The pelvis, formed by the ilium, ischium and pubis, forms the coxal, which is the largest of the flat bones of the skeleton, with an important role in the physiology of birth. Vastly studied in domestic animals, there is still much to be investigated regarding the anatomical classification in wild animals, mainly aiming to improve the understanding of the reproductive management of the species. Tamandua tetradactyla is one of these species in which morphological studies are still scarce, especially when it comes to reproductive aspects. In this context, we carried out the pelvimetry of T. tetradactyla using radiographic images to anatomically and obstetrically classify the pelvis of this species, classifying it as dolicopelvic, with evidence of homoscedasticity of the samples. Verification of the existence of a relationship between the variables studied by the statistical method of Pearson coefficients showed positive correlations of high intensity for the diameters studied (P < 0.01). Thus, we believed that our findings may support future reproductive studies in this species.
A pelve, constituída pelo ílio, ísquio e púbis, forma o coxal, sendo este o maior dos ossos planos constituintes do esqueleto, com importante papel na fisiologia do parto. Vastamente estudada em animais domésticos, ainda existe muito à se investigar quanto a classificação anatômica nos animais selvagens, visando principalmente melhorar a compreensão do manejo reprodutivo das espécies. Tamandua tetradactyla é uma dessas espécies em que estudos morfológicos ainda são escassos, principalmente quando se trata de aspectos reprodutivos. Neste contexto realizamos a pelvimetria do T. tetradactyla por meio de imagens radiográficas para classificar anato-obstetricamente a pelve desta espécie classificando-a como dolicopélvica, sendo evidenciada homoscedasticidade das amostras. A verificação da existência de relação entre as variáveis estudadas pelo método estatístico dos coeficientes de Pearson mostrou correlação positivas de alta intensidade para os diâmetros estudados (P< 0,01). Assim, acreditamos que nossos achados poderão subsidiar futuros estudos reprodutivos nesta espécie.
Animais , Pelvimetria/veterinária , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologia , Vermilingua/anatomia & histologiaResumo
O divertículo vésico-uracal é uma afecção caracterizada pela falha no fechamento da porção do úraco localizado no vértice da bexiga, e por projeção luminal convexa ou cônica do vértice da bexiga e pode ser de origem congênita ou adquirida, associada ao aumento de pressão intraluminal e distúrbios do trato urinário inferior. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o caso de um felino com divertículo vésico-uracal congênito relacionado à cistite crônica recorrente. Após o exame físico verificou-se que o gato tinha sensibilidade abdominal e bexiga com repleção acentuada. Como tratamento, o animal foi sondado, através da uretra, para a realização da lavagem vesical. Posteriormente foi encaminhado para a realização de exames imaginológicos de ultrassonografia convencional e radiografia contrastada. Conclui-se que a uretrocistografia excretora retrógrada mostrou-se um bom método de diagnóstico por imagem para a identificação dessa enfermidade.(AU)
Vesicle-uracal diverticulum is characterized by failure in closure the portion of the urachus located at the apex of the bladder, and by convex or conical luminal projection of the bladder apex, and may be of congenital or acquired origin associated with increased intraluminal pressure and lower urinary tract disorders. The present study aims to report a case of a feline with congenital vesicle-uracal diverticulum related to recurrent chronic cystitis. After the physical examination, it was verified that the cat had abdominal sensitivity and bladder with marked repletion. As treatment, the animal was probed through the urethra to perform vesical lavage, and later it was referred for imaging, conventional ultrasonography and contrast radiography. It was concluded that retrograde excretory uretrocistography was a good imaging diagnostic method for the identification of the disease.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Divertículo/veterinária , Úraco/anormalidades , Cistografia/veterinária , Divertículo/diagnóstico por imagem , Bexiga Urinária/diagnóstico por imagem , Cistite Intersticial/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/diagnóstico por imagem , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
O divertículo vésico-uracal é uma afecção caracterizada pela falha no fechamento da porção do úraco localizado no vértice da bexiga, e por projeção luminal convexa ou cônica do vértice da bexiga e pode ser de origem congênita ou adquirida, associada ao aumento de pressão intraluminal e distúrbios do trato urinário inferior. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o caso de um felino com divertículo vésico-uracal congênito relacionado à cistite crônica recorrente. Após o exame físico verificou-se que o gato tinha sensibilidade abdominal e bexiga com repleção acentuada. Como tratamento, o animal foi sondado, através da uretra, para a realização da lavagem vesical. Posteriormente foi encaminhado para a realização de exames imaginológicos de ultrassonografia convencional e radiografia contrastada. Conclui-se que a uretrocistografia excretora retrógrada mostrou-se um bom método de diagnóstico por imagem para a identificação dessa enfermidade.
