Background: Malformations are structural or functional abnormalities in the organs and structures present at birth. Theseconditions are rarely described in the newborns of dogs and can lead to their death. Meroanencephaly is a defect of theneural tube closure malformation, a type of anencephaly and results from a failure of closure of the rostral neuropore(neural crest), and consequently the development of the calvary becomes defective. This study aims to characterize theclinical-pathological aspects of neonatal meroanencephaly since brain malformations are rare in newborn dogs.Case: A 2-day-old English Pointer canine was sent for a necropsy. The newborn belonged to a litter of eight puppies, andonly this one had macroscopic cranial alterations. Another puppy that died as a consequence of being trampled by thebitch was also necropsied. The newborn was alive for 48 h until death and presented apathy, crying, sucking reflex andopisthotonus. Macroscopic examination of the baby revealed flattening of the skull, with a slit at the site of bone symphysis fusion, and a slit in the skin of the parietal region, covered by thin, translucent meningeal tissue. The newborn hadno other macroscopic changes. The heads of the two animals were examined by radiography to identify the features ofanencephaly in one of the animals by visualizing skull bone flattening. Upon removing the skin and exposing the cranialcavity, an irregular reddish mass was revealed, that corresponded microscopically to area cerebrovasculosa, composed ofneurons and rudimentary glial tissue, vascular neoformation and, hemorrhage and congestion. The cranial nerves was notpossible to observe. There was disorganization of the brain areas with no limitation of white and gray matter and scarceneurons and also a region similar to the cerebellum, with a molecular layer but without the Purkinje neurons. In the spinal...
Animais , Cães , Anencefalia/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Crista Neural/anormalidades , Tubo Neural/anormalidades , Animais Recém-NascidosResumo
Background: Malformations are structural or functional abnormalities in the organs and structures present at birth. Theseconditions are rarely described in the newborns of dogs and can lead to their death. Meroanencephaly is a defect of theneural tube closure malformation, a type of anencephaly and results from a failure of closure of the rostral neuropore(neural crest), and consequently the development of the calvary becomes defective. This study aims to characterize theclinical-pathological aspects of neonatal meroanencephaly since brain malformations are rare in newborn dogs.Case: A 2-day-old English Pointer canine was sent for a necropsy. The newborn belonged to a litter of eight puppies, andonly this one had macroscopic cranial alterations. Another puppy that died as a consequence of being trampled by thebitch was also necropsied. The newborn was alive for 48 h until death and presented apathy, crying, sucking reflex andopisthotonus. Macroscopic examination of the baby revealed flattening of the skull, with a slit at the site of bone symphysis fusion, and a slit in the skin of the parietal region, covered by thin, translucent meningeal tissue. The newborn hadno other macroscopic changes. The heads of the two animals were examined by radiography to identify the features ofanencephaly in one of the animals by visualizing skull bone flattening. Upon removing the skin and exposing the cranialcavity, an irregular reddish mass was revealed, that corresponded microscopically to area cerebrovasculosa, composed ofneurons and rudimentary glial tissue, vascular neoformation and, hemorrhage and congestion. The cranial nerves was notpossible to observe. There was disorganization of the brain areas with no limitation of white and gray matter and scarceneurons and also a region similar to the cerebellum, with a molecular layer but without the Purkinje neurons. In the spinal...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Anencefalia/veterinária , Tubo Neural/anormalidades , Crista Neural/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Animais Recém-NascidosResumo
Background: The prevalence of intracranial neoplasms in dogs represents 2.1 to 4.0% of the cases. Brain tumors may beprimary or metastatic. The objective of this study was to describe two cases of intra encephalic neoplasia in elderly dogsreceived for necropsy by the Veterinary Oncology Service in the Federal University of Pelotas.Cases: Case 1: A 12-year-old female canine, without breed and medium size, was received for necropsy. The animal hashad behavioral changes. Macroscopic examination of the encephalus revealed asymmetry and congestion. The organs werecollected and fixed in 10% formalin. In the brain cleavage we noticed an extensive brown-gray mass with reddish areas,expansive, moderately demarcated, soft to cut and discrete hydrocephalus. Serial fragments of the brain and fragmentsof the organs were sent for processing. The slides were stained with the hematoxylin and eosin technique for histopathological analysis. At the microscopic examination, cuboidal cells were observed in the encephalus sometimes in acinar arrangements, of extensive and