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Sci. agric ; 79(5): e20210064, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1341696


Reducing soil degradation and its impacts on the environment have been one of the main challenges of the 21st century, exacerbated by a direct link between increases in the human population and soil degradation that raises current and future food security concerns. Despite this, experiences worldwide reveal that degraded land restoration projects have either achieved little success or failed. Thus, understanding the underlying causes and devising appropriate restoration mechanisms is crucial. Soil amelioration using beneficial microorganisms, particularly arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), is essential and pragmatic. Glomalin, a type of glycoprotein produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the phylum Glomeromycota, contributes to the mitigation of soil degradation. Moreover, AMF and glomalin are highly correlated with other soil physico-chemical parameters and are sensitive to changes in the environment. As a result of this, they have been recommended for monitoring the recovery of degraded soil or stages of soil degradation. In this review, we discuss the role of AMF and glomalin in the restoration of degraded soils, including improvements to the soil structure and soil organic matter (SOM), microbial activity, reduction of fertility loss, bioremediation, and mitigation of the effects of drought and saline stress. We highlight the research gaps and discuss the prospects. This knowledge will improve our understanding of the ecological conduct of glomalin and AMF, stimulate future research, and be useful to sustainable restoration of degraded lands. Furthermore, we discussed the challenges and obstacles in the legislation and future perspectives on the production of inoculants based on AMF in Brazil.

Glicoproteínas/análise , Características do Solo/análise , Tratamento do Solo/legislação & jurisprudência , Micorrizas , Fenômenos Químicos , Biodegradação Ambiental/efeitos dos fármacos
Rev. bras. zootec ; 50: e20200185, 2021. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443290


Based on previous reports, our study aimed to obtain the first estimate on the contribution of termite mounds to CH4 emissions in Brazilian Cerrado pastures. We estimated that termite mounds occupy an area larger than 200,000 ha in degraded pastures, an important loss of grazing area considering the current scenario of land-use change of pastures to other crops in Brazil. Moreover, mound-building termites in degraded pastures may be responsible for CH4 emissions greater than 11 Mt CO2 eq. yr−1, which would notably affect the greenhouse gases (GHG) balance of grass-fed cattle production in Brazil. In this sense, it is urgent to conduct field-scale studies about the CH4 emissions by mound-building termites in pastures and its contribution to the C footprint of Brazilian beef.

Pastagens , Isópteros/química , Gases de Efeito Estufa/análise , Metano/análise , Brasil
Sci. agric ; 77(3): e20180164, 2020. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497859


In tropical regions, climate conditions favor fast decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM), releasing into the soil organic composts in solid, liquid, and gaseous forms with variable compositions. Dissolved organic matter (DOM), a complex mixture of thousands of organic compounds, is only a small fraction of the decomposition products; however, it is highly mobile and reactive to the soil. Therefore, DOM play a key role in soil aggregation (formation of organometallic complexes), energy source for microorganisms, as well as C storage, cycling, and provision of plant-available nutrients. DOM multifunctionality to sustain soil functions and important ecosystem services have raised global scientific interest in studies on DOM fractions. However, previous studies were conducted predominantly under temperate soil conditions in natural ecosystems. Therefore, there is paucity of information on tropical soil conditions under agricultural systems, where DOM turnover is intensified by management practices. This review synthesized information in the literature to identify and discuss the main sources, transformations, and future of DOM in soils. We also discussed the importance of this fraction in C cycling and other soil properties and processes, emphasizing agricultural systems in tropical soils. Gaps and opportunities were identified to guide future studies on DOM in tropical soils.

