The objective of this research was to estimate genetic parameters and genetic trends (GT) for 305-day milk yield (MY305) and 305-day fat yield (FY305) of purebred Dairy Gir animals of the National Dairy Gir Breeding Program. The restricted maximum likelihood method was used in an animal model. GT were obtained via linear regression and divided into two periods (1935-1992 and 1993-2013 for PL305; 1935-1992 and 1993-2010 for MY305). The estimated heritabilities were 0.23 (MY305) and 0.10 (FY305). The GT (kg/year) values for MY305 in the 2nd period for measured females (25.49), females (26.11), and males (35.13) were higher than those found in the 1st period (2.52; 2.06, and 1.00, respectively). The heritability estimated for MY305 confirmed the possibility of genetic improvement by selection and indicated a lower additive genetic effect on FY305 of purebred animals. The genetic progress for MY305 in all purebred population is denoted by the more expressive gains found from 1990's, when the first bull catalogs were published.
Objetivou-se estimar os parâmetros genéticos e tendências genéticas (GT) para produção de leite (MY305) e produção de gordura (FY305), ambas em 305 dias, de animais puros Gir Leiteiro, integrantes do Programa Nacional de Melhoramento do Gir Leiteiro. Foi utilizada a metodologia da máxima verossimilhança restrita em modelo animal. As GT foram obtidas via regressão linear e divididas em dois períodos (1935-1992 e 1993-2013 para PL305; 1935-1992 e 1993-2010 para MY305). As herdabilidades foram de 0,23 (MY305) e 0,10 (FY305). Para PL305, as GT (kg/ano) do 2º período para fêmeas mensuradas (25,49), fêmeas (26,11) e, machos (35,13) foram claramente superiores às do 1º período (2,52; 2,06 e 1,00; respectivamente). A estimativa de herdabilidade para MY305 reafirma ser possível melhoramento genético por meio de seleção, enquanto para FY305 sugere uma menor influência genética aditiva em animais puros. O progresso genético para MY305 em toda a população pura está evidenciado pelos ganhos mais expressivos, observados a partir da década de 90, quando foram divulgados os primeiros sumários de touros.
Animais , Bovinos , Seleção Genética , Bovinos/genética , Melhoramento GenéticoResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the breed and heterosis effects on reproductive traits, test-day milk yield, and 305-day milk yield in different lactations of crossbred Girolando cows. Data consisted of test-day milk yield records of first (118,831 records), second (63,227), and third lactation (44,512) and their relative productive (test-day milk yield, 305-day milk yield, and lactation length) and reproductive (age at first calving, calving interval, days open, and dry period) records of 35,582 Girolando cows from Brazil, collected from 1998 to 2014. The heterosis effect of the evaluated traits in Girolando cattle was estimated by MIXED procedure in SAS. Girolando cows showed a negative (favorable) and significant heterosis effect for reproductive traits. The dry periods between the first and second calving and between the second and third calving showed the greatest gains in heterosis (21.93 and 10.41%, respectively). All the evaluated productive traits showed a significant and similar heterosis effect between the three lactations. The use of crossbreeding strategies between the Holstein and Gyr breeds, instead of using the pure breed, is indeed a good alternative to increase the economic efficiency of the dairy activity in the different production systems in tropical environments.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/genética , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Vigor Híbrido/fisiologiaResumo
The objective of this work is to estimate genetic parameters and breeding values to improve embryo and oocyte production, using repeatability and random regression models (RRM) for Gir dairy cattle. We used 11,398 records of ovum pick-up from 1,747 dairy Gir donors and evaluated sixteen different models: the traditional repeatability model and fifteen RRM, each of which considered a different combination of Legendre polynomial regressors to describe the additive genetic and permanent environment effects. The 4G1P model (four regressors for the genetic effect and one regressor for the permanent environment effect) is the most suitable model to analyze the number of viable and total oocytes, while the 3G1P is the best model to analyze the number of cleaved and viable embryos, according to the values of the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). The heritability estimated with the RRM was higher than that estimated with the repeatability model. The high repeatability reported for oocyte and embryo count traits indicates that donors, which had high oocyte and embryo counts in the first ovum pick-up, should maintain this result in the next ovum pick-up. Genetic correlations between adjacent ages were high and positive, while genetic correlations between extreme ages were weak. We observed a reranking of the top sires and females (heifers and cows) over the period evaluated. The reliability of the estimated breeding values by RRM showed changes across age, and the expected genetic gains by RRM are larger. This shows that RRM is most suitable alternative for the evaluation and selection of oocyte and embryo count traits.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Oócitos , Bovinos/genética , Fertilização in vitro/veterinária , Embrião de Mamíferos , Análise de RegressãoResumo
The objective of the present study was to assess the association between the inbreeding coefficient (F) of German Spitz dogs (litter, sires, and dams) and number of live newborn dogs for this breed. Records of dams and sires of a breeding system were used to calculate the F of 105 litters and their sires and dams and the number of live newborn dogs. The analysis performed through the GLM procedure showed a negative influence of F of litter and mother on litter size. This influence was investigated through models that considered linear and quadratic influences. Although the model that considered quadratic effect of F of the litter achieved the best adjustment, only linear coefficients were significant in both analyses. According to these results, the studied sample of German Spitz dogs exhibits inbreeding depression for litter size, which is an important information for breeders and professionals that assist in dog breeding. In addition to all the known effects of inbreeding on canine health, the results indicate that monitoring inbreeding through F is important for the reproductive success of the breed.
