Background: Despite being rare in domestic animals, pancreatic adenocarcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of the feline pancreas. Due non-specificity of clinical signs in cats and the late diagnosis of the neoplasm, it is necessary to understand this disease better, to contribute for the knowledge of its early recognition and treatment. Thus, this study aims to report a case of metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in a cat, focusing on the main clinical aspects, diagnosis, and prognosis of this disease, in addition to the description of the presentation of peritoneal carcinomatosis. Case: A 14-year-old male neutered mixed breed cat, was referred to the Feline Medicine Service (MedFel) of the Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias (HCV) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, with a history of hyporexia, constipation and increased abdominal volume for 3 days, besides mild difficulty in locomotion and progressive weight loss in the last 6 months. On the physical examination, the patient was alert, with a body condition score of 6/9; muscle condition score 1/4 and moderate dehydration of 7%. Popliteal lymph nodes were enlarged, and abdominal distension was evident. Around 200 mL of a slightly cloudy, straw-yellow liquid were drained from the abdominal cavity. After draining the fluid, a new abdominal palpation was performed, and there were fecal retention and a palpable mass in the right hypogastric region. The result of the cytological analysis of the fluid was consistent with a protein-rich transudate, suggesting neoplastic effusion of epithelial origin. Hematological and biochemical changes included leukocytosis due to neutrophilia, monocytosis, lymphopenia, thrombocytosis and azotemia. On abdominal ultrasound, the patient had free fluid in the abdominal cavity, and the gallbladder had discreet of biliary sludge. The intestines showed some corrugated segments with other segments lacking definition of its layers, and without peristaltic movements, suggesting intestinal neoplasia. Pancreas and adrenals were not visualized. On the chest X-ray, moderate opacification of lung fields with a diffuse interstitial pattern was observed, suggesting lung metastasis. The patient presented an acute worsening of the clinical condition and the owner requested euthanasia. The patient was referred for necropsy and based on the macroscopic and microscopic changes, the post-mortem diagnosis was metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with peritoneal carcinomatosis. Discussion: The clinical presentation of cats with exocrine pancreatic neoplasia is nonspecific, as clinical signs are common to several diseases, such as anorexia, vomiting, abdominal pain, weight loss with normal appetite, jaundice, depression, and lethargy. Complementary blood tests also do not provide data that could lead to the suspicion of pancreatic neoplastic disease. In the present case, the diagnosis of metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with peritoneal carcinomatosis was only possible post mortem. The pancreas is a difficult organ to assess adequately using most diagnostic imaging methods, so histopathology is still the method of choice for differentiating pancreatic tissue comorbidities. Therefore, exploratory laparotomy should be instituted to provide tissue samples from the pancreas and its metastases for histopathological diagnosis, whenever ultrasound or other imaging methods indicate suspicious abdominal changes. The literature reports that less than 10% of affected cats treated with complete surgical removal of the mass and chemotherapy alone will survive more than a year, and the average time for untreated cats is only 6 days. The prognosis of this disease is bad and most cats are euthanized, due to rapid clinical worsening. Therefore, diagnosis is essential to determine an adequate prognosis in advanced cases and to support therapeutic decisions or euthanasia.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Neoplasias Pancreáticas/veterinária , Carcinoma Ductal Pancreático/veterinária , Neoplasias Abdominais/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: In veterinary medicine, peripheral nerve tumors (PNST) are classified from the cellular pattern and as benign and malignant (MPNST). The majorities of cases are benign and usually involve the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the head, neck, and limbs. Animals with MPTNS usually have spinal cord and spinal canal involvement and are also described in the small and large intestine, oral cavity, perirenal region, and urinary bladder. Treatment is performed according to the location of the neoplasm and metastasis is rarely described. The present article aims to report a case of a malignant tumor in the peripheral nerve sheath of a cat. Case: A 8-year-old domestic cat was presented with a history of progressive paresis in the pelvic limbs. On neurological evaluation, proprioceptive ataxia and proprioception deficit in the pelvic limbs were observed, suggestive of thoracolumbar injury. Blood work and serum biochemistry showed results within the reference for the species and the bi-directional immunochromatography test for FIV and FeLV were negative. The radiographs of the thoracolumbar segment did not show significant changes. Myelography with iodinated contrast and collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were performed. On myelography examination, iodinated contrast loss was found between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae, while the CSF analysis was normal. The patient underwent laminectomy and durotomy for excision of a mass found dorsally to the spinal cord, with intradural location. The tumor was sent for histopathological examination. Microscopic analysis showed neoplastic proliferation of spindle-shaped cells with predominance of the Antoni A pattern. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated intense cytoplasmic staining of the neoplastic cells for vimentin and S100 protein. Based on these findings, the diagnosis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor was made. Radiotherapy was suggested as adjuvant treatment after surgical procedure. However, the owner refuse to follow this recommendation due to cost restriction. The patient had a satisfactory clinical recovery, he has no longer presented proprioceptive ataxia or proprioception deficits in three months after the surgical procedure. Discussion: In the case described, the feline patient presented a history, clinical signs, and findings in the myelography exam related to MPNST in the region of the vertebral canal. This neoplasm usually involves the spinal canal or spinal cord, but has been described in other locations, such in the small and large intestine, oral cavity, perirenal region, and urinary bladder. Based on the findings of the physical examination and complementary exams, a surgical procedure was recommended. Then, laminectomy and dutoromy were performed to remove the mass. The treatment described in the literature in cases of MPTNS is surgery, which can be curative, but in some cases, the use of radiotherapy may be necessary. The histological patterns observed in this neoplasm are the Antoni A and B, in the case described the Antoni A pattern was observed. The definitive diagnosis was made by immunohistochemistry with vimentin and S100 protein. MPNST are few described in the thoracolumbar region in cats. The surgical treatment was curative, where improvement of the clinical signs could be observed three months after surgery. In addition, monitoring of patients is recommended to ascertain relapses and metastases.