Análise do Solo , Matéria Orgânica , Química do Solo , Brasil , Clima Tropical
Sci. agric. ; 77(3): e20180164, 2020. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24974


In tropical regions, climate conditions favor fast decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM), releasing into the soil organic composts in solid, liquid, and gaseous forms with variable compositions. Dissolved organic matter (DOM), a complex mixture of thousands of organic compounds, is only a small fraction of the decomposition products; however, it is highly mobile and reactive to the soil. Therefore, DOM play a key role in soil aggregation (formation of organometallic complexes), energy source for microorganisms, as well as C storage, cycling, and provision of plant-available nutrients. DOM multifunctionality to sustain soil functions and important ecosystem services have raised global scientific interest in studies on DOM fractions. However, previous studies were conducted predominantly under temperate soil conditions in natural ecosystems. Therefore, there is paucity of information on tropical soil conditions under agricultural systems, where DOM turnover is intensified by management practices. This review synthesized information in the literature to identify and discuss the main sources, transformations, and future of DOM in soils. We also discussed the importance of this fraction in C cycling and other soil properties and processes, emphasizing agricultural systems in tropical soils. Gaps and opportunities were identified to guide future studies on DOM in tropical soils.(AU)

Matéria Orgânica , Análise do Solo , Química do Solo , Clima Tropical , Brasil
Sci. agric ; 75(3): 225-232, mai.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497707


Soil organic matter (SOM), which influences chemical, physical and biological soil attributes, is the main form of C found in the soil which can also be used as a soil sustainability index. The aim of this study was to use the quantity and quality of SOM as an indicator to determine the sustainability of different land uses (native vegetation, secondary vegetation, fruit orchards, horticultural areas, degraded pasture, improved pasture, and fields with annual crops) in the eastern Amazon. Improved pasture had higher soil C stock than the other land uses and was similar to the native vegetation, and also presented the highest quantity of C in a stable form in the soil (fraction < 53 μm). According to the C management index, improved pasture is the most similar in use to native vegetation. Changes in land use reduced the soil microbial C content, although the more conservationist systems (fruit orchards, secondary vegetation, and improved pasture) had contents similar to those of the native vegetation. The highest soil microbial quotients were found in fruit orchards and horticultural areas. Well-managed pastures were effective in accumulating C as stable forms in the soil, which demonstrates the sustainability of this land use in the region studied.

Biomassa , Carbono/administração & dosagem , Ecossistema Amazônico , Matéria Orgânica , Qualidade do Solo , Usos do Solo , Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Sci. agric. ; 75(3): 225-232, mai.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-728734


Soil organic matter (SOM), which influences chemical, physical and biological soil attributes, is the main form of C found in the soil which can also be used as a soil sustainability index. The aim of this study was to use the quantity and quality of SOM as an indicator to determine the sustainability of different land uses (native vegetation, secondary vegetation, fruit orchards, horticultural areas, degraded pasture, improved pasture, and fields with annual crops) in the eastern Amazon. Improved pasture had higher soil C stock than the other land uses and was similar to the native vegetation, and also presented the highest quantity of C in a stable form in the soil (fraction < 53 μm). According to the C management index, improved pasture is the most similar in use to native vegetation. Changes in land use reduced the soil microbial C content, although the more conservationist systems (fruit orchards, secondary vegetation, and improved pasture) had contents similar to those of the native vegetation. The highest soil microbial quotients were found in fruit orchards and horticultural areas. Well-managed pastures were effective in accumulating C as stable forms in the soil, which demonstrates the sustainability of this land use in the region studied.(AU)

Usos do Solo , Matéria Orgânica , Ecossistema Amazônico , Qualidade do Solo , Carbono/administração & dosagem , Biomassa , Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Sci. agric ; 75(3): 255-272, mai.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497703


