência de infecção ou processo inflamatório nos animais após o procedimento cirúrgico. Além disso, alterações hematológicas significativas não foram observadas entre os grupos e entre os períodos pré e pós-operatório de ambos os grupos. Desta forma, conclui-se que a auto-hemoterapia associada à acupuntura pode representar uma alternativa para um protocolo cirúrgico sem antibióticos em cirurgia eletiva de orquiectomia em animais hígidos.
The orchiectomy is the removal of the testicles and, in animals, can be performed due to by elective or therapeutic reasons. Elective surgery is part of the responsible ownership of dogs and cats and is one of the most performed procedures in veterinary medicine, including castration efforts where cost reduction is important. Autohemotherapy (AHT) has been applied in animals, including acupoints, to produce immunostimulatory effects. In this context, this study used AHT, during the immediate postoperative period, in acupoints of dogs submitted to elective orchiectomy without the use of antibiotics. The results obtained were compared to data from another group of animals, which were orchiectomized and previously treated with a systemic antibiotic. All animals were clinically monitored and hemograms were performed during the pre and post-operatory period, as well as the registration of infections and other complications related to the surgical procedure. Regarding the 20 dogs used in the study, there was no occurrence of infection or inflammation in the animals after the surgical procedure. In addition, significant hematologic alterations were not observed between groups and between pre- and post-operatory periods in both groups. Therefore, it is concluded that autohemotherapy associated with acupuncture may represent an alternative for a surgical protocol without antibiotics in elective orchiectomy surgery in healthy animals.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Orquiectomia/veterinária , Pontos de Acupuntura , Auto-Hemoterapia/veterinária , Analgesia por Acupuntura/veterináriaResumo
Background: Otohematoma is common in dogs and is characterized by blood accumulation between the skin and cartilageof the outer ear. While the etiology is related to trauma, most cases have a predisposing condition. Treatment must drainthe hematoma and maintain appropriate skin apposition to the ear cartilage. Treatment can be surgical, but there are alsoconservative options such as puncture drainage, followed by intralesional injection of glucocorticoids. This alternativemethod is less invasive than surgery, with an equivalent success rate. This study aimed to describe intralesional injectionof corticosteroids for the treatment of dogs with otohematoma at a veterinary clinic.Materials, Methods & Results: Otohematoma was diagnosed and treated in 23 dogs (14 males and 9 females, weighing9.6 ± 2.7 kg) at a reference private veterinary clinic. The dogs were chemically restrained, and their ears were cleanedwith chlorhexidine. The lower face of each ear with otohematoma was then punctured with a needle coupled to a syringeto drain the liquid. Following drainage, the equipment was removed and the collected liquid volume was measured. A0.5 mg/kg dose of methylprednisolone acetate was prepared and diluted in saline (0.9% NaCl) to a volume equivalent to1/10 of the previously drained content volume from the otohematoma. The prepared solution was then injected into thedrained ear. Additionally, each patient was treated for the original cause of the otohematoma, according to conventionalprotocols. Eight animals (34.78%) had bilateral otohematoma and 15 (65.22%) presented with unilateral lesions. Leukocytosis was observed in most patients. Other laboratory alterations present in the studied dogs were thrombocytopenia,leukopenia, and anemia. Twenty (86.96%) patients presented with otitis externa. All patients were reassessed one weekafter the initial treatment, and 19 (82.60%) fully recovered. The remaining...