very limited pattern, diagnosed as ependymoma. Case 2: It is a 15-year-old, female Poodledog, with several tumors. During necropsy multiple subcutaneous nodules, mesentery, intestinal serosa, stomach and liverwere noticed. At the cut these were firm and whitish. No macroscopic changes were observed in the other organs. Fragments of organs and brain were collected and a serial section of the encephalus was performed for further processing andhistological analysis. In the histopathological analysis the masses were constituted by proliferation of sometimes roundedcells, elongated, with rounded nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm, allowing the diagnosis of mesothelioma. The samecell pattern was observed in other organs. In the frontal cortex of the encephalus there were small foci of cells similar tothose observed in the mesentery, as well as metastatic...(AU)
Animais , Idoso , Cães , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Mesotelioma/veterinária , Ependimoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: The prevalence of intracranial neoplasms in dogs represents 2.1 to 4.0% of the cases. Brain tumors may beprimary or metastatic. The objective of this study was to describe two cases of intra encephalic neoplasia in elderly dogsreceived for necropsy by the Veterinary Oncology Service in the Federal University of Pelotas.Cases: Case 1: A 12-year-old female canine, without breed and medium size, was received for necropsy. The animal hashad behavioral changes. Macroscopic examination of the encephalus revealed asymmetry and congestion. The organs werecollected and fixed in 10% formalin. In the brain cleavage we noticed an extensive brown-gray mass with reddish areas,expansive, moderately demarcated, soft to cut and discrete hydrocephalus. Serial fragments of the brain and fragmentsof the organs were sent for processing. The slides were stained with the hematoxylin and eosin technique for histopathological analysis. At the microscopic examination, cuboidal cells were observed in the encephalus sometimes in acinar arrangements, of extensive and very limited pattern, diagnosed as ependymoma. Case 2: It is a 15-year-old, female Poodledog, with several tumors. During necropsy multiple subcutaneous nodules, mesentery, intestinal serosa, stomach and liverwere noticed. At the cut these were firm and whitish. No macroscopic changes were observed in the other organs. Fragments of organs and brain were collected and a serial section of the encephalus was performed for further processing andhistological analysis. In the histopathological analysis the masses were constituted by proliferation of sometimes roundedcells, elongated, with rounded nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm, allowing the diagnosis of mesothelioma. The samecell pattern was observed in other organs. In the frontal cortex of the encephalus there were small foci of cells similar tothose observed in the mesentery, as well as metastatic...
Animais , Idoso , Cães , Ependimoma/veterinária , Mesotelioma/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterináriaResumo
Phytoterapic compounds have been used in wound healing for many centuries. Nowadays, scientific evidences of phytotherapeutics is a requirement of the legislation. The scientific literature notes the need for healing topics yielding scars that are both aesthetically appealing and resistant. We aimed to evaluate the cytotoxicity of several doses of T. aestivum extract (2 mg mL-1, 4 mg mL-1, 6 mg mL-1, 8 mg mL-1 and 10 mg mL-1) in a fibroblast cell line and the healing process in an in vivo experimental model (New Zealand rabbits). For this, MTT test in 3T6 cells was performed in duplicates using MEM (0 mg ml-1) as negative control. Cell viability was calculated as: absorbance average in treatments/absorbance average in controls x 100. In vivo test was performed in 78 skin wounds in rabbits that were treated with 2 mg ml-1and 10 mg ml-1 of T. aestivum and non-ionic cream for 21 days. After this period, it was evaluated the histology using picrosorius and Gomoris trichrome staining. Statistical analysis was evaluated using T test (Graphpad) for cytotoxicity assay, Fischer test for the gomori trichrome test (Grahpad) and Kruskal-Wallis (Statistic 9.0) for picrosirius test. The in vitro test resulted in cytotoxicity observed at 2mg mL-1 whereas cells were viable at higher doses. On the other hand, it was observed that collagen formation of wounds was more uniform with this dose than with 10mg mL-1 extract in the in vivo study. Thus, we conclude that the 2mg mL-1 T. aestivum aqueous extract dose was more efficient in the in vivo wound healing study, despite its cytotoxic effects in vitro.(AU)