Vesicle-uracal diverticulum is characterized by failure in closure the portion of the urachus located at the apex of the bladder, and by convex or conical luminal projection of the bladder apex, and may be of congenital or acquired origin associated with increased intraluminal pressure and lower urinary tract disorders. The present study aims to report a case of a feline with congenital vesicle-uracal diverticulum related to recurrent chronic cystitis. After the physical examination, it was verified that the cat had abdominal sensitivity and bladder with marked repletion. As treatment, the animal was probed through the urethra to perform vesical lavage, and later it was referred for imaging, conventional ultrasonography and contrast radiography. It was concluded that retrograde excretory uretrocistography was a good imaging diagnostic method for the identification of the disease.
Animais , Gatos , Bexiga Urinária/diagnóstico por imagem , Cistografia/veterinária , Divertículo/diagnóstico por imagem , Divertículo/veterinária , Úraco/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/diagnóstico por imagem , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Cistite Intersticial/veterináriaResumo
Dioctophyma renale is classified as a cosmopolitan zoonotic helminth, belonging to Nematoda class and Dioctophymoidea superfamily. Dogs are considered definitive hosts, suffering with large kidney damage, and the disease diagnosis can be done through ultrasound, x-ray and light microscopy. The aim in this paper was to report the sonographic and microscopic aspects of a canine affected by Dioctophyma renale. Dark colored urine evolving to hematuria and abdominal pain was the main symptoms observed in the animal. Performing urinalysis it was verified D. renale eggs. Ultrasonography could observe total destruction of the right renal parenchyma, hyperechoic structures of cylindrical and rounded shape bounded by the renal capsule, suggesting the presence of the parasite, while the left kidney had normal size. The animal was submitted to nephrectomy, confirming the worm presence, measuring 31.8 cm long. It can be stated that ultrasound and light microscopy are highly effective to establish a definitive diagnosis of Dioctophyma renale.
O dioctophyma renale é classificado como um helminto zoonótico cosmopolita, pertencenteà classe de Nematoda e superfamília de Dioctophymoidea. Os cães são considerados hospedeirosdefinitivos, e sofrem grande dano renal. O diagnóstico pode ser feito através de ultrassom, raiosx e microscopia de luz. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar os aspectos ultrassonográficose microscópicos de um canino afetado por Dioctophyma renale. A urina de cor escura comevolução para hematúria e dor abdominal foram os principais sintomas observados no animal.Foi realizada a urinálise, onde foi evidenciado os ovos de D. renale. Na ultrassonografia pôde-seobservar destruição total do parênquima renal direito, estruturas hiperecoicas de forma cilíndricae arredondada delimitadas pela cápsula renal, sugerindo a presença do parasita, enquanto o rimesquerdo estava com seu tamanho normal. O animal foi submetido à nefrectomia, confirmandoa presença do verme, medindo 31,8 cm de comprimento. Pode-se afirmar que o ultrassome a microscopia de luz são altamente eficazes para estabelecer um diagnóstico definitivo de Dioctophym arenale.
Animais , Cães , Cães/parasitologia , Helmintíase Animal/diagnóstico , Infecções por Enoplida/veterinária , Zoonoses/diagnóstico por imagem , Hematúria/veterinária , Microscopia/veterinária , Nefropatias/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Schistosomus reflexus (SR) is a congenital anomaly, that the animal presents exposed abdominal and thoracic organs. The alterations includes limbs malformation, abnormal spinal column, liver and diaphragm hypoplasia, genitourinary and gastrointestinal changes, on this way, the fetus can not survive. The aim of this study was to report the first SR case in dog and cat in Brazil, and describe anatomical, pathological and radiographic changes. Case: The puppy had ventral midline defect in the abdominal and thoracic wall extending from the sternum to the pubis with viscera exposition, including the heart, lung, liver, stomach, intestine, spleen, kidneys, moreover right army was abnormal, however no spinal column was present. It was performed radiography to evaluate bone abnormalities, and was diagnosed agenesis of carpal, metacarpal and phalange bones. The kitten had ventral midline defect measuring 4 x 2 cm, in the abdominal wall and exposition of liver, stomach, intestine and spleen, as well as tibiotarsal joint arthrogryposis on both lags. It was performed fetus radiography and no spinal column change was diagnosed. Discussion: Schistosomus reflexus is a congenital abnormality common in ruminants. Although it was few reported in dogs and cats. The two cases in this study are the firsts reposts in Brazil in these especies. In our case, the dog had exposition of abdominal and thoracic organs and died one hour after born, similar to this, another author reported a case where the thoracic and abdominal evisceration and the puppy died ten minutes after born. However, in another case with abdominal evisceration only, the puppy survived for eight days. Probably it happened because respiratore function was not compromised. The kitten had abdominal opening only, in turn, other authors reported a case whose abdominal viscera exposition was by pelvic fissure, and another case, what presented thoracic and abdominal evisceration, like our dog case...
