Abstract Pyroligneous extract is applied in diverse areas as an antioxidant, an antimicrobial, and an anti-inflammatory agent. The discovery of new cost-effective antimicrobial agents of natural origin remains a challenge for the scientific community. This study aimed to conduct a systematic review and a technological forecasting of the existent evidence regarding the use of pyroligneous extract as a potential antimicrobial agent. Studies were identified through an investigation of various electronic databases: PubMed, SciFinder, Web of Science, Scopus, Scielo, Google scholar, and ProQuest. Patents were searched through INPI, Google patents, Espacenet, Patents online, USPTO, and WIPO. The literature on antimicrobial activity of pyroligneous extract are limited given the short duration of studies and variability in study design, use of pyroligneous preparations, and reports on results. However, evidence suggests the potential of pyroligneous extract as a natural antimicrobial agent. The most studied activity was the role of PE as a food preservative. However, pyroligneous extracts are also effective against pathogenic bacteria in the oral microflora and treatment of candidal infections. Further research is needed using standardized preparations of pyroligneous extracts to determine their long-term effectiveness and ability as antimicrobial agents.
Pyroligneous extract is applied in diverse areas as an antioxidant, an antimicrobial, and an anti-inflammatory agent. The discovery of new cost-effective antimicrobial agents of natural origin remains a challenge for the scientific community. This study aimed to conduct a systematic review and a technological forecasting of the existent evidence regarding the use of pyroligneous extract as a potential antimicrobial agent. Studies were identified through an investigation of various electronic databases: PubMed, SciFinder, Web of Science, Scopus, Scielo, Google scholar, and ProQuest. Patents were searched through INPI, Google patents, Espacenet, Patents online, USPTO, and WIPO. The literature on antimicrobial activity of pyroligneous extract are limited given the short duration of studies and variability in study design, use of pyroligneous preparations, and reports on results. However, evidence suggests the potential of pyroligneous extract as a natural antimicrobial agent. The most studied activity was the role of PE as a food preservative. However, pyroligneous extracts are also effective against pathogenic bacteria in the oral microflora and treatment of candidal infections. Further research is needed using standardized preparations of pyroligneous extracts to determine their long-term effectiveness and ability as antimicrobial agents.(AU)
A incompatibilidade de enxertia é um problema que, além de prejuízo econômico aos produtores, causa atraso no lançamento de novas cultivares-copa e portaenxertos, devido ao longo período de tempo necessário para os testes de compatibilidade. O objetivo desta revisão é fazer um apanhado das principais e mais relevantes pesquisas realizadas envolvendo o tema incompatibilidade de enxertia em espécies frutíferas, especialmente as do gênero Prunus. Incompatibilidade é um fenômeno extremamente complexo, que envolve interações anatômicas, fisiológicas, bioquímicas e moleculares entre a cultivar-copa e o portaenxerto. Sendo, por essa razão, um problema de difícil estudo. Porém, acredita-se que através de uma análise conjunta dos diversos mecanismos de incompatibilidade, se pode avançar mais rapidamente no entendimento deste fenômeno.(AU)
The graft incompatibility is a problem that causes economic loss to producers and delay in the launch of new cultivars and rootstock because of the long time required for compatibility testing. The aim of this review is to show of the most important and relevant research conducted over the years involving the graft incompatibility in fruit species, specially the genus Prunus. The graft incompatibility is an extremely complex phenomenon that involves anatomical, physiological, biochemical and molecular interactions between scion and rootstock. Being for this reason a difficult problem to analyze. However, it is believed that through a joint analysis of graft incompatibility the understanding of the mechanisms may advance more quickly and so allow the solution for the phenomenon.(AU)