Animais , Cães , Cães/lesões , Drenagem/veterinária , Glucocorticoides/uso terapêutico , Hematoma/veterinária , Ehrlichiose/veterinária , Escabiose/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Otite/veterináriaResumo
Background: The rupture of the suture in the abdominal wall, but with integrity of the cutaneous suture, results in a condition known as incisional hernia. It is characterized by the protrusion of the abdominal viscera through orifices or areas ofthe abdominal wall. In most of the cases these defects in the abdominal wall are iatrogenic. The incisional hernia occursin an intact wall that is weakened by surgical incisions. The available literature on the incidence of incisional herniasin animals is scarce. With the aim to contribute to the information about incisional hernia in animals, it was decided todescribe the case of incisional hernia in a female dog after performing ovariohysterectomy (OH).Case: An adult mongrel shelter bitch, of unknown age, weighing 9.5 kg was admitted for OH in a practical class of theveterinary surgical technical discipline. Once the anesthetic condition was established, a retro-umbilical cutaneous incisionwas made. After opening the abdominal cavity, the bitch was castrated routinely. The abdominal wall was sutured including peritoneum, muscle fascia, and rectus abdominis muscle with nylon thread and U-stitches. The subcutaneous tissuewas then sutured with the same thread using Cushing suture. Ten days after the surgery, when the stitches were removed,the bitch revealed an increase in volume at the region of the surgical scar. Incisional hernia was diagnosed after carefulpalpation. For correction of the hernia, the bitch was submitted to surgical procedure. After the skin opening, an intenseinflammatory reaction was observed in the subcutaneous tissue. The inflamed skin and subcutaneous tissue were removed.The abdominal cavity was closed with nylon thread by means of U-stitches. The subcutaneous and skin...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cães/cirurgia , Hérnia Incisional/veterinária , Cirurgia Veterinária/educação , Histerectomia/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The rupture of the suture in the abdominal wall, but with integrity of the cutaneous suture, results in a condition known as incisional hernia. It is characterized by the protrusion of the abdominal viscera through orifices or areas ofthe abdominal wall. In most of the cases these defects in the abdominal wall are iatrogenic. The incisional hernia occursin an intact wall that is weakened by surgical incisions. The available literature on the incidence of incisional herniasin animals is scarce. With the aim to contribute to the information about incisional hernia in animals, it was decided todescribe the case of incisional hernia in a female dog after performing ovariohysterectomy (OH).Case: An adult mongrel shelter bitch, of unknown age, weighing 9.5 kg was admitted for OH in a practical class of theveterinary surgical technical discipline. Once the anesthetic condition was established, a retro-umbilical cutaneous incisionwas made. After opening the abdominal cavity, the bitch was castrated routinely. The abdominal wall was sutured including peritoneum, muscle fascia, and rectus abdominis muscle with nylon thread and U-stitches. The subcutaneous tissuewas then sutured with the same thread using Cushing suture. Ten days after the surgery, when the stitches were removed,the bitch revealed an increase in volume at the region of the surgical scar. Incisional hernia was diagnosed after carefulpalpation. For correction of the hernia, the bitch was submitted to surgical procedure. After the skin opening, an intenseinflammatory reaction was observed in the subcutaneous tissue. The inflamed skin and subcutaneous tissue were removed.The abdominal cavity was closed with nylon thread by means of U-stitches. The subcutaneous and skin...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Hérnia Incisional/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Histerectomia/veterinária , Cirurgia Veterinária/educação , Ovariectomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Otohematoma is common in dogs and is characterized by blood accumulation between the skin and cartilageof the outer ear. While the etiology is related to trauma, most cases have a predisposing condition. Treatment must drainthe hematoma and maintain appropriate skin apposition to the ear cartilage. Treatment can be surgical, but there are alsoconservative options such as puncture drainage, followed by intralesional injection of glucocorticoids. This alternativemethod is less invasive than surgery, with an equivalent success rate. This study aimed to describe intralesional injectionof corticosteroids for the treatment of dogs with otohematoma at a veterinary clinic.Materials, Methods & Results: Otohematoma was diagnosed and treated in 23 dogs (14 males and 9 females, weighing9.6 ± 2.7 kg) at