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Abdome/anormalidades , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/patologia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Tórax/anormalidades , Vísceras/anormalidadesResumo
Dioctophyma renale is classified as a cosmopolitan zoonotic helminth, belonging to Nematoda class and Dioctophymoidea superfamily. Dogs are considered definitive hosts, suffering with large kidney damage, and the disease diagnosis can be done through ultrasound, x-ray and light microscopy. The aim in this paper was to report the sonographic and microscopic aspects of a canine affected by Dioctophyma renale. Dark colored urine evolving to hematuria and abdominal pain was the main symptoms observed in the animal. Performing urinalysis it was verified D. renale eggs. Ultrasonography could observe total destruction of the right renal parenchyma, hyperechoic structures of cylindrical and rounded shape bounded by the renal capsule, suggesting the presence of the parasite, while the left kidney had normal size. The animal was submitted to nephrectomy, confirming the worm presence, measuring 31.8 cm long. It can be stated that ultrasound and light microscopy are highly effective to establish a definitive diagnosis of Dioctophyma renale.(AU)
O dioctophyma renale é classificado como um helminto zoonótico cosmopolita, pertencenteà classe de Nematoda e superfamília de Dioctophymoidea. Os cães são considerados hospedeirosdefinitivos, e sofrem grande dano renal. O diagnóstico pode ser feito através de ultrassom, raiosx e microscopia de luz. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar os aspectos ultrassonográficose microscópicos de um canino afetado por Dioctophyma renale. A urina de cor escura comevolução para hematúria e dor abdominal foram os principais sintomas observados no animal.Foi realizada a urinálise, onde foi evidenciado os ovos de D. renale. Na ultrassonografia pôde-seobservar destruição total do parênquima renal direito, estruturas hiperecoicas de forma cilíndricae arredondada delimitadas pela cápsula renal, sugerindo a presença do parasita, enquanto o rimesquerdo estava com seu tamanho normal. O animal foi submetido à nefrectomia, confirmandoa presença do verme, medindo 31,8 cm de comprimento. Pode-se afirmar que o ultrassome a microscopia de luz são altamente eficazes para estabelecer um diagnóstico definitivo de Dioctophym arenale.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Helmintíase Animal/diagnóstico , Cães/parasitologia , Infecções por Enoplida/veterinária , Zoonoses/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Microscopia/veterinária , Hematúria/veterinária , Nefropatias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Schistosomus reflexus (SR) is a congenital anomaly, that the animal presents exposed abdominal and thoracic organs. The alterations includes limbs malformation, abnormal spinal column, liver and diaphragm hypoplasia, genitourinary and gastrointestinal changes, on this way, the fetus can not survive. The aim of this study was to report the first SR case in dog and cat in Brazil, and describe anatomical, pathological and radiographic changes. Case: The puppy had ventral midline defect in the abdominal and thoracic wall extending from the sternum to the pubis with viscera exposition, including the heart, lung, liver, stomach, intestine, spleen, kidneys, moreover right army was abnormal, however no spinal column was present. It was performed radiography to evaluate bone abnormalities, and was diagnosed agenesis of carpal, metacarpal and phalange bones. The kitten had ventral midline defect measuring 4 x 2 cm, in the abdominal wall and exposition of liver, stomach, intestine and spleen, as well as tibiotarsal joint arthrogryposis on both lags. It was performed fetus radiography and no spinal column change was diagnosed. Discussion: Schistosomus reflexus is a congenital abnormality common in ruminants. Although it was few reported in dogs and cats. The two cases in this study are the firsts reposts in Brazil in these especies. In our case, the dog had exposition of abdominal and thoracic organs and died one hour after born, similar to this, another author reported a case where the thoracic and abdominal evisceration and the puppy died ten minutes after born. However, in another case with abdominal evisceration only, the puppy survived for eight days. Probably it happened because respiratore function was not compromised. The kitten had abdominal opening only, in turn, other authors reported a case whose abdominal viscera exposition was by pelvic fissure, and another case, what presented thoracic and abdominal evisceration, like our dog case...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Anormalidades Congênitas/patologia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Abdome/anormalidades , Tórax/anormalidades , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anormalidades , Vísceras/anormalidadesResumo
Background: Ultrasound allows the udder evaluation of lactating cattle, through parameters such as the area of the cistern of the mammary gland and teat, and can reveal structures with different echogenicity, indicating injuries as mastitis, edema, hematoma, abscess, atrophy and fibrosis in the mammary gland parenchyma. The aim of this study was to observe the clinical, morphometric and sonographic assessment of the mammary gland of Jersey cows, evaluating the correlation of this exam and the production of milk. Materials, Methods & Results: Nine Jersey breed cows, aged 3 to 9 years, in a variable order of first to seventh lactation were evaluated. Animals were submitted to general and specific clinical examination of the mammary gland. For the evaluation, inspection and palpation of the gland cistern and teat cistern, measuring with tape measure the udder circumference and width and height of each mammary quarter was held, and length measurements of the four teats individually using a caliper. By palpation the mammary gland parenchyma was classified as nothing worthy of note and fibrosis. After this evaluation, the mammary glands were evaluated using ultrasound, analyzing biometrics and echotexture in order to detect and/or confirm possible changes identified in prior palpation. The diameter of the gland and teat cistern were measured, and the echogenicity of each region a [...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Mamárias Animais , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Mastite BovinaResumo
Background: Ultrasound allows the udder evaluation of lactating cattle, through parameters such as the area of the cistern of the mammary gland and teat, and can reveal structures with different echogenicity, indicating injuries as mastitis, edema, hematoma, abscess, atrophy and fibrosis in the mammary gland parenchyma. The aim of this study was to observe the clinical, morphometric and sonographic assessment of the mammary gland of Jersey cows, evaluating the correlation of this exam and the production of milk. Materials, Methods & Results: Nine Jersey breed cows, aged 3 to 9 years, in a variable order of first to seventh lactation were evaluated. Animals were submitted to general and specific clinical examination of the mammary gland. For the evaluation, inspection and palpation of the gland cistern and teat cistern, measuring with tape measure the udder circumference and width and height of each mammary quarter was held, and length measurements of the four teats individually using a caliper. By palpation the mammary gland parenchyma was classified as nothing worthy of note and fibrosis. After this evaluation, the mammary glands were evaluated using ultrasound, analyzing biometrics and echotexture in order to detect and/or confirm possible changes identified in prior palpation. The diameter of the gland and teat cistern were measured, and the echogenicity of each region a [...]
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Glândulas Mamárias Animais , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/anatomia & histologia , Mastite Bovina , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cuniculus paca is the second largest neotropical rodent. It is not endangered, but your habitat has been destroyed and the specie has been hunted, because of its prized meat. In this context captive breeding is an alternative to reduce the hunt. Then, adult male vasectomy is an interesting alternative for Cuniculus paca since the animal does not lose libido and maintain cyclicity of females into the enclosure. This technique is a method of sterilization which the vas deferens is surgically clamped, cut, or otherwise sealed and thus prevents the release of sperm when a male ejaculates. The aim of this study was to describe the vasectomy technique on a male spotted paca kept in captive. Case: A captive adult male of Cuniculus paca, lived in Brazilian wild fauna breeding for scientific research. It was maintained on precinct with no other animal, ate fruits, vegetables, tubers and rodent chow and water offered ad libitum. It was submitted to bilateral vasectomy to maintain reproductive behavior on bevy, but not impregnate females. The anaesthesia was performed using ketamine hydrochloride (25 mg/kg IM) and midazolam (0.5 mg/kg IM) as premedication, and isoflurane in open system by facemask diluted in 100% O2 for induction and maintenance. Immediately after induction, was performed epidural anesthesia using 4 mg/kg of lidocaine hydrochloride without vasoconstrictor [...]
Animais , Ciclo Estral , Cuniculidae/cirurgia , Ducto Deferente , Vasectomia/veterinária , Reprodução/fisiologia , Roedores/cirurgiaResumo
Background: Cuniculus paca is the second largest neotropical rodent. It is not endangered, but your habitat has been destroyed and the specie has been hunted, because of its prized meat. In this context captive breeding is an alternative to reduce the hunt. Then, adult male vasectomy is an interesting alternative for Cuniculus paca since the animal does not lose libido and maintain cyclicity of females into the enclosure. This technique is a method of sterilization which the vas deferens is surgically clamped, cut, or otherwise sealed and thus prevents the release of sperm when a male ejaculates. The aim of this study was to describe the vasectomy technique on a male spotted paca kept in captive. Case: A captive adult male of Cuniculus paca, lived in Brazilian wild fauna breeding for scientific research. It was maintained on precinct with no other animal, ate fruits, vegetables, tubers and rodent chow and water offered ad libitum. It was submitted to bilateral vasectomy to maintain reproductive behavior on bevy, but not impregnate females. The anaesthesia was performed using ketamine hydrochloride (25 mg/kg IM) and midazolam (0.5 mg/kg IM) as premedication, and isoflurane in open system by facemask diluted in 100% O2 for induction and maintenance. Immediately after induction, was performed epidural anesthesia using 4 mg/kg of lidocaine hydrochloride without vasoconstrictor [...](AU)
Animais , Cuniculidae/cirurgia , Vasectomia/veterinária , Ducto Deferente , Ciclo Estral , Reprodução/fisiologia , Roedores/cirurgiaResumo
Ultrasonography is an accurate pregnancy diagnostic method, besides being completely innocuous for female and fetuses evaluation. The objective of this paper was to determine the reference values for gestational echo biometry of different breeds of bitches. A total of 25 multiparous females were included in the experiment, five English Bulldog bitches, five Pugs and 15 Shih Tzu, weighing 4-25 kg and aged 4-6 years. The echo biometric assessments were performed during the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th weeks of pregnancy, including gestational vesicle diameter, femur length, placenta thickness, parietal diameter, liver, heart and abdominal diameter and area. Early echo biometric study started at the second week of gestation. Measurements like fetal heart and liver diameter and area are ??still poorly studied, but can provide useful information for early detection of congenital anomalies that may reduce the viability of pregnancy. The significant results (P 0.001) obtained for biometrics (P 0.001) of the parietal (r2 = 81%) and abdominal diameter (r2 = 86%), abdominal area (r2 = 80%), femur length (r2 = 84%), cardiac length (r2 = 79%), width (r2 = 79%), area (r2 = 82%) and volume (r2 = 72%) and liver area (r2 = 71%) in brachycephalic conceptus may help to assess the development of fetuses, complementing the conventional gestational ultrasound of bitches and become a model for the study in other breeds of dogs and alternative animal species.
