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Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 267-274, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435388


A ultrassonografia (US) Doppler colorido fornece uma ferramenta não invasiva valiosa para detectar e monitorar mudanças dinâmicas na rede vascular e fluxo sanguíneo em vários órgãos e tecidos reprodutivos. Em apoio as biotécnicas da reprodução animal assistida, a US Doppler colorido tem mostrada alta eficiência no monitoramento funcional das estruturas ovarianas. A previsão de respostas ovarianas e produções embrionária em ovinos pela identificação de sinais Doppler na parede folicular já se mostrou eficiente. A aplicação da US Doppler colorido para a identificação da funcionalidade do tecido luteal é ainda maior, desde acompanhamentos fisiológicos e diagnósticos de disfunções luteais até ampla aplicação em conjunto as diferentes biotécnicas reprodutivas. Destaca-se em ovelhas e cabras, a aplicação comercial da US Doppler colorido para o diagnóstico de gestação precoce, de disfunções luteais, de determinação de respostas ovarianas em fêmeas doadoras e receptoras de embriões, para identificar efeitos luteotrófico de estratégias hormonais, e ainda para amparar as estratégias de ressincronização de estro.(AU)

Color Doppler ultrasonography (US) provides a valuable non-invasive tool for detecting and monitoring dynamic changes in the vascular network and blood flow in various reproductive organs and tissues. In support of assisted animal reproduction biotechniques, color Doppler US has shown high efficiency in the functional monitoring of ovarian structures. The prediction of ovarian responses and embryonic production in sheep by identifying Doppler signals in the follicular wall has already proved to be efficient. The application of color Doppler US for identifying the functionality of the luteal tissue is even greater, from physiological monitoring and diagnosis of luteal dysfunctions to wide application together with different reproductive biotechniques. It stands out in sheep and goats, the commercial application of color Doppler US for the diagnosis of early pregnancy, luteal dysfunctions, determination of ovarian responses in embryo donor and recipient females, to identify luteotrophic effects of hormonal strategies, and even to support estrus resynchronization strategies.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/fisiologia , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ultrassonografia Doppler/instrumentação , Corpo Lúteo/diagnóstico por imagem , Folículo Ovariano/diagnóstico por imagem
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20220111, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427302


Hormonal methodologies to control small ruminants' estrous cycle are worldwide used and evolved, adjusting the application to the precise female physiological moments to enhance reproductive performance. The estrous cycle can be induced and/or synchronized, aiming for fixed-time artificial insemination, or based on estrus behavior signs for insemination, natural or guided mating. Successive protocols can be performed to resynchronize ovulation and increase reproductive outcomes in females that failed to conceive. These recently developed treatments aim to resynchronize the ovulation as earlier as non-pregnancy is detected. The present review aimed to summarize the recent advances and main findings regarding resynchronization protocols used in small ruminants. Lastly, we present future perspectives and new paths to be studied in the subject. The resynchronization treatment is still a growing field in small ruminant reproduction, nevertheless, some enhancements are found in the reproductive outcome, showing that such protocols can be successfully used in sheep and goat production.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Coelhos/fisiologia , Ciclo Estral/fisiologia , Sincronização do Estro , Ovulação/fisiologia
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(3): e20210112, set. 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393239


Resynchronization protocols have been proposed as a way of shortening females' unproductive time in the flock, with good results in cattle and sheep. In goats, initial studies have shown that a second progestogen device inserted before luteolysis and pregnancy diagnosis does not interfere with the corpus luteum lifespan or functionality. This study aimed to evaluate the follicular growth, ovulation pattern and pregnancy rate after insertion of a second and new progestogen device for resynchronizing, with or without equine Chorionic Gonadotrophin (eCG), submitted to natural mating (NM) or artificial insemination (AI) to propose a viable resynchronization protocol for dairy goats. A total of 38 multiparous Saanen goats underwent a short-term progesterone protocol [six days exposed to medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) intravaginal sponges + 200 IU eCG and 0.12 mg of cloprostenol sodium on the 5th day + 0.025 mg of lecirelin 34 hours after sponge withdrawal] and, on day 16th after the ovulation, received a new MAP device which was retained until day 21. At this moment females were split into four groups: GeCG+NM ­ 100 IU eCG with NM; GSal+NM ­ saline solution with NM; GeCG+AI ­ 100 IU eCG with AI; and GSal+AI ­ saline solution with AI. Ultrasound scans were performed every 12 h from sponge withdrawal (day 21) until 108 h after sponge withdrawal (day 25) for follicular dynamics evaluation, at 240 h (day 31) for assessing the presence of active corpus luteum, and on day 60 for pregnancy diagnosis. No differences were found regarding ovulation time, synchronization and follicle size. However, GeCG+NM presented a greater estrus manifestation rate (100%) and pregnancy rate (62.5%) when compared to GSal+AI. In conclusion, resynchronization protocols in dairy goats may present satisfactory results.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Detecção da Ovulação/veterinária , Cabras/fisiologia , Eletrocardiografia/efeitos adversos , Sincronização do Estro/fisiologia , Gonadotropina Coriônica/análise , Progestinas/análise , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Prenhez/fisiologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.405-2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458169