a reference private veterinary clinic. The dogs were chemically restrained, and their ears were cleanedwith chlorhexidine. The lower face of each ear with otohematoma was then punctured with a needle coupled to a syringeto drain the liquid. Following drainage, the equipment was removed and the collected liquid volume was measured. A0.5 mg/kg dose of methylprednisolone acetate was prepared and diluted in saline (0.9% NaCl) to a volume equivalent to1/10 of the previously drained content volume from the otohematoma. The prepared solution was then injected into thedrained ear. Additionally, each patient was treated for the original cause of the otohematoma, according to conventionalprotocols. Eight animals (34.78%) had bilateral otohematoma and 15 (65.22%) presented with unilateral lesions. Leukocytosis was observed in most patients. Other laboratory alterations present in the studied dogs were thrombocytopenia,leukopenia, and anemia. Twenty (86.96%) patients presented with otitis externa. All patients were reassessed one weekafter the initial treatment, and 19 (82.60%) fully recovered. The remaining...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/lesões , Hematoma/veterinária , Glucocorticoides/uso terapêutico , Drenagem/veterinária , Ehrlichiose/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Escabiose/veterinária , Otite/veterináriaResumo
Background: Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a sexually transmitted, contagious, round cell neoplasm that affects mainly the external genital organs of dogs of both sexes. Canine TVT is practically the only tumor transmitted by cellular transplantation under natural conditions. The tumor occurs in all dog breeds and in various parts of the world, especially in the tropics and subtropics. Sexually active dogs that roam are at increased risk of acquiring the infirmity. The diagnosis is clinical, and confirmed by cytology. The most effective treatment is chemotherapy with vincristine. The aim of this report is describes a case of one male dog with an acute urethral obstruction caused by TVT. Case: In a Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH), a dog of unknown age was admitted. Volunteers from an animal protection institution rescued the dog from the streets after information from residents. Upon admission in the VMTH, the dog had an acute urethral obstruction, detected on clinical examination. Cystocentesis was performed to relieve the condition. Complete clinical examination and blood count were performed. Hematological examination revealed anemia and thrombocitopeny. The clinical examination revealed a swelling in the preputial area, and penile exposure was not possible. Because of this it was not possible to place the urethral catheter in the animal. However, preputial fistula and a friable, bleeding mass suggestive of a TVT were detected. For penile inspection and correction of the obstruction, the dog was submitted to a surgical procedure with an incision in the preputial midline. After the incision was made, several masses with a friable and bleeding appearance were found. The masses that prevented the urinary flow were removed and, cleansed with a physiological solution. The skin was sutured to restore the normal anatomy. In the same procedure, the dog was neutered. Cytological examination of the masses confirmed the diagnosis of TVT. [ ](AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/complicações , Obstrução Uretral/veterinária , Uretra/patologia , Neoplasias Urogenitais/veterináriaResumo
Background: Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a sexually transmitted, contagious, round cell neoplasm that affects mainly the external genital organs of dogs of both sexes. Canine TVT is practically the only tumor transmitted by cellular transplantation under natural conditions. The tumor occurs in all dog breeds and in various parts of the world, especially in the tropics and subtropics. Sexually active dogs that roam are at increased risk of acquiring the infirmity. The diagnosis is clinical, and confirmed by cytology. The most effective treatment is chemotherapy with vincristine. The aim of this report is describes a case of one male dog with an acute urethral obstruction caused by TVT. Case: In a Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH), a dog of unknown age was admitted. Volunteers from an animal protection institution rescued the dog from the streets after information from residents. Upon admission in the VMTH, the dog had an acute urethral obstruction, detected on clinical examination. Cystocentesis was performed to relieve the condition. Complete clinical examination and blood count were performed. Hematological examination revealed anemia and thrombocitopeny. The clinical examination revealed a swelling in the preputial area, and penile exposure was not possible. Because of this it was not possible to place the urethral catheter in the animal. However, preputial fistula and a friable, bleeding mass suggestive of a TVT were detected. For penile inspection and correction of the obstruction, the dog was submitted to a surgical procedure with an incision in the preputial midline. After the incision was made, several masses with a friable and bleeding appearance were found. The masses that prevented the urinary flow were removed and, cleansed with a physiological solution. The skin was sutured to restore the normal anatomy. In the same procedure, the dog was neutered. Cytological examination of the masses confirmed the diagnosis of TVT. [ ]