Animais , Cães , Animais Endogâmicos/genética , Fatores Raciais , Endogamia , Tamanho da Ninhada de Vivíparos/genéticaResumo
The objective of this study was to estimate the breed, heterosis, and recombination effects on different components of the lactation curve of Girolando cattle. The dataset used consisted of 12,121 purebred cows of Holstein (H) and Gyr (G) breeds, and six H×G crossbred cows (Girolando). The model used presents random effects of herd and cow, regression coefficient associated with linear effect of proportion of H breed, regression coefficient associated with the linear effect of heterosis between H and G breeds, regression coefficient associated with the linear effect of recombination between H and G breeds, and random effect of residual. Dijkstra's (DJ), Nelder's (ND), Wilmink's (WL), and Wood's (WD) models were tested to fit production records of these different genetic groups. These models were then tested according to evaluation criteria of quality of fit (AIC, BIC, and RMSE), and the two best models (WD and WL) were chosen for estimation of 305-day milk yield (MY305), peak yield, time to peak, and persistency of milk yield. The breed effect was significant for all traits and components of the lactation curve. The heterosis effect was significant for all traits, and was more significant for MY305 (945.62±79.17 kg). Peak yield was the component of lactation curve that presented the most significant heterosis effect, partially explaining the heterosis effect (12 to 21%) found for MY305. The recombination effect was positive only for lactation period and time to peak of lactation in Girolando cows.
Animais , Bovinos , Seleção Genética , Lactação/fisiologia , Cruzamentos Genéticos , Vigor Híbrido , Criação de Animais Domésticos/economiaResumo
Longevity is an important trait due to its relationship with profitability. Type traits have been used as indirect predictors for productive life. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship of 20 type traits on length of productive life in Brazilian Holsteins, using a piecewise Weibull proportional hazard model. Three analyses were performed i) productive life was corrected for within herd level of production as a proxy for functional longevity, which included the time-dependent effects of region within year, class of milk production within herdyear, milk production class within lactation number, fat class and protein contents within herd and (variation in) herd size as well as the time-independent fixed effect of age at first calving and the type trait score; ii) the effects related to production were omitted from the first model (true longevity) and iii) with the first model, the effect of type was also studied considering five classes of percentage of type-scored cows within the herd. All analyses were performed using the Survival Kit program. The final score, angularity, top line, udder texture and suspensory ligament showed the strongest relationship with productive life. When type traits were available only for a small fraction of the herd, the cows had a better chance of remaining longer in the herd. The absence of type trait phenotypes was associated with a strong increase of culling risk for the cows. Type traits were not found to be good indirect predictors of productive life in Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Abate de Animais , Longevidade , Sobrevivência , Fenótipo , Criação de Animais Domésticos/economiaResumo
Longevity is a desirable trait in the dairy industry because of its relationship to profitability. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for longevity measurements related to productive life, or life in the herd, and linear type traits of Brazilian Holstein cows born between the years 1990 and 2008. The (co) variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method. The heritability for measurements of longevity and linear type traits ranged from 0.05 to 0.07 and 0.08 to 0.39, respectively. The genetic correlations between measurements of longevity and linear type traits ranged from -0.39 to 0.31. Direct selection for longevity does not necessarily lead to long-lived cows, due to low heritability. Indirect genetic selection for udder depth, bone quality, udder height, rear teat placement and conformation traits showed the highest genetic correlations with measurements of time between birth and last milk record and time from first calving to last milk record.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Indústria de Laticínios , Longevidade/genética , Seleção GenéticaResumo
