Epidermoid cysts, also known as epidermal and keratin cysts, or congenital cholesteatomas are benign congenital non-neoplastic tumors, rarely observed in the brain of humans and some animal species (dogs, horses, mice, and rats). Histologically, they are composed of laminated, concentrically arranged keratin surrounded by a thin layer of stratified squamous epithelium. We describe a case of intracranial epidermoid cyst in a 6-year-old mixed-breed male cat in southern Brazil. The patient presented central vestibular syndrome. Given the poor prognosis and the fact that it belonged to a shelter with many dogs and cats, the owner requested euthanasia, and a thorough post-mortem examination was conducted immediately after death. The definitive diagnosis was based on histopathological findings. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an intracranial epidermoid cyst in a cat.(AU)
Cisto epidermoide, também denominado cisto epidermal, cisto de queratina ou colesteatoma congênito é um tumor não neoplásico, benigno e congênito raramente encontrado no encéfalo de humanos e de algumas poucas espécies animais (cães, equinos, camundongos e ratos). Histologicamente, esse tumor é composto por queratina laminada concentricamente arranjada e circundada por uma fina parede de epitélio escamoso estratificado. Descreve-se um caso de cisto epidermoide intracraniano em um gato, macho, sem raça definida, de seis anos de idade, no sul do Brasil. O paciente foi encaminhado para atendimento veterinário por apresentar sinais de síndrome vestibular central. Devido ao mau prognóstico e por pertencer a um abrigo com muitos cães e gatos, o proprietário optou pela eutanásia e o paciente foi encaminhado para a realização de necropsia. O diagnóstico definitivo foi baseado nos achados histopatológicos. Pelo conhecimento dos autores, este é o primeiro relato de um cisto epidermoide intracraniano em um gato.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Colesteatoma/congênito , Colesteatoma/diagnóstico , Colesteatoma/veterinária , Cisto Epidérmico/diagnóstico , Cisto Epidérmico/veterinária , Gatos/anormalidades , Gatos/lesõesResumo
Lymphomas are the tumors most frequently associated with the death or euthanasia of dogs in most parts of the world. In dogs, they almost always occur as disseminated (multicentric lymphoma), gastrointestinal (alimentary lymphoma), or nodal mediastinal (mediastinal lymphoma) diseases. However, other uncommon presentations can occasionally occur. This study aimed to establish the prevalence of these unusual types of lymphoma and demonstrate to veterinary pathologists how they present pathologically. From a total of 100 cases of lymphoma in dogs diagnosed between 1965 and 2017, 16 cases (16/100) were considered by us as non-traditional presentations of the disease: follicular lymphoma, (5/100), peripheral T-cell lymphoma, NOS (2/100), angiocentric lymphoma (2/100), intravascular large T-cell lymphoma (2/100), lymphomatoid granulomatosis (1/100), anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (1/100), hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (1/100), and chronic small B-cell lymphocytic lymphoma, intermediate type (1/100). We hope that the results presented here can help veterinary pathologists to recognize such cases of "atypical lymphoma" in their diagnostic routines.(AU)
Linfomas são os tumores mais associados a morte ou eutanásia de cães na maior parte do mundo. Nessa espécie animal ocorrem quase sempre como uma doença disseminada (linfoma multicêntrico), gastrintestinal (linfoma alimentar) ou nodal mediastinal (linfoma mediastínico), entretanto, ocasionalmente, outras apresentações bem menos comuns podem ser encontradas. O objetivo deste artigo é estabelecer a prevalência desses pouco usuais tipos de linfoma e demonstrar aos patologistas veterinários como eles se apresentam anatomopatologicamente. De um total de 100 casos de linfoma em cães diagnosticados entre os anos de 1965 e 2017, 16 casos (16/100) foram considerados como apresentações não tradicionais da doença: linfoma folicular (5/100), linfoma de células T periférico inespecífico (2/100), linfoma angiocêntrico (2/100), linfoma intravascular de grandes células T (2/100), granulomatose linfomatoide (2/100), linfoma de grandes células anaplásicas (1/100), linfoma hepatoesplênico de células T (1/100) e linfoma linfocítico crônico de pequenas células B - tipo intermediário (1/100). Esperamos que os resultados aqui demonstrados auxiliem patologistas veterinários a reconhecerem tais casos de "linfomas atípicos" em suas rotinas diagnósticas.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Linfoma/diagnóstico , Linfoma/patologia , Linfoma/veterináriaResumo
Lymphomas are the tumors most frequently associated with the death or euthanasia of dogs in most parts of the world. In dogs, they almost always occur as disseminated (multicentric lymphoma), gastrointestinal (alimentary lymphoma), or nodal mediastinal (mediastinal lymphoma) diseases. However, other uncommon presentations can occasionally occur. This study aimed to establish the prevalence of these unusual types of lymphoma and demonstrate to veterinary pathologists how they present pathologically. From a total of 100 cases of lymphoma in dogs diagnosed between 1965 and 2017, 16 cases (16/100) were considered by us as non-traditional presentations of the disease: follicular lymphoma, (5/100), peripheral T-cell lymphoma, NOS (2/100), angiocentric lymphoma (2/100), intravascular large T-cell lymphoma (2/100), lymphomatoid granulomatosis (1/100), anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (1/100), hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (1/100), and chronic small B-cell lymphocytic lymphoma, intermediate type (1/100). We hope that the results presented here can help veterinary pathologists to recognize such cases of "atypical lymphoma" in their diagnostic routines.(AU)
Linfomas são os tumores mais associados a morte ou eutanásia de cães na maior parte do mundo. Nessa espécie animal ocorrem quase sempre como uma doença disseminada (linfoma multicêntrico), gastrintestinal (linfoma alimentar) ou nodal mediastinal (linfoma mediastínico), entretanto, ocasionalmente, outras apresentações bem menos comuns podem ser encontradas. O objetivo deste artigo é estabelecer a prevalência desses pouco usuais tipos de linfoma e demonstrar aos patologistas veterinários como eles se apresentam anatomopatologicamente. De um total de 100 casos de linfoma em cães diagnosticados entre os anos de 1965 e 2017, 16 casos (16/100) foram considerados como apresentações não tradicionais da doença: linfoma folicular (5/100), linfoma de células T periférico inespecífico (2/100), linfoma angiocêntrico (2/100), linfoma intravascular de grandes células T (2/100), granulomatose linfomatoide (2/100), linfoma de grandes células anaplásicas (1/100), linfoma hepatoesplênico de células T (1/100) e linfoma linfocítico crônico de pequenas células B - tipo intermediário (1/100). Esperamos que os resultados aqui demonstrados auxiliem patologistas veterinários a reconhecerem tais casos de "linfomas atípicos" em suas rotinas diagnósticas.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Linfoma/diagnóstico , Linfoma/patologia , Linfoma/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to characterize the prevalence and clinical, macroscopic and histopathological aspects of dogs affected by testicular tumors based on biopsy specimens from the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM) over 19 years. Parameters regarding the age, size, and breed of the affected dogs were also established. Of all dogs with some type of neoplasm submitted to histopathological analysis at the LPV over these 19 years (n=1,900), 213 (11.2%) had at least one testicular neoplasm. The tissues of 190 dogs (with 220 neoplasms) were available for histological reassessment. The dogs in this study had different types of testicular tumors with relatively similar frequencies. In descending order, the most frequent testicular neoplasms were seminomas (88/220), Leydig (interstitial) cell tumor (LCT; 64/220), Sertoli cell tumor (SCT; 61/220), and mixed germ cell-sex cord stromal tumor (MGSCT) (07/220). Among the dogs of defined breed (119 cases), large breeds had the largest number of cases (50/119), followed by small (47/119) and medium-sized (22/119) breeds. The ages of dogs affected by testicular tumors ranged from 10 months to 18 years. Increased testicular volume was the most common clinical manifestation. Eleven dogs presented information about clinical signs suggestive of hyperestrogenism syndrome (feminization). In seminomas, the diffuse pattern predominated over the intratubular pattern. Two sites (luminal and basal compartments) suggestive of the onset of neoplastic transformations in germ cells were observed in intratubular seminomas. They corroborate the hypothesis that canine seminomas possibly have pathogenesis similar to that observed in human spermatocytic seminomas. The SCTs and LCTs presented high cell morphology variation. SCTs had neoplastic cells organized in five different histological arrangements. As for LCT, solid-diffuse and cystic-vascular histological patterns were the most commonly observed. Through this study, it was possible to establish some of the leading clinical, macroscopic, and histopathological aspects of testicular neoplasms diagnosed over 19 years in the area covered by the LPV-UFSM.(AU)