Os extratos vegetais têm sido utilizados na cicatrização de feridas a muitos séculos. No entanto nos dias atuais a comprovação científica dos fitoterápicos é uma exigência da legislação. Na literatura científica se observa a necessidade de cicatrizantes tópicos que proporcionem uma cicatriz estética e resistente. Devido a isso objetivou-se avaliar a citotoxicidade de diversas doses de T. aestivum (2 mg mL1, 4 mg mL-1, 6 mg mL-1, 8 mg mL-1 e 10 mg mL-1) em linhagem celular de fibroblasto, e o processo cicatricial em modelo experimental (New Zealand rabbits) in vivo. Para isso foi realizado o teste de MTT em linhagem celular 3T. Tests were performed in duplicates, using MEM (0 mg mL-1) as negative control. Cell viability was calculated as: absorbance average in treatments/absorbance average in controls x 100. No ensaio in vivo foram realizadas 78 feridas experimentais em coelhos que foram tratadas T. aestivum 2mg mL-1, T. aestivum 10 mg mL-1e creme não iônico por 21 dias, após foi avaliado a histologia do tricrômico de golmori e de picrosirius. Na análise estatística do ensaio de citotoxicidade foi realizado o teste de t (Graphpad), para avaliação do tricomico de golmori foi realizado o teste de fischer (Graphpad) e no picrosirius foi avaliado através de Kruskal - Wallis (Statistic 9.0). O resultado in vitro demonstrou que a dose de 2mg mL-1 foi citotóxica para as células e que doses maiores a essa apresentavam viabilidade celular. No entanto no estudo in vivo foi constatado que as feridas tratadas com essa dose apresentaram a formação de colágeno mais uniforme que as tratadas com 10 mg mL-1. Concluí-se que a dose de 2mg mL-1 do extrato aquoso de T. aestivum é eficiente no ensaio in vivo com as feridas experimentais, o que não foi observado no estudo in vitro.(AU)
Animais , Cobaias , Coelhos , Triticum/efeitos dos fármacos , Ferimentos e Lesões/tratamento farmacológico , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Medicamento Fitoterápico , Linhagem CelularResumo
Mammary neoplasms are described as the third most common type of feline tumor, after haematopoietic and skin tumors, and present a challenge for clinicians because the prognosis for feline mammary tumors ranges from guarded to poor. Thus, it is necessary to define new therapeutic approaches and establish more in-depth knowledge about this disease in felines. The main aspects of the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of feline mammary neoplasia were discussed, aiming to standardize the criteria and to serve as a guide for pathologists and veterinary clinicians.(AU)
As neoplasias mamárias são descritas como o terceiro tipo mais frequente de tumor em felinos (após as neoplasias hematopoiéticas e cutâneas) e apresentam um desafio para os clínicos devido ao prognóstico, que varia de reservado a ruim. Assim, é necessário conhecer melhor essa doença em felinos e definir novas abordagens terapêuticas. Discutiu-se os principais aspectos de diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento da neoplasia mamária felina, com o objetivo de padronizar os critérios e servir de guia para patologistas e clínicos veterinários.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Protocolos Antineoplásicos , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/terapia , PrognósticoResumo
Mammary neoplasms are described as the third most common type of feline tumor, after haematopoietic and skin tumors, and present a challenge for clinicians because the prognosis for feline mammary tumors ranges from guarded to poor. Thus, it is necessary to define new therapeutic approaches and establish more in-depth knowledge about this disease in felines. The main aspects of the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of feline mammary neoplasia were discussed, aiming to standardize the criteria and to serve as a guide for pathologists and veterinary clinicians.(AU)
As neoplasias mamárias são descritas como o terceiro tipo mais frequente de tumor em felinos (após as neoplasias hematopoiéticas e cutâneas) e apresentam um desafio para os clínicos devido ao prognóstico, que varia de reservado a ruim. Assim, é necessário conhecer melhor essa doença em felinos e definir novas abordagens terapêuticas. Discutiu-se os principais aspectos de diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento da neoplasia mamária felina, com o objetivo de padronizar os critérios e servir de guia para patologistas e clínicos veterinários.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/terapia , Prognóstico , Protocolos AntineoplásicosResumo
Mammary neoplasms are described as the third most common type of feline tumor, after haematopoietic and skin tumors, and present a challenge for clinicians because the prognosis for feline mammary tumors ranges from guarded to poor. Thus, it is necessary to define new therapeutic approaches and establish more in-depth knowledge about this disease in felines. The main aspects of the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of feline mammary neoplasia were discussed, aiming to standardize the criteria and to serve as a guide for pathologists and veterinary clinicians.
As neoplasias mamárias são descritas como o terceiro tipo mais frequente de tumor em felinos (após as neoplasias hematopoiéticas e cutâneas) e apresentam um desafio para os clínicos devido ao prognóstico, que varia de reservado a ruim. Assim, é necessário conhecer melhor essa doença em felinos e definir novas abordagens terapêuticas. Discutiu-se os principais aspectos de diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento da neoplasia mamária felina, com o objetivo de padronizar os critérios e servir de guia para patologistas e clínicos veterinários.
Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant cutaneous neoplasm which occurs frequently in small animals. Histopathology or fine needle aspiration cytology is necessary to confirm diagnosis; macroscopic diagnosis is not possible since the lesions are very similar to others of distinct etiologies. Owing to the fact that it is a neoplasm, diagnosis and treatment are usually not well accepted by owners, especially since it can cause esthetic changes to the animal and adjunct treatments can cause unwanted side effects. The objective of this study was to report clinical cases of SCC with distinct tumor subtypes and relate the recommended treatment with prognosis of patients. Case: Two dogs and one cat with SCC that were subjected to physical and dermatological examination, and tested negative for sporotrichosis, cryptococcosis, and manges. Dog 1 (male, 9-year-old, yellow Labrador retriever) exhibited inspiratory dyspnea for three weeks owing to an ulcerative hemorrhagic lesion on the nose. In view of the site of the lesion, a radiographic exam was requested, and the bony portion of the septum was found to be compromised. Cat 2 (female, 10-year-old, bicolor, mixed-breed cat) exhibited a focal, punctate, ulcerated, hemorrhagic lesion on the nose. Dog 3 (female, 10-year-old, white Dogo Argentino) exhibited several ulcerative lesions, and papulae, plaques and comedones on the ventral region of the abdomen.Treatment for deep pyoderma and comedone syndrome were initially instituted; on follow-up, more ulcerative lesions were present, which prompted the inclusion of neoplasm as a differential diagnosis. In cases 1 and 3, histopathology was performed with diagnosis of undifferentiated and differentiated SCC, respectively. In both cases, surgical margins were compromised after resection of the lesion...
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/terapia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/tratamento farmacológico , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Biópsia por Agulha Fina/veterináriaResumo
Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant cutaneous neoplasm which occurs frequently in small animals. Histopathology or fine needle aspiration cytology is necessary to confirm diagnosis; macroscopic diagnosis is not possible since the lesions are very similar to others of distinct etiologies. Owing to the fact that it is a neoplasm, diagnosis and treatment are usually not well accepted by owners, especially since it can cause esthetic changes to the animal and adjunct treatments can cause unwanted side effects. The objective of this study was to report clinical cases of SCC with distinct tumor subtypes and relate the recommended treatment with prognosis of patients. Case: Two dogs and one cat with SCC that were subjected to physical and dermatological examination, and tested negative for sporotrichosis, cryptococcosis, and manges. Dog 1 (male, 9-year-old, yellow Labrador retriever) exhibited inspiratory dyspnea for three weeks owing to an ulcerative hemorrhagic lesion on the nose. In view of the site of the lesion, a radiographic exam was requested, and the bony portion of the septum was found to be compromised. Cat 2 (female, 10-year-old, bicolor, mixed-breed cat) exhibited a focal, punctate, ulcerated, hemorrhagic lesion on the nose. Dog 3 (female, 10-year-old, white Dogo Argentino) exhibited several ulcerative lesions, and papulae, plaques and comedones on the ventral region of the abdomen.Treatment for deep pyoderma and comedone syndrome were initially instituted; on follow-up, more ulcerative lesions were present, which prompted the inclusion of neoplasm as a differential diagnosis. In cases 1 and 3, histopathology was performed with diagnosis of undifferentiated and differentiated SCC, respectively. In both cases, surgical margins were compromised after resection of the lesion...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/terapia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/tratamento farmacológico , Biópsia por Agulha Fina/veterináriaResumo
Background: Dioctophymiasis is a disease caused by the nematode Dioctophyme renale and is a relatively common condition in dogs. The parasite affects the kidney, especially the right, enters the kidney capsule and causes destruction and atrophy of the parenchyma. The lesion severity depends on the amount of parasites affecting the kidney, the duration of the infection, number of kidneys involved and concurrent occurrence of kidney disease. The diseases clinical presentation may be asymptomatic or with nonspecific clinical signs. The diagnosis is based on ultrasound examination and the detection of eggs in urine, however, diagnosis is often reached only through necropsy or histopathology. This study aimed to analyze the dog kidney anatomical and pathological changes when parasitized by Dioctophyme renale. Materials, Methods & Results: The kidneys of 21 dogs diagnosed with dioctophymiasis were nephrectomized, analyzed by ultrasound and forwarded to macro and microscopic analysis. Macroscopically, the kidney size was measured as well as its renal capsule thicknes. The presences of dilatation of the renal pelvis and ureter, as well as changes of the capsule, were also observed. These fragments were collected and submitted for routine analysis and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histopathological examination was performed blindly by three evaluators. The intensity of [...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Rim/parasitologia , Infecções por Enoplida/veterinária , Dioctophymatoidea/parasitologia , Nefropatias/veterinária , MetaplasiaResumo
