The aim of the present study was to develop low sodium salami prepared with pork, low-fat beef and a small quantity of pork back fat (150 g kg1). Sodium chloride (NaCl) was replaced by potassium chloride (KCl) and calcium chloride (CaCl2), and salamis were tasted to obtain low-salt salami with sensory characteristics similar to those found in commercial ones. Salamis were prepared following seven different treatments. Treatments included five different combinations of KCl and CaCl2 which varied from 5 g kg1 to 10 g kg1 and two controls containing high (25 g kg1) and low (10 g kg1) concentrations of NaCl. The right level of saltiness of each treatment was evaluated on just-about-right (JAR) scales and analyzed by Penalty Analysis. The results showed differences in pH and Aw (water activity) due to NaCl reduction. Salt replacement mixtures of KCl/CaCl2 in salamis did not affect this process technologically (slicing, appearance and texture), and the decrease in Na content was approximately 55 %. Although no significant differences were observed in appearance, treatments differed (p 0.05) in flavor, texture, and overall liking. As regards salt content of salami, consumers considered treatments with low NaCl content and replacers KCl and CaCl2 (% Na) as having an acceptable level of saltiness. However, this replacement produced a strange taste. Thus, the production of low sodium salamis using salt replacers (KCl and CaCl2) or salamis without replacers with a value higher than 1 % of NaCl can be used effectively without compromising major sensorial attributes.
Carne Vermelha , Percepção Gustatória , Sensação , Sódio/análise , Cloreto de Cálcio , Cloreto de PotássioResumo
The aim of the present study was to develop low sodium salami prepared with pork, low-fat beef and a small quantity of pork back fat (150 g kg1). Sodium chloride (NaCl) was replaced by potassium chloride (KCl) and calcium chloride (CaCl2), and salamis were tasted to obtain low-salt salami with sensory characteristics similar to those found in commercial ones. Salamis were prepared following seven different treatments. Treatments included five different combinations of KCl and CaCl2 which varied from 5 g kg1 to 10 g kg1 and two controls containing high (25 g kg1) and low (10 g kg1) concentrations of NaCl. The right level of saltiness of each treatment was evaluated on just-about-right (JAR) scales and analyzed by Penalty Analysis. The results showed differences in pH and Aw (water activity) due to NaCl reduction. Salt replacement mixtures of KCl/CaCl2 in salamis did not affect this process technologically (slicing, appearance and texture), and the decrease in Na content was approximately 55 %. Although no significant differences were observed in appearance, treatments differed (p 0.05) in flavor, texture, and overall liking. As regards salt content of salami, consumers considered treatments with low NaCl content and replacers KCl and CaCl2 (% Na) as having an acceptable level of saltiness. However, this replacement produced a strange taste. Thus, the production of low sodium salamis using salt replacers (KCl and CaCl2) or salamis without replacers with a value higher than 1 % of NaCl can be used effectively without compromising major sensorial attributes.(AU)
Carne Vermelha , Sódio/análise , Sensação , Percepção Gustatória , Cloreto de Potássio , Cloreto de CálcioResumo
Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer a health benefit on the host by improving the intestinal microbial balance. We evaluated the viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus (La) and Bifidobacterium lactis (Bl) probiotics and their effects on the technology and sensorial characteristics of fermented sausage. The presence of probiotic cultures reduced water activity and promoted faster pH reduction in the salamis, which presented pH values between 4.71 and 5.23 and water activity between 0.84 and 0.89. Lactic acid content ranged between 0.19 and 0.29 g, and the samples lost up to 35 % of their weight during ripening. As regards color, no differences were found between the probiotic salamis and the control, presenting an overall mean of 40.85 for L* (lightness), 14.48 for a* (redness) and 6.46 for b* (yellowness). High consumer acceptance was observed for the probiotic salamis, which showed an average acceptance of approximately 7.0 on a nine-point hedonic scale for all attributes evaluated, with no differences (p 0.05) when compared with the control. The performance of La was better, as the salamis treated with this microorganism presented less weight loss, better acceptance and greater purchase intention. Flavor and texture were the attributes that most influenced sensory acceptance. Salamis supplemented with probiotic cultures may be a viable option for the formulation of fermented sausages in the food industry.
Bifidobacterium animalis , Lactobacillus acidophilus , Probióticos , Produtos da Carne/análise , Produtos da Carne/microbiologia , Bovinos , SuínosResumo
Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer a health benefit on the host by improving the intestinal microbial balance. We evaluated the viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus (La) and Bifidobacterium lactis (Bl) probiotics and their effects on the technology and sensorial characteristics of fermented sausage. The presence of probiotic cultures reduced water activity and promoted faster pH reduction in the salamis, which presented pH values between 4.71 and 5.23 and water activity between 0.84 and 0.89. Lactic acid content ranged between 0.19 and 0.29 g, and the samples lost up to 35 % of their weight during ripening. As regards color, no differences were found between the probiotic salamis and the control, presenting an overall mean of 40.85 for L* (lightness), 14.48 for a* (redness) and 6.46 for b* (yellowness). High consumer acceptance was observed for the probiotic salamis, which showed an average acceptance of approximately 7.0 on a nine-point hedonic scale for all attributes evaluated, with no differences (p 0.05) when compared with the control. The performance of La was better, as the salamis treated with this microorganism presented less weight loss, better acceptance and greater purchase intention. Flavor and texture were the attributes that most influenced sensory acceptance. Salamis supplemented with probiotic cultures may be a viable option for the formulation of fermented sausages in the food industry.(AU)