Longevity is a desirable trait in the dairy industry because of its relationship to profitability. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for longevity measurements related to productive life, or life in the herd, and linear type traits of Brazilian Holstein cows born between the years 1990 and 2008. The (co) variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method. The heritability for measurements of longevity and linear type traits ranged from 0.05 to 0.07 and 0.08 to 0.39, respectively. The genetic correlations between measurements of longevity and linear type traits ranged from -0.39 to 0.31. Direct selection for longevity does not necessarily lead to long-lived cows, due to low heritability. Indirect genetic selection for udder depth, bone quality, udder height, rear teat placement and conformation traits showed the highest genetic correlations with measurements of time between birth and last milk record and time from first calving to last milk record.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Longevidade/genética , Indústria de Laticínios , Seleção GenéticaResumo
Objetivou-se comparar um modelo multi-característica padrão com modelos de análise de fatores (AF) e de componentes principais (CP) para estimar parâmetros genéticos para a produção de leite no dia do controle (PLDC) de vacas da raça Holandesa. O arquivo de trabalho constituiu-se de 4.616 registros mensais de PLDC de primeiras lactações de vacas da raça Holandesa. As PLDC foram agrupadas em dez classes mensais, entre o 5o e 305o dia da lactação (PLDC1 a PLDC10). Foram realizadas análises considerando 11 modelos diferentes, como segue: multi-característica padrão (MC); cinco modelos de posto reduzido, para a matriz de covariância genética, ajustando um a cinco (CP1 ... CP5) componentes principais; e dois modelos utilizando análise de fatores (F1, F2, F3, F4 e F5). Para todos os modelos, foram considerados como aleatórios os efeitos genético aditivo e o residual e como fixos os de grupo de contemporâneos, da idade da vaca ao parto (linear e quadrático) e dias em lactação (linear). Os valores de Log L, AIC e BIC melhoraram com o aumento do número de parâmetros até CP4 e AF4. Comparando CP4 e AF4, observa-se que CP4 resultou em melhores valores de Log L, AIC e BIC. As estimativas de herdabilidade e correlações genéticas utilizando os modelos MC, CP4 e AF4 foram similares, variando de 0,06 (PL6) a 0,65 (PL10) e de 0,05 (PL4xPL10) a 0,94 (PL2xPL3), respectivamente, indicando que a estrutura de covariâncias genéticas entre as produções de leite no dia do controle pode ser ajustada utilizando um modelo de posto reduzido, contendo quatro componentes principais ou quatro fatores.(AU)
The objective was to compare a standard multi-trait (MT) analysis model with factor (FA) and principal components (PC) analyses models to estimated genetic parameters for Holstein cows test day milk production (TD). The data file was composed by 4.616 TD at first lactation registers. The TD was grouped into ten monthly classes of lactation, from the 5th and the 305th day of lactation (TD1 to TD10). Analyses were performed considering 11 different models: standard multi-traits (MT), five reduced rank models to genetic covariance matrix adjusting one (PC1), two (PC2), three (PC3), four (PC4) and five (PD5) principal components and five models using factor analyses (F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5). To all the models the effects additive genetic and residual were considered as random and the effects of contemporary group, age of cow at parturition (linear and quadratic) and days in lactation (linear) were considered as fixed. The values of Log L, AIC e BIC improved with the augment of the number of parameters until CP4 and AF4. Comparing CP4 and AF4 is possible to verify that CP4 proportioned better values to Log L, AIC e BIC. The heritabilities and genetic correlations estimated to the ten test day milk production using MC, CP4 and AF4 models were similar ranging from 0.06 (PL6) to 0.65 (PL10) and from 0.05 (PL4xPL10) to 0.94 (PL2xPL3), respectively, indicating that the structure of the genetic covariance between the TD milk productions can be adjusted using a reduced rank model with four principal components or four factors.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Indústria de Laticínios , LeiteResumo