Animais , Gatos , Tórax , Neoplasias de Bainha Neural/veterinária , Região Lombossacral , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Procedimentos Neurocirúrgicos/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cardiomyopathies are a primary heart disorder and are one of the most causes of heart failure and sudden death in cats. Restrictive cardiomyopathy is a diastolic dysfunction resulting from endomyocardial fibrosis, with filling restriction and ventricular distention. In these cases, a poor outcome is expected. Anasarca in animals is often associated with dystocia secondary to congenital changes. In adults, this is a rare condition, since subcutaneous edema in animals with congestive heart failure is an uncommon finding. Therefore, this report describes clinical and pathological findings in an unusual presentation of anasarca in two adult cats with restrictive cardiomyopathy. Cases: A 12-year-old female mixed breed cat (case 1) and a 6-year-old male mixed-breed cat (case 2) were present on an emergent basis at the veterinary hospital with a history of respiratory distress. Case 1 showed on physical examination intense restrictive mixed dyspnea and lethargy, with muffled heart sounds and respiratory noises in cardiorespiratory auscultation. The cat exhibited abdominal distension resulting from ascites. Generalized subcutaneous edema was evident mainly in the abdominal and submandibular areas and the thoracic and pelvic limbs. In these regions, a positive Godet signal was observed. Thoracic radiography revealed pleural effusion, and the cat underwent fluid drainage on both sides of the thoracic cavity. Drainage material was sent to the laboratory for clinical analysis, which indicated that it was a modified transudate. The clinical signs worsened, and the cat was euthanized. In case 2, physical examination showed severe restrictive mixed dyspnea, lethargy, and low body temperature (< 32°C). Abdominal distension resulting from ascites and generalized edema in the subcutaneous tissue with a positive Godet sign was observed. On cardiorespiratory auscultation, cardiac sounds and breathing noises were muffled. Thoracic radiography revealed pleural effusion. The cat was immediately placed in an incubator for clinical stabilization with oxygen therapy and warm-up. After 2 h of hospitalization, thoracentesis and drainage of cavity fluids were performed, which were classified as modified transudate. The patient remained in critical condition during hospitalization, evolving to death. The two cats were referred for a complete post mortem examination. Grossly, both cats showed distension of the abdomen and marked edema of subcutaneous tissue, mainly in the abdominal, ventral cervical, and thoracic and pelvic members. In the abdominal and thoracic cavities, a moderate amount of serous-free liquid, slightly reddish was observed. The heart of both cats was enlarged, with a globose appearance and a slightly whitish epicardium. The left ventricular endocardium was mild and diffusely thick and whitish, in addition to moderate dilation of the left atrium. Histological analyses of the heart showed in both cats moderate and diffuse proliferation of fibrous connective tissue in the endocardial region. Discussion: Restrictive cardiomyopathy has major importance in feline medicine due to its severity and poor outcome. Pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, and ascites are common findings in cats with congestive heart failure; however, generalized subcutaneous edema is uncommon. To the author's knowledge, there are no published cases in the literature of anasarca in adult cats with restrictive cardiomyopathy. In human cardiology, this presentation is commonly related to congestive heart failure, and it is reported under several conditions, such as restrictive cardiomyopathy and constrictive pericarditis. The present study suggests that anasarca should be included in the list of associated clinical signs suggestive of severe congestive heart failure, mainly related to restrictive cardiomyopathy.
Animais , Gatos , Cardiomiopatia Restritiva/veterinária , Edema/veterinária , Edema Cardíaco/veterinária , Fibrose Endomiocárdica/veterináriaResumo
Background: In people, extrarenal pelvis is a normal anatomical variant, characterized by the protusion of the pelvis out of the renal hilum, which can be associated with other anomalies, or predispose to stasis or infection. While other diagnostic imaging methods provide anatomical and morphological information about the kidney, scintigraphy allows to determine the renal function and has greater sensitivity in the detection of functional alterations. The aim of this work is to report the case of an asymptomatic cat diagnosed with extrarenal pelvis detected by scintigraphy, which presented alterations in laboratory and renal imaging tests, and absence of associated obstructive process. Case: A 7-year-old mixed-breed female cat was evaluated for a routine health assessment at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (HCV-UFRGS). When performing the imaging and laboratory tests, renal alterations compatible with chronic kidney disease were found in the abdominal ultrasonography examination and in serum creatinine levels. Therefore, it was decided to perform scintigraphy evaluation to better assess renal function. Dynamic renal scintigraphy with 99mTcDTPA revealed an evident concentration of the radiotracer in the left kidney with effective elimination only after the diuretic stimulus. The right kidney exhibited less concentration of the radiotracer but showed effective elimination before the diuretic stimulus. Image analysis suggested the presence of an extrarenal pelvis on the left side. The relative renal uptake was 68% for the left kidney and 32% for the right kidney. The glomerular filtration rate was 1.65 mL/min/kg. Static renal scintigraphy with 99mTcDMSA revealed irregularity in the distribution of the radiotracer in both kidneys, showing less activity in the caudal pole of the left kidney. The right kidney was apparently reduced and with less activity, especially in the medial portion. The relative renal uptake was 65% for the left kidney and 35% for right kidney, while the absolute renal uptake of the left kidney was 33% and that of the right kidney was 17%. The alteration described in the left kidney, in correlation with dynamic renal scintigraphy, suggested an aspect of lower activity in the caudal pole due to the presence of activity in the extrarenal pelvis. The left kidney was classified as presenting normal renal function and there was moderate to severe deficit of renal function on the right side. Discussion: Chronic kidney disease may be present before clinical signs and biochemical abnormalities are identified. In this report, the animal was referred for a routine evaluation and showed no clinical signs nor alterations on physical examination. However, as renal morphological alterations were seen on ultrasonography and the cat presented mild azotemia, it was decided to perform two renal scintigraphy exams. Despite the radiotracer elimination from the left kidney was seen only after the diuretic stimulus, dynamic renal scintigraphy did not show any obstructive process. This delay on elimination was probably a result of the anatomical variant called extrarenal pelvis. In the static renal scintigraphy, it was possible to evaluate morphological changes in the kidneys and suggest less activity in the caudal pole of the left kidney, due to the presence of activity in the extrarenal pelvis, apparently causing the mentioned defect. The correct diagnosis of morphological changes is essential and for this purpose the best combination of imaging tests is necessary. Renal scintigraphy was fundamental, in this case, for the diagnosis of extrarenal pelvis in one of the kidneys, an abnormality not reported in the feline species within the literature researched by the authors. In addition, renal scintigraphy helped to guide the clinical management of the patient described in this report.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Pelve/anormalidades , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/diagnóstico por imagem , Cintilografia/veterinária , Compostos Radiofarmacêuticos/administração & dosagemResumo
Background: The use of prescription diets for cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the main managementapproach of this disease in cats, and is considered a renoprotective strategy that may promote increased survival and/orimprove quality of life, according to the stage of CKD. Besides that, nutritional assessment is important to monitor themaintenance of quality of life of the patients and their response to disease, especially those with chronic conditions. Theaim of this study was to follow the clinical and nutritional status of cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) IRIS stagesII, III and IV fed with a renal prescription diet, followed for 12 months.Materials, Methods & Results: Patients were fed exclusively with a dry renal prescription diet and medications for themanagement of CKD were prescribed when needed. Exclusion criteria were cats that already received a renal prescriptiondiet or medications for the treatment of CKD. Cats were evaluated every 2 months, considering body weight (BW), bodycondition score (BCS), muscle mass score (MMS), clinical and laboratory parameters. In all assessments, a complete bloodcount and biochemistry were performed by conventional methods with the patient fasted for 12 h. In addition, urinalysis,urine protein:creatinine ratio (UPC) and urine culture were performed from a urine sample collected by cystocentesis.The quantitative variables were tested for their stability on consecutive assessments using the non-parametric Friedmantest, and did not present significant variation during follow-up, except for systolic blood pressure (SBP). Eight cats witha diagnosis of CKD were included in the study and 6 of them remained in the same CKD stage during follow-up. On catdied due to an unrelated CKD cause. Regarding nutritional assessment, 5 of 7 cats maintained BW during the 12 months...
Animais , Gatos , Gatos , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Ração Animal , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Creatinina/sangue , Hiperfosfatemia/veterinária , Índice de Massa CorporalResumo
Background: The use of prescription diets for cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the main managementapproach of this disease in cats, and is considered a renoprotective strategy that may promote increased survival and/orimprove quality of life, according to the stage of CKD. Besides that, nutritional assessment is important to monitor themaintenance of quality of life of the patients and their response to disease, especially those with chronic conditions. Theaim of this study was to follow the clinical and nutritional status of cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) IRIS stagesII, III and IV fed with a renal prescription diet, followed for 12 months.Materials, Methods & Results: Patients were fed exclusively with a dry renal prescription diet and medications for themanagement of CKD were prescribed when needed. Exclusion criteria were cats that already received a renal prescriptiondiet or medications for the treatment of CKD. Cats were evaluated every 2 months, considering body weight (BW), bodycondition score (BCS), muscle mass score (MMS), clinical and laboratory parameters. In all assessments, a complete bloodcount and biochemistry were performed by conventional methods with the patient fasted for 12 h. In addition, urinalysis,urine protein:creatinine ratio (UPC) and urine culture were performed from a urine sample collected by cystocentesis.The quantitative variables were tested for their stability on consecutive assessments using the non-parametric Friedmantest, and did not present significant variation during follow-up, except for systolic blood pressure (SBP). Eight cats witha diagnosis of CKD were included in the study and 6 of them remained in the same CKD stage during follow-up. On catdied due to an unrelated CKD cause. Regarding nutritional assessment, 5 of 7 cats maintained BW during the 12 months...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Ração Animal , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Índice de Massa Corporal , Hiperfosfatemia/veterinária , Creatinina/sangueResumo
Arterial thromboembolism (ATE) is an acute and severe clinical condition resulting from the formation of a thrombus and its accommodation in an artery, impairing the perfusion of tissues irrigated by it. In felines, it is often related to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, but there are reports of its association with neoplasms. Ischemia and reperfusion syndrome may occur secondary to ATE and result in difficult to correct electrolyte and acid-base imbalances. The aim of the present study is to describe a case of ATE, including its clinical and laboratory findings and electrolyte and acid-base changes compatible with ischemia and reperfusion syndrome. A 14-year-old crossbreed female feline with sudden pelvic limb paralysis was treated at the Feline Medicine Service of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Clinical and laboratory alterations included hypothermia, hypotension, bradycardia, azotemia, metabolic acidosis, and hyperkalemia. The electrocardiogram indicated sinoventricular rhythm, and echocardiogram evaluation showed no alterations. Thorax radiographic evaluation revealed areas of higher radiopacity in the pulmonary fields. We opted for abdominal aorta arteriotomy as an emergency treatment for thrombus removal. The feline died in the postoperative period, and histopathological examination of lungs, mediastinal lymph nodes, and heart were performed, being compatible with pulmonary adenocarcinoma with lymph node metastasis. This study deals with a case of ATE of possible neoplastic origin, which is uncommon in cats. In this case, the patient had difficult-to-manage hemodynamic impairment, as well as electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders severe and refractory to therapy, culminating in death. The time to start treatment from the presentation of clinical signs may be determinant in therapeutic success, reducing the possible effects of reperfusion syndrome.(AU)
O tromboembolismo arterial (TEA) é uma condição clínica aguda e grave decorrente da formação de um trombo e seu alojamento em uma artéria, prejudicando a perfusão dos tecidos irrigados por ela. Em felinos, está frequentemente relacionado com a cardiomiopatia hipertrófica, porém existem relatos da sua associação com neoplasias. A síndrome de isquemia e reperfusão pode ocorrer secundária ao TEA e resultar em desequilíbrios eletrolíticos e ácido-base de difícil correção. O objetivo do presente trabalho é descrever um caso de TEA, incluindo seus achados clínico-laboratoriais e as alterações eletrolíticas e acidobásicas compatíveis com a síndrome de isquemia e reperfusão. Foi atendido no Serviço de Medicina de Felinos da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul um felino, sem raça definida (S.R.D.), fêmea, de 14 anos de idade, com paralisia súbita dos membros pélvicos. As alterações clínicas e laboratoriais incluíram hipotermia, hipotensão, bradicardia, azotemia, acidose metabólica e hipercalemia. O eletrocardiograma indicou ritmo sinoventricular e a avaliação do ecocardiograma não mostrou alterações. A avaliação radiográfica do tórax revelou áreas de maior radiopacidade nos campos pulmonares. Optou-se pela arteriotomia da aorta abdominal como tratamento emergencial para a retirada do trombo. O felino veio a óbito no pós-operatório e foi realizado exame histopatológico dos pulmões, linfonodos mediastinais e do coração, que foi compatível com adenocarcinoma pulmonar com metástase para o linfonodo. O presente trabalho trata de um caso de TEA de possível origem neoplásica, o que é pouco comum em gatos. Neste caso, o paciente apresentou comprometimento hemodinâmico de difícil manejo, além de desordens eletrolíticas e do equilíbrio ácido-base graves e refratárias a terapia, culminando em óbito. O tempo do início do tratamento a partir da apresentação dos sinais clínicos pode ser determinante no sucesso terapêutico, reduzindo os...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Tromboembolia/veterinária , Tromboembolia/terapia , Isquemia/veterinária , Reperfusão/veterinária , Trombose/veterinária , Trombose/terapiaResumo
Background: Deep fungal infections of the orbit and nasal passages causing rhinitis and ulcerative keratomycosis areuncommonly reported in cats. Hyalohyphomycetes and phaeohyphomycetes have rarely been associated with this disorder.Sino-orbital fungal diseases are emerging and more invasive than sino-nasal fungal diseases with poor response to therapyand a worse prognosis. Brachycephalic feline breeds seem to be at increased risk for development of upper respiratoryfungal diseases. Diagnosis is based on the demonstration of fungal hyphae by cytology or histology and definitive confirmation by fungal culture and molecular methods. This is the first case report of a cat with clinical mixed fungal ball withAspergillus and Scopulariopsis in Brazil.Case: A 3-year-old male Persian cat, in São José city, Santa Catarina, Brazil, was presented with exophthalmos and corneal ulcer of the left eye and protrusion, hyperemia, quemosis and fibroses of the left third eyelid. The retropulsion of theglobe was negative in this eyeball and a presumptive diagnosis of a retrobulbar mass was made. The patient underwenta surgical procedure for inspection and collection of samples for bacterial and mycological culture. Culture revealed nobacterial growth, however, unique and abundant growth of Aspergillus spp. was present. A subconjunctival enucleation ofthe left eye was made and the mass was sent for histopathology examination. Histology showed inflammatory proliferativenecrotizing pyogranulomatous reaction; with the presence of severe fungal infection evidenced by large number of hyalineseptated regular and irregular mold hyphae. Molecular identification was performed using panfungal primers (ITS3-F /ITS4-R). Patient was treated with systemic itraconazole associated with amphotericin B and topical clotrimazole. A massstarted to grow rapidly in the left pterygopalatine fossa and was surgically removed, but recurrence occurred seven daysafter...
Animais , Gatos , Aspergillus , Bulbo Olfatório/patologia , Micoses/veterinária , Scopulariopsis , Órbita/patologia , Doenças Respiratórias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Deep fungal infections of the orbit and nasal passages causing rhinitis and ulcerative keratomycosis areuncommonly reported in cats. Hyalohyphomycetes and phaeohyphomycetes have rarely been associated with this disorder.Sino-orbital fungal diseases are emerging and more invasive than sino-nasal fungal diseases with poor response to therapyand a worse prognosis. Brachycephalic feline breeds seem to be at increased risk for development of upper respiratoryfungal diseases. Diagnosis is based on the demonstration of fungal hyphae by cytology or histology and definitive confirmation by fungal culture and molecular methods. This is the first case report of a cat with clinical mixed fungal ball withAspergillus and Scopulariopsis in Brazil.Case: A 3-year-old male Persian cat, in São José city, Santa Catarina, Brazil, was presented with exophthalmos and corneal ulcer of the left eye and protrusion, hyperemia, quemosis and fibroses of the left third eyelid. The retropulsion of theglobe was negative in this eyeball and a presumptive diagnosis of a retrobulbar mass was made. The patient underwenta surgical procedure for inspection and collection of samples for bacterial and mycological culture. Culture revealed nobacterial growth, however, unique and abundant growth of Aspergillus spp. was present. A subconjunctival enucleation ofthe left eye was made and the mass was sent for histopathology examination. Histology showed inflammatory proliferativenecrotizing pyogranulomatous reaction; with the presence of severe fungal infection evidenced by large number of hyalineseptated regular and irregular mold hyphae. Molecular identification was performed using panfungal primers (ITS3-F /ITS4-R). Patient was treated with systemic itraconazole associated with amphotericin B and topical clotrimazole. A massstarted to grow rapidly in the left pterygopalatine fossa and was surgically removed, but recurrence occurred seven daysafter...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Aspergillus , Scopulariopsis , Micoses/veterinária , Órbita/patologia , Bulbo Olfatório/patologia , Doenças Respiratórias/veterináriaResumo
A 6-year old spayed female Siamese cat was presented with a history of left limb acute lameness. Radiographic imaging revealed a complete comminuted diaphyseal femur fracture, which was corrected through intramedullary pin placement along with plate osteosynthesis. After two months the animal returned to the hospital presenting severe diffuse enlargement of the left hindlimb, characterized as a non-delimited, solid, and firm plaque-like mass surrounding the pin and bone, which extended from the femorotibiopatelar joint to the pelvis, and infiltrated the adjacent musculature. Incisional biopsy exam indicated a highly malignant sarcoma. The entire limb was surgically removed and sent to histopathological evaluation. Microscopically, the mass was composed of spindle shaped cells, displaying high pleomorphism and cellular atypia. Abundant collagen production was evidenced through Masson's trichrome stain and strong cytoplasmic staining for vimentin. These results were consistent with fibrosarcoma. The cat went through one session of chemotherapy; however, tumor recurrence occurred 20 days later, and the animal was submitted to euthanasia. This is the first description of fibrosarcoma arising in the vicinity of an intramedullary pin and plate in a cat.