Este estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar a prevalência, aspectos clínicos, macroscópicos e histopatológicos dos cães acometidos por neoplasmas testiculares, a partir dos espécimes de biópsias do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM) em 19 anos. Parâmetros quanto à idade, porte, raça dos cães acometidos também foram estabelecidos. De todos os cães com algum tipo de neoplasma submetido à análise histopatológica no LPV nesses 19 anos (n=1.900), 213 (11,2%) tinham ao menos um neoplasma testicular. Os tecidos de 190 cães (com 220 neoplasmas) estavam disponíveis para reavaliação histológica. Os cães deste estudo apresentaram diferentes tipos de neoplasmas testiculares com frequências relativamente semelhantes. Em ordem decrescente, os neoplasmas testiculares mais frequentes foram: seminomas (88/220), leydigomas (64/220), sertoliomas (61/220) e o tumor misto de células germinativas e do estroma do cordão sexual (MGSCT; 07/220). Dentre os cães com raça definida (119 casos), as raças de grande porte tiveram o maior número de casos (50/119), seguido das raças de pequeno (47/119) e médio porte (22/119). As idades dos cães acometidos por neoplasmas testiculares variaram de 10 meses a 18 anos. Aumento de volume testicular foi a manifestação clínica mais comum. Onze cães tinham informações sobre sinais clínicos sugestivos da síndrome da feminilização. Nos seminomas, houve o predomínio do padrão difuso sobre o intratubular. Dois locais (compartimentos luminal e basal) sugestivos de início das transformações neoplásicas nas células germinativas foram observados nos seminomas intratubulares, corroborando com a hipótese de que os seminomas caninos possivelmente tem patogênese semelhante à observada nos seminomas espermatocíticos humanos. Sertoliomas e leydigomas foram neoplasmas com alta variação na morfologia celular. Os sertoliomas tinham células neoplásicas dispostas em cinco arranjos histológicos distintos. Quanto aos leydigomas, os padrões histológicos sólido-difuso e cístico-vascular foram os mais comumente observados. Através deste estudo foi possível estabelecer alguns dos principais aspectos clínicos, macroscópicos e histopatológicos dos neoplasmas testiculares diagnosticados em 19 anos na área de abrangência do LPV-UFSM.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias Testiculares/patologia , Neoplasias Testiculares/veterinária , Neoplasias Testiculares/epidemiologia , Seminoma/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/patologia , Tumor de Células de Sertoli/veterinária , Tumor de Células de Leydig/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to quantify nasosinusal neoplasms diagnosed in dogs in 20 years (2000-2019) and characterize the main clinical, macroscopic, and histological aspects of these neoplasms. The sex, breed, age, skull conformation, the main clinical signs, and the anatomopathological characteristics (distribution, macroscopy, and histology) were computed. During this period, 49 dogs were affected by neoplasms in these regions, totaling 50 neoplasms (one dog had two neoplasms of different locations and histogenetic origins). Similar amounts of mixed-breed dogs (25/49) and purebred dogs (24/49) were affected, these distributed in 16 breeds. Among purebreds, it was noted that dogs with mesocephalic cranial conformation (12/24) were the most affected, followed by dolichocephalic (10/24) and brachycephalic (2/24). There were 22 cases in males and 27 in females, making a proportion of 1:1.23. There was an age variation from 11 months to 16 years old. The epithelial neoplasms have occurred in older dogs compared to those of other histogenic origins (mesenchymal and other origins/round cells). The main clinical signs were similar between the histogenetic categories, related to the involvement of the upper respiratory tract, sometimes accompanied by nervous signs (when there was brain invasion of nasal neoplasms or vice versa). The possible origin site was mostly in the nasal cavity concerning the paranasal sinuses (and other locations). Invasions occurred in different tissues adjacent to the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, resulting in cranial and facial deformities (21/49). The frequency was 48% of epithelial neoplasms, 32% of mesenchymal neoplasms, and 10% of neoplasms with other origins and round cells. The neoplasms most frequently observed, in decreasing order of frequency, were: adenocarcinoma (9/50), squamous cell carcinoma (9/50), transmissible venereal tumor (5/50), osteosarcoma (5/50), chondrosarcoma (4/50), and undifferentiated sarcoma (4/50). Through this study, it was possible to establish the frequency of these neoplasms in 20 years and their clinical, macroscopic, and histological characteristics.(AU)
Este estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os neoplasmas nasossinusais diagnosticados em cães em 20 anos (2000-2019) e caracterizar os principais aspectos clínicos, macroscópicos e histológicos desses neoplasmas. Foram computados sexo, raça, idade, conformação do crânio, principais sinais clínicos e características anatomopatológicas (distribuição, macroscopia e histologia). Nesse período, 49 cães foram acometidos por neoplasmas nessas regiões, totalizando 50 neoplasmas (um cão tinha dois neoplasmas de localização e origens histogenéticas distintas). Foram acometidas quantidades semelhantes de cães sem raça definida (25/49) e de cães com raça definida (24/49), estes distribuídos em 16 raças. Entre os cães com raça definida, notou-se que os cães com conformação craniana mesocefálica (12/24) foram os mais acometidos, seguidos pelos dolicocefálicos (10/24) e braquicefálicos (2/24). Foram observados 22 casos em machos e 27 em fêmeas, perfazendo a relação de 1:1,23. Ocorreu uma variação de idade de 11 meses a 16 anos; tendo os neoplasmas epiteliais ocorrido em cães mais velhos quando comparado aos de outras origens histogênicas (mesenquimais e outras origens/células redondas). Os principais sinais clínicos foram semelhantes entre as categorias histogenéticas, sendo relacionados ao comprometimento do trato respiratório superior, por vezes acompanhados de sinais nervosos (quando houve invasão encefálica de neoplasmas nasais ou vice-versa). O possível local de origem em sua maioria foi na cavidade nasal em relação aos seios nasais (e de outras localizações). Ocorreram invasões para diferentes tecidos adjacentes à cavidade nasal e seios paranasais, tendo como consequência deformidades cranianas e faciais (21/49). A frequência foi de 48% de neoplasmas epiteliais, 32% de neoplasmas mesenquimais e 10% de neoplasmas com outras origens e de células redondas. Os neoplasmas mais frequentemente observados, em ordem decrescente de frequência, foram: adenocarcinoma (9/50), carcinoma de células escamosas (9/50), tumor venéreo transmissível (5/50), osteossarcoma (5/50), condrossarcoma (4/50) e sarcoma indiferenciado (4/50). Com isso, pode-se estabelecer a frequência desses neoplasmas em 20 anos, bem como suas características clínicas, macroscópicas e histológicas.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Seios Paranasais/patologia , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/veterinária , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Nasais/patologia , Neoplasias Nasais/veterinária , Neoplasias Nasais/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Cavidade Nasal , Carcinoma/veterináriaResumo