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Obstrução Uretral/veterinária , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/complicações , Uretra/patologia , Neoplasias Urogenitais/veterináriaResumo
O prolapso uterino em cadelas e gatas é uma emergência reprodutiva na qual ocorre eversão de um ou ambos os cornos uterinos através da vagina, durante ou após o parto. Tal patologia não é frequente em gatas, por isso o presente relato tem o objetivo de descrever um caso de prolapso uterino em uma gata atendida no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal do Piauí. Na anamnese o proprietário se queixou de massa avermelhada na vulva após a expulsão de dois filhotes. Ao exame clínico, observou-se que a massa era o útero prolapsado. O animal foi encaminhado imediatamente ao centro cirúrgico para redução do útero prolapsado e realização de ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH). Após a OSH, o animal permaneceu internado durante 24 horas. Findo este período o animal teve alta e apresentou boa recuperação.(AU)
Uterine prolapse in dogs and cats is a reproductive emergency in which there is the protrusion of one or both uterine horns through the vagina during or after delivery. This condition is not common in cats, so this report aims to describe a case of uterine prolapse in a cat treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Piaui. Upon anamnesis, the owner complained of a reddish mass in the vulva after the expelling of two kittens. Clinical examination revealed that the mass was the prolapsed uterus. The animal was immediately sent to the operating room for reduction of the prolapsed uterus and an ovariosalpingohisterectomy (OSH) was performed. After OSH, the animal remained hospitalized for 24 hours. After this period, the animal was discharged and recovered well.(AU)
El prolapso uterino en perras y gatas es una emergencia reproductiva en la cual ocurre eversión de uno o ambos los cuernos uterinos a través de la vagina, durante o después del parto. Tal patología no es común en gatas, este informe tiene como objetivo describir un caso de prolapso uterino en una gata tratada en el Hospital Veterinario de la Universidad Federal de Piauí. En la anamnesis el propietario se quejó de una masa rojiza en la vulva después de la expulsión de dos gatitos. El examen clínico reveló que la masa era el prolapso de útero. El animal fue enviado de inmediato al centro quirúrgico para reducción del prolapso de útero y realización de ovariosalpinghisterectomía (OSH). Después de realizada la OSH, el animal permaneció hospitalizado durante 24 horas. Después de este período, el animal fue dado de alta y se recuperó bien.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Prolapso Uterino/diagnóstico , Prolapso Uterino/veterinária , Prolapso Uterino/patologiaResumo
Foi realizado um estudo para investigar a tranquilização de cães com subdose de acepromazina no acuponto yin tang, localizado no ponto médio de uma linha traçada entre os cantos laterais dos olhos. O estudo foi delineado em quatro protocolos, utilizando-se oito cães. No primeiro protocolo (P1) foi administrada acepromazina no yin tang em subdose (0,01mg/ kg). No segundo protocolo (P2) foi administrada a mesma dose utilizada em P1 por via intramuscular (IM). No terceiro protocolo (P3) foi administrada dose terapêutica (0,1mg/kg) IM. No quarto protocolo (P4) foi colocada uma agulha de acupuntura no yin tang. Durante as etapas foram aferidos: frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (FR) e temperatura retal (TR). Tais aferições foram realizadas antes dos tratamentos, quinze minutos após a administração do fármaco e de quinze em quinze minutos até duas horas. Nos mesmos momentos foi pesquisada a presença ou ausência de decúbito, sonolência, ptose palpebral e outros sinais de tranquilização. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente. No tratamento experimental (P1) dois cães apresentaram tranquilização satisfatória e um moderada, sem diferença significativa com o grupo no qual se administrou acepromazina em dose terapêutica IM. Concluiu-se que a administração de acepromazina em subdose no acuponto Yin Tang pode ser usada com segurança na rotina clínica nas mais diversas manipulações nas quais haja necessidade de tranquilização de cães.(AU)
