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Ci. Rural ; 49(4): e20180996, Apr. 18, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19303


The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of muscle type on protein oxidation, texture profile (hardness, springiness, cohesiveness and chewiness) and proximate composition of beef from grain-finished Bos indicus (Nellore) cattle in Brazil. The muscles longissimus lumborum (LL) and psoas major (PM) were collected 24 h post mortem from eight (n=8) Nellore bull carcasses, fabricated into five steaks (1.5-cm) and displayed under aerobic conditions for nine days at 4 °C. Proximate composition and texture profile were analyzed on day 0, whereas protein oxidation was analyzed during 9 days of storage. LL exhibited greater (P<0.05) protein concentration than PM steaks, whereas PM demonstrated greater (P<0.05) lipid and ash content than their correlative LL. In addition, LL steaks exhibited greater (P<0.05) hardness, springiness, cohesiveness and chewiness than PM steaks. In contrast, protein oxidation was greater (P<0.05) in PM than in LL steaks throughout the storage. The results suggest that the differences of muscle metabolism and composition contributed to the variation on biochemical attributes and texture profile of LL and PM steaks. Muscle-specific strategies are indicated to improve the color stability of PM steaks from grain-finished Bos indicus cattle.(AU)

O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a influência do tipo muscular na oxidação proteica, perfil de textura (dureza, elasticidade, coesividade e mastigabilidade) e composição centesimal da carne de bovinos Bos indicus (Nelore) terminados com grãos no Brasil. Os músculos longissimus lumborum (LL) e psoas major (PM) foram obtidos 24 horas post mortem de oito (n=8) carcaças de touros Nelore, cortados em cinco bifes (1,5 cm), e dispostos em condições aeróbicas por nove dias a 4 °C. Composição centesimal e perfil de textura foram analisados no dia 0, enquanto que a oxidação proteica foi analisada durante 9 dias de estocagem. Os bifes LL demonstraram maior (P<0.05) concentração de proteína em relação aos bifes PM, enquanto que PM apresentou maior (P<0.05) conteúdo de lipídeos e cinzas que LL. Além disso, os bifes LL exibiram maior (P<0,05) dureza, elasticidade, coesividade e mastigabilidade em relação aos bifes PM. Em contraste, a oxidação proteica foi maior (P<0,05) nos bifes PM do que nos bifes LL em todos os dias de estocagem. Os resultados sugerem que as diferenças no metabolismo e na composição muscular contribuíram para a variação nos atributos bioquímicos e perfil de textura entre os bifes LL e PM. Estratégias músculo-específicas são indicadas a fim de promover a estabilidade de cor nos bifes PM oriundos de bovinos Bos indicus terminados com grãos.(AU)

Carne Vermelha , Músculos/química , Oxidação , Composição de Alimentos , Proteínas , Bovinos , Grão Comestível
Ci. Rural ; 49(6): e20180522, 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22634


The aim of the present research was to evaluate differences in chemical properties and physical structure of yoghurt produced with milk from different species (sheep, cow, and goat). For each trial, whole raw sheep (S), cow (C), and goat (G) milk were used to manufacture 4L of yoghurts (Y) from each species (SY, CY, and GY, respectively). The SY demonstrated the greatest (P < 0.05) values of total solids, protein, and lipid contents, reflecting on greater (P < 0.05) firmness, apparent viscosity and water-holding capacity, and lower (P < 0.05) syneresis index than CY and GY. Consequently, SY exhibited a more compact microstructure and homogeneous matrix with fewer pores. Furthermore, CY and GY microstructure contained a greater number of pores, which exhibited greater size heterogeneity than SY. Therefore, based on the evaluated physicochemical and microstructural properties of yoghurt, SY demonstrated the most desirable parameter values for dairy industry representing an alternative substitution for cows milk yogurt.(AU)

O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar as diferenças nas propriedades químicas e na estrutura física do iogurte produzido com leite de diferentes espécies (ovinos, bovinos e caprinos). Para cada experimento, leite de ovelha cru (S), vaca (C) e cabra (G), foram usados para fabricar 4L de iogurtes (Y) de cada espécie (SY, CY e GY, respectivamente). O SY demonstrou os maiores (P < 0,05) valores de sólidos totais, proteína e conteúdo lipídico, refletindo em maior (P < 0,05) firmeza, viscosidade aparente e capacidade de retenção de água e menor (P < 0,05) índice de sinérese do que CY e GY. Consequentemente, o SY exibiu uma microestrutura mais compacta e uma matriz homogênea com menos poros. Além disso, a microestrutura CY e GY continha um maior número de poros, que exibiam maior heterogeneidade de tamanho do que o SY. Portanto, com base nas propriedades físico-químicas e micro estruturais avaliadas do iogurte, o SY demonstrou os valores de parâmetros mais desejáveis para a indústria de laticínios, representando uma alternativa de produto adequada aos iogurtes à base de leite de vaca.(AU)

Animais , Lactente , Bovinos , Ovinos , Ruminantes , Iogurte/análise , Fenômenos Químicos , Indústria de Laticínios
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491483


The aim of this study was evaluated the physical and chemical changes in five types of alternative poultry meat keep at refrigerated conditions (4±1C) during 18 days. For this purpose, breast meat of conventional, organic and free-range chicken, duck and quail were purchase from markets of Niteroi city (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Levels of pH, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and biogenic amines (cadaverine and putrescine) were determinate. Statistic evaluation was performed using analyze of variance and Tukey test. The results showed a gradual and proportional increment of pH values (between 5.5 and 6.5) in all poultry meats during the storage time; an increment of TBARS values in the first days of storage, remaining stables to the end of experiment. A significant increment of putrescine values was observed after the sixth day remaining stable in conventional chicken and quail until the end of experiment while significant reduction was observed in the rest of poultry meats. Finally, only conventional andorganic chicken and quail showed a gradual increment during storage time. In conclusion, significant biochemical changes was observed during the storage time being that pH, cadaverine and putrescine values could be parameters using like deterioration indicators for these products.

R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 19(3)2012.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-712368


The aim of this study was evaluated the physical and chemical changes in five types of alternative poultry meat keep at refrigerated conditions (4±1C) during 18 days. For this purpose, breast meat of conventional, organic and free-range chicken, duck and quail were purchase from markets of Niteroi city (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Levels of pH, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and biogenic amines (cadaverine and putrescine) were determinate. Statistic evaluation was performed using analyze of variance and Tukey test. The results showed a gradual and proportional increment of pH values (between 5.5 and 6.5) in all poultry meats during the storage time; an increment of TBARS values in the first days of storage, remaining stables to the end of experiment. A significant increment of putrescine values was observed after the sixth day remaining stable in conventional chicken and quail until the end of experiment while significant reduction was observed in the rest of poultry meats. Finally, only conventional andorganic chicken and quail showed a gradual increment during storage time. In conclusion, significant biochemical changes was observed during the storage time being that pH, cadaverine and putrescine values could be parameters using like deterioration indicators for these products.