Background: Seminomas are germ cell tumors mainly originating from spermatogonia in the seminiferous tubules andhas been described in several domestic animal species, even though has rarely been described in goats. Moreover, seminomas tumors are not usually metastatic and rarely trigger paraneoplastic syndrome. In this sense, this is a case report ofa 12-year-old male Alpine goat, suspected of testicular neoplasm based on clinical examination and ultrasound imaging,diagnosed as a seminoma with metastasis in liver by histopathology upon necropsy.Case: A 12-year-old male Alpine goat presented a 10 month history of progressive weight loss, prostration, and scrotalsac enlargement. The major clinical findings were pale conjunctival mucus, bilateral nasal catarrhal secretion, obstructivedyspnea, an increased abdominal component, crackling at trachea auscultation, silence upon lung auscultation of the ventralarea and wheezing upon auscultation of the dorsal area, and enlargement of the left testicle with contralateral atrophy. Atthe Ultrasonography scan, the enlarged left testicle presented architecture loss, as well as circumscribed masses differingin echogenicity and echotexture with scattered small hyperechoic nodules. The shrunken right testicle showed acousticshading across the surface suggestive of calcification. Due to the poor prognosis and regard for animal welfare, the goatwas euthanized. The main necropsy findings on testicles were: enlarged left testicle with white parenchyma on the dorsalside as well as diffuse yellow elliptical lesions of 0.5-2.5 cm on the surface in association with two circumscribed areasat the cranial and caudal poles, firm upon cutting. The right testicle was half the typical size, slightly pale, firm at cuttingof the tunica albuginea, and presented dark parenchyma with abundant calcification dots suggestive of microlithiasis.The histological findings included diffuse tumoral stroma of the left testicle...

Masculino , Animais , Cabras , Neoplasias Testiculares/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Testiculares/veterinária , Seminoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Seminoma/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 405, July 24, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21495


Background: Seminomas are germ cell tumors mainly originating from spermatogonia in the seminiferous tubules andhas been described in several domestic animal species, even though has rarely been described in goats. Moreover, seminomas tumors are not usually metastatic and rarely trigger paraneoplastic syndrome. In this sense, this is a case report ofa 12-year-old male Alpine goat, suspected of testicular neoplasm based on clinical examination and ultrasound imaging,diagnosed as a seminoma with metastasis in liver by histopathology upon necropsy.Case: A 12-year-old male Alpine goat presented a 10 month history of progressive weight loss, prostration, and scrotalsac enlargement. The major clinical findings were pale conjunctival mucus, bilateral nasal catarrhal secretion, obstructivedyspnea, an increased abdominal component, crackling at trachea auscultation, silence upon lung auscultation of the ventralarea and wheezing upon auscultation of the dorsal area, and enlargement of the left testicle with contralateral atrophy. Atthe Ultrasonography scan, the enlarged left testicle presented architecture loss, as well as circumscribed masses differingin echogenicity and echotexture with scattered small hyperechoic nodules. The shrunken right testicle showed acousticshading across the surface suggestive of calcification. Due to the poor prognosis and regard for animal welfare, the goatwas euthanized. The main necropsy findings on testicles were: enlarged left testicle with white parenchyma on the dorsalside as well as diffuse yellow elliptical lesions of 0.5-2.5 cm on the surface in association with two circumscribed areasat the cranial and caudal poles, firm upon cutting. The right testicle was half the typical size, slightly pale, firm at cuttingof the tunica albuginea, and presented dark parenchyma with abundant calcification dots suggestive of microlithiasis.The histological findings included diffuse tumoral stroma of the left testicle...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Seminoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Seminoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Testiculares/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Testiculares/veterinária , Cabras , Ultrassonografia/veterinária