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Pap. avulsos zool ; 60Feb. 14, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487360


Abstract Sixteen species of Peruvian Dysmorphocerinae (Cantharidae) are described as new (regions in parenthesis): Hyponotum macrocephalum sp. nov. (Huanuco); H. succhabamba sp. nov. (Cajamarca); Plectonotum altomayo sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. amazonas sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. bicoloricolle sp. nov. (Huanuco); P. carpish sp. nov. (Huanuco); P. celendin sp. nov. (Cajamarca); P. costae sp. nov. (Cajamarca); P. huariaca sp. nov. (Pasco and Huanuco); P. huascaran sp. nov. (Ancash); P. huertoae sp. nov. (Cajamarca); P. leymebamba sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. luteipes sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. oxapampa sp. nov. (Pasco); P. rubrithorax sp. nov. (Huanuco); P. shipasbamba sp. nov. (Amazonas). A lectotype is designated for Plectonotum longissimum (Pic, 1927) for which a redescription is provided. Plectonotum ruficolleWittmer, 1988, homonym of Plectonotum ruficollePic, 1926, is renamed as Plectonotum neoruficolle nom. nov. New keys are proposed in English and Spanish for the identification of the Peruvian species of the genus Plectonotum and the South American species of the genus Hyponotum Wittmer, together with macrophotographs of habitus, details of pronotum, male genitalia and a cartographic representation of their distribution.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 60(esp): e202060(s.i.).34, Mar. 4, 2020. ilus, map
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487397


Sixteen species of Peruvian Dysmorphocerinae (Cantharidae) are described as new (regions in parenthesis): Hyponotum macrocephalum sp. nov. (Huanuco); H. succhabamba sp. nov. (Cajamarca); Plectonotum altomayo sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. amazonas sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. bicoloricolle sp. nov. (Huanuco); P. carpish sp. nov. (Huanuco); P. celendin sp. nov. (Cajamarca); P. costae sp. nov. (Cajamarca); P. huariaca sp. nov. (Pasco and Huanuco); P. huascaran sp. nov. (Ancash); P. huertoae sp. nov. (Cajamarca); P. leymebamba sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. luteipes sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. oxapampa sp. nov. (Pasco); P. rubrithorax sp. nov. (Huanuco); P. shipasbamba sp. nov. (Amazonas). A lectotype is designated for Plectonotum longissimum (Pic, 1927) for which a redescription is provided. Plectonotum ruficolleWittmer, 1988, homonym of Plectonotum ruficollePic, 1926, is renamed as Plectonotum neoruficolle nom. nov. New keys are proposed in English and Spanish for the identification of the Peruvian species of the genus Plectonotum and the South American species of the genus Hyponotum Wittmer, together with macrophotographs of habitus, details of pronotum, male genitalia and a cartographic representation of their distribution.

Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Classificação , Peru
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 60(esp): e202060(s.i.).34, Mar. 4, 2020. ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30967


Sixteen species of Peruvian Dysmorphocerinae (Cantharidae) are described as new (regions in parenthesis): Hyponotum macrocephalum sp. nov. (Huanuco); H. succhabamba sp. nov. (Cajamarca); Plectonotum altomayo sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. amazonas sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. bicoloricolle sp. nov. (Huanuco); P. carpish sp. nov. (Huanuco); P. celendin sp. nov. (Cajamarca); P. costae sp. nov. (Cajamarca); P. huariaca sp. nov. (Pasco and Huanuco); P. huascaran sp. nov. (Ancash); P. huertoae sp. nov. (Cajamarca); P. leymebamba sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. luteipes sp. nov. (Amazonas); P. oxapampa sp. nov. (Pasco); P. rubrithorax sp. nov. (Huanuco); P. shipasbamba sp. nov. (Amazonas). A lectotype is designated for Plectonotum longissimum (Pic, 1927) for which a redescription is provided. Plectonotum ruficolleWittmer, 1988, homonym of Plectonotum ruficollePic, 1926, is renamed as Plectonotum neoruficolle nom. nov. New keys are proposed in English and Spanish for the identification of the Peruvian species of the genus Plectonotum and the South American species of the genus Hyponotum Wittmer, together with macrophotographs of habitus, details of pronotum, male genitalia and a cartographic representation of their distribution.(AU)

Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Peru , Classificação
Pap. avulsos zool ; 58: e20185858, 2018. ilus, map
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487134


La révision du genre Macromalthinus Brancucci, 1981, a permis la reconnaissance de douze espèces, dont sixnouvelles: Macromalthinus belemensis Brancucci, 1981, M. brasiliensis (Pic, 1906), M. globuliventris Brancucci, 1981,M. guyanensis sp. nov., M. luteoapicalis sp. nov., M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, M. orapuensis sp. nov., M. piceiventris sp. nov.,M. quadratithorax sp. nov., M. santaremensis Brancucci, 1981, M. schmidli Constantin, 2010 et M. xerophilus sp. nov. Lafemelle de M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, est décrite, sexe nouveau. Le statut des espèces précédemment décrites n’estpas modifié et elles sont caractérisées dans une clé d’identification mise à jour et par des diagnostics différentiels. Lesspécimens-types de toutes les espèces ont été examinés et photographiés. Des discussions sont présentées à propos descaractères diagnostiques de chaque espèce, sur la morphologie générale, la première description des ailes et l’appareilgénital des femelles de Macromalthinus. Enfin, de nouvelles données et des cartes de distribution sont présentées pourtoutes les espèces.

A revision of the genus Macromalthinus resulted on recognition of twelve species, six of which are herein proposed asnew: Macromalthinus belemensis Brancucci, 1981, M. brasiliensis (Pic, 1906), M. globuliventris Brancucci, 1981, M. guyanensissp. nov., M. luteoapicalis sp. nov., M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, M. orapuensis sp. nov., M. piceiventris sp. nov., M. quadratithoraxsp. nov., M. santaremensis Brancucci, 1981, M. schmidli Constantin, 2010 and M. xerophilus sp. nov. No taxonomic changeswere necessary in the previously described species, which are distinguished through differential diagnosis and an updatedidentification key. The type specimens of all species were revisited and their photographs are provided. Discussions onthe diagnostic character of each species, general morphology and the first description of wings and female genitalia ofMacromalthinus are presented, as well as the first description of the female of M. maximiceps Pic, 1919. Finally, new recordsand distribution maps are presented for all species.

Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 58: e20185858, Jan. 7, 2019. ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738961


La révision du genre Macromalthinus Brancucci, 1981, a permis la reconnaissance de douze espèces, dont sixnouvelles: Macromalthinus belemensis Brancucci, 1981, M. brasiliensis (Pic, 1906), M. globuliventris Brancucci, 1981,M. guyanensis sp. nov., M. luteoapicalis sp. nov., M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, M. orapuensis sp. nov., M. piceiventris sp. nov.,M. quadratithorax sp. nov., M. santaremensis Brancucci, 1981, M. schmidli Constantin, 2010 et M. xerophilus sp. nov. Lafemelle de M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, est décrite, sexe nouveau. Le statut des espèces précédemment décrites nestpas modifié et elles sont caractérisées dans une clé didentification mise à jour et par des diagnostics différentiels. Lesspécimens-types de toutes les espèces ont été examinés et photographiés. Des discussions sont présentées à propos descaractères diagnostiques de chaque espèce, sur la morphologie générale, la première description des ailes et lappareilgénital des femelles de Macromalthinus. Enfin, de nouvelles données et des cartes de distribution sont présentées pourtoutes les espèces.

A revision of the genus Macromalthinus resulted on recognition of twelve species, six of which are herein proposed asnew: Macromalthinus belemensis Brancucci, 1981, M. brasiliensis (Pic, 1906), M. globuliventris Brancucci, 1981, M. guyanensissp. nov., M. luteoapicalis sp. nov., M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, M. orapuensis sp. nov., M. piceiventris sp. nov., M. quadratithoraxsp. nov., M. santaremensis Brancucci, 1981, M. schmidli Constantin, 2010 and M. xerophilus sp. nov. No taxonomic changeswere necessary in the previously described species, which are distinguished through differential diagnosis and an updatedidentification key. The type specimens of all species were revisited and their photographs are provided. Discussions onthe diagnostic character of each species, general morphology and the first description of wings and female genitalia ofMacromalthinus are presented, as well as the first description of the female of M. maximiceps Pic, 1919. Finally, new recordsand distribution maps are presented for all species.(AU)