O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar a estrutura genética da população de bovinos da raça Girolando no Brasil. Analisou-se o arquivo de pedigree de 26.969 animais, composto de 3.031 machos e 23.938 fêmeas. O nível de conteúdo de informação do pedigree na geração atual foi 61%, mostrando ser de qualidade moderada. O coeficiente de endogamia médio e o coeficiente de relação médio da população Girolando foram 0,11 e 0,13%, respectivamente. O tamanho efetivo da população, considerando a geração completa traçada, foi 188, acima do nível crítico. Do total de 9.457 ancestrais que contribuíram para a população de referência, 457 explicaram 50% da variabilidade genética da população. O número efetivo de fundadores foi 551 e o de ancestrais 393. O intervalo médio de geração foi de 5,26 anos, sendo ligeiramente maior nas trilhas gaméticas mãe-filho e pai-filha. A partir dos coeficientes estimados, pode-se concluir que a endogamia nos rebanhos da raça Girolando foi de pequena magnitude e que as práticas de acasalamento foram adequadas durante o período avaliado. No entanto, é importante continuar com o monitoramento desses coeficientes a fim de prevenir perda de variabilidade genética.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the population structure of Girolando cattle in Brazil. The pedigree file contained 26,969 individuals, from which 3,031 were males and 23,938 were females. The average level of completeness of the pedigree in the current generation was of reasonable quality (61%). Inbreeding and average relatedness coefficients were low: 0.11 and 0.13%, respectively. Estimates of effective population size considering the full generations traced was 188, which is above the critical level range. The number of ancestors that contributed to the reference population was 9,457 animals, from which 457 explained 50% of the genetic variability of the population. The effective number of founders and the effective number of ancestors in this population were, respectively, 551 and 393. The average generation interval was 5.26 years, slightly higher in genetic pathways dam-son and sire-daughter. The inbreeding in the Girolando breed was of small magnitude, indicating that the current practices of mating were adequate during the study period. However, it is important to continue monitoring these coefficients in order to prevent loss of genetic variability.
Animais , Bovinos , Animais Endogâmicos , Bovinos/genética , Variação GenéticaResumo
O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar a estrutura genética da população de bovinos da raça Girolando no Brasil. Analisou-se o arquivo de pedigree de 26.969 animais, composto de 3.031 machos e 23.938 fêmeas. O nível de conteúdo de informação do pedigree na geração atual foi 61%, mostrando ser de qualidade moderada. O coeficiente de endogamia médio e o coeficiente de relação médio da população Girolando foram 0,11 e 0,13%, respectivamente. O tamanho efetivo da população, considerando a geração completa traçada, foi 188, acima do nível crítico. Do total de 9.457 ancestrais que contribuíram para a população de referência, 457 explicaram 50% da variabilidade genética da população. O número efetivo de fundadores foi 551 e o de ancestrais 393. O intervalo médio de geração foi de 5,26 anos, sendo ligeiramente maior nas trilhas gaméticas mãe-filho e pai-filha. A partir dos coeficientes estimados, pode-se concluir que a endogamia nos rebanhos da raça Girolando foi de pequena magnitude e que as práticas de acasalamento foram adequadas durante o período avaliado. No entanto, é importante continuar com o monitoramento desses coeficientes a fim de prevenir perda de variabilidade genética.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the population structure of Girolando cattle in Brazil. The pedigree file contained 26,969 individuals, from which 3,031 were males and 23,938 were females. The average level of completeness of the pedigree in the current generation was of reasonable quality (61%). Inbreeding and average relatedness coefficients were low: 0.11 and 0.13%, respectively. Estimates of effective population size considering the full generations traced was 188, which is above the critical level range. The number of ancestors that contributed to the reference population was 9,457 animals, from which 457 explained 50% of the genetic variability of the population. The effective number of founders and the effective number of ancestors in this population were, respectively, 551 and 393. The average generation interval was 5.26 years, slightly higher in genetic pathways dam-son and sire-daughter. The inbreeding in the Girolando breed was of small magnitude, indicating that the current practices of mating were adequate during the study period. However, it is important to continue monitoring these coefficients in order to prevent loss of genetic variability.(AU)