O exame ultrassonográfico é um meio de diagnóstico preciso para avaliação da gestação, além de ser totalmente inócuo para fêmea e fetos. Objetivou-se com este estudo determinar os valores de referência para a ecobiometria gestacional em cadelas de diferentes raças. Foram utilizadas 25 fêmeas multíparas, sendo cinco cadelas Bulldog inglês, cinco Pugs e 15 Shih Tzu, pesando de 4 a 25 kg e com idade entre 4 a 6 anos. As avaliações ecobiométricas como diâmetro da vesícula gestacional, comprimento femoral, espessura da placenta, diâmetro parietal, diâmetro e área abdominal, hepática e cardíaca foram realizadas durante as 2ª, 5ª, 6ª, 7ª e 8ª semanas gestacionais das cadelas. O estudo ecobiométrico em cadelas gestantes foi precocemente iniciado a partir da segunda semana gestacional. Mensurações pouco estudadas como o diâmetro e área hepática e valores ecobiométricos do coração fetal, podem fornecer informações úteis para a detecção precoce de anomalias congênitas que podem comprometer a viabilidade gestacional. Os resultados significativos (P 0.001), obtidos para a biometria do diâmetro parietal (r2 = 81%) e abdominal (r2 = 86%), área abdominal (r2 = 80%), comprimento do fêmur (r2 = 84%), comprimento (r2 = 79%), largura (r2 = 79%), área (r2 = 82%) e volume (r2 = 72%) cardíaco e área hepática (r2 = 71%) em conceptos braquiocefálicos, podem ajudar a avaliação do desenvolvimento dos fetos, complementando a ultrassonografia gestacional de cadelas e como modelo para o estudo em outrasraças de cães e espécies animais.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Pesos e Medidas , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Prenhez/fisiologia , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Abdome/anatomia & histologia , Fêmur/anatomia & histologia , Placenta/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Ultrasonography is an accurate pregnancy diagnostic method, besides being completely innocuous for female and fetuses evaluation. The objective of this paper was to determine the reference values for gestational echo biometry of different breeds of bitches. A total of 25 multiparous females were included in the experiment, five English Bulldog bitches, five Pugs and 15 Shih Tzu, weighing 4-25 kg and aged 4-6 years. The echo biometric assessments were performed during the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th weeks of pregnancy, including gestational vesicle diameter, femur length, placenta thickness, parietal diameter, liver, heart and abdominal diameter and area. Early echo biometric study started at the second week of gestation. Measurements like fetal heart and liver diameter and area are ??still poorly studied, but can provide useful information for early detection of congenital anomalies that may reduce the viability of pregnancy. The significant results (P 0.001) obtained for biometrics (P 0.001) of the parietal (r2 = 81%) and abdominal diameter (r2 = 86%), abdominal area (r2 = 80%), femur length (r2 = 84%), cardiac length (r2 = 79%), width (r2 = 79%), area (r2 = 82%) and volume (r2 = 72%) and liver area (r2 = 71%) in brachycephalic conceptus may help to assess the development of fetuses, complementing the conventional gestational ultrasound of bitches and become a model for the study in other breeds of dogs and alternative animal species.(AU)
O exame ultrassonográfico é um meio de diagnóstico preciso para avaliação da gestação, além de ser totalmente inócuo para fêmea e fetos. Objetivou-se com este estudo determinar os valores de referência para a ecobiometria gestacional em cadelas de diferentes raças. Foram utilizadas 25 fêmeas multíparas, sendo cinco cadelas Bulldog inglês, cinco Pugs e 15 Shih Tzu, pesando de 4 a 25 kg e com idade entre 4 a 6 anos. As avaliações ecobiométricas como diâmetro da vesícula gestacional, comprimento femoral, espessura da placenta, diâmetro parietal, diâmetro e área abdominal, hepática e cardíaca foram realizadas durante as 2ª, 5ª, 6ª, 7ª e 8ª semanas gestacionais das cadelas. O estudo ecobiométrico em cadelas gestantes foi precocemente iniciado a partir da segunda semana gestacional. Mensurações pouco estudadas como o diâmetro e área hepática e valores ecobiométricos do coração fetal, podem fornecer informações úteis para a detecção precoce de anomalias congênitas que podem comprometer a viabilidade gestacional. Os resultados significativos (P 0.001), obtidos para a biometria do diâmetro parietal (r2 = 81%) e abdominal (r2 = 86%), área abdominal (r2 = 80%), comprimento do fêmur (r2 = 84%), comprimento (r2 = 79%), largura (r2 = 79%), área (r2 = 82%) e volume (r2 = 72%) cardíaco e área hepática (r2 = 71%) em conceptos braquiocefálicos, podem ajudar a avaliação do desenvolvimento dos fetos, complementando a ultrassonografia gestacional de cadelas e como modelo para o estudo em outrasraças de cães e espécies animais.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Prenhez/fisiologia , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Pesos e Medidas , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Fêmur/anatomia & histologia , Placenta/anatomia & histologia , Abdome/anatomia & histologiaResumo