A study was conducted to investigate the tranquilization of dogs using a subdose of acepromazine in the yin tang acupoint located in the medium point of a line drawn between the lateral corners of the eyes. The study was designed in four protocols using eight dogs. In the first protocol (P1), acepromazine was administered in yin tang in subdose (0.01mg/kg). In the second protocol (P2), the same dose as in P1 was administered by intramuscular route (IM). In the third protocol (P3), a therapeutic dose (0.1 mg/kg) was administered IM. In the fourth protocol (P4), an acupuncture needle was placed in the yin tang point. During the steps, heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR) and rectal temperature (RT) were measured. These evaluations were performed before treatment, fifteen minutes after drug administration, and every fifteen minutes for two hours. At the same moments, the presence or absence of decubitus, drowsiness, ptosis and other signs of tranquilization were observed. Data were statistically analyzed. In the experimental treatment (P1), one dog showed moderate tranquilization, and two dogs showed satisfactory tranquilization, without statistical difference from the group in which acepromazine was administered IM in the therapeutic dose. It can be concluded that the administration of acepromazine in subdose in the yin tang acupoint can be safely used in clinical practice, in various manipulations in which the need of tranquilization of dogs is necessary.(AU)
Se ha realizado un estudio para investigar como tranquilizar perros con acepromacina en subdosis en el punto de acupuntura yin tang, que se encuentra en el punto medio de una línea trazada entre las bordas laterales de los ojos. El estudio ha sido diseñado en cuatro protocolos utilizando ocho perros. En el primer protocolo (P1) se administró acepromacina en el punto yin tang en subdosis (0,01 mg / kg). En el segundo protocolo (P2), se administró la misma dosis usada en P1 por vía intramuscular (IM). En el tercer protocolo (P3), se administró dosis terapéutica (0,1 mg / kg) IM. En el cuarto protocolo (P4), se ha puesto una aguja de acupuntura en el punto yin tang. Durante las etapas se midieron: frecuencia cardíaca (FC), frecuencia respiratoria (FR) y la temperatura rectal (TR). Estas evaluaciones se realizaron antes del tratamiento, quince minutos después de la administración del fármaco, y a cada quince minutos durante dos horas. En los mismos momentos se ha investigado la presencia o ausencia de decúbito, somnolencia, ptosis de pálpebra y otras señales de tranquilidad. Los datos han sido analizados estadísticamente. En el tratamiento experimental (P1), dos perros mostraron tranquilidad satisfactoria y un perro moderada, lo que no fue significativamente diferente del grupo donde se administró dosis terapéutica de acepromacina por vía intramuscular. Se concluyó que la administración de acepromacina en subdosis en el punto yin tang puede ser utilizado con seguridad en la práctica clínica en las más diversas manipulaciones en las que hay la necesidad de tranquilizar perros.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Acupuntura/classificação , Acupuntura/métodos , Tranquilizantes/administração & dosagem , Tranquilizantes/análiseResumo
O objetivo deste artigo é revisar a utilização de farmacopuntura no acuponto yin tang para tranquilizar animais, enfatizando sua importância como ferramenta para o clínico veterinário na sua rotina diária. A acupuntura tem como objetivo atingir um efeito homeostático, restabelecendo o equilíbrio de estados funcionais alterados. A farmacopuntura vem sendo utilizada na sedação de cães. O acuponto yin tang é um ponto sedativo localizado entre as sobrancelhas, cujo estímulo produz sedação em seres humanos e animais. Vários estudos demonstram que a administração de subdose de acepromazina e xilazina nesse acuponto tem sido eficaz para produzir sedação em cães, com a vantagem de produzir efeito sedativo similar ao da dose terapêutica administrada por outras vias, mas sem provocar efeitos colaterais graves. Sugere-se que novos fármacos sejam pesquisados com o emprego da técnica, para utilização na prática clínica de animais.
The purpose of this article is to review the use of pharmacopuncture in the Yin Tang acupoint to tranquilize animals, emphasizing its importance as a tool for the veterinary practitioner in his daily routine. The aim of the acupuncture is to achieve a homeostatic effect, restoring the balance of altered organic functions. Pharmacopuncture has been used to produce sedation in dogs. The Yin Tang acupoint is a sedation point located between the eyebrows that produces sedation in humans and animals upon stimulation. Several studies have shown that administration of a subdose of acepromazine and xylazine in this acupoint effectively induces sedation in dogs comparable to that of the therapeutic dose administered by conventional means, without causing serious side effects. We hereby suggest that new drugs should be tested with this technique for the clinical practice in animals.
