O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a pastagem, o desempenho, o conforto térmico e os parâmetros hematológicos de bovinos Nelore na fase de terminação em sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária com duas densidades de árvores (ILPF-1L= 196 árvores ha-1 e ILPF-3L=448 árvores ha-1) e em pleno sol (ILP). Foram avaliados a massa e a composição morfológica da forragem, o ganho médio diário, o ganho de peso por área e a taxa de lotação no verão e no outono, bem como as variáveis climáticas dos sistemas em três horários e parâmetros hematológicos dos animais (n=60). A massa de forragem foi superior no tratamento ILP e no verão (P<0,05). Porém, a redução da massa de forragem nos sistemas ILPFs não interferiu no desempenho dos animais (P>0,05). A temperatura ambiente, a temperatura do globo e o índice de temperatura e umidade foram melhores nos tratamentos com sombreamento e no período da manhã, proporcionando maior conforto aos animais, sendo ainda confirmado pelo menor volume globular dos bovinos em ILP (P<0,05). Conclui-se que os sistemas com componente arbóreo diminuem a massa de forragem, mas essa redução não altera o desempenho dos animais na fase de terminação. Além disso, os sistemas ILPFs melhoram o conforto térmico, entretanto essa melhora não foi suficiente para favorecer o desempenho.(AU)
The objective of this work was to evaluate pasture, performace, thermal comfort, and haematological parameters of Nellore cattle in the finishing phase in integrated crop-livestock systems with two tree densities (ICLF-1L= 196 ha -1 trees and ICLF-3L= 448 ha -1 trees) and in full sun (ICL). The forage mass morphological composition of the pasture average daily gain, weight gain per area, stocking rate of the animals were evaluated in summer and autumn, and the climatic variables of systems we evaluated at three different times, and haematological parameters of the animals (n= 60). The forage mass was higher in the ICL treatment and summer (P<0.05). However, the reduction of the forage mass in the ILPFs systems did not interfere with the performance of the animals (P>0.05). Ambient temperature, globe temperature and temperature and humidity index were better in shade treatments and in the morning, providing greater comfort to the animals, and was also confirmed by the lower globular volume of the bovines in ICL (P<0.05). It is concluded that the systems with trees reduce the forage mass but this reduction does not alter the animals' performance in the finishing phase. In addition, ICLFs improve the thermal comfort of the animals, however, this improvement was not enough to favor their performance.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Aumento de Peso , Pastagens/métodos , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Pinus taeda , Poaceae/anatomia & histologia , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodosResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a pastagem, o desempenho, o conforto térmico e os parâmetros hematológicos de bovinos Nelore na fase de terminação em sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária com duas densidades de árvores (ILPF-1L= 196 árvores ha-1 e ILPF-3L=448 árvores ha-1) e em pleno sol (ILP). Foram avaliados a massa e a composição morfológica da forragem, o ganho médio diário, o ganho de peso por área e a taxa de lotação no verão e no outono, bem como as variáveis climáticas dos sistemas em três horários e parâmetros hematológicos dos animais (n=60). A massa de forragem foi superior no tratamento ILP e no verão (P<0,05). Porém, a redução da massa de forragem nos sistemas ILPFs não interferiu no desempenho dos animais (P>0,05). A temperatura ambiente, a temperatura do globo e o índice de temperatura e umidade foram melhores nos tratamentos com sombreamento e no período da manhã, proporcionando maior conforto aos animais, sendo ainda confirmado pelo menor volume globular dos bovinos em ILP (P<0,05). Conclui-se que os sistemas com componente arbóreo diminuem a massa de forragem, mas essa redução não altera o desempenho dos animais na fase de terminação. Além disso, os sistemas ILPFs melhoram o conforto térmico, entretanto essa melhora não foi suficiente para favorecer o desempenho.(AU)
The objective of this work was to evaluate pasture, performace, thermal comfort, and haematological parameters of Nellore cattle in the finishing phase in integrated crop-livestock systems with two tree densities (ICLF-1L= 196 ha -1 trees and ICLF-3L= 448 ha -1 trees) and in full sun (ICL). The forage mass morphological composition of the pasture average daily gain, weight gain per area, stocking rate of the animals were evaluated in summer and autumn, and the climatic variables of systems we evaluated at three different times, and haematological parameters of the animals (n= 60). The forage mass was higher in the ICL treatment and summer (P<0.05). However, the reduction of the forage mass in the ILPFs systems did not interfere with the performance of the animals (P>0.05). Ambient temperature, globe temperature and temperature and humidity index were better in shade treatments and in the morning, providing greater comfort to the animals, and was also confirmed by the lower globular volume of the bovines in ICL (P<0.05). It is concluded that the systems with trees reduce the forage mass but this reduction does not alter the animals' performance in the finishing phase. In addition, ICLFs improve the thermal comfort of the animals, however, this improvement was not enough to favor their performance.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Aumento de Peso , Pastagens/métodos , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Pinus taeda , Poaceae/anatomia & histologia , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodosResumo
Light is an important factor in the management of laying poultry. The ideal lamp spectrum that provides the best welfare conditions still needs to be determined. Wavelength and light intensity influence poultry behavior and their welfare. This study evaluated the influence of four lamps types with different light spectra on the behavior of seventy 52-week laying hens. Incandescent, fluorescent, and sodium and mercury vapor lamps were set in a different poultry house each and supplied similar light intensities. Layer behavior was video-recorded three times weekly using video cameras installed on the ceiling. The effects of different wavelengths emitted by the light sources on layer behavior were evaluated by the Kruskal-Wallis median test. Results indicated that incandescent and sodium vapor lamps increased the occurrence of nesting, and of active behaviors, such as floor-scratching and pecking.
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Comportamento Animal , Galinhas/classificação , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , LuzResumo
Light is an important factor in the management of laying poultry. The ideal lamp spectrum that provides the best welfare conditions still needs to be determined. Wavelength and light intensity influence poultry behavior and their welfare. This study evaluated the influence of four lamps types with different light spectra on the behavior of seventy 52-week laying hens. Incandescent, fluorescent, and sodium and mercury vapor lamps were set in a different poultry house each and supplied similar light intensities. Layer behavior was video-recorded three times weekly using video cameras installed on the ceiling. The effects of different wavelengths emitted by the light sources on layer behavior were evaluated by the Kruskal-Wallis median test. Results indicated that incandescent and sodium vapor lamps increased the occurrence of nesting, and of active behaviors, such as floor-scratching and pecking.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/classificação , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Comportamento Animal , Bem-Estar do Animal , LuzResumo
Brazil is the world leader in broiler production and export. It achieved this position mainly to its excellent supply chain structure and climate, which favor poultry and grain production throughout its territory. Although Brazilian egg production is not as important as broiler production, this segment presents great potential of increasing its share in the global market. However, as elsewhere in the world, Brazilian poultry production faces the challenge to balance two elements within its supply chain: cruelty and productivity. The consumers of the European Union (EU) are very concerned with animal welfare issues. In order to increase its share in the European market, and eventually in the world market, Brazilian poultry producers must understand the effects of production systems on poultry welfare, and try to develop systems that are suited for its climate and other production conditions. There is a consensus that the natural behaviors performed by poultry in intensive production systems allow better welfare. This objective of this review is to present scientific research studies that relate different behaviors to chicken welfare. Poultry behavior is a reflex of their welfare status at a particular moment, and it is related to internal (physiological) and external (environmental) factors. Several natural behaviors that favor welfare, as well as undesirable behaviors, may be stimulated by environmental enrichment. The correct interpretation of the behaviors expressed by poultry, including their frequency, duration, and sequence, may be used to estimate their welfare. Animal production is an import sector of Brazilian economy. It significantly contributes to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in terms of products destined both to domestic consumption and exports. New technologies applied to products and management practices have been developed for field application, aiming at improving producers' productivity and profitability. In order to comply with the European Union's (EU) guidelines for animal protein production, Brazilian poultry production needs to undergo a process of adaptation...(AU)
Comportamento Animal , Bem-Estar do Animal , GalinhasResumo