title>Abstract /title> p>Ultrasonography is an accurate pregnancy diagnostic method, besides being completely innocuous for female and fetuses evaluation. The objective of this paper was to determine the reference values for gestational echo biometry of different breeds of bitches. A total of 25 multiparous females were included in the experiment, five English Bulldog bitches, five Pugs and 15 Shih Tzu, weighing 4-25 kg and aged 4-6 years. The echo biometric assessments were performed during the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th weeks of pregnancy, including gestational vesicle diameter, femur length, placenta thickness, parietal diameter, liver, heart and abdominal diameter and area. Early echo biometric study started at the second week of gestation. Measurements like fetal heart and liver diameter and area are still poorly studied, but can provide useful information for early detection of congenital anomalies that may reduce the viability of pregnancy. The significant results (P 0.001) obtained for biometrics (P 0.001) of the parietal (r sup>2 /sup> = 81%) and abdominal diameter (r sup>2 /sup> = 86%), abdominal area (r sup>2 /sup> = 80%), femur length (r sup>2 /sup> = 84%), cardiac length (r sup>2 /sup> = 79%), width (r sup>2 /sup> = 79%), area (r sup>2 /sup> = 82%) and volume (r sup>2 /sup>= 72%) and liver area (r sup>2 /sup> = 71%) in brachycephalic conceptus may help to assess the development of fetuses, complementing the conventional gestational ultrasound of bitches and become a model for the study in other breeds of dogs and alternative animal species. /p>
title>Resumo /title> p>O exame ultrassonográfico é um meio de diagnóstico preciso para avaliação da gestação, além de ser totalmente inócuo para fêmea e fetos. Objetivou-se com este estudo determinar os valores de referência para a ecobiometria gestacional em cadelas de diferentes raças. Foram utilizadas 25 fêmeas multíparas, sendo cinco cadelas Bulldog inglês, cinco Pugs e 15 Shih Tzu, pesando de 4 a 25 kg e com idade entre 4 a 6 anos. As avaliações ecobiométricas como diâmetro da vesícula gestacional, comprimento femoral, espessura da placenta, diâmetro parietal, diâmetro e área abdominal, hepática e cardíaca foram realizadas durante as 2ª, 5ª, 6ª, 7ª e 8ª semanas gestacionais das cadelas. O estudo ecobiométrico em cadelas gestantes foi precocemente iniciado a partir da segunda semana gestacional. Mensurações pouco estudadas como o diâmetro e área hepática e valores ecobiométricos do coração fetal, podem fornecer informações úteis para a detecção precoce de anomalias congênitas que podem comprometer a viabilidade gestacional. Os resultados significativos (P 0.001), obtidos para a biometria do diâmetro parietal (r sup>2 /sup> = 81%) e abdominal (r sup>2 /sup>= 86%), área abdominal (r sup>2 /sup> = 80%), comprimento do fêmur (r sup>2 /sup> = 84%), comprimento (r sup>2 /sup> = 79%), largura (r sup>2 /sup> = 79%), área (r sup>2 /sup> = 82%) e volume (r sup>2 /sup> = 72%) cardíaco e área hepática (r sup>2 /sup> = 71%) em conceptos braquiocefálicos, podem ajudar a avaliação do desenvolvimento dos fetos, complementando a ultrassonografia gestacional de cadelas e como modelo para o estudo em outras raças de cães e espécies animais. /p>
Background: Laparoscopy provides good visualization of horses abdominal cavity, besides providing minimal invasiveness and meticulous manipulation intra-abdominal organs. Laparoscopy is suitable for both diagnosing and treating acute abdomen in horses. The purpose of this study was to report a successful case of laparoscopic-assisted surgery for treating sand impaction in a horse.Case: A 3-year-old horse, weighing 460 kg, was admitted following chronic intermittent episodes of diarrhea and colic. Physical exam revealed mild abdominal pain and liquid/pasty diarrhea. There was negative survey of gastrointestinal helminthes and microbiological analyses. Fecal sedimentation test revealed sand impaction. Surgical approach was opted for both accomplishment of the abdominal exploration and resolution of the impactation. The patient was anesthetized and positioned in dorsal recumbency. Laparoscopy was performed through an 11-mm trocar placed right cranially to the umbilicus. There were no apparent adhesions, bowel inflammation nor visceral displacement. A 15-cm celiotomy was carried out caudally to the umbilicus, under laparoscopic guidance, for initial inspection of the gastrointestinal tract. Incision enlargement was required for exteriorizing the pelvic flexure. Afterwards, enterotomy was carried out for drainage of the impactating content, followed by enterorraphy. The pelvic flex...(AU)
