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Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 17(1): 45-48, jan.-mar. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490134


The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of a heat-resistant bacterial phytase added to pelleted diets on mineral digestibility, live performance, carcass traits, and bone quality of broilers. Three treatments were evaluated: Positive control; negative control, with 0.10 points reduction in calcium level and 0.15 points reduction in available phosphorus level; and negative control + phytase at 500 FTU/kg. Mineral digestibility and bone quality results demonstrated that the evaluated phytase resisted pelleting as it increased the utilization of the minerals present in the diet.

Animais , Galinhas/microbiologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/microbiologia
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 17(1): 45-48, jan.-mar. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-39545


The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of a heat-resistant bacterial phytase added to pelleted diets on mineral digestibility, live performance, carcass traits, and bone quality of broilers. Three treatments were evaluated: Positive control; negative control, with 0.10 points reduction in calcium level and 0.15 points reduction in available phosphorus level; and negative control + phytase at 500 FTU/kg. Mineral digestibility and bone quality results demonstrated that the evaluated phytase resisted pelleting as it increased the utilization of the minerals present in the diet.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/microbiologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/microbiologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 63(3): 633-640, jun. 2011. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-5811


Avaliaram-se a retenção aparente, a deposição hepática, tecidual e plasmática, bem como a eficiência da glutationa peroxidase hepática e plasmática em frangos de corte alimentados com diferentes níveis e fontes de selênio. Utilizaram-se 300 pintos machos com 14 dias, submetidos a um esquema fatorial 3x3 + 1 (três níveis de Se - 0,150; 0,300; 0,450ppm, e três fontes comerciais de Se - uma inorgânica e duas orgânicas + um tratamento controle sem suplementação), em DIC. Do primeiro ao 14º dia de idade - período de depleção -, as aves receberam rações basais sem suplementação de selênio. Aos 14 dias, receberam as dietas com selênio, por um período de 14 dias, sendo coletadas as excretas nos últimos quatro dias. A retenção de selênio foi relativamente alta. O uso da fonte orgânica A em níveis crescentes apresentou menor queda na retenção aparente de selênio. As fontes orgânicas participaram mais ativamente nas atividades de tecidos de forma geral, e a fonte inorgânica foi neutralizada no tecido hepático. A eficiência dessa enzima no plasma aumentou linearmente quando se elevaram os níveis dietéticos. Para a fonte inorgânica, não houve mudança nesta eficiência.(AU)

We evaluated the apparent retention, the hepatic, tissue and plasmatic deposition as well as the efficiency of the enzyme hepatic and plasmatic Glutathione Peroxidase in broiler chickens fed different sources and levels of selenium. 300 male Cobb- 500 chicks aged 14 days were submitted to a factorial scheme 3x3+1 (three levels - 0.150; 0.300; 0.450ppm, three commercial sources - one inorganic and two organic + one control treatment without a supplementation) in CRD. The first 14 days of age (depletion period) the birds were fed basal diets without a supplementation of selenium. At 14 days the birds were given the diets with selenium for a period for 14 days, and the excreta collected in the last four days. The work suggested that the selenium retentions were relatively high, due to the use of organic source A at growing levels they presented a lower decrease in apparent retention of selenium. The organic sources participated more actively in the activities of tissues in general and the inorganic source is neutralized in the hepatic tissue. The efficiency of this enzyme in plasma was increased linearly, when we increased dietary levels for the inorganic source there was no change in efficiency.(AU)

Animais , Selênio , Fisiologia , Glutationa Peroxidase