Periodontal disease is the most common infectious disease that occurs in feline patients. Although it occurs in both sexes, different age groups, and any breeds, the prevalence and severity seem much higher in cats living in animal shelters. This paper aimed to describe the clinical, radiological, cytopathological, and virological aspects of periodontal disease and its complications in cats, based on these aspects and, consequently, on the importance it brings to cat feline medicine in shelter cats. For this, nine cats with periodontal disease from a single animal shelter were evaluated. These cats demonstrated a disease characterized by halitosis, excessive salivation, and oral discomfort. Lymphadenomegaly of the mandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes was observed in 44.4% of the cases. Oral lesions consisted of varying degrees of gingival hyperemia, complete loss of free gingival margins, and consequently gingival retraction, dental calculus deposition, dental mobility, complete exposure of the furcation of premolars and molars, and dental roots of canines and incisors, loss of bone radiopacity due to alveolar bone resorption and tooth loss. Complications included chronic ulcerative paradental stomatitis (22.2%), faucitis (22.2%), and chronic gingivostomatitis (11.1%). None of the cats affected by periodontal disease was positive for FIV or FeLV. In 33.3% of the cases, cats were carriers of feline calicivirus, but not feline herpesvirus.(AU)
Doença periodontal é a mais comum doença infecciosa que ocorre em pacientes felinos. Embora ocorra em gatos de ambos os sexos, diferentes faixas etárias e quaisquer raças, a prevalência e a gravidade parece muito maior em gatos que vivem em abrigos para animais. Baseado nesses aspectos e, consequentemente, na importância que ela traz para a medicina felina de gatos de abrigos, o objetivo desse artigo é descrever os aspectos clínicos, radiológicos, citopatológicos e virológicos da doença periodontal e suas complicações em gatos. Para isso, nove gatos com doença periodontal oriundos de um único abrigo de animais foram avaliados. Esses gatos demonstraram uma doença caracterizada por halitose, salivação excessiva e desconforto oral. Linfadenomegalia dos linfonodos mandibulares e retrofaríngeos foi observada em 44,4% dos casos. As lesões orais consistiam de graus variados de hiperemia gengival, perda completa das margens gengivais livres e, consequentemente, retração gengival, deposição de cálculo dental, mobilidade dentária, exposição completa da furca dos pré-molares e molares e das raízes dentárias dos caninos e incisivos, perda de radiopacidade óssea devido à reabsorção de osso alveolar e perda dentária. Complicações incluíram estomatite paradental ulcerativa crônica (22,2%), faucite (22,2%) e gengivoestomatite crônica (11,1%). Nenhum dos gatos afetados pela doença periodontal foi positivo para FIV ou FeLV. Em 33,3% dos casos, os gatos eram portadores do calicivírus felino, mas não do herpesvírus felino.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Doenças Periodontais/complicações , Doenças Periodontais/diagnóstico , Doenças Periodontais/patologia , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Doenças Periodontais/epidemiologia , Periodontite/veterinária , Estomatite/veterinária , Doenças do Gato , Gengivite/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to characterize the prevalence and clinical, macroscopic and histopathological aspects of dogs affected by testicular tumors based on biopsy specimens from the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM) over 19 years. Parameters regarding the age, size, and breed of the affected dogs were also established. Of all dogs with some type of neoplasm submitted to histopathological analysis at the LPV over these 19 years (n=1,900), 213 (11.2%) had at least one testicular neoplasm. The tissues of 190 dogs (with 220 neoplasms) were available for histological reassessment. The dogs in this study had different types of testicular tumors with relatively similar frequencies. In descending order, the most frequent testicular neoplasms were seminomas (88/220), Leydig (interstitial) cell tumor (LCT; 64/220), Sertoli cell tumor (SCT; 61/220), and mixed germ cell-sex cord stromal tumor (MGSCT) (07/220). Among the dogs of defined breed (119 cases), large breeds had the largest number of cases (50/119), followed by small (47/119) and medium-sized (22/119) breeds. The ages of dogs affected by testicular tumors ranged from 10 months to 18 years. Increased testicular volume was the most common clinical manifestation. Eleven dogs presented information about clinical signs suggestive of hyperestrogenism syndrome (feminization). In seminomas, the diffuse pattern predominated over the intratubular pattern. Two sites (luminal and basal compartments) suggestive of the onset of neoplastic transformations in germ cells were observed in intratubular seminomas. They corroborate the hypothesis that canine seminomas possibly have pathogenesis similar to that observed in human spermatocytic seminomas. The SCTs and LCTs presented high cell morphology variation. SCTs had neoplastic cells organized in five different histological arrangements. As for LCT, solid-diffuse and cystic-vascular histological patterns were the most commonly observed. Through this study, it was possible to establish some of the leading clinical, macroscopic, and histopathological aspects of testicular neoplasms diagnosed over 19 years in the area covered by the LPV-UFSM.
RESUMO: Este estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar a prevalência, aspectos clínicos, macroscópicos e histopatológicos dos cães acometidos por neoplasmas testiculares, a partir dos espécimes de biópsias do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM) em 19 anos. Parâmetros quanto à idade, porte, raça dos cães acometidos também foram estabelecidos. De todos os cães com algum tipo de neoplasma submetido à análise histopatológica no LPV nesses 19 anos (n=1.900), 213 (11,2%) tinham ao menos um neoplasma testicular. Os tecidos de 190 cães (com 220 neoplasmas) estavam disponíveis para reavaliação histológica. Os cães deste estudo apresentaram diferentes tipos de neoplasmas testiculares com frequências relativamente semelhantes. Em ordem decrescente, os neoplasmas testiculares mais frequentes foram: seminomas (88/220), leydigomas (64/220), sertoliomas (61/220) e o tumor misto de células germinativas e do estroma do cordão sexual (MGSCT; 07/220). Dentre os cães com raça definida (119 casos), as raças de grande porte tiveram o maior número de casos (50/119), seguido das raças de pequeno (47/119) e médio porte (22/119). As idades dos cães acometidos por neoplasmas testiculares variaram de 10 meses a 18 anos. Aumento de volume testicular foi a manifestação clínica mais comum. Onze cães tinham informações sobre sinais clínicos sugestivos da síndrome da feminilização. Nos seminomas, houve o predomínio do padrão difuso sobre o intratubular. Dois locais (compartimentos luminal e basal) sugestivos de início das transformações neoplásicas nas células germinativas foram observados nos seminomas intratubulares, corroborando com a hipótese de que os seminomas caninos possivelmente tem patogênese semelhante à observada nos seminomas espermatocíticos humanos. Sertoliomas e leydigomas foram neoplasmas com alta variação na morfologia celular. Os sertoliomas tinham células neoplásicas dispostas em cinco arranjos histológicos distintos. Quanto aos leydigomas, os padrões histológicos sólido-difuso e cístico-vascular foram os mais comumente observados. Através deste estudo foi possível estabelecer alguns dos principais aspectos clínicos, macroscópicos e histopatológicos dos neoplasmas testiculares diagnosticados em 19 anos na área de abrangência do LPV-UFSM.