Animais , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Pelve/cirurgia , Areia/efeitos adversos , Cólica/veterinária , Sedimentos , Cavalos , Intestinos/cirurgia , Ferida Cirúrgica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Laparoscopy provides good visualization of horses abdominal cavity, besides providing minimal invasiveness and meticulous manipulation intra-abdominal organs. Laparoscopy is suitable for both diagnosing and treating acute abdomen in horses. The purpose of this study was to report a successful case of laparoscopic-assisted surgery for treating sand impaction in a horse.Case: A 3-year-old horse, weighing 460 kg, was admitted following chronic intermittent episodes of diarrhea and colic. Physical exam revealed mild abdominal pain and liquid/pasty diarrhea. There was negative survey of gastrointestinal helminthes and microbiological analyses. Fecal sedimentation test revealed sand impaction. Surgical approach was opted for both accomplishment of the abdominal exploration and resolution of the impactation. The patient was anesthetized and positioned in dorsal recumbency. Laparoscopy was performed through an 11-mm trocar placed right cranially to the umbilicus. There were no apparent adhesions, bowel inflammation nor visceral displacement. A 15-cm celiotomy was carried out caudally to the umbilicus, under laparoscopic guidance, for initial inspection of the gastrointestinal tract. Incision enlargement was required for exteriorizing the pelvic flexure. Afterwards, enterotomy was carried out for drainage of the impactating content, followed by enterorraphy. The pelvic flex...
Animais , Areia/efeitos adversos , Cavalos , Cólica/veterinária , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Pelve/cirurgia , Sedimentos , Ferida Cirúrgica/veterinária , Intestinos/cirurgiaResumo
Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and possible complications of the laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) technique and to optimize ovarian stimulation in recently weaned ewe lambs.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty-six healthy lambs, aging 4-8 weeks, were used in this study and divided into six different groups of six animals. Intravaginal implants of medroxyprogesterone were used for follicular wave induction, and parenteral equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were administered for ovarian stimulation. Ewes from group GCN did not receive any treatment. In group GCI, the animals received only intravaginal implants. For other groups, ovarian stimulation was carried out as follows: in Group G80U, ewes were treated with a single dose of 80 mg of FSHp; in Group G80M, ewes received 4 administrations of 20 mg FSH, in Group G160U, they were treated with a single dose of 160 mg FSH; and in Group G160M they received 4 administrations of 40 mg FSH). Quantitative and qualitative assessment of retrieved oocytes were carried out after LOPU. In vitro maturation (IVM) of oocytes was also quantitative and qualitatively analyzed. Surgical procedure was divided into 6 stages and overall and stage surgical times were assessed. Post-operative pain and plasma fibrinogen were also assessed. The mean overall surgical time...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos , Óvulo , Indução da Ovulação/veterinária , Coleta de Tecidos e Órgãos/métodos , Coleta de Tecidos e Órgãos/veterináriaResumo
Laryngeal and tracheal tumors are rare in pets; some piece of information on their disease behavior, therapy and evolution are limited. Neoplasms in this area are a diagnostic challenge. In many cases, they can be biopsied and excised using endoscopic instruments, but there is no report of this in canines. The goal of this study is to report a successful case of a laryngeal neoplasm removal through endoscopy. A head and neck radiogram revealed a mass in the laryngeal lumen protruding into the trachea. The patient then underwent an endoscopy to confirm the radiographic diagnosis and to surgically remove the tumor. The histopathological diagnosis was poorly differentiated carcinoma. The most appropriate treatment for laryngeal tumors is the resection of the submucosa or a partial laryngectomy however, partial and total laryngectomies are associated with many postoperative complications. In contrast, the endoscopic approach allows for highly magnified visualization of the lesion in situ, which facilitates the surgical removal of the mass through videosurgery. With little manipulation of the affected area, the chances of postoperative complications are reduced, leading to a more rapid recovery. .(AU)