Uma gata, castrada, 6 anos de idade, da raça Siamês, apresentou histórico clínico de claudicação aguda do membro pélvico esquerdo. O exame radiográfico revelou uma fratura completa cominutiva diafisária do fêmur, a qual foi corrigida através de osteossíntese pela implantação de um pino intramedular, além de placa metálica. Depois de dois meses, o felino retornou ao hospital apresentando aumento severo e difuso do membro pélvico, caracterizada por uma massa não delimitada, sólida, como uma placa, circundando o pino e o osso, a qual se estendia da articulação femorotibiopatelar até a pelve, e infiltrava a musculatura adjacente. A biópsia incisional indicou sarcoma de alta malignidade. O membro inteiro foi cirurgicamente removido e enviado para análise histopatológica. Microscopicamente, a massa era composta por células fusiformes, demonstrando alto pleomorfismo e atipia celular. Abundante produção de colágeno foi evidenciada através da técnica histoquímica de tricrômico de Masson e forte imunomarcação citoplasmática para vimentina. Esses resultados foram consistentes com fibrossarcoma. O felino foi submetido a uma sessão de quimioterapia, porém houve recorrência tumoral 20 dias após a sessão, e o paciente foi submetido a eutanásia. Essa é a primeira descrição de fibrossarcoma que surgiu em local próximo a implantação de pino intramedular e placa em um felino.
Animais , Gatos , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Fêmur/cirurgia , Fêmur/patologiaResumo
Background: The feline eosinophilic granuloma complex (FEGC) includes a group of lesions that affect the skin, mucocutaneous junctions, and oral cavity of cats. It comprises three distinct clinical entities: the eosinophilic ulcer (EU), theeosinophilic plaque (EP) and the eosinophilic granuloma (EG). The EU is usually found in the upper lip. Lesions of EPoccur most commonly on the abdomen and medial thigh. The EG lesions usually appear on the tongue and hard palate.The aim of this study is to describe the localization and pathological findings of FEGC through a retrospective study andtesting by immunohistochemistry if feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1) infection may be associated.Materials, Methods & Results: The records of biopsy specimens from the Department of Veterinary Pathology of theUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul were recovered and cats diagnosed with FEGC were selected since January2006 to December 2017. General data, such as age, sex, breed and distribution lesions, were analyzed and compiled. Thehistological slides were reviewed by optical microscopy and the microscopic findings were detailed. Sections of tissuewere used in immunohistochemistry to investigate the presence of feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) using anti-FHV-1 antibody. In this study, 30 cats were diagnosed with FEGC. Most part of the cats were mixed breed (27/30), and there wereno sex predisposition. The age of the cats ranged from seven months to 13 years old, and the median was three years. Thelesion distribution of FEGC was 40% in oral cavity, 33.3% in skin and 26.6% in mucocutaneous junction. Histologically,the main lesion of all distributions was characterized by diffuse dermal/submucosa inflammatory infiltrate composed ofeosinophils. Within the inflammation there were large irregular foci of collagen...
Animais , Gatos , Granuloma Eosinófilo/epidemiologia , Granuloma Eosinófilo/veterinária , Herpesviridae , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
A 6-year old spayed female Siamese cat was presented with a history of left limb acute lameness. Radiographic imaging revealed a complete comminuted diaphyseal femur fracture, which was corrected through intramedullary pin placement along with plate osteosynthesis. After two months the animal returned to the hospital presenting severe diffuse enlargement of the left hindlimb, characterized as a non-delimited, solid, and firm plaque-like mass surrounding the pin and bone, which extended from the femorotibiopatelar joint to the pelvis, and infiltrated the adjacent musculature. Incisional biopsy exam indicated a highly malignant sarcoma. The entire limb was surgically removed and sent to histopathological evaluation. Microscopically, the mass was composed of spindle shaped cells, displaying high pleomorphism and cellular atypia. Abundant collagen production was evidenced through Masson's trichrome stain and strong cytoplasmic staining for vimentin. These results were consistent with fibrosarcoma. The cat went through one session of chemotherapy; however, tumor recurrence occurred 20 days later, and the animal was submitted to euthanasia. This is the first description of fibrosarcoma arising in the vicinity of an intramedullary pin and plate in a cat.(AU)
Uma gata, castrada, 6 anos de idade, da raça Siamês, apresentou histórico clínico de claudicação aguda do membro pélvico esquerdo. O exame radiográfico revelou uma fratura completa cominutiva diafisária do fêmur, a qual foi corrigida através de osteossíntese pela implantação de um pino intramedular, além de placa metálica. Depois de dois meses, o felino retornou ao hospital apresentando aumento severo e difuso do membro pélvico, caracterizada por uma massa não delimitada, sólida, como uma placa, circundando o pino e o osso, a qual se estendia da articulação femorotibiopatelar até a pelve, e infiltrava a musculatura adjacente. A biópsia incisional indicou sarcoma de alta malignidade. O membro inteiro foi cirurgicamente removido e enviado para análise histopatológica. Microscopicamente, a massa era composta por células fusiformes, demonstrando alto pleomorfismo e atipia celular. Abundante produção de colágeno foi evidenciada através da técnica histoquímica de tricrômico de Masson e forte imunomarcação citoplasmática para vimentina. Esses resultados foram consistentes com fibrossarcoma. O felino foi submetido a uma sessão de quimioterapia, porém houve recorrência tumoral 20 dias após a sessão, e o paciente foi submetido a eutanásia. Essa é a primeira descrição de fibrossarcoma que surgiu em local próximo a implantação de pino intramedular e placa em um felino.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Fêmur/cirurgia , Fêmur/patologiaResumo