This study aimed to quantify nasosinusal neoplasms diagnosed in dogs in 20 years (2000-2019) and characterize the main clinical, macroscopic, and histological aspects of these neoplasms. The sex, breed, age, skull conformation, the main clinical signs, and the anatomopathological characteristics (distribution, macroscopy, and histology) were computed. During this period, 49 dogs were affected by neoplasms in these regions, totaling 50 neoplasms (one dog had two neoplasms of different locations and histogenetic origins). Similar amounts of mixed-breed dogs (25/49) and purebred dogs (24/49) were affected, these distributed in 16 breeds. Among purebreds, it was noted that dogs with mesocephalic cranial conformation (12/24) were the most affected, followed by dolichocephalic (10/24) and brachycephalic (2/24). There were 22 cases in males and 27 in females, making a proportion of 1:1.23. There was an age variation from 11 months to 16 years old. The epithelial neoplasms have occurred in older dogs compared to those of other histogenic origins (mesenchymal and other origins/round cells). The main clinical signs were similar between the histogenetic categories, related to the involvement of the upper respiratory tract, sometimes accompanied by nervous signs (when there was brain invasion of nasal neoplasms or vice versa). The possible origin site was mostly in the nasal cavity concerning the paranasal sinuses (and other locations). Invasions occurred in different tissues adjacent to the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, resulting in cranial and facial deformities (21/49). The frequency was 48% of epithelial neoplasms, 32% of mesenchymal neoplasms, and 10% of neoplasms with other origins and round cells. The neoplasms most frequently observed, in decreasing order of frequency, were: adenocarcinoma (9/50), squamous cell carcinoma (9/50), transmissible venereal tumor (5/50), osteosarcoma (5/50), chondrosarcoma (4/50), and undifferentiated sarcoma (4/50). Through this study, it was possible to establish the frequency of these neoplasms in 20 years and their clinical, macroscopic, and histological characteristics.(AU)
Este estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os neoplasmas nasossinusais diagnosticados em cães em 20 anos (2000-2019) e caracterizar os principais aspectos clínicos, macroscópicos e histológicos desses neoplasmas. Foram computados sexo, raça, idade, conformação do crânio, principais sinais clínicos e características anatomopatológicas (distribuição, macroscopia e histologia). Nesse período, 49 cães foram acometidos por neoplasmas nessas regiões, totalizando 50 neoplasmas (um cão tinha dois neoplasmas de localização e origens histogenéticas distintas). Foram acometidas quantidades semelhantes de cães sem raça definida (25/49) e de cães com raça definida (24/49), estes distribuídos em 16 raças. Entre os cães com raça definida, notou-se que os cães com conformação craniana mesocefálica (12/24) foram os mais acometidos, seguidos pelos dolicocefálicos (10/24) e braquicefálicos (2/24). Foram observados 22 casos em machos e 27 em fêmeas, perfazendo a relação de 1:1,23. Ocorreu uma variação de idade de 11 meses a 16 anos; tendo os neoplasmas epiteliais ocorrido em cães mais velhos quando comparado aos de outras origens histogênicas (mesenquimais e outras origens/células redondas). Os principais sinais clínicos foram semelhantes entre as categorias histogenéticas, sendo relacionados ao comprometimento do trato respiratório superior, por vezes acompanhados de sinais nervosos (quando houve invasão encefálica de neoplasmas nasais ou vice-versa). O possível local de origem em sua maioria foi na cavidade nasal em relação aos seios nasais (e de outras localizações). Ocorreram invasões para diferentes tecidos adjacentes à cavidade nasal e seios paranasais, tendo como consequência deformidades cranianas e faciais (21/49). A frequência foi de 48% de neoplasmas epiteliais, 32% de neoplasmas mesenquimais e 10% de neoplasmas com outras origens e de células redondas. Os neoplasmas mais frequentemente observados, em ordem decrescente de frequência, foram: adenocarcinoma (9/50), carcinoma de células escamosas (9/50), tumor venéreo transmissível (5/50), osteossarcoma (5/50), condrossarcoma (4/50) e sarcoma indiferenciado (4/50). Com isso, pode-se estabelecer a frequência desses neoplasmas em 20 anos, bem como suas características clínicas, macroscópicas e histológicas.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Seios Paranasais/patologia , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/veterinária , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Nasais/patologia , Neoplasias Nasais/veterinária , Neoplasias Nasais/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Cavidade Nasal , Carcinoma/veterináriaResumo
Periodontal disease is the most common infectious disease that occurs in feline patients. Although it occurs in both sexes, different age groups, and any breeds, the prevalence and severity seem much higher in cats living in animal shelters. This paper aimed to describe the clinical, radiological, cytopathological, and virological aspects of periodontal disease and its complications in cats, based on these aspects and, consequently, on the importance it brings to cat feline medicine in shelter cats. For this, nine cats with periodontal disease from a single animal shelter were evaluated. These cats demonstrated a disease characterized by halitosis, excessive salivation, and oral discomfort. Lymphadenomegaly of the mandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes was observed in 44.4% of the cases. Oral lesions consisted of varying degrees of gingival hyperemia, complete loss of free gingival margins, and consequently gingival retraction, dental calculus deposition, dental mobility, complete exposure of the furcation of premolars and molars, and dental roots of canines and incisors, loss of bone radiopacity due to alveolar bone resorption and tooth loss. Complications included chronic ulcerative paradental stomatitis (22.2%), faucitis (22.2%), and chronic gingivostomatitis (11.1%). None of the cats affected by periodontal disease was positive for FIV or FeLV. In 33.3% of the cases, cats were carriers of feline calicivirus, but not feline herpesvirus.(AU)
Doença periodontal é a mais comum doença infecciosa que ocorre em pacientes felinos. Embora ocorra em gatos de ambos os sexos, diferentes faixas etárias e quaisquer raças, a prevalência e a gravidade parece muito maior em gatos que vivem em abrigos para animais. Baseado nesses aspectos e, consequentemente, na importância que ela traz para a medicina felina de gatos de abrigos, o objetivo desse artigo é descrever os aspectos clínicos, radiológicos, citopatológicos e virológicos da doença periodontal e suas complicações em gatos. Para isso, nove gatos com doença periodontal oriundos de um único abrigo de animais foram avaliados. Esses gatos demonstraram uma doença caracterizada por halitose, salivação excessiva e desconforto oral. Linfadenomegalia dos linfonodos mandibulares e retrofaríngeos foi observada em 44,4% dos casos. As lesões orais consistiam de graus variados de hiperemia gengival, perda completa das margens gengivais livres e, consequentemente, retração gengival, deposição de cálculo dental, mobilidade dentária, exposição completa da furca dos pré-molares e molares e das raízes dentárias dos caninos e incisivos, perda de radiopacidade óssea devido à reabsorção de osso alveolar e perda dentária. Complicações incluíram estomatite paradental ulcerativa crônica (22,2%), faucite (22,2%) e gengivoestomatite crônica (11,1%). Nenhum dos gatos afetados pela doença periodontal foi positivo para FIV ou FeLV. Em 33,3% dos casos, os gatos eram portadores do calicivírus felino, mas não do herpesvírus felino.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Doenças Periodontais/complicações , Doenças Periodontais/diagnóstico , Doenças Periodontais/patologia , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Doenças Periodontais/epidemiologia , Periodontite/veterinária , Estomatite/veterinária , Doenças do Gato , Gengivite/veterináriaResumo
