PURPOSE : Bladder augmentation is an effective surgical procedure for increasing bladder capacity and reducing pressure on the urinary system. It is indicated for patients with anomalies such as spina bifida, myelomeningocele, urethral valve and bladder exstrophy, who progress with low tolerance of medication. CASES : This was a retrospective study conducted on pediatric patients submitted to bladder augmentation from 2000 to 2011. RESULTS : 34 patients aged 4 to 17 years were submitted to bladder augmentation, 30 of them with an ileal loop and 4 with a ureter.A continent urinary shunt was performed in 16 patients, the Mitrofanoff conduit was associated in 15, and the Macedo technique was used in one. Mean follow-up was 34.35 months (1 to 122 months). Mean creatinine was 1.5 ng/ml (0.4 to 7.5 ng/ml) preoperatively and 1.78 ng/ml postoperatively. Three patients required a renal transplant during follow-up. There was improvement or resolution of vesicoureteral reflux in 83.5% of the kidneys on the right and in 75% on the left. Bladder capacity increased, on average, from 152.5 ml to 410 ml. The main complications were vesical lithiasis in 3 patients and conduit perforation in one. CONCLUSION : Bladder augmentation showed good results in this series, preserving renal function in most of the patients.(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Bexiga Urinária/cirurgia , Bexiga Urinaria Neurogênica/cirurgia , Disrafismo Espinal/complicações , Meningomielocele/complicações , Obstrução Uretral/cirurgia , Extrofia Vesical/cirurgiaResumo
PURPOSE: Fetal hydronephrosis is a frequent finding due to advances in prenatal ultrasonography. The definition of fetal and neonatal urinary tract obstruction is a very difficult task requiring confirmation of reduced renal function and hydronephrosis. In this study we followed a series of consecutive patients with intrauterine hydronephrosis that persisted during post-natal life. METHODS: 116 newborns with antenatal hydronephrosis diagnosed by ultrasound and submitted to a specific post-natal evaluative protocol with a follow-up period of 6 years. RESULTS: In 45 (38.8%) of 116 patients, ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction was confirmed and surgical correction of the UPJ obstruction was done in 19 patients. From 26 children who were initially submitted to non-surgical treatment, only 6 (23%) needed a surgical approach during follow up. Overall analysis showed that surgery was performed in 25 patients with UPJ obstruction, and the others 20 patients were kept under clinical observation, since normal renal function was confirmed by scintigraphy scans. CONCLUSION: Fetal hydronephrosis due to UPJ obstruction deserves careful postnatal evaluation. UPJ obstruction is the most frequent anomaly and its surgical treatment has very precise indications. The evaluative protocol was useful in identify patients that could be followed-up with a non-surgical approach.(AU)
OBJETIVO: Com a ampla utilização dos exames ultrassonográficos na avaliação pré-natal, é frequente o diagnóstico da hidronefrose fetal. A definição de obstrução do trato urinário no periodo pós-natal necessita da confirmação de redução da função renal além da hidronefrose. Neste estudo, acompanhamos uma série de pacientes consecutivos com hidronefrose intra-útero que persistiu no periodo pós-natal. MÉTODOS: 116 recém-nascidos com hidronefrose pré-natal diagnosticada pela ultrassonografia foram submetidos a protocolo específico de avaliação e companhados pelo periodo de 06 anos. RESULTADOS: Em 46 (38,8%) dos 116 pacientes foi confirmado o diagnóstico de estenose da junção ureteropiélica (JUP). Conforme os resultados do protocolo aplicado a correção cirúrgica da estenose da JUP foi realizada em 19 pacientes. Das 26 crianças encaminhadas inicialmente para observação clínica, apenas 6 (23%) necessitaram cirurgia durante o seguimento ambulatorial. Na análise geral, o procedimento cirúrgico para correção da estenose da JUP foi indicado em 25 pacientes. Nas outras 20 crianças não houve necessidade da realização da cirurgia. CONCLUSÃO: a hidronefrose fetal requer cuidadosa avaliação pós-natal. A estenose da junção pielo-ureteral é a anomalia mais frequente como causa da hidronefrose, e sua correção cirúrgica tem indicações precisas. O protocolo aplicado foi útil em diferenciar pacientes que não necessitaram cirurgia para tratamento da estenose da JUP.(AU)