The use of crop residues as a bioenergy feedstock is considered a potential strategy to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, indiscriminate harvesting of crop residues can induce deleterious effects on soil functioning, plant growth and other ecosystem services. Here, we have summarized the information available in the literature to identify and discuss the main trade-offs and synergisms involved in crop residue management for bioenergy production. The data consistently showed that crop residue harvest and the consequent lower input of organic matter into the soil led to C storage depletions over time, reducing cycling, supply and availability of soil nutrients, directly affecting the soil biota. Although the biota regulates key functions in the soil, crop residue can also cause proliferation of some important agricultural pests. In addition, crop residues act as physical barriers that protect the soil against raindrop impact and temperature variations. Therefore, intensive crop residue harvest can cause soil structure degradation, leading to soil compaction and increased risks of erosion. With regard to GHG emissions, there is no consensus about the potential impact of management of crop residue harvest. In general, residue harvest decreases CO2 and N2O emissions from the decomposition process, but it has no significant effect on CH4 emissions. Plant growth responses to soil and microclimate changes due to crop residue harvest are site and crop specific. Adoption of the best management practices can mitigate the adverse impacts of crop residue harvest. Longterm experiments within strategic production regions are essential to understand and monitor the impact of integrated agricultural systems and propose customized solutions for sustainable crop residue management in each region or landscape. Furthermore, private and public investments/cooperations are necessary for a better understanding of the potential environmental...

Gases de Efeito Estufa , Qualidade do Solo , Saccharum/química , Uso de Resíduos Sólidos , Produtos Agrícolas , Reciclagem
Sci. agric. ; 75(3): 255-272, mai.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-728730


The use of crop residues as a bioenergy feedstock is considered a potential strategy to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, indiscriminate harvesting of crop residues can induce deleterious effects on soil functioning, plant growth and other ecosystem services. Here, we have summarized the information available in the literature to identify and discuss the main trade-offs and synergisms involved in crop residue management for bioenergy production. The data consistently showed that crop residue harvest and the consequent lower input of organic matter into the soil led to C storage depletions over time, reducing cycling, supply and availability of soil nutrients, directly affecting the soil biota. Although the biota regulates key functions in the soil, crop residue can also cause proliferation of some important agricultural pests. In addition, crop residues act as physical barriers that protect the soil against raindrop impact and temperature variations. Therefore, intensive crop residue harvest can cause soil structure degradation, leading to soil compaction and increased risks of erosion. With regard to GHG emissions, there is no consensus about the potential impact of management of crop residue harvest. In general, residue harvest decreases CO2 and N2O emissions from the decomposition process, but it has no significant effect on CH4 emissions. Plant growth responses to soil and microclimate changes due to crop residue harvest are site and crop specific. Adoption of the best management practices can mitigate the adverse impacts of crop residue harvest. Longterm experiments within strategic production regions are essential to understand and monitor the impact of integrated agricultural systems and propose customized solutions for sustainable crop residue management in each region or landscape. Furthermore, private and public investments/cooperations are necessary for a better understanding of the potential environmental...(AU)

Qualidade do Solo , Uso de Resíduos Sólidos , Gases de Efeito Estufa , Saccharum/química , Reciclagem , Produtos Agrícolas
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 47(1): 63-72, 2016. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-688321


Land use changes strongly impact soil functions, particularly microbial biomass diversity and activity. We hypothesized that the catabolic respiration response of the microbial biomass would differ depending on land use and that these differences would be consistent at the landscape scale. In the present study, we analyzed the catabolic response profile of the soil microbial biomass through substrate-induced respiration in different land uses over a wide geographical range in Mato Grosso and Rondônia state (Southwest Amazon region). We analyzed the differences among native areas, pastures and crop areas and within each land use and examined only native areas (Forest, Dense Cerrado and Cerrado), pastures (Nominal, Degraded and Improved) and crop areas (Perennial, No-Tillage, Conventional Tillage). The metabolic profile of the microbial biomass was accessed using substrate-induced respiration. Pasture soils showed significant responses to amino acids and carboxylic acids, whereas native areas showed higher responses to malonic acid, malic acid and succinic acid. Within each land use category, the catabolic responses showed similar patterns in both large general comparisons (native area, pasture and crop areas) and more specific comparisons (biomes, pastures and crop types). The results showed that the catabolic responses of the microbial biomass are highly correlated with land use, independent of soil type or climate. The substrate induced respiration approach is useful to discriminate microbial communities, even on a large scale. (AU)

Análise do Solo , Meio Ambiente , Metabolismo , Ecossistema Amazônico , Usos do Solo