Oral lesions are common problems in feline medicine worldwide, and may be associated with different causes, such as infectious agents. There are only a few studies reporting the chief oral diseases and the results for retrovirus tests in shelter cats in Brazil, especially in the South region. This study aimed to identify the main inflammatory oral lesions in shelter cats and verify the test results for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infections. Forty-three felines from private shelters in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul state (RS) that presented clinically evident oral lesions, regardless of age, breed, sex, and neuter status, were used in this survey. Serological tests for FIV and FeLV were performed in all cats, and data regarding the rearing system were collected. Sixteen cats (37.2%) were reared in a free system, whereas 27 (62.8%) were kept under a restrict system. Of the 43 cats with oral lesions, 29 (67.44%) presented only one type of lesion, characterized as periodontitis (n=22, 51.16%), followed by gingivitis (n=6, 13.95%), and stomatitis (n=1, 2.32%). Concomitant stomatitis and periodontitis were found in the 14 remaining cats (100%). With respect to the test results for retrovirus infections, nine (20.93%) of the 43 felines were positive for FIV alone. Co-infection with both viruses was observed in seven cats (16.28%). No cat was seropositive for FeLV valone. None of the six cats that presented gingivitis was positive for FIV and FeLV; one cat with stomatitis was positive for FIV and FeLV; of the 22 cats with periodontitis, six (27.27%) were FIV positive and two (9.09%) were FIV/FeLV positive; and of the 14 cats that presented stomatitis and periodontitis, three (21.43%) were FIV positive and four (28.57%) were FIV/FeLV positive. As for diagnosis, 28 cats (65.1%) presented solely periodontal disease (PD), one cat (2.32%) had feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCG) alone, and 14 (32.5%) had both PD and FCG. The results obtained show that the main oral lesions found in shelter cats in the central region of RS were gingivitis, stomatitis, and periodontitis. Periodontitis, in association or not with stomatitis, was the most frequently observed oral cavity lesion in FIV- and/or FeLV-positive cats. Other factors may contribute to installation of inflammatory oral diseases in shelter cats because most cats with oral cavity lesions tested negative for retrovirus infections.(AU)
As afecções orais são problemas comuns em medicina felina em diferentes locais do mundo e podem estar relacionadas a diferentes causas, como agentes infecciosos. Poucos estudos foram encontrados no Brasil sobre o levantamento das principais doenças orais e dos resultados de testes para retrovírus em gatos de abrigos, principalmente na região Sul. Diante disso, o objetivo deste artigo foi identificar as principais afecções orais inflamatórias em gatos de abrigos e verificar os resultados dos testes para o vírus da imunodeficiência felina (FIV) e o vírus da leucemia felina (FeLV). Foram incluídos 43 felinos provenientes de abrigos privados localizados na região central do Rio Grande do Sul (RS) que apresentavam lesões orais clinicamente evidentes, independente de idade, raça, gênero e estado reprodutivo. Em todos os gatos foram realizados testes sorológicos para FIV e FeLV e obtidas informações referentes ao sistema de criação. Em 16 gatos (37,2%), o sistema de criação era livre, enquanto em 27 (62,8%) era restrito. Dos 43 gatos com lesões orais, em 29 (67,44%) foi verificado somente um tipo de lesão, caracterizado como periodontite (n=22, 51,16%), seguido de gengivite (n=6, 13,95%) e estomatite (n=1, 2,32%). Lesões concomitantes de estomatite e periodontite foram encontradas nos 14 gatos (100%) restantes. Quanto aos resultados dos testes para retrovírus, nove (20,93%) dos 43 felinos testados, foram positivos somente para FIV. Em sete gatos (16,28%) foi observada coinfecção pelos dois vírus. Em nenhum gato foi observado soropositividade somente para FeLV. Dos seis gatos com gengivite, nenhum foi positivo para FIV e FeLV; um gato com estomatite foi positivo para FIV e FeLV; dos 22 gatos com periodontite, seis (27,27%) foram FIV positivos e dois (9,09%) FIV/FeLV positivos; e dos 14 com estomatite e periodontite, três (21,43%) foram FIV positivos e quatro (28,57%) FIV/FeLV positivos. Quanto ao diagnóstico, em 28 gatos (65,1%) foi observada somente doença periodontal (DP), em um (2,32%) somente gengivoestomatite crônica felina (GECF) e em 14 gatos (32,5%) DP e GECF. Diante dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que as principais lesões orais encontradas em gatos de abrigos da região central do RS foram gengivite, estomatite e periodontite; a periodontite associada ou não a estomatite foi a lesão oral mais frequente nos gatos positivos para FIV e/ou FeLV. Acredita-se que outros fatores possam contribuir na instalação de doenças orais em gatos de abrigos, já que houve predomínio de gatos com resultados negativos nos testes para os retrovírus.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Retroviridae/isolamento & purificação , Estomatite/veterinária , Leucemia/veterinária , Gengivite/veterinária , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia , Abrigo para Animais , ImunidadeResumo
A 10-year-old male large mixed breed dog was presented with skin ulcers and fracture on the right hind limb caused by vehicle collision. Given required limb amputation, and as being a shelter senior dog, euthanasia was requested by the owner and a complete post-mortem examination was conducted immediately after death. Gross changes were consistent with marked bilateral nephromegaly. Histopathological examination of the kidneys revealed round cells filling blood vessels. Immunohistochemically, the round cells were positive for CD3 antibody. Based on these findings, in absence of involvement of the bone marrow and peripheral blood, and inexistence of primary extravascular masses, the tumor was classified as T-cell intravascular lymphoma. To the authors knowledge, this is the first report describing intravascular lymphoma involving the kidneys alone in a dog.(AU)
Um canino, macho, de 10 anos, sem raça definida (SRD), e grande porte, chegou para atendimento apresentando fratura em membro pélvico direito devido a atropelamento por veículo automotivo. Adicionalmente, foram observadas úlceras cutâneas ao nível da fratura. Devido à necessidade de amputação do membro e, por ser um cão idoso, o proprietário optou pela eutanásia, realizando-se necropsia imediatamente após a morte do paciente. Os achados macroscópicos foram consistentes com acentuada nefromegalia bilateral. A avaliação histopatológica dos rins revelou células redondas neoplásicas obliterando vasos sanguíneos. Imunohistoquimicamente, essas células foram positivas para CD3. Baseando-se nos achados histopatológicos, na ausência de envolvimento da medula óssea e do sangue periférico e, na inexistência de massas primárias extravasculares, o tumor foi classificado como linfoma intravascular de células T. Possivelmente, este é o primeiro relato de linfoma intravascular envolvendo unicamente os rins de um cão.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Linfoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Renais/veterinária , Neoplasias Vasculares/veterinária , Neoplasias Renais/ultraestrutura , Linfócitos T/patologiaResumo
Background: Diaphragmatic eventration is characterized by weakness of the diaphragmatic muscle, which leads to cranialdislocation of the affected diaphragm and, ultimately, in dyspnea. This condition is rare in humans and even rarer in animals,and may be congenital or acquired. The acquired form is less commom and may be induced by trauma or inflammationand neoplastic invasion of the phrenic nerve. Here, we report a case of acquired diaphragmatic eventration in a dog, withthe aim of increasing the knowledge of this condition in animals and helping others to recognize and treat future cases.Case: A 12-year-old male dachshund presented with severe dyspnea, exercise intolerance and episodes of coughing. Basedon a physical examination and imaging, the main suspicion was a diaphragmatic hernia, and surgery was performed. Whenthe surgeon entered the thoracic cavity, an extremely thin - yet, intact - right hemidiaphragm was observed. The left sideof the diaphragm was normal. A polypropylene mesh was sutured to the affected diaphragm in an attempt to strengthenthe hemidiaphragmatic muscles and prevent further insinuations of viscera into the thoracic cavity. The dog developedbronchopneumonia, postoperatively, and was hospitalized and treated with antibiotics, analgesics and support medication.However, the dog died five days after surgery. A postmortem examination revealed that the right side of the diaphragmwas markedly thin and flaccid. Diaphragm samples were collected for histopathological examination. For comparison, asample of normal diaphragm was collected from a same age, matched dachshund that died due to an unrelated condition.This tissue was called diaphragm control, and it was collected in order to compare the histologic features of a normaldiaphragm muscle with the affected one. Histopathology revealed a marked reduction of muscle fibers...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Apatia , Diafragma/patologia , Dispneia/etiologia , Dispneia/veterinária , Eventração Diafragmática/veterinária , Atrofia Muscular/veterináriaResumo