Background: The feline eosinophilic granuloma complex (FEGC) includes a group of lesions that affect the skin, mucocutaneous junctions, and oral cavity of cats. It comprises three distinct clinical entities: the eosinophilic ulcer (EU), theeosinophilic plaque (EP) and the eosinophilic granuloma (EG). The EU is usually found in the upper lip. Lesions of EPoccur most commonly on the abdomen and medial thigh. The EG lesions usually appear on the tongue and hard palate.The aim of this study is to describe the localization and pathological findings of FEGC through a retrospective study andtesting by immunohistochemistry if feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1) infection may be associated.Materials, Methods & Results: The records of biopsy specimens from the Department of Veterinary Pathology of theUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul were recovered and cats diagnosed with FEGC were selected since January2006 to December 2017. General data, such as age, sex, breed and distribution lesions, were analyzed and compiled. Thehistological slides were reviewed by optical microscopy and the microscopic findings were detailed. Sections of tissuewere used in immunohistochemistry to investigate the presence of feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) using anti-FHV-1 antibody. In this study, 30 cats were diagnosed with FEGC. Most part of the cats were mixed breed (27/30), and there wereno sex predisposition. The age of the cats ranged from seven months to 13 years old, and the median was three years. Thelesion distribution of FEGC was 40% in oral cavity, 33.3% in skin and 26.6% in mucocutaneous junction. Histologically,the main lesion of all distributions was characterized by diffuse dermal/submucosa inflammatory infiltrate composed ofeosinophils. Within the inflammation there were large irregular foci of collagen...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Granuloma Eosinófilo/epidemiologia , Granuloma Eosinófilo/veterinária , Herpesviridae , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Meningoencephalitis in cats is usually related to infectious diseases but may also be caused by the extension of bacterial infections originated in the middle or inner ear. This paper seeks to report on a case of encephalitis due to an infection in the middle/inner ear in a 15-year-old cat. The diagnosis was made through brain CT scan and culture and antibiogram of material collected during a ventral osteotomy of the tympanic bulla and reported grave intravascular haemolysis associated to the treatment with antimicrobial imipenem with cilastatin sodium that has already been described in humans but not in small animals in the researched literature.Case: A 15-year-old, male, castrated, Siamese cat was brought to the Veterinary Clinical Hospital of the UFRGS. The animal presented pyrexia and hyporexia, tested negative in the immunoenzymatic test to detect antigens of the FeLV and antibodies of the FIV. The animal had a history of three episodes of tonic convulsion within two days and otitis that had gone untreated for 10 months prior to the consultation, with apparent spontaneous remission. After blood tests, serum biochemistry profile, abdominal ultrasound scan, chest x-rays and CT scan was requested. It revealed middle and inner otitis in the right ear. It was performed a ventral osteotomy of the right tympanic bulla. Material was collected for culture and antibiogram. It was confirmed that the animal had an inner otitis of bacterial origin by multi-resistant Klebsiella spp. that was sensitive only to antimicrobial imipenem with cilastatin sodium. Fifteen days into the treatment with this antibacterial combination, grave haemolysis was observed, probably associated to the use of the medicine. The patient died on the 17th day of the treatment which was not interrupted as per its owners decision. At necropsy, both in the tympanic bulla and liver were found mucous content and whitish lumps.[...]
Masculino , Animais , Gatos , Meningoencefalite/veterinária , Otite Média/complicações , Otite Média/veterinária , Carbapenêmicos , Convulsões/veterinária , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/veterináriaResumo
Background: Perinephric pseudocyst is defined as an accumulation of fluid in fibrous sacs surrounding one or both kidneys, and may be located in the subcapsular or extracapsular region. Histologically, it is characterized by the absence of an epithelial lining to the cyst wall and the term pseudocyst is used. This condition have been reported sporadically in cats, and is associated with chronic kidney disease, mainly in older animals. The diagnosis is based on imaging tests and the prognosis is related to the severity of renal dysfunction. The aim of this report is to describe an unusual presentation of perinephric pseudocyst in a very young female cat.Case: A mixed-breed 2-month-old female cat was evaluated for presenting abdominal distension and anatomical deformities of the limbs. Renomegaly on the left side was noted during abdominal palpation. On presentation, the serum creatinine was 134 µmol/L. Urinalysis showed mild proteinuria, presence of squamous and transitional cells, and rare bacteria. The urine specific gravity was 1.044 and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 0.23. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a large anechoic subcapsular cyst on the left kidney, in adittion to dilatation of renal pelvis and calyces. The excretory urography showed left renomegaly, and the nephrogram and pyelogram were not clearly observed in this kidney, indicating unilateral deficiency in renal filtration. The cat was referred to unilateral left nephrectomy but died shortly before surgery. At necropsy, marked left kidney enlargment was observed (6.5 x 4.5 x 1.5 cm), with a cystic aspect, occupying almost the entire abdominal cavity. The cystic content was translucent and was compressing the renal parenchyma, resulting in hydronephrosis. The capsule forming the cyst wall was composed of connective tissue, characterizing the perinephric pseudocyst.Discussion: Reports show cases of perinephric pseudocyst affecting mostly older animals, above eight years old.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Cistos/complicações , Cistos/diagnóstico por imagem , Cistos/veterinária , Rim/patologia , Hidronefrose/etiologia , Hidronefrose/veterináriaResumo