Background: Dioctophymiasis is a disease caused by the nematode Dioctophyme renale and is a relatively common condition in dogs. The parasite affects the kidney, especially the right, enters the kidney capsule and causes destruction and atrophy of the parenchyma. The lesion severity depends on the amount of parasites affecting the kidney, the duration of the infection, number of kidneys involved and concurrent occurrence of kidney disease. The diseases clinical presentation may be asymptomatic or with nonspecific clinical signs. The diagnosis is based on ultrasound examination and the detection of eggs in urine, however, diagnosis is often reached only through necropsy or histopathology. This study aimed to analyze the dog kidney anatomical and pathological changes when parasitized by Dioctophyme renale. Materials, Methods & Results: The kidneys of 21 dogs diagnosed with dioctophymiasis were nephrectomized, analyzed by ultrasound and forwarded to macro and microscopic analysis. Macroscopically, the kidney size was measured as well as its renal capsule thicknes. The presences of dilatation of the renal pelvis and ureter, as well as changes of the capsule, were also observed. These fragments were collected and submitted for routine analysis and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histopathological examination was performed blindly by three evaluators. The intensity of [...]
Animais , Cães , Dioctophymatoidea/parasitologia , Infecções por Enoplida/veterinária , Rim/parasitologia , Metaplasia , Nefropatias/veterináriaResumo
Background: The equine placenta is the organ where gas and nutrients are exchanged between the mare and the fetus and, as such presents two main functions: protection and regulation of the fetal environment. Maternal or placental disorders can lead to fetal or neonatal impairment, fetal death, development of abnormalities, dystocia, or to the delivery of premature or dysmature foals. The aim of this work is to report the placental findings, the clinical evaluation and the therapeutic measures adopted during the clinical monitoring of a foal birth from a mare with placentitis.Case: The patient is a Thoroughbred mare, 18 years-old, from a farm in the south region of Brazil. The mare was submitted to colic surgery 90 days prior to delivery. The gestational length was 365 days and the mare did not present any symptoms of placentitis during pregnancy. At delivery both the amniotic fluid and the foal showed meconium staining, suggesting passage of intrauterine meconium. The time lapsed from birth to the observation of postural and behavioral reflexes was: eight min to the adoption of sternal recumbency; 35 min to begin sucking reflexes, and 110 min to stand. After the observation of the sucking reflexes, the foal received 250 mL of colostrum with a bottle. The foal weight at birth was 50 kg. Yellow/brownish stains covering on the allantoic surface to its full extent were identified...(AU)
A placenta é um órgão fundamental na relação materno-fetal e deve ser considerada como um reflexo das condições nutricionais, metabólicas, endócrinas e vasculares maternas, além de ser um indicativo da condição clínica e metabólica do neonato [11]. A placenta apresenta duas grandes funções: de proteção e de regulação do ambiente fetal, atuando como órgão de trocas respiratórias e de nutrientes entre a égua e o feto [28]. O impacto das desordens de origem materna ou placentária no ambiente intrauterino, geralmente resulta em comprometimento fetal ou neonatal decorrentes de um ou da combinação de três fatores: hipóxia, infecção e transtorno no desenvolvimento dentro do útero [5].O Comprometimento fetal pode resultar no nascimento de um potro prematuro ou dismaturo, sendo os efeitos do comprometimento neonatal dependentes da natureza, duração, severidade e estágio da gestação no qual ocorreu a condição de estresse [5].Em quadros de hipóxia ocorre uma redistribuição do débito cardíaco para manter os órgãos vitais (coração, cérebro e adrenais), com comprometimento de outros órgãos [28]. O feto equino apresenta um mecanismo de redução da demanda de oxigênio quando exposto a hipó- xia, diminuindo sua taxa de crescimento, podendo levar a um retardo no crescimento intrauterino [25]. Como resultado de uma isquemia intestinal em períodos de hipóxia, ocorre hiperperistaltismo transitório...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anormalidades , Hipóxia Fetal/veterinária , Ossos Sesamoides/anormalidades , Doenças Placentárias/veterinária , Alopurinol/uso terapêuticoResumo
Background: The equine placenta is the organ where gas and nutrients are exchanged between the mare and the fetus and, as such presents two main functions: protection and regulation of the fetal environment. Maternal or placental disorders can lead to fetal or neonatal impairment, fetal death, development of abnormalities, dystocia, or to the delivery of premature or dysmature foals. The aim of this work is to report the placental findings, the clinical evaluation and the therapeutic measures adopted during the clinical monitoring of a foal birth from a mare with placentitis.Case: The patient is a Thoroughbred mare, 18 years-old, from a farm in the south region of Brazil. The mare was submitted to colic surgery 90 days prior to delivery. The gestational length was 365 days and the mare did not present any symptoms of placentitis during pregnancy. At delivery both the amniotic fluid and the foal showed meconium staining, suggesting passage of intrauterine meconium. The time lapsed from birth to the observation of postural and behavioral reflexes was: eight min to the adoption of sternal recumbency; 35 min to begin sucking reflexes, and 110 min to stand. After the observation of the sucking reflexes, the foal received 250 mL of colostrum with a bottle. The foal weight at birth was 50 kg. Yellow/brownish stains covering on the allantoic surface to its full extent were identified...