Background: Melanocytic neoplasms are skin tumors that often occur in dogs. However, melanocytoma-acanthoma, alsocalled melanoacanthoma, is a benign melanocytic neoplasm rarely reported in this species, which has been described onlythree times in the veterinary literature. Briefly, this tumor is characterized by a single, painless, darkly pigmented and firmcutaneous papule or nodule. Histologically, it is composed of mixed populations of well-differentiated melanocytes andkeratinocytes, unlike traditional melanocytic tumors (melanoma and melanocytoma). These cells are arranged in lobulessurrounded by collagenous stroma. Melanocytes are large epithelioid cells containing varying amounts of melanin. Keratinocytes form anastomosing trabeculae with peripheral palisading, and small cysts containing amorphous or laminatedkeratin. The definitive diagnosis of melanocytoma-acanthoma is based on histopathological findings. This report describesa case of melanocytoma-acanthoma in a dog in Brazil.Case: A 9-year-old female miniature Schnauzer dog was examined at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Universityof Santa Maria, where a single, firm, pigmented papule was found in the auricle. The lesion had started 15 days earlier.Hematological tests and serum biochemistry profile were normal. An excisional biopsy of the papule was surgically removed and subjected to histopathological examination. The tissue was fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, processedroutinely and embedded in paraffin wax. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). A histopathologicalexamination revealed a nonencapsulated, well-defined, extensive, densely cellular proliferation located in dermis. Thisproliferation was composed of lobules and nests of well-differentiated stratified squamous epithelium closely associatedwith neoplastic melanocytes, surrounded by thin bundles of fibrous stroma. A diagnosis of...
Animais , Cães , Acantoma/veterinária , Melanócitos/patologia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Copper is an essential micronutrient for the body to function properly. However, although it is a vital element,an excess of copper in the body is extremely toxic. Copper toxicity has been reported mainly in sheep. In dogs, clinicopathological signs of toxicity are characterized by chronic liver failure. This means that the hemolytic crisis so commonin sheep is a condition rarely associated with toxicity in dogs, so there are very few descriptions of this condition in theveterinary literature. The purpose of this report is to describe a case of hemolytic crisis in a dog with copper-associatedchronic hepatitis.Case: A medium-sized 6-year-old bitch was brought to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Santa Maria,with clinical presentation of apathy, anorexia and red urine. A physical examination revealed mildly jaundiced mucosaand dark brown urine. A urinalysis indicated the presence of protein, bilirubin and occult blood. The blood count revealedhypochromic macrocytic anemia, leukocytosis due to left shift neutrophilia and thrombocytopenia. Serum biochemistryshowed elevated levels of alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase. The animal was given a blood transfusiondue to the severity of her anemia, but her clinical condition worsened and she died, whereupon her body was sent for necropsy. This necropsy revealed conspicuous signs of jaundice, splenomegaly and altered liver and kidney color. The liverwas brownish, with its natural surface firm and slightly irregular. The kidneys were diffusely blackened. The urine wasdark brown. Fragments of different organs were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution, routinely processedfor histopathology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. A histological dissection of the liver showed the hepatic lobesdissected by fibrosis, forming islands of hepatocytes and numerous lymphocytes and...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cobre/toxicidade , Hemolíticos/análise , Hepatite Crônica/veterinária , Doença Hepática Crônica Induzida por Substâncias e Drogas/veterinária , Intoxicação por Metais Pesados/veterináriaResumo
Background: Melanocytic neoplasms are skin tumors that often occur in dogs. However, melanocytoma-acanthoma, alsocalled melanoacanthoma, is a benign melanocytic neoplasm rarely reported in this species, which has been described onlythree times in the veterinary literature. Briefly, this tumor is characterized by a single, painless, darkly pigmented and firmcutaneous papule or nodule. Histologically, it is composed of mixed populations of well-differentiated melanocytes andkeratinocytes, unlike traditional melanocytic tumors (melanoma and melanocytoma). These cells are arranged in lobulessurrounded by collagenous stroma. Melanocytes are large epithelioid cells containing varying amounts of melanin. Keratinocytes form anastomosing trabeculae with peripheral palisading, and small cysts containing amorphous or laminatedkeratin. The definitive diagnosis of melanocytoma-acanthoma is based on histopathological findings. This report describesa case of melanocytoma-acanthoma in a dog in Brazil.Case: A 9-year-old female miniature Schnauzer dog was examined at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Universityof Santa Maria, where a single, firm, pigmented papule was found in the auricle. The lesion had started 15 days earlier.Hematological tests and serum biochemistry profile were normal. An excisional biopsy of the papule was surgically removed and subjected to histopathological examination. The tissue was fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, processedroutinely and embedded in paraffin wax. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). A histopathologicalexamination revealed a nonencapsulated, well-defined, extensive, densely cellular proliferation located in dermis. Thisproliferation was composed of lobules and nests of well-differentiated stratified squamous epithelium closely associatedwith neoplastic melanocytes, surrounded by thin bundles of fibrous stroma. A diagnosis of...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Melanócitos/patologia , Acantoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Copper is an essential micronutrient for the body to function properly. However, although it is a vital element,an excess of copper in the body is extremely toxic. Copper toxicity has been reported mainly in sheep. In dogs, clinicopathological signs of toxicity are characterized by chronic liver failure. This means that the hemolytic crisis so commonin sheep is a condition rarely associated with toxicity in dogs, so there are very few descriptions of this condition in theveterinary literature. The purpose of this report is to describe a case of hemolytic crisis in a dog with copper-associatedchronic hepatitis.Case: A medium-sized 6-year-old bitch was brought to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Santa Maria,with clinical presentation of apathy, anorexia and red urine. A physical examination revealed mildly jaundiced mucosaand dark brown urine. A urinalysis indicated the presence of protein, bilirubin and occult blood. The blood count revealedhypochromic macrocytic anemia, leukocytosis due to left shift neutrophilia and thrombocytopenia. Serum biochemistryshowed elevated levels of alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase. The animal was given a blood transfusiondue to the severity of her anemia, but her clinical condition worsened and she died, whereupon her body was sent for necropsy. This necropsy revealed conspicuous signs of jaundice, splenomegaly and altered liver and kidney color. The liverwas brownish, with its natural surface firm and slightly irregular. The kidneys were diffusely blackened. The urine wasdark brown. Fragments of different organs were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution, routinely processedfor histopathology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. A histological dissection of the liver showed the hepatic lobesdissected by fibrosis, forming islands of hepatocytes and numerous lymphocytes and...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Hepatite Crônica/veterinária , Cobre/toxicidade , Hemolíticos/análise , Intoxicação por Metais Pesados/veterinária , Doença Hepática Crônica Induzida por Substâncias e Drogas/veterináriaResumo