El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar la literatura relacionada con la utilización de la farmacopuntura en el acupunto yin tang para la tranquilización de animales, haciendo hincapié en su importancia como herramienta en la clínica diaria. La acupuntura tiene como objetivo conseguir un efecto homeostático, restableciendo el equilibrio de los estados funcionales alterados. La farmacopuntura está siendo utilizada para la sedación en perros. El acupunto yin tang es un punto sedativo localizado entre las cejas, cuyo estímulo produce sedación en seres humanos y en animales. Varios estudios muestran que la administración de subdosis de acepromacina y xilacina en este acupunto fue eficiente en la producción de efectos sedativos en perros, con la ventaja de inducir un efecto sedativo similar al que producen las dosis terapéuticas administradas por otras vías, aunque sin provocar los efectos colaterales graves. Se sugiere que se investiguen otros fármacos que puedan ser utilizados mediante esta técnica en la clínica de animales.
Animais , Acupuntura/métodos , Hipnóticos e Sedativos/uso terapêutico , Pontos de Acupuntura , Preparações Farmacêuticas/análise , Yin-Yang , Acepromazina/uso terapêutico , Xilazina/uso terapêuticoResumo
O objetivo deste artigo é revisar a utilização de farmacopuntura no acuponto yin tang para tranquilizar animais, enfatizando sua importância como ferramenta para o clínico veterinário na sua rotina diária. A acupuntura tem como objetivo atingir um efeito homeostático, restabelecendo o equilíbrio de estados funcionais alterados. A farmacopuntura vem sendo utilizada na sedação de cães. O acuponto yin tang é um ponto sedativo localizado entre as sobrancelhas, cujo estímulo produz sedação em seres humanos e animais. Vários estudos demonstram que a administração de subdose de acepromazina e xilazina nesse acuponto tem sido eficaz para produzir sedação em cães, com a vantagem de produzir efeito sedativo similar ao da dose terapêutica administrada por outras vias, mas sem provocar efeitos colaterais graves. Sugere-se que novos fármacos sejam pesquisados com o emprego da técnica, para utilização na prática clínica de animais.(AU)
The purpose of this article is to review the use of pharmacopuncture in the Yin Tang acupoint to tranquilize animals, emphasizing its importance as a tool for the veterinary practitioner in his daily routine. The aim of the acupuncture is to achieve a homeostatic effect, restoring the balance of altered organic functions. Pharmacopuncture has been used to produce sedation in dogs. The Yin Tang acupoint is a sedation point located between the eyebrows that produces sedation in humans and animals upon stimulation. Several studies have shown that administration of a subdose of acepromazine and xylazine in this acupoint effectively induces sedation in dogs comparable to that of the therapeutic dose administered by conventional means, without causing serious side effects. We hereby suggest that new drugs should be tested with this technique for the clinical practice in animals.(AU)
El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar la literatura relacionada con la utilización de la farmacopuntura en el acupunto yin tang para la tranquilización de animales, haciendo hincapié en su importancia como herramienta en la clínica diaria. La acupuntura tiene como objetivo conseguir un efecto homeostático, restableciendo el equilibrio de los estados funcionales alterados. La farmacopuntura está siendo utilizada para la sedación en perros. El acupunto yin tang es un punto sedativo localizado entre las cejas, cuyo estímulo produce sedación en seres humanos y en animales. Varios estudios muestran que la administración de subdosis de acepromacina y xilacina en este acupunto fue eficiente en la producción de efectos sedativos en perros, con la ventaja de inducir un efecto sedativo similar al que producen las dosis terapéuticas administradas por otras vías, aunque sin provocar los efectos colaterales graves. Se sugiere que se investiguen otros fármacos que puedan ser utilizados mediante esta técnica en la clínica de animales.(AU)