A placenta é um órgão fundamental na relação materno-fetal e deve ser considerada como um reflexo das condições nutricionais, metabólicas, endócrinas e vasculares maternas, além de ser um indicativo da condição clínica e metabólica do neonato [11]. A placenta apresenta duas grandes funções: de proteção e de regulação do ambiente fetal, atuando como órgão de trocas respiratórias e de nutrientes entre a égua e o feto [28]. O impacto das desordens de origem materna ou placentária no ambiente intrauterino, geralmente resulta em comprometimento fetal ou neonatal decorrentes de um ou da combinação de três fatores: hipóxia, infecção e transtorno no desenvolvimento dentro do útero [5].O Comprometimento fetal pode resultar no nascimento de um potro prematuro ou dismaturo, sendo os efeitos do comprometimento neonatal dependentes da natureza, duração, severidade e estágio da gestação no qual ocorreu a condição de estresse [5].Em quadros de hipóxia ocorre uma redistribuição do débito cardíaco para manter os órgãos vitais (coração, cérebro e adrenais), com comprometimento de outros órgãos [28]. O feto equino apresenta um mecanismo de redução da demanda de oxigênio quando exposto a hipó- xia, diminuindo sua taxa de crescimento, podendo levar a um retardo no crescimento intrauterino [25]. Como resultado de uma isquemia intestinal em períodos de hipóxia, ocorre hiperperistaltismo transitório...
Feminino , Animais , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anormalidades , Cavalos , Hipóxia Fetal/veterinária , Ossos Sesamoides/anormalidades , Alopurinol/uso terapêutico , Doenças Placentárias/veterináriaResumo
A retrospective study of equine skin diseases diagnosed in the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas was conducted between 1978 and 2013. The necropsy and biopsy protocols for horses received for diagnosis were reviewed to determine the prevalence of dermatopathies in southern Brazil. The most prevalent skin diseases in decreasing order were: sarcoid [234/710 (32.9%)], exuberant granulation tissue [81/710 (11.4%)], pythiosis [67/710 (9.4%)], squamous cell carcinoma [55/710 (7.7%)], papillomatosis [33/710 (4.6%)] and habronemiasis [30/710 (4.2%)]. Other skin lesions accounted for 25.3% of all cases studied. The Crioulo breed was the most prevalent [310/710 (43.6%)]. Horses aged between 2-5 years old [230/710 (32.3%)] were the most frequently affected. The data obtained in this study demonstrate the importance of skin diseases that affect horses in southern Brazil. The most of the dermatopathies observed in horses, although not resulting in death could cause aesthetic damage resulting in animal rejection, the inability to participate in collective sports activities and economic losses due to treatment and surgery costs.(AU)
Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo das doenças de pele observadas em equinos no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, entre 1978 e 2013, com o objetivo de determinar a prevalência das dermatopatias que ocorrem em equinos na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. As doenças de pele mais prevalentes em ordem decrescente foram: sarcoide [234/710 (32,96%)], tecido de granulação exuberante [81/710 (11,4%)], pitiose [67/710 (9,4%)], carcinoma de células escamosas [55/710 (7,7%)], papilomatose [33/710 (4,6%)] e habronemose [30/710 (4,2%)]. As outras doenças de pele juntas corresponderam a 25,3% de todos os casos estudados. A raça Crioula foi a mais acometida [310/710 (43,6%)]. Os animais mais afetados tinham entre 2-5 anos de idade [230/710 (32,3%)]. Com os dados obtidos, foi demonstrada a importância das dermatopatias que afetam equinos na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. A maioria das enfermidades cutâneas diagnosticadas, apesar de não causar a morte dos animais, compromete a estética que impossibilita a participação em feiras/exposições, além de causar perdas econômicas com gastos com tratamentos e cirurgias.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos , Dermatopatias/veterinária , /prevenção & controle , Sarcoidose/diagnóstico , Papiloma/diagnóstico , Spiruroidea/patogenicidadeResumo
The aim of this study was to characterize the epidemiological, clinical and pathological data of canine mammary tumors at the Service of Veterinary Oncology of the Veterinary Hospital and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory of UFPel, at Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul from 2010 to 2012.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/patologiaResumo