Oral lesions are common problems in feline medicine worldwide, and may be associated with different causes, such as infectious agents. There are only a few studies reporting the chief oral diseases and the results for retrovirus tests in shelter cats in Brazil, especially in the South region. This study aimed to identify the main inflammatory oral lesions in shelter cats and verify the test results for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infections. Forty-three felines from private shelters in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul state (RS) that presented clinically evident oral lesions, regardless of age, breed, sex, and neuter status, were used in this survey. Serological tests for FIV and FeLV were performed in all cats, and data regarding the rearing system were collected. Sixteen cats (37.2%) were reared in a free system, whereas 27 (62.8%) were kept under a restrict system. Of the 43 cats with oral lesions, 29 (67.44%) presented only one type of lesion, characterized as periodontitis (n=22, 51.16%), followed by gingivitis (n=6, 13.95%), and stomatitis (n=1, 2.32%). Concomitant stomatitis and periodontitis were found in the 14 remaining cats (100%). With respect to the test results for retrovirus infections, nine (20.93%) of the 43 felines were positive for FIV alone. Co-infection with both viruses was observed in seven cats (16.28%). No cat was seropositive for FeLV valone. None of the six cats that presented gingivitis was positive for FIV and FeLV; one cat with stomatitis was positive for FIV and FeLV; of the 22 cats with periodontitis, six (27.27%) were FIV positive and two (9.09%) were FIV/FeLV positive; and of the 14 cats that presented stomatitis and periodontitis, three (21.43%) were FIV positive and four (28.57%) were FIV/FeLV positive. As for diagnosis, 28 cats (65.1%) presented solely periodontal disease (PD), one cat (2.32%) had feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCG) alone, and 14 (32.5%) had both PD and FCG. The results obtained show that the main oral lesions found in shelter cats in the central region of RS were gingivitis, stomatitis, and periodontitis. Periodontitis, in association or not with stomatitis, was the most frequently observed oral cavity lesion in FIV- and/or FeLV-positive cats. Other factors may contribute to installation of inflammatory oral diseases in shelter cats because most cats with oral cavity lesions tested negative for retrovirus infections.(AU)
As afecções orais são problemas comuns em medicina felina em diferentes locais do mundo e podem estar relacionadas a diferentes causas, como agentes infecciosos. Poucos estudos foram encontrados no Brasil sobre o levantamento das principais doenças orais e dos resultados de testes para retrovírus em gatos de abrigos, principalmente na região Sul. Diante disso, o objetivo deste artigo foi identificar as principais afecções orais inflamatórias em gatos de abrigos e verificar os resultados dos testes para o vírus da imunodeficiência felina (FIV) e o vírus da leucemia felina (FeLV). Foram incluídos 43 felinos provenientes de abrigos privados localizados na região central do Rio Grande do Sul (RS) que apresentavam lesões orais clinicamente evidentes, independente de idade, raça, gênero e estado reprodutivo. Em todos os gatos foram realizados testes sorológicos para FIV e FeLV e obtidas informações referentes ao sistema de criação. Em 16 gatos (37,2%), o sistema de criação era livre, enquanto em 27 (62,8%) era restrito. Dos 43 gatos com lesões orais, em 29 (67,44%) foi verificado somente um tipo de lesão, caracterizado como periodontite (n=22, 51,16%), seguido de gengivite (n=6, 13,95%) e estomatite (n=1, 2,32%). Lesões concomitantes de estomatite e periodontite foram encontradas nos 14 gatos (100%) restantes. Quanto aos resultados dos testes para retrovírus, nove (20,93%) dos 43 felinos testados, foram positivos somente para FIV. Em sete gatos (16,28%) foi observada coinfecção pelos dois vírus. Em nenhum gato foi observado soropositividade somente para FeLV. Dos seis gatos com gengivite, nenhum foi positivo para FIV e FeLV; um gato com estomatite foi positivo para FIV e FeLV; dos 22 gatos com periodontite, seis (27,27%) foram FIV positivos e dois (9,09%) FIV/FeLV positivos; e dos 14 com estomatite e periodontite, três (21,43%) foram FIV positivos e quatro (28,57%) FIV/FeLV positivos. Quanto ao diagnóstico, em 28 gatos (65,1%) foi observada somente doença periodontal (DP), em um (2,32%) somente gengivoestomatite crônica felina (GECF) e em 14 gatos (32,5%) DP e GECF. Diante dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que as principais lesões orais encontradas em gatos de abrigos da região central do RS foram gengivite, estomatite e periodontite; a periodontite associada ou não a estomatite foi a lesão oral mais frequente nos gatos positivos para FIV e/ou FeLV. Acredita-se que outros fatores possam contribuir na instalação de doenças orais em gatos de abrigos, já que houve predomínio de gatos com resultados negativos nos testes para os retrovírus.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Retroviridae/isolamento & purificação , Estomatite/veterinária , Leucemia/veterinária , Gengivite/veterinária , Doenças do Gato/epidemiologia , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia , Abrigo para Animais , ImunidadeResumo
Background: Diaphragmatic eventration is characterized by weakness of the diaphragmatic muscle, which leads to cranialdislocation of the affected diaphragm and, ultimately, in dyspnea. This condition is rare in humans and even rarer in animals,and may be congenital or acquired. The acquired form is less commom and may be induced by trauma or inflammationand neoplastic invasion of the phrenic nerve. Here, we report a case of acquired diaphragmatic eventration in a dog, withthe aim of increasing the knowledge of this condition in animals and helping others to recognize and treat future cases.Case: A 12-year-old male dachshund presented with severe dyspnea, exercise intolerance and episodes of coughing. Basedon a physical examination and imaging, the main suspicion was a diaphragmatic hernia, and surgery was performed. Whenthe surgeon entered the thoracic cavity, an extremely thin - yet, intact - right hemidiaphragm was observed. The left sideof the diaphragm was normal. A polypropylene mesh was sutured to the affected diaphragm in an attempt to strengthenthe hemidiaphragmatic muscles and prevent further insinuations of viscera into the thoracic cavity. The dog developedbronchopneumonia, postoperatively, and was hospitalized and treated with antibiotics, analgesics and support medication.However, the dog died five days after surgery. A postmortem examination revealed that the right side of the diaphragmwas markedly thin and flaccid. Diaphragm samples were collected for histopathological examination. For comparison, asample of normal diaphragm was collected from a same age, matched dachshund that died due to an unrelated condition.This tissue was called diaphragm control, and it was collected in order to compare the histologic features of a normaldiaphragm muscle with the affected one. Histopathology revealed a marked reduction of muscle fibers...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Eventração Diafragmática/veterinária , Dispneia/etiologia , Dispneia/veterinária , Apatia , Diafragma/patologia , Atrofia Muscular/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: Oral lesions are common problems in feline medicine worldwide, and may be associated with different causes, such as infectious agents. There are only a few studies reporting the chief oral diseases and the results for retrovirus tests in shelter cats in Brazil, especially in the South region. This study aimed to identify the main inflammatory oral lesions in shelter cats and verify the test results for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infections. Forty-three felines from private shelters in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul state (RS) that presented clinically evident oral lesions, regardless of age, breed, sex, and neuter status, were used in this survey. Serological tests for FIV and FeLV were performed in all cats, and data regarding the rearing system were collected. Sixteen cats (37.2%) were reared in a free system, whereas 27 (62.8%) were kept under a restrict system. Of the 43 cats with oral lesions, 29 (67.44%) presented only one type of lesion, characterized as periodontitis (n=22, 51.16%), followed by gingivitis (n=6, 13.95%), and stomatitis (n=1, 2.32%). Concomitant stomatitis and periodontitis were found in the 14 remaining cats (100%). With respect to the test results for retrovirus infections, nine (20.93%) of the 43 felines were positive for FIV alone. Co-infection with both viruses was observed in seven cats (16.28%). No cat was seropositive for FeLV valone. None of the six cats that presented gingivitis was positive for FIV and FeLV; one cat with stomatitis was positive for FIV and FeLV; of the 22 cats with periodontitis, six (27.27%) were FIV positive and two (9.09%) were FIV/FeLV positive; and of the 14 cats that presented stomatitis and periodontitis, three (21.43%) were FIV positive and four (28.57%) were FIV/FeLV positive. As for diagnosis, 28 cats (65.1%) presented solely periodontal disease (PD), one cat (2.32%) had feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCG) alone, and 14 (32.5%) had both PD and FCG. The results obtained show that the main oral lesions found in shelter cats in the central region of RS were gingivitis, stomatitis, and periodontitis. Periodontitis, in association or not with stomatitis, was the most frequently observed oral cavity lesion in FIV- and/or FeLV-positive cats. Other factors may contribute to installation of inflammatory oral diseases in shelter cats because most cats with oral cavity lesions tested negative for retrovirus infections.