Tumores de laringe e traqueia são raros em animais de estimação e as informações sobre o comportamento, terapia e evolução destas neoplasias são limitadas. Neoplasias nesta área são desafios diagnósticos. Em muitos casos, pode ser feita a biópsia e excisão da massa utilizando instrumentos endoscópicos, mas não existe relato deste tipo de procedimento em caninos. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar um caso de sucesso da remoção endoscópica de um tumor de laringe. A radiografia da região cervical revelou uma massa na luz da laringe invadindo a traqueia. O paciente foi então submetido a uma endoscopia para confirmar o diagnóstico radiográfico e remover cirurgicamente o tumor. O diagnóstico histopatológico foi de carcinoma pouco diferenciado. O tratamento mais adequado para os tumores da laringe é a ressecção da submucosa ou uma laringectomia parcial, no entanto, estas estão associadas a muitas complicações pós-operatórias. Em contraste, a abordagem endoscópica permite a visualização da lesão in situ, o que facilita a remoção cirúrgica da massa através de videocirurgia. Com pouca manipulação da área afetada, as chances de complicações pós-operatórias são reduzidas, levando a uma recuperação mais rápida. .(AU)
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias/veterinária , Laringe/patologia , Endoscopia/veterinária , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/veterinária , Radioterapia/veterinária , Dispneia/veterináriaResumo
The aim of the study was to develop and assess the feasibility, postoperative pain and inflammatory response of the single-port laparoscopic ovariectomy in ewes, using a simple pre-tied loop ligature technique. Pre-tied Meltzer's knot was employed for prophylactic hemostasis of the ovarian pedicle. Slipknot was inserted within the abdominal cavity through a 14-gauge needle and tied surrounding the ovarian pedicle. Mean surgical time, manipulation, ligature and resection of each ovary and anesthesia time were 63±20, 20±10 and 91±26 minutes, respectively. No bleeding occurred during the surgeries. Ewes showed low scores pain (0.5±0.5) at all time-points. Postsurgical plasma fibrinogen was within the normal range for sheep specie at all time-points. The ewes showed a significant weight gain in comparison to the basal scaling (one day before the surgery). Single-port laparoscopic ovariectomy using a pre-tied loop ligature is feasible in the ovine specie and provided minimal postoperative distress and quick weight gain.(AU)
Objetivou-se com este trabalho desenvolver e descrever uma técnica de ovariectomia por videolaparoscopia utilizando um portal laparoscópico e um sistema de ligadura pré-montada, avaliando a sua viabilidade, o desconforto doloroso e o processo inflamatório provocado em ovelhas. O nó de Meltzer pré-montado foi utilizado para hemostasia profilática do pedículo ovariano. O nó corrediço foi inserido na cavidade abdominal através de uma agulha 14G e atado em torno do pedículo ovariano. O tempo médio de cirurgia foi de 63±20min, o de manipulação, ligadura e ressecção para cada ovário foi de 20±10min, e o de anestesia 91±26min. Não houve hemorragia durante as cirurgias. As ovelhas apresentaram escores de dor considerados baixos (0,5±0,5). Todos os valores do fibrinogênio plasmático estiveram dentro do padrão de normalidade, não havendo diferença estatística entre os momentos avaliados. Houve aumento significativo nas médias de peso das fêmeas, quando comparados ao momento controle (um dia anterior ao experimento). A ovariectomia por um portal laparoscópico com aplicação de ligaduras pré-montadas é factível para a espécie ovina, provocando mínimo estresse, desconforto doloroso e rápido ganho de peso nos animais.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Ligadura/veterinária , OvinosResumo
Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and possible complications of the laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) technique and to optimize ovarian stimulation in recently weaned ewe lambs.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty-six healthy lambs, aging 4-8 weeks, were used in this study and divided into six different groups of six animals. Intravaginal implants of medroxyprogesterone were used for follicular wave induction, and parenteral equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were administered for ovarian stimulation. Ewes from group GCN did not receive any treatment. In group GCI, the animals received only intravaginal implants. For other groups, ovarian stimulation was carried out as follows: in Group G80U, ewes were treated with a single dose of 80 mg of FSHp; in Group G80M, ewes received 4 administrations of 20 mg FSH, in Group G160U, they were treated with a single dose of 160 mg FSH; and in Group G160M they received 4 administrations of 40 mg FSH). Quantitative and qualitative assessment of retrieved oocytes were carried out after LOPU. In vitro maturation (IVM) of oocytes was also quantitative and qualitatively analyzed. Surgical procedure was divided into 6 stages and overall and stage surgical times were assessed. Post-operative pain and plasma fibrinogen were also assessed. The mean overall surgical time...