A retrospective study of the diagnoses of injuries and deaths in equine in Southern Brazil was conducted between 1978 and 2012. All necropsy protocols and other materials of the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Veterinary School of the Federal University of Pelotas were reviewed. The collected data consisted of 2,026 equine materials, including 514 necropsy protocols of and 1,512 other biologic materials, including the protocols of biopsies, organs, swabs, feces, blood, and skin scrapings. From the resulting 2,026 diagnoses, 467 (23.05%) corresponded to neoplasms and tumor like lesions; 168 (8.29%) to parasitic diseases; 135 (6.66%) to bacterial diseases; 31 (1.53%) to viral diseases; 86 (4.24%) to diseases caused by fungi and oomycetes; 50 (2.47%) to intoxication and poisoning by mycotoxins; 9 (0.44%) to metabolic diseases; 60 (2.96%) to other diseases; and 75 (3.70%) to non-transmittable diseases of the digestive tract. Three hundred twenty cases (15.79%) were classified as diseases of unknown etiology. Other diagnoses accounted for 489 of the total 2,026 cases (24.14%). In 44 (8.56%) of the 514 necropsies and 91 (9.47%) of the 961 biopsies of organs mailed into the laboratory, the diagnoses were inconclusive, totaling 135 (9.15%) of the 1,475 in the category. This study demonstrates the importance of skin lesions in horses, as 31.88% (642) of the biopsies received were lesions on the skin of the animals. The most significant tumors observed were equine sarcoid, at 33.18%, and squamous cell carcinoma, at 7.94%. The most common observed causes of death were leucoenceflomalacia (7.59%), rabies (3.70%) thromboembolism by Strongylus vulgaris (2.33%) and monocytic ehrlichiosis (1.75%).(AU)
Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo dos diagnósticos de causas de morte e de lesões em equinos na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul entre 1978 e 2012. Foram revisados os protocolos de necropsia e materiais desta espécie encaminhados ao Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas no período. Foram recebidos 514 cadáveres de equinos e 1500 materiais (biopsias, órgãos, suabes, fezes, sangue e raspado de pele), totalizando 2026 materiais de equinos recebidos no período. Dos 2026 casos 467 (23,05%) corresponderam a neoplasmas e lesões tumorifores, 168 (8,29%) a doenças parasitárias; 135 (6,66%) a doenças bacterianas, 31 (1,53%) a doenças virais, 86 (4,24%) a doenças causadas por fungos e oomicetos, 50 (2,47%) a intoxicações e micotoxicoses, nove (0,44%) a doenças metabólicas, 60 (2,96%) a outras doenças e 75 (3,70%) a doenças não transmissíveis do trato digestivo. Trezentos e vinte (15,79%) foram classificados como doenças de etiologia indeterminada. Outros diagnósticos representaram 489/2026 (24,14%) casos. Em 44/514 (8,56%) das necropsias e em 91/961 (9,47%) de biopsias e órgãos remetidos ao laboratório o diagnóstico foi inconclusivo, perfazendo um total de 135/1475 (9,15%) casos incluídos nesta categoria. Ficou evidenciado neste trabalho a importância das lesões dermatológicas em equinos, sendo que 31,88% (642/2014) dos casos recebidos eram biopsias de lesões observadas na pele dos animais. Os principais tumores encontrados foram o sarcoide equino com 33,18% e o carcinoma de células escamosas com 7,94% das biopsias recebidas. Algumas causas de morte mais importantes diagnosticadas no período foram a leucoencefalomalacia (7,59%), a raiva (3,70%), o tromboembolismo por Strongylus vulgaris (2,33%) e a erliquiose monocítica (1,75%).(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/anormalidades , Cavalos/lesões , Cavalos/microbiologia , Cavalos/parasitologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , PesquisaResumo
The aim of this study was to characterize the epidemiological, clinical and pathological data of canine mammary tumors at the Service of Veterinary Oncology of the Veterinary Hospital and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory of UFPel, at Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul from 2010 to 2012.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/patologiaResumo
Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo dos pacientes diagnosticados com melanoma cutâneo no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal de Pelotas entre os anos de 2011 e 2015, abordando aspectos epidemiológicos, diagnósticos e prognósticos. Todos os dados foram resgatados dos prontuários dos pacientes. Foram tratados cirurgicamente dezessete cães diagnosticados com melanoma cutâneo, com predomínio de fêmeas sem raça definida e idade média de 10,5 anos. O estadiamento foi realizado em onze animais, e observou-se que os pacientes em estágios mais avançados tiveram pior prognóstico. A excisão cirúrgica foi eficaz em controlar a doença. Os cães portadores de tumores pequenos e que não apresentavam metástases no momento do diagnóstico tiveram sobrevida maior e, portanto, melhor prognóstico.