Morphological asymmetry has been described as a potential broiler welfare indicator, for interpreting the birds' ability to cope with the challenges that may affect its growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of morphological asymmetry data to estimate broiler walking ability and welfare.dBroilers werefed diets supplemented or not with vitamin D. Toes were measured when birds were 42 and 49 days old using digital caliper.the left and right sides of the following four bilateral traits (tarsometatarsus length, outer toe length, mid toe length, and back toe length) were measured twice on intact alive birds by two different researcherh. Data from right and left sides were compared in the two treatments using the Student t-test, and Pearson's correlation was used to analyze the total asymmetry found as a result of the total sum of the differences in the measurements. Asymmetry data were comparedwith the total numberof leg lesions. Mid toe and tarsometatarsus asymmetry resultswere considered as actual fluctuating asymmetry, and presented normal distribution (Test of Kolmogorov-Smirnov, p >0.05). However, back toe and outer toe measurements were not normally distributed, as determined by the test of Kolmogorov-Smirnov (p <0.05), indicating anti-asymmetry; when comparing right with left limb,results were significantly different fron zero (t-Student, p <0.05) indicating directional fluctuating asymmetry.The welfare of broilers withwalking difficulty due to the presence of severe asymmetry in limbs is poor.(AU)
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas/fisiologia , Pé/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Inquéritos sobre DietasResumo
Broiler litter reutilization consists in using the same bedding material to cover the house floor for several broiler flocks. This requires the litter to be treated in order to reduce the amount of microorganisms, according to international recommendations. The aim of this study was to evaluate two methods of broiler litter fermentation based on composting concepts and their effect on litter and the air quality during fermentation in small-scale broiler houses. The experiment was carried out in the Environmental Laboratory I of the School of Agricultural Engineering of the State University of Campinas, utilizing six small-scale houses. Litter from the same grow-out (one, two or three) was distributed in two experimental houses, where it was either piled or spread. Before beginning the treatment, six litter samples were collected from each house and analyzed for total nitrogen content, humidity, pH and microbial counts. Litter humidity, gas emission (NH3 and CO2), environmental temperature, air relative humidity, and air velocity were determined during and after composting. Bacterial population, especially of Salmonella sp, was higher when the litter was piled compared with spread litter. However, fungi population showed a different pattern, decreasing after composting. Nevertheless, both treatments were not able to significantly reduce bacterial counts, specifically Salmonella sp, when the population before and after fermentation were compared(AU)
Animais , Compactação de Resíduos Sólidos , Compostagem/métodos , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Galinhas , FermentaçãoResumo
In tropical poultry-producing countries, poultry houses usually have little environmental control. This study investigated the effect of dietary vitamin D on the incidence of leg abnormalities of a fast-growing broiler strain reared under harsh conditions. In this study, 300 one-day-old male broilers were distributed in two treatments with three replicates of 50 birds each. One group was fed a placebo and the other group was fed 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OH-D3) in a soluble form. The environmental variables were weekly recorded during until birds were 49 days old. Birds were weekly gait scored, and their walking speed and vertical force while walking were assessed. Post-mortem examination was performed and skeletal lesions were assessed. Control birds presented more leg problems than those that ingested 25-OH-D3. These results suggest that dietary vitamin D is effective in decreasing the severity of lameness by reducing tibial dyschondroplasia and other leg abnormalities.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Vitamina D/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Claudicação Intermitente/veterinária , Calcitriol/administração & dosagemResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different litter materials on litter compaction, broiler feathering and the incidence of carcass lesions. In the experiment, 3240 one-day-old Ross® chicks were selected by sex and distributed according to a completely randomized experimental design in a 2 x 6 factorial arrangement (two sex and six litter materials). The following litter materials were used: wood shavings, rice husks, chopped Napier grass, 50% sugar cane bagasse plus 50% wood shavings, 50% sugar cane bagasse plus 50% rice husks, and pure sugar cane bagasse. Litter compaction was weekly assessed using a penetrometer. On days 21, 35 and 42 of the experimental period, feathering on the back and legs was scored according to a 0 - 10 scale. On day 42, birds were slaughtered and the presence of bruises, scratches and footpad lesions was recorded. Litter material had no effect on bird feathering. Carcass lesions (scratches, bruises and footpad lesions) were influenced by the litter material evaluated. Birds reared on sugarcane bagasse and chopped Napier grass presented more scratches, bruises and footpad lesions than the others. Dermatitis was more evident in birds reared on sugarcane bagasse, chopped Napier grass and the combination of litter materials. It was found that males presented higher incidence of dermatitis and footpad lesions than females. Each litter material presented different compaction degrees, which increased along the experimental period. Sugarcane bagasse, chopped Napier grass and the combination of bedding materials presented the highest degree of compaction, compared with wood shavings and rice husks.(AU)