Management systems to improve soil quality are essential for agricultural and environmental sustainability. We assessed the quality of soil management systems applied to a subtropical Acrisol in terms of the carbon management index (CMI), the stratification ratio for total organic carbon (SR-TOC) and light fraction of organic matter (SR-LF). In addition, we examined their relationship to chemical, physical and biological soil quality indicators, as well as to maize yield. The study was conducted on a long-term experiment (18 years) in southern Brazil involving two different systems [no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)], two cropping systems [black oat/maize (O/M) and black oat + vetch/maize + cowpea (OV/MC)] and two nitrogen fertilizer rates for maize (0 and 180 kg ha1). Based on the three indices, the best managements for soil quality comprised NT (50-212 % better than CT), legume cover crops (10-47 % better than O/M) and N fertilization (8-33 % better than no fertilizer). All three indices proved accurate to assess the impact of soil management systems, especially SR-LF, which showed increased sensitivity and close relationships with chemical, physical and biological soil quality indicators. On the other hand, a poor relationship was observed between soil C indices and maize yield, which was improved only by legume cover crops and N fertilization. The results showed that the association of no-till system to an abundant supply of crop residues is key to ensure high soil quality and crop yields in humid subtropical regions.
Critérios de Qualidade do Solo , 24444 , Qualidade do Solo , Química do Solo , Conservação de Terras/métodosResumo
Management systems to improve soil quality are essential for agricultural and environmental sustainability. We assessed the quality of soil management systems applied to a subtropical Acrisol in terms of the carbon management index (CMI), the stratification ratio for total organic carbon (SR-TOC) and light fraction of organic matter (SR-LF). In addition, we examined their relationship to chemical, physical and biological soil quality indicators, as well as to maize yield. The study was conducted on a long-term experiment (18 years) in southern Brazil involving two different systems [no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)], two cropping systems [black oat/maize (O/M) and black oat + vetch/maize + cowpea (OV/MC)] and two nitrogen fertilizer rates for maize (0 and 180 kg ha1). Based on the three indices, the best managements for soil quality comprised NT (50-212 % better than CT), legume cover crops (10-47 % better than O/M) and N fertilization (8-33 % better than no fertilizer). All three indices proved accurate to assess the impact of soil management systems, especially SR-LF, which showed increased sensitivity and close relationships with chemical, physical and biological soil quality indicators. On the other hand, a poor relationship was observed between soil C indices and maize yield, which was improved only by legume cover crops and N fertilization. The results showed that the association of no-till system to an abundant supply of crop residues is key to ensure high soil quality and crop yields in humid subtropical regions.(AU)
Química do Solo , Qualidade do Solo , Critérios de Qualidade do Solo , 24444 , Conservação de Terras/métodosResumo
The decrease in soil organic carbon (SOC) content in deeper layers indicates the occurrence of stratification between the surface layer and subsurface layer of soil due to continuous C addition by crop residues. The objective was to evaluate the change (delta) of stratification (RE) of carbon (C) as an indicator of C sequestration and soil total and particulate soil in macroaggregates of two soils (Typic Hapludox) with different textures, managed in no-tillage system. The tests were developed in completely randomized design twelve repetitions.Analyzed factors were: (a) two soils: Oxisol with medium texture and Oxisol with clay texture, (b) sampling depth: 0-5 and 5-20cm, (c) two sampling times (October 2007-T1, September 2008-T2). The results were submitted to variance analysis by program SISVAR 5.3, using the Tukey test at 5% significance. There was a significant linear relationship between the RE and carbon sequestration rate total macroaggregates Oxisol with medium texture (R²=0.78**) and Oxisol with clay texture (R²=0.81**) indicating that there was C sequestration confirming to be a sensitive indicator of the rate of C sequestration in soil macroaggregates.
A redução no conteúdo de carbono (C) nas camadas mais profundas do solo indica a estratificação entre a camada superficial e as subsuperficiais, devido à adição contínua de C pelos resíduos culturais na superfície. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variação () da relação de estratificação (RE) de carbono como indicadora do sequestro de C total e particulado em macroagregados de dois Latossolos de classes texturais diferentes, manejados em sistema plantio direto. Os ensaios foram desenvolvidos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com doze repetições. Os fatores analisados foram: (a) dois solos (Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico com classe textural franco-argilo-arenosa e Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico com classe textural franco-argilosa); (b) duas camadas de amostragem (0-5 e 5-20cm de profundidade); (c) duas épocas de amostragem (E1-outubro de 2007; E2-setembro de 2008). Observou-se relação linear e significativa entre o delta RE com a taxa de sequestro de C total em macroagregados no Latossolo Vermelho com classe textural franco argilo arenosa (R²=0,78**) e franco argilosa (R²=0,81**), indicando ter havido sequestro de C e confirmando ser este um indicador sensível da taxa de sequestro de C no solo em macroagregados.
The decrease in soil organic carbon (SOC) content in deeper layers indicates the occurrence of stratification between the surface layer and subsurface layer of soil due to continuous C addition by crop residues. The objective was to evaluate the change (delta) of stratification (RE) of carbon (C) as an indicator of C sequestration and soil total and particulate soil in macroaggregates of two soils (Typic Hapludox) with different textures, managed in no-tillage system. The tests were developed in completely randomized design twelve repetitions.Analyzed factors were: (a) two soils: Oxisol with medium texture and Oxisol with clay texture, (b) sampling depth: 0-5 and 5-20cm, (c) two sampling times (October 2007-T1, September 2008-T2). The results were submitted to variance analysis by program SISVAR 5.3, using the Tukey test at 5% significance. There was a significant linear relationship between the RE and carbon sequestration rate total macroaggregates Oxisol with medium texture (R²=0.78**) and Oxisol with clay texture (R²=0.81**) indicating that there was C sequestration confirming to be a sensitive indicator of the rate of C sequestration in soil macroaggregates.
A redução no conteúdo de carbono (C) nas camadas mais profundas do solo indica a estratificação entre a camada superficial e as subsuperficiais, devido à adição contínua de C pelos resíduos culturais na superfície. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variação () da relação de estratificação (RE) de carbono como indicadora do sequestro de C total e particulado em macroagregados de dois Latossolos de classes texturais diferentes, manejados em sistema plantio direto. Os ensaios foram desenvolvidos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com doze repetições. Os fatores analisados foram: (a) dois solos (Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico com classe textural franco-argilo-arenosa e Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico com classe textural franco-argilosa); (b) duas camadas de amostragem (0-5 e 5-20cm de profundidade); (c) duas épocas de amostragem (E1-outubro de 2007; E2-setembro de 2008). Observou-se relação linear e significativa entre o delta RE com a taxa de sequestro de C total em macroagregados no Latossolo Vermelho com classe textural franco argilo arenosa (R²=0,78**) e franco argilosa (R²=0,81**), indicando ter havido sequestro de C e confirmando ser este um indicador sensível da taxa de sequestro de C no solo em macroagregados.