Background: Meningoencephalitis in cats is usually related to infectious diseases but may also be caused by the extension of bacterial infections originated in the middle or inner ear. This paper seeks to report on a case of encephalitis due to an infection in the middle/inner ear in a 15-year-old cat. The diagnosis was made through brain CT scan and culture and antibiogram of material collected during a ventral osteotomy of the tympanic bulla and reported grave intravascular haemolysis associated to the treatment with antimicrobial imipenem with cilastatin sodium that has already been described in humans but not in small animals in the researched literature.Case: A 15-year-old, male, castrated, Siamese cat was brought to the Veterinary Clinical Hospital of the UFRGS. The animal presented pyrexia and hyporexia, tested negative in the immunoenzymatic test to detect antigens of the FeLV and antibodies of the FIV. The animal had a history of three episodes of tonic convulsion within two days and otitis that had gone untreated for 10 months prior to the consultation, with apparent spontaneous remission. After blood tests, serum biochemistry profile, abdominal ultrasound scan, chest x-rays and CT scan was requested. It revealed middle and inner otitis in the right ear. It was performed a ventral osteotomy of the right tympanic bulla. Material was collected for culture and antibiogram. It was confirmed that the animal had an inner otitis of bacterial origin by multi-resistant Klebsiella spp. that was sensitive only to antimicrobial imipenem with cilastatin sodium. Fifteen days into the treatment with this antibacterial combination, grave haemolysis was observed, probably associated to the use of the medicine. The patient died on the 17th day of the treatment which was not interrupted as per its owners decision. At necropsy, both in the tympanic bulla and liver were found mucous content and whitish lumps.[...](AU)
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Otite Média/complicações , Otite Média/veterinária , Meningoencefalite/veterinária , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/veterinária , Convulsões/veterinária , CarbapenêmicosResumo
Background: Perinephric pseudocyst is defined as an accumulation of fluid in fibrous sacs surrounding one or both kidneys, and may be located in the subcapsular or extracapsular region. Histologically, it is characterized by the absence of an epithelial lining to the cyst wall and the term pseudocyst is used. This condition have been reported sporadically in cats, and is associated with chronic kidney disease, mainly in older animals. The diagnosis is based on imaging tests and the prognosis is related to the severity of renal dysfunction. The aim of this report is to describe an unusual presentation of perinephric pseudocyst in a very young female cat.Case: A mixed-breed 2-month-old female cat was evaluated for presenting abdominal distension and anatomical deformities of the limbs. Renomegaly on the left side was noted during abdominal palpation. On presentation, the serum creatinine was 134 µmol/L. Urinalysis showed mild proteinuria, presence of squamous and transitional cells, and rare bacteria. The urine specific gravity was 1.044 and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 0.23. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a large anechoic subcapsular cyst on the left kidney, in adittion to dilatation of renal pelvis and calyces. The excretory urography showed left renomegaly, and the nephrogram and pyelogram were not clearly observed in this kidney, indicating unilateral deficiency in renal filtration. The cat was referred to unilateral left nephrectomy but died shortly before surgery. At necropsy, marked left kidney enlargment was observed (6.5 x 4.5 x 1.5 cm), with a cystic aspect, occupying almost the entire abdominal cavity. The cystic content was translucent and was compressing the renal parenchyma, resulting in hydronephrosis. The capsule forming the cyst wall was composed of connective tissue, characterizing the perinephric pseudocyst.Discussion: Reports show cases of perinephric pseudocyst affecting mostly older animals, above eight years old.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Rim/patologia , Cistos/complicações , Cistos/diagnóstico por imagem , Cistos/veterinária , Hidronefrose/etiologia , Hidronefrose/veterináriaResumo
This study compared the accuracy of dye placement on the maxillary nerve by using the percutaneous subzigomatic (SBZ) and infraorbitary (IO) approaches in cats cadavers. A second aim was to compare the accuracy of dye placement on the maxillary nerve between different untrained anesthetists. This was a prospective, randomized, blinded study, performed in 40 heads obtained from feline cadavers. Three veterinarians (A, B and C) with no previous experience with the IO approach performed the experiments. The SBZ approach was randomly performed on one side of the head and the IO approach was performed in the contralateral side of the same head. For each approach, 0.2ml of 1% methylene blue dye was injected. Scores for length of nerve staining were as follows: 0 (failure), no staining; 1 (moderate), <6mm of nerve stained; and 2 (ideal), ≥6mm of nerve stained. Median scores (interquartile range) for the SBZ and IO approaches were 2.0 (0.3-2.0) and 1.0 (0.0-2.0), respectively. Scores for length of nerve staining were higher with the SBZ approach than the IO approach (P=0.016). Considering the scores for both the SBZ and IO approaches, there was a significant difference among the three veterinarians (P=0.002). Results of this study do not support the IO approach to perform a maxillary nerve block in cats. A greater accuracy of methylene blue dye placement was observed with the SBZ approach. A variable accuracy may exist between different veterinarians when performing a maxillary nerve block employing the SBZ and IO techniques in cats.