RESUMO: As afecções orais são problemas comuns em medicina felina em diferentes locais do mundo e podem estar relacionadas a diferentes causas, como agentes infecciosos. Poucos estudos foram encontrados no Brasil sobre o levantamento das principais doenças orais e dos resultados de testes para retrovírus em gatos de abrigos, principalmente na região Sul. Diante disso, o objetivo deste artigo foi identificar as principais afecções orais inflamatórias em gatos de abrigos e verificar os resultados dos testes para o vírus da imunodeficiência felina (FIV) e o vírus da leucemia felina (FeLV). Foram incluídos 43 felinos provenientes de abrigos privados localizados na região central do Rio Grande do Sul (RS) que apresentavam lesões orais clinicamente evidentes, independente de idade, raça, gênero e estado reprodutivo. Em todos os gatos foram realizados testes sorológicos para FIV e FeLV e obtidas informações referentes ao sistema de criação. Em 16 gatos (37,2%), o sistema de criação era livre, enquanto em 27 (62,8%) era restrito. Dos 43 gatos com lesões orais, em 29 (67,44%) foi verificado somente um tipo de lesão, caracterizado como periodontite (n=22, 51,16%), seguido de gengivite (n=6, 13,95%) e estomatite (n=1, 2,32%). Lesões concomitantes de estomatite e periodontite foram encontradas nos 14 gatos (100%) restantes. Quanto aos resultados dos testes para retrovírus, nove (20,93%) dos 43 felinos testados, foram positivos somente para FIV. Em sete gatos (16,28%) foi observada coinfecção pelos dois vírus. Em nenhum gato foi observado soropositividade somente para FeLV. Dos seis gatos com gengivite, nenhum foi positivo para FIV e FeLV; um gato com estomatite foi positivo para FIV e FeLV; dos 22 gatos com periodontite, seis (27,27%) foram FIV positivos e dois (9,09%) FIV/FeLV positivos; e dos 14 com estomatite e periodontite, três (21,43%) foram FIV positivos e quatro (28,57%) FIV/FeLV positivos. Quanto ao diagnóstico, em 28 gatos (65,1%) foi observada somente doença periodontal (DP), em um (2,32%) somente gengivoestomatite crônica felina (GECF) e em 14 gatos (32,5%) DP e GECF. Diante dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que as principais lesões orais encontradas em gatos de abrigos da região central do RS foram gengivite, estomatite e periodontite; a periodontite associada ou não a estomatite foi a lesão oral mais frequente nos gatos positivos para FIV e/ou FeLV. Acredita-se que outros fatores possam contribuir na instalação de doenças orais em gatos de abrigos, já que houve predomínio de gatos com resultados negativos nos testes para os retrovírus.
Eleven cases of renal cystadenoma/cystadenocarcinoma-nodular dermatofibrosis syndrome (RCND) are described in German Shepherd dogs diagnosed from January 1994 to January 2018 at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the "Universidade Federal de Santa Maria" (LPV-UFSM). The study sample was composed of eight male and three female dogs at a ratio of 2.67:1. Age ranged from six to 12 years (mean=8.7 years). The main clinical signs reported in descending order of frequency were multiple cutaneous nodules (nodular dermatofibrosis), dyspnea, anorexia, weight loss, recurrent hematuria, vomiting, and polydipsia. Results demonstrated that it is not always easy to clinically recognize this syndrome, but its peculiar anatomical-pathological characteristics allow safe diagnosis. Histologically, it was possible to detect all phases (cysts, papillary intratubular hyperplasia, and cystadenomas or cystadenocarcinomas) of a possible pathological continuum of the renal lesions. Uterine leiomyomas were observed in only one of the cases. Through histochemical techniques, it was possible to identify the presence of type I collagen in both cutaneous and renal lesions and consider its possible involvement in the pathogenesis of renal cystadenocarcinoma. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) showed partially satisfactory results in the staining of epithelial cells of renal cysts and neoplasms for pan-cytokeratin.(AU)
São descritos 11 casos da síndrome cistadenoma/cistadenocarcinoma-dermatofibrose nodular (CR-DN) em cães Pastor Alemão, diagnosticados entre janeiro de 1994 e janeiro de 2018 no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM). Os cães afetados foram oito machos e três fêmeas, estabelecendo-se uma relação de 2,67:1. A idade variou de seis a 12 anos, sendo a média de idade de 8,7 anos. Os principais sinais clínicos relatados foram, em ordem decrescente de frequência, múltiplos nódulos cutâneos (dermatofibrose nodular), dispneia, anorexia, emagrecimento, hematúria recorrente, vômito e polidipsia. Este estudo permitiu estabelecer que o reconhecimento clínico da síndrome nem sempre é fácil, porém suas características anátomo-patológicas peculiares permitem um diagnóstico com segurança. Histologicamente, foi possível detectar todas as fases (cistos, hiperplasia intratubular papilífera, cistadenomas ou cistadenocarcinomas) de um possível continuum patológico das lesões renais. Leiomiomas uterinos foram observados somente em um caso. Através das técnicas histoquímicas foi possível estabelecer que o colágeno tipo I está presente em ambas as lesões, cutâneas e renais, e cogitar seu possível envolvimento na patogênese dos cistadenocarcinomas renais. A técnica de IHQ mostrou resultados parcialmente satisfatórios na imunomarcação das células epiteliais dos cistos e dos neoplasmas renais para pancitoceratina.(AU)