We performed a retrospective study of patients diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma in the Veterinary Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas between 2011 and 2015, which covered epidemiological, diagnostic and prognostic aspects. All data were retrieved from patient charts. Seventeen dogs were diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma and treated surgically in this period. Most of them were female mongrels with a mean age of 10.5 years. Staging was performed in 11 animals; patients in more advanced stages had worse prognoses. Surgical excision was effective in controlling the disease. The dogs that presented small tumors and no metastases at diagnosis had a higher survival rate, and therefore a better prognosis.
Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de pacientes con diagnóstico de melanoma cutáneo en el Hospital Clínico Veterinario de la Universidad Federal de Pelotas, entre los años 2011 y 2015, en relación a aspectos epidemiológicos, diagnósticos y de pronóstico. Todos los datos se obtuvieron de las fichas clínicas de los pacientes. Se trataron con cirugía diecisiete perros con diagnóstico de melanoma cutáneo, en los que predominaron las hembras mestizas y con una edad promedio de 10,5 años. El estadiamiento se pudo realizar en once animales, en los que se observó un peor pronóstico en aquellos con estadios más avanzados. La extirpación quirúrgica fue eficiente en el control de la enfermedad. Los perros con tumores pequeños y sin metástasis en el momento del diagnóstico tuvieron una sobrevida mayor y, por lo tanto, un mejor pronóstico.
Animais , Cães , Análise de Sobrevida , Melanoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Prognóstico , Neoplasias/cirurgia , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterináriaResumo
Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo dos pacientes diagnosticados com melanoma cutâneo no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal de Pelotas entre os anos de 2011 e 2015, abordando aspectos epidemiológicos, diagnósticos e prognósticos. Todos os dados foram resgatados dos prontuários dos pacientes. Foram tratados cirurgicamente dezessete cães diagnosticados com melanoma cutâneo, com predomínio de fêmeas sem raça definida e idade média de 10,5 anos. O estadiamento foi realizado em onze animais, e observou-se que os pacientes em estágios mais avançados tiveram pior prognóstico. A excisão cirúrgica foi eficaz em controlar a doença. Os cães portadores de tumores pequenos e que não apresentavam metástases no momento do diagnóstico tiveram sobrevida maior e, portanto, melhor prognóstico.(AU)
We performed a retrospective study of patients diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma in the Veterinary Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas between 2011 and 2015, which covered epidemiological, diagnostic and prognostic aspects. All data were retrieved from patient charts. Seventeen dogs were diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma and treated surgically in this period. Most of them were female mongrels with a mean age of 10.5 years. Staging was performed in 11 animals; patients in more advanced stages had worse prognoses. Surgical excision was effective in controlling the disease. The dogs that presented small tumors and no metastases at diagnosis had a higher survival rate, and therefore a better prognosis.(AU)
Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de pacientes con diagnóstico de melanoma cutáneo en el Hospital Clínico Veterinario de la Universidad Federal de Pelotas, entre los años 2011 y 2015, en relación a aspectos epidemiológicos, diagnósticos y de pronóstico. Todos los datos se obtuvieron de las fichas clínicas de los pacientes. Se trataron con cirugía diecisiete perros con diagnóstico de melanoma cutáneo, en los que predominaron las hembras mestizas y con una edad promedio de 10,5 años. El estadiamiento se pudo realizar en once animales, en los que se observó un peor pronóstico en aquellos con estadios más avanzados. La extirpación quirúrgica fue eficiente en el control de la enfermedad. Los perros con tumores pequeños y sin metástasis en el momento del diagnóstico tuvieron una sobrevida mayor y, por lo tanto, un mejor pronóstico.(AU)