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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(2): 539-542, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1248931


Atualmente, tem-se discutido a utilização de insetos na alimentação animal devido ao seu potencial para substituir as fontes tradicionais de proteína utilizadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a composição nutricional de larvas de Tenebrio molitor e de grilos do gênero Gryllus assimilis. Os teores de energia bruta (kcal/kg), proteína bruta (g/kg), extrato etéreo (g/kg), cinza (g/kg), FDN (g/kg) e FDA (g/kg) encontrados nas larvas de Tenebrio molitor foram de 7.188,6, 490,2, 335,4, 36,8, 71,8, e 64,0 respectivamente; nos grilos (Gryllus assimilis), os valores foram de 5.942,6, 541,3, 75,2, 49,1, 277,8, e 193,0 respectivamente. Os macros e microminerais quantificados foram fósforo, potássio, sódio, cálcio, magnésio, ferro, manganês, zinco e cobre. Nas larvas de Tenebrio molitor, os valores encontrados foram de 8,56 g/kg, 8,39 g/kg, 1,39 g/kg, 0,44 g/kg, 2,3 g/kg, 48,4 mg/kg, 15 mg/kg, 189 mg/kg e 18 mg/kg respectivamente. Para os grilos (Gryllus assimilis), os teores encontrados foram respectivamente de 8,30 g/kg, 11,6 g/kg, 1,10 g/kg, 3,88 g/kg, 0,82 g/kg, 96,8 mg/kg, 23,7 mg/kg, 18,3 mg/kg e 21,7 mg/kg. Larvas de Tenebrio molitor e grilos do gênero Gryllus assimilis podem ser alternativas para reduzir o uso de fontes de proteína vegetal na alimentação animal.(AU)

Animais , Tenebrio , Gryllidae , Proteínas Alimentares/análise , Insetos Comestíveis , Ração Animal/análise , Larva , Valor Nutritivo
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 22(3): eRBCA-2019-1239, out. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-761943


This study aimed to examine the impact of levels of dietary supplementation with fat-soluble vitamins on the production performance and egg quality of laying hens. Three hundred Hy-Line White W-36 laying hens were evaluated from 28 to 44 weeks of age. The birds were allotted to one of six treatments in a randomized block design with 10 replicates with five birds each. Performance and egg quality parameters were evaluated in four 28-day periods. A corn and soybean meal-based basal diet was formulated so as to meet the nutritional requirements of the animals, with the exception of fat-soluble vitamins. The treatments consisted of dietary supplementation with 0%, 33.3%, 66.7%, 100.0%, 133.3% or 166.7% of fat-soluble vitamins (100% supplementation consisted of 7500 IU, 2000 IU, 10 IU and 1.8 mg of vitamins A, D3, E and K per kilogram of diet, respectively). Eggshell weight, shell thickness, shell strength, feed intake, egg weight, feed conversion per egg mass and feed conversion per dozen eggs showed a quadratic response (p0.05) to the treatments, whereas egg mass responded linearly. Optimal results were obtained at an average fat-soluble vitamin supplementation level of 109%, which corresponds to 8175 IU of vitamin A, 2180 IU of vitamin D3, 10.9 IU of vitamin E and 1.96 mg of vitamin K per kilogram of diet.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Galinhas/fisiologia , Proteínas do Ovo/análise , Proteínas do Ovo/química , Ovos/análise , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 22(3): eRBCA, out. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490781


This study aimed to examine the impact of levels of dietary supplementation with fat-soluble vitamins on the production performance and egg quality of laying hens. Three hundred Hy-Line White W-36 laying hens were evaluated from 28 to 44 weeks of age. The birds were allotted to one of six treatments in a randomized block design with 10 replicates with five birds each. Performance and egg quality parameters were evaluated in four 28-day periods. A corn and soybean meal-based basal diet was formulated so as to meet the nutritional requirements of the animals, with the exception of fat-soluble vitamins. The treatments consisted of dietary supplementation with 0%, 33.3%, 66.7%, 100.0%, 133.3% or 166.7% of fat-soluble vitamins (100% supplementation consisted of 7500 IU, 2000 IU, 10 IU and 1.8 mg of vitamins A, D3, E and K per kilogram of diet, respectively). Eggshell weight, shell thickness, shell strength, feed intake, egg weight, feed conversion per egg mass and feed conversion per dozen eggs showed a quadratic response (p0.05) to the treatments, whereas egg mass responded linearly. Optimal results were obtained at an average fat-soluble vitamin supplementation level of 109%, which corresponds to 8175 IU of vitamin A, 2180 IU of vitamin D3, 10.9 IU of vitamin E and 1.96 mg of vitamin K per kilogram of diet.

Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Proteínas do Ovo/análise , Proteínas do Ovo/química , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise