Background: Musculoskeletal changes in growing foals can be linked to metabolic disorders which affect the cartilage metabolism associated of obesity during the late gestation of the mares, negatively affecting the athletic performance of the otherwise prospective foals. High basal insulin levels can be associated with increased weight and obesity of the mares, altering the supply of the glucose to the fetus and the production of IGF-1, which plays an important role in the endochondral cartilage metabolism. The present study aims to describe the association of metabolic and biometric alterations in overweight Criollo mares with IGF-1 levels and the presence of articular and physeal lesions in their foals. Materials, Methods & Results: A prospective and observational cohort study was conducted using the foals and the overweight mares at field conditions. Twenty-eight foals and their overweight mothers were utilized. The foals biometric and metabolic features as weight and height; glucose, total cholesterol, cholesterol HDL, triglycerides, basal insulin, leptin, glucose, total T4 and IGF-1 were analyzed, from the birth until the weaning period around sixth month of life of it. All the foals, at the weaning period, were submitted to the radiograph examination of the tarsal joints and the metacarpal-phalangeal joints to evaluate signs of lesions and the possible distal metacarpal physeal changes, respectively. The mares biometric and metabolic features as weight, height and fat tail-head deposition; basal insulin, leptin, glucose, total cholesterol, cholesterol HDL and triglycerides were analyzed at the final period of gestation. The basal insulin levels of the foals at the second, fourth and sixth month of life were 9.87 ± 1.82 µUI/mL, 9.13 ± 1.94 µUI/mL, 9.39 ± 2.54 µUI/mL. The IGF-1 levels of the foals at the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth...
Feminino , Animais , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anatomia & histologia , Biometria , Cavalos , Doenças Musculoesqueléticas/veterinária , Prenhez , Sobrepeso/veterinária , Fator de Crescimento Insulin-Like I , Insulina/análiseResumo
O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar os parâmetros bioquímicos do líquido amniótico (LA) no momento do parto de éguas com placentite ascendente e relacionar com parâmetros bioquímicos séricos dos neonatos. Foram utilizadas 36 éguas gestantes da raça Puro Sangue Inglês, divididas em dois grupos: placentite (n=5) e sadias (n=31). A placentite foi definida de acordo com a avaliação clínica, exame ultrassonográfico e histopatologia das placentas. Essas éguas foram submetidas a terapia antimicrobiana, antiinflamatórios e altrenogest. A coleta do LA foi realizada na segunda fase do parto e as amostras sanguíneas dos neonatos imediatamente após o nascimento. Foi observada menor concentração de creatinina no LA de éguas com placentite. Potros provenientes de éguas com placentite foram menores em peso e altura ao nascimento, e apresentaram concentrações elevadas de ureia e reduzidas de PPT na avaliação sérica. Foi observado correlação positiva moderada entre creatinina e ureia no LA e correlação positiva fraca entre a creatinina do LA e sérica dos potros. Concluiu-se que o perfil bioquímico do LA e sérico dos neonatos oriundos de éguas com placentite ascendente diferem de gestações sadias. Sendo que esses parâmetros podem ser utilizados como indicadores de alterações placentárias em éguas.(AU)
The aim of this study was to identify the biochemical parameters of amniotic fluid (AF) at parturition in mares with ascending placentitis, and to relate with biochemical parameters in neonatal foals serum. Thirty-six pregnant Thoroughbred mares were divided in 2 groups: mares with placentitis (n=5) and healthy mares (n=31). Placentitis was identified based on clinical signs, ultrasound evaluation and histopathological features in the placenta. Mares with placentitis were treated with antibiotics, antiinflammatories and altrenogest. AF was collected during the second stage of labor and blood samples were taken immediately after foaling. Lower concentrations of creatinine were found in the AF of mares with placentitis. Foals from mares with placentitis showed smaller height and lower birthweight, also showed increase of urea and decrease of total protein levels in blood serum. A moderate positive correlation between urea and creatinine in AF was observed, and a weak positive correlation was found between creatinine in AF and the serum of foals. In conclusion, biochemical composition of AF and of blood serum of neonatal foals from mares with ascending placentitis are different of healthy mares. So, those analysis could be useful to identify placental changes in mares.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos/fisiologia , Biomarcadores , Líquido Amniótico , Soro , Creatinina , Ureia , PrenhezResumo
O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar os parâmetros bioquímicos do líquido amniótico (LA) no momento do parto de éguas com placentite ascendente e relacionar com parâmetros bioquímicos séricos dos neonatos. Foram utilizadas 36 éguas gestantes da raça Puro Sangue Inglês, divididas em dois grupos: placentite (n=5) e sadias (n=31). A placentite foi definida de acordo com a avaliação clínica, exame ultrassonográfico e histopatologia das placentas. Essas éguas foram submetidas a terapia antimicrobiana, antiinflamatórios e altrenogest. A coleta do LA foi realizada na segunda fase do parto e as amostras sanguíneas dos neonatos imediatamente após o nascimento. Foi observada menor concentração de creatinina no LA de éguas com placentite. Potros provenientes de éguas com placentite foram menores em peso e altura ao nascimento, e apresentaram concentrações elevadas de ureia e reduzidas de PPT na avaliação sérica. Foi observado correlação positiva moderada entre creatinina e ureia no LA e correlação positiva fraca entre a creatinina do LA e sérica dos potros. Concluiu-se que o perfil bioquímico do LA e sérico dos neonatos oriundos de éguas com placentite ascendente diferem de gestações sadias. Sendo que esses parâmetros podem ser utilizados como indicadores de alterações placentárias em éguas.
The aim of this study was to identify the biochemical parameters of amniotic fluid (AF) at parturition in mares with ascending placentitis, and to relate with biochemical parameters in neonatal foals serum. Thirty-six pregnant Thoroughbred mares were divided in 2 groups: mares with placentitis (n=5) and healthy mares (n=31). Placentitis was identified based on clinical signs, ultrasound evaluation and histopathological features in the placenta. Mares with placentitis were treated with antibiotics, antiinflammatories and altrenogest. AF was collected during the second stage of labor and blood samples were taken immediately after foaling. Lower concentrations of creatinine were found in the AF of mares with placentitis. Foals from mares with placentitis showed smaller height and lower birthweight, also showed increase of urea and decrease of total protein levels in blood serum. A moderate positive correlation between urea and creatinine in AF was observed, and a weak positive correlation was found between creatinine in AF and the serum of foals. In conclusion, biochemical composition of AF and of blood serum of neonatal foals from mares with ascending placentitis are different of healthy mares. So, those analysis could be useful to identify placental changes in mares.
Feminino , Animais , Biomarcadores , Cavalos/fisiologia , Creatinina , Líquido Amniótico , Prenhez , Soro , UreiaResumo
Background: Enteroliths are intestinal mineral calculi predominantly composed of struvite. In horses this material accumulates concentrically around a core, causing total or partial obstruction of the higher and lower colon, and can lead to death by rupture. The enterolithiasis has worldwide distribution, and occurs frequently in Rio Grande do Sul, especially in Crioulo Horses. The aim of this work is to report a sequence of cases of Crioulo Horses with enterolithiasis, linking risk factors through historical analysis, clinical presentation and management employed by the breeding farms. Case: Between the years 2012 and 2015, 16 Crioulo Horses with colic syndrome caused by enteroliths were treated at the Hospital de Clínicas Veterinária of Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), RS, Brazil and Clínica Hípica, in Porto Alegre, RS. The group was formed predominantly by males, weighted 430 kg in average and the average age was eight years old. All horses underwent general and specific clinical examination, laboratory tests and surgical procedure to remove the enterolith. After discharge, there was an epidemiological questionnaire seeking information about the history, food and environmental management that could be related to the development of enterolithiasis. In relationship to the history of previous episodes of colic, the results were: 4 horses (25%) had no previous episodes of [...]
Animais , Cavalos , Cólica/veterinária , Dieta/veterinária , Intestinos/patologia , Litíase/veterinária , Cálculos/diagnóstico , Cálculos/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos/diagnóstico , Ração AnimalResumo
Background: Enteroliths are intestinal mineral calculi predominantly composed of struvite. In horses this material accumulates concentrically around a core, causing total or partial obstruction of the higher and lower colon, and can lead to death by rupture. The enterolithiasis has worldwide distribution, and occurs frequently in Rio Grande do Sul, especially in Crioulo Horses. The aim of this work is to report a sequence of cases of Crioulo Horses with enterolithiasis, linking risk factors through historical analysis, clinical presentation and management employed by the breeding farms. Case: Between the years 2012 and 2015, 16 Crioulo Horses with colic syndrome caused by enteroliths were treated at the Hospital de Clínicas Veterinária of Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), RS, Brazil and Clínica Hípica, in Porto Alegre, RS. The group was formed predominantly by males, weighted 430 kg in average and the average age was eight years old. All horses underwent general and specific clinical examination, laboratory tests and surgical procedure to remove the enterolith. After discharge, there was an epidemiological questionnaire seeking information about the history, food and environmental management that could be related to the development of enterolithiasis. In relationship to the history of previous episodes of colic, the results were: 4 horses (25%) had no previous episodes of [...](AU)
Animais , Litíase/veterinária , Cavalos , Dieta/veterinária , Cólica/veterinária , Intestinos/patologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/diagnóstico , Ração Animal , Cálculos/diagnóstico , Cálculos/veterináriaResumo
Background: Breeding of Crioulo horses in the southern region of Brazil is very significant. Notwithstanding, not all animals meet the standards defined for the breed, raising concern among breeders, owners and veterinarians, driving them to an effort to know and understand the development of Crioulo foals. In order to get a registry at Brazilian Association of Crioulo Horse Breeders (ABCCC), the foals must be presented to a certified technician as of 24 months of age and show the breed standards and measurements required. To date, there are no data concerning development of this breed available. Therefore, this study aims to describe the growth curve of Crioulo foals in the south region of Rio Grande do Sul.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was conducted in three Crioulo horse breeding farms in the cities of Santa Vitória do Palmar, Bagé and Aceguá, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, for a period of two years (2013-2015). We followed up on 267 Crioulo foals from birth up to 24 months of age. Biometric evaluation was divided in 26 periods, with 40 animals in each and random repetition of individuals. Period one: birth to seven days; period two: seven to 21 days; monthly from 1st to 24th month. The three breeding farms presented similar environmental conditions and the horses were submitted to similar management. Measurements were taken on a monthly basis, using a mechanical scale for weight and a hippometer for height. The analysis were conducted on SAS/ETS® version 9.2. Logistic non-linear regression model was used to obtain growth curves for height and minimum, medium and maximum weight of the foals on their respective ages, by this way six growth curves were produced. Results show an increase in weight and height at 24 months of age compared to the moment of birth. This increase was accentuated during the first months of life, both in weight and height.[...]
Animais , Animais Recém-Nascidos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Biometria , Valores de ReferênciaResumo
Background: Breeding of Crioulo horses in the southern region of Brazil is very significant. Notwithstanding, not all animals meet the standards defined for the breed, raising concern among breeders, owners and veterinarians, driving them to an effort to know and understand the development of Crioulo foals. In order to get a registry at Brazilian Association of Crioulo Horse Breeders (ABCCC), the foals must be presented to a certified technician as of 24 months of age and show the breed standards and measurements required. To date, there are no data concerning development of this breed available. Therefore, this study aims to describe the growth curve of Crioulo foals in the south region of Rio Grande do Sul.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was conducted in three Crioulo horse breeding farms in the cities of Santa Vitória do Palmar, Bagé and Aceguá, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, for a period of two years (2013-2015). We followed up on 267 Crioulo foals from birth up to 24 months of age. Biometric evaluation was divided in 26 periods, with 40 animals in each and random repetition of individuals. Period one: birth to seven days; period two: seven to 21 days; monthly from 1st to 24th month. The three breeding farms presented similar environmental conditions and the horses were submitted to similar management. Measurements were taken on a monthly basis, using a mechanical scale for weight and a hippometer for height. The analysis were conducted on SAS/ETS® version 9.2. Logistic non-linear regression model was used to obtain growth curves for height and minimum, medium and maximum weight of the foals on their respective ages, by this way six growth curves were produced. Results show an increase in weight and height at 24 months of age compared to the moment of birth. This increase was accentuated during the first months of life, both in weight and height.[...](AU)
Animais , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Animais Recém-Nascidos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Valores de Referência , BiometriaResumo
Esta revisão tem como objetivo abordar os principais métodos para avaliar uma gestação de risco.A utilização de ferramentas de diagnóstico permite que intervenções adequadas sejam realizadas o mais cedo possível sem trazer prejuízos ou afetar a saúde do feto. O conhecimento desta é fundamental para determinar quando uma intervenção na gestação é necessária, desta forma o acompanhamento por um profissional que proceda de forma adequada pode ser decisivo. O acompanhamento gestacional, através da ultrassonografia fetoplacentária, fornece informações que auxiliam na predição da viabilidade pós-natal. Eletrocardiograma materno-fetal e amniocentese são outras ferramentas importantes no diagnóstico de gestações equinas de risco.
This review aims to approach the main methods to evaluate a risk pregnancy. The use of diagnostictools allow that appropriate interventions are performed early without damages or affect fetus health. This knowledge is essential to determine when a pregnancy intervention is necessary, thus the monitoring by aprofessional who proceed in an adequate way might be decisive. The pregnancy assessment, throughfetoplacental ultrasonography, provide information that help in the postnatal viability prediction. Electrocardiography fetomaternal and amniocentesis are other important tools in the diagnosis of the compromised equine pregnancy.
Esta revisión tiene como meta abordar los métodos clave para evaluar un embarazo de riesgo. EIuso de herramientas de diagnóstico permite intervenciones apropiadas se lIevan a cabo tan pronto como seaposible sin danar o afectar Ia salud dei feto. Saber esto es fundamental para determinar cuándo es necesaria Iaintervención durante el embarazo, por 10 que el seguimiento por parte de un profesional para lIevar a cabo adecuadamente puede ser decisivo. Monitoreo gestacional a través de Ia ecografía de placenta, proporciona información para ayudar en Ia predicción de Ia viabilidad postnatal. Electrocardiograma y Ia amniocentesis materna y fetal son otras herramientas importantes en el diagnóstico de riesgo de embarazos equinos.
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cavalos/embriologia , Cavalos/fisiologia , Gravidez de Alto Risco , Monitorização Uterina/veterinária , Prenhez/fisiologia , Amniocentese/veterinária , Complicações na Gravidez/diagnóstico , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Monitorização Fetal/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/veterinária , Viabilidade FetalResumo
Esta revisão tem como objetivo abordar os principais métodos para avaliar uma gestação de risco.A utilização de ferramentas de diagnóstico permite que intervenções adequadas sejam realizadas o mais cedo possível sem trazer prejuízos ou afetar a saúde do feto. O conhecimento desta é fundamental para determinar quando uma intervenção na gestação é necessária, desta forma o acompanhamento por um profissional que proceda de forma adequada pode ser decisivo. O acompanhamento gestacional, através da ultrassonografia fetoplacentária, fornece informações que auxiliam na predição da viabilidade pós-natal. Eletrocardiograma materno-fetal e amniocentese são outras ferramentas importantes no diagnóstico de gestações equinas de risco. (AU)
This review aims to approach the main methods to evaluate a risk pregnancy. The use of diagnostictools allow that appropriate interventions are performed early without damages or affect fetus health. This knowledge is essential to determine when a pregnancy intervention is necessary, thus the monitoring by aprofessional who proceed in an adequate way might be decisive. The pregnancy assessment, throughfetoplacental ultrasonography, provide information that help in the postnatal viability prediction. Electrocardiography fetomaternal and amniocentesis are other important tools in the diagnosis of the compromised equine pregnancy. (AU)
Esta revisión tiene como meta abordar los métodos clave para evaluar un embarazo de riesgo. EIuso de herramientas de diagnóstico permite intervenciones apropiadas se lIevan a cabo tan pronto como seaposible sin danar o afectar Ia salud dei feto. Saber esto es fundamental para determinar cuándo es necesaria Iaintervención durante el embarazo, por 10 que el seguimiento por parte de un profesional para lIevar a cabo adecuadamente puede ser decisivo. Monitoreo gestacional a través de Ia ecografía de placenta, proporciona información para ayudar en Ia predicción de Ia viabilidad postnatal. Electrocardiograma y Ia amniocentesis materna y fetal son otras herramientas importantes en el diagnóstico de riesgo de embarazos equinos. (AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Prenhez/fisiologia , Cavalos/embriologia , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cavalos/fisiologia , Gravidez de Alto Risco , Monitorização Uterina/veterinária , Complicações na Gravidez/diagnóstico , Monitorização Fetal/veterinária , Viabilidade Fetal , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Amniocentese/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo desta revisão é fazer uma abordagem a respeito de marcadores hormonais e metabólicos envolvidos na gestação da égua. Muitos deles sintetizados na placenta, tornam-se fundamentais na manutenção da gestação além de estarem relacionados ou até mesmo serem fatores que influenciarão diretamente em características fisicas e fisiológicas do potro. A avaliação placentária pode ser explorada como um método de acompanhamento e diagnóstico para enfermidades que possam interromper a gestação. A observação clínica,controle do histórico reprodutivo das fêmeas, determinação de marcadores como os citados anteriormente associados como uma forma de evitar ou então minimizar as perdas com as alterações gestacionais.
The objective of this review make an approach to the respect of some hormonal and metabolic marker sinvolved in the mare's pregnancy. Many synthesized in the placenta, becomes the fundamental of pregnancy maintenance in addition to being related or even be factors which directly influence on physical and physiological characteristics of the toal. Placental assessment can be explored as a method of monitoring and diagnosis fordiseases that might disrupt pregnancy. Clinical observation, control the reproductive history of females, determination markers such as those mentioned previously associated as a way to avoid or minimize losses then with gestational changes.
El objetivo de esta revisión crea un enfoque sobre algunos marcadores hormonales y metabólico simplicados en el embarazo de Ia yegua. Muchos sintetizados en Ia placenta, se convierte en el fundamental demantenimiento embarazo además de estar relacionados o incluso ser factores que influyen directamente sobre Ias características fisicas y fisiológicas dei potro. Evaluación de Ia placenta puede ser explorado como un método demonitoreo y diagnóstico de enfermedades que pudiesen afectar el embarazo. La observación clínica, el control deIa historia reproductiva de Ias hembras , marcadores de determinación tales como los mencionados anteriormente asociado como una manera de evitar o minimizar Ias pérdidas a continuación, con los cambios gestacionales.
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Cavalos/fisiologia , Cavalos/metabolismo , Prenhez/fisiologia , Prenhez/metabolismo , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos , Endocrinologia , Placenta/enzimologia , Placenta/fisiologia , Placenta/metabolismoResumo
O objetivo desta revisão é fazer uma abordagem a respeito de marcadores hormonais e metabólicos envolvidos na gestação da égua. Muitos deles sintetizados na placenta, tornam-se fundamentais na manutenção da gestação além de estarem relacionados ou até mesmo serem fatores que influenciarão diretamente em características fisicas e fisiológicas do potro. A avaliação placentária pode ser explorada como um método de acompanhamento e diagnóstico para enfermidades que possam interromper a gestação. A observação clínica,controle do histórico reprodutivo das fêmeas, determinação de marcadores como os citados anteriormente associados como uma forma de evitar ou então minimizar as perdas com as alterações gestacionais. (AU)
The objective of this review make an approach to the respect of some hormonal and metabolic marker sinvolved in the mare's pregnancy. Many synthesized in the placenta, becomes the fundamental of pregnancy maintenance in addition to being related or even be factors which directly influence on physical and physiological characteristics of the toal. Placental assessment can be explored as a method of monitoring and diagnosis fordiseases that might disrupt pregnancy. Clinical observation, control the reproductive history of females, determination markers such as those mentioned previously associated as a way to avoid or minimize losses then with gestational changes. (AU)
El objetivo de esta revisión crea un enfoque sobre algunos marcadores hormonales y metabólico simplicados en el embarazo de Ia yegua. Muchos sintetizados en Ia placenta, se convierte en el fundamental demantenimiento embarazo además de estar relacionados o incluso ser factores que influyen directamente sobre Ias características fisicas y fisiológicas dei potro. Evaluación de Ia placenta puede ser explorado como un método demonitoreo y diagnóstico de enfermedades que pudiesen afectar el embarazo. La observación clínica, el control deIa historia reproductiva de Ias hembras , marcadores de determinación tales como los mencionados anteriormente asociado como una manera de evitar o minimizar Ias pérdidas a continuación, con los cambios gestacionales. (AU)