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o acesso do nervo maxilar pela abordagem subzigomática (SBZ) com a abordagem pelo forame infraorbitário (IO) em peças anatômicas de gatos utilizando o corante azul de metileno. Um segundo objetivo foi comparar a acurácia na coloração do nervo maxilar com o azul de metileno entre diferentes anestesistas que não receberam treinamento prévio. Este estudo foi prospectivo, randomizado, cego, realizado em 40 peças anatômicas de cabeças de gatos. Três veterinários (A, B e C), sem experiência prévia da abordagem IO, realizaram o experimento. A abordagem SBZ foi aleatoriamente realizada em um dos lados da cabeça e a abordagem IO foi realizada no lado contralateral da mesma peça anatômica. Para cada abordagem, utilizou-se 0,2mL do corante azul de metileno 1%. Classificou-se o escore de coloração baseado no comprimento do nervo maxilar corado pelo azul de metileno conforme a escala: 0 (falha da técnica), sem coloração; 1 (moderado), <6mm de coloração do nervo maxilar; 2 (ideal), ≥6mm de coloração do nervo maxilar. As medianas (intervalo interquartil) para as abordagens SBZ e IO (dados de todos os veterinários juntos) foram respectivamente 2,0 (0,3-2,0) e 1,0 (0,0-2,0). A abordagem SBZ foi associada a um escore de coloração, significativamente, maior do que a abordagem IO (P=0,016). Considerando os escores de ambas abordagens (SBZ e IO), houve diferença significativa nos escores de coloração do nervo maxilar entre os três veterinários anestesistas (P=0,002). Os resultados deste estudo não sustentam a utilização da abordagem IO para a realização do bloqueio maxilar em gatos. Uma melhor acurácia na coloração do nervo maxilar com o azul de metileno foi observada com a abordagem SBZ. A acurácia da técnica pode variar quando as abordagens SBZ e IO são realizadas por veterinários diferentes, com o objetivo de se obter o bloqueio do nervo maxilar.
Anestesia Dentária/veterinária , Azul de Metileno , Gatos , Nervo Maxilar , Odontologia/veterináriaResumo
This study compared the accuracy of dye placement on the maxillary nerve by using the percutaneous subzigomatic (SBZ) and infraorbitary (IO) approaches in cats cadavers. A second aim was to compare the accuracy of dye placement on the maxillary nerve between different untrained anesthetists. This was a prospective, randomized, blinded study, performed in 40 heads obtained from feline cadavers. Three veterinarians (A, B and C) with no previous experience with the IO approach performed the experiments. The SBZ approach was randomly performed on one side of the head and the IO approach was performed in the contralateral side of the same head. For each approach, 0.2ml of 1% methylene blue dye was injected. Scores for length of nerve staining were as follows: 0 (failure), no staining; 1 (moderate), <6mm of nerve stained; and 2 (ideal), ≥6mm of nerve stained. Median scores (interquartile range) for the SBZ and IO approaches were 2.0 (0.3-2.0) and 1.0 (0.0-2.0), respectively. Scores for length of nerve staining were higher with the SBZ approach than the IO approach (P=0.016). Considering the scores for both the SBZ and IO approaches, there was a significant difference among the three veterinarians (P=0.002). Results of this study do not support the IO approach to perform a maxillary nerve block in cats. A greater accuracy of methylene blue dye placement was observed with the SBZ approach. A variable accuracy may exist between different veterinarians when performing a maxillary nerve block employing the SBZ and IO techniques in cats.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o acesso do nervo maxilar pela abordagem subzigomática (SBZ) com a abordagem pelo forame infraorbitário (IO) em peças anatômicas de gatos utilizando o corante azul de metileno. Um segundo objetivo foi comparar a acurácia na coloração do nervo maxilar com o azul de metileno entre diferentes anestesistas que não receberam treinamento prévio. Este estudo foi prospectivo, randomizado, cego, realizado em 40 peças anatômicas de cabeças de gatos. Três veterinários (A, B e C), sem experiência prévia da abordagem IO, realizaram o experimento. A abordagem SBZ foi aleatoriamente realizada em um dos lados da cabeça e a abordagem IO foi realizada no lado contralateral da mesma peça anatômica. Para cada abordagem, utilizou-se 0,2mL do corante azul de metileno 1%. Classificou-se o escore de coloração baseado no comprimento do nervo maxilar corado pelo azul de metileno conforme a escala: 0 (falha da técnica), sem coloração; 1 (moderado), <6mm de coloração do nervo maxilar; 2 (ideal), ≥6mm de coloração do nervo maxilar. As medianas (intervalo interquartil) para as abordagens SBZ e IO (dados de todos os veterinários juntos) foram respectivamente 2,0 (0,3-2,0) e 1,0 (0,0-2,0). A abordagem SBZ foi associada a um escore de coloração, significativamente, maior do que a abordagem IO (P=0,016). Considerando os escores de ambas abordagens (SBZ e IO), houve diferença significativa nos escores de coloração do nervo maxilar entre os três veterinários anestesistas (P=0,002). Os resultados deste estudo não sustentam a utilização da abordagem IO para a realização do bloqueio maxilar em gatos. Uma melhor acurácia na coloração do nervo maxilar com o azul de metileno foi observada com a abordagem SBZ. A acurácia da técnica pode variar quando as abordagens SBZ e IO são realizadas por veterinários diferentes, com o objetivo de se obter o bloqueio do nervo maxilar.(AU)
Gatos , Anestesia Dentária/veterinária , Nervo Maxilar , Azul de Metileno , Odontologia/veterináriaResumo
Mammary neoplasms are described as the third most common type of feline tumor, after haematopoietic and skin tumors, and present a challenge for clinicians because the prognosis for feline mammary tumors ranges from guarded to poor. Thus, it is necessary to define new therapeutic approaches and establish more in-depth knowledge about this disease in felines. The main aspects of the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of feline mammary neoplasia were discussed, aiming to standardize the criteria and to serve as a guide for pathologists and veterinary clinicians.(AU)
As neoplasias mamárias são descritas como o terceiro tipo mais frequente de tumor em felinos (após as neoplasias hematopoiéticas e cutâneas) e apresentam um desafio para os clínicos devido ao prognóstico, que varia de reservado a ruim. Assim, é necessário conhecer melhor essa doença em felinos e definir novas abordagens terapêuticas. Discutiu-se os principais aspectos de diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento da neoplasia mamária felina, com o objetivo de padronizar os critérios e servir de guia para patologistas e clínicos veterinários.(AU)