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Vet. zootec ; 30: [001-005], 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434189


Allergy to milk is the only auto-allergic disease in cattle. It is characterized by the retention and absorption of milk itself, making milk proteins, especially alpha casein, have access to the bloodstream, resulting in a type I hypersensitivity. The purpose of this report is to describe a case of auto-allergic disease in cattle. Here we report the case of a four-year-old Jersey female bovine, which was pregnant and weighing 400Kg. The animal was being treated at (hidden for revision)and had a history of an acute allergic reaction. Its owner reported sudden onset of skin lesions, salivation, and difficulty breathing. As the animal was participating in an agricultural exhibition, it was not being milked to generate mammary gland engorgement (milk retention). Inphysical examination findings wherein there is presence of multifocal urticarial papules and plaques, mainly on the sides and right and left flanks, besides the absence of pruritus, edema in mucocutaneous regions of the upper and lower eyelids of the right and left eyes, submandibular edema, excessive salivation, inspiratory dyspnea with half-open mouth breathing, respiratory distress, apathy, cough, tachycardia tachypnea, ruminal hypomotility and increased volume of the mammary gland, characterizing milk retention. Clinical suspicion was milk allergy with anaphylactic reaction (type I hypersensitivity). Treatment was based on promethazine administration (1mg/kg; IV) and immediate full milking of the mammary gland. After 12 h of treatment, clinical respiratory signs resolved, and after 24 h, skin changes resolved completely. Based on clinical signs and treatment success, the clinical suspicion of milk allergy causing anaphylactic reaction (type I hypersensitivity) was confirmed.(AU)

A alergia ao leite é a única doença auto-alérgica em bovinos. Caracteriza-se pela retenção e absorção do próprio leite, fazendo com que as proteínas do leite, principalmente a alfa caseína, tenham acesso à corrente sanguínea, resultando em uma hipersensibilidade do tipo I. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de doença autoalérgica em bovinos. Relatamos o caso de uma fêmea bovina da raça Jersey, com quatro anos de idade, prenhe e pesando 400Kg. O animal estava em tratamento (oculto para revisão)e tinha histórico de reação alérgica aguda. Proprietário relatou aparecimento súbito de lesões na pele, salivação e dificuldade respiratória. Oanimal estava participando de uma exposição agrícola, e não estava sendo ordenhado para gerar ingurgitamento da glândula mamária (retenção de leite). No exame físico identificou-sepápulas e placas urticariformes multifocais, principalmente nas laterais e flancos direito e esquerdo, ausência de prurido, edema em regiões mucocutâneas das pálpebras superior e inferior dos olhos direito e esquerdo, edema submandibular, salivação excessiva, dispneia inspiratória com respiração de boca entreaberta, desconforto respiratório, apatia, tosse, taquicardia, taquipneia, hipomotilidade ruminal e aumento do volume da glândula mamária, caracterizando retenção de leite. A suspeita clínica foi alergia ao leite com reação anafilática (hipersensibilidade tipo I). O tratamento baseou-se na administração de prometazina (1mg/kg; IV) e ordenha completa imediata da glândula mamária. Após 12 h de tratamento, os sinais clínicos respiratórios foram resolvidos e, após 24 h, as alterações cutâneas desapareceram completamente. Com base nos sinais clínicos e no sucesso do tratamento, confirmou-sea suspeita de alergia ao leite causando reação anafilática (hipersensibilidade tipo I).(AU)

La alergia a la leche es la única enfermedad autoalérgica en el ganado bovino. Se caracteriza por la retención y absorción de la propia leche, provocando que las proteínas de la leche, especialmente la alfa caseína, tengan acceso al torrente sanguíneo, dando lugar a una hipersensibilidad tipo I. El objetivo de este reporte es describir un caso de enfermedad autoalérgica en bovinos. Presentamos el caso de una vaca Jersey hembra de cuatro años, gestante y de 400 kg de peso. El animal estaba siendo atendido en el (oculto para revision)y tenía antecedentes de reacción alérgica aguda. Propietario refirió aparición repentina de lesiones en la piel, salivación y dificultad respiratoria. Como el animal participaba en una exhibición agrícola, no estaba siendo ordeñado para generar congestión de la glándula mamaria (retención de leche). En examen físico en los que se observan pápulas y placas urticariales multifocales, principalmente en costados y flancos derecho e izquierdo, además de ausencia de prurito, edema en las regiones mucocutáneas de los párpados superior e inferior del lado derecho e ojos izquierdos, edema submandibular, salivación excesiva, disnea inspiratoria con respiración con la boca abierta, dificultad respiratoria, apatía, tos, taquicardia (frecuencia cardíaca 88 latidos/minuto), taquipnea (100 movimientos/minuto), normotermia (39,0°C), hipomotilidad ruminal (2 movimientos ruminales/5 minutos) y aumento de volumen de la glándula mamaria, caracterizando la retención de leche. La sospecha clínica fue alergia a la leche con reacción anafiláctica (hipersensibilidad tipo I). El tratamiento se basó en la administración de prometazina (1 mg/kg; IV) y ordeño completo inmediato de la glándula mamaria. Después de 12 h de tratamiento, los signos clínicos respiratorios se resolvieron y, después de 24 h, los cambios en la piel desaparecieron por completo. Sobre la base de los signos clínicos y el éxito del tratamiento, se confirmó la sospecha clínica de alergia a la leche que causaba una reacción anafiláctica (hipersensibilidad tipo I).(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Leite/efeitos adversos , Prometazina/uso terapêutico , Brasil , Prenhez
Vet. zootec ; 27: 1-6, 2 mar. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503597


A dictiocaulose é uma afecção respiratória causada por helmintos do gênero Dictyocaulus spp., considerada potencial causa de queda na produtividade e morte de bovinos no Brasil e em outros países do mundo. Este trabalho descreve o relato de infecção por Dictyocaulus viviparus e dictiocaulose em bovinos no município de Londrina, PR. A associação das condições ambientais, nutricionais e imunológicas, juntamente com controle parasitário inadequado favoreceu o desenvolvimento da doença, ressaltando a importância da afecção no diagnóstico diferencial de doenças respiratórias dos bovinos na Região Sul do Brasil.

Dictyocaulosis is a respiratory disease caused by helminths of the genus Dictyocaulus spp., considered a potential cause of decline in the productivity and death of cattle in Brazil and in other countries of the world. This work describes a report of infection by Dictyocaulus viviparous and dictyocaulosis in cattle in Londrina, PR. The association of environmental, nutritional and immunological conditions, along with an inadequate parasitic control favored the development of the disease, emphasizing the importance of the disease as a differential diagnosis of the bovine respiratory diseases in the Southern Region of Brazil.

Dictiocaulosis es una enfermedad respiratoria causada por helmintos del género Dictyocaulus spp., considerada una causa potencial de declive en la productividad y muerte del ganado en Brasil y en otros países del mundo. Este trabajo describe el reporte de infección por Dictyocaulus viviparus y dictiocaulose en bovinos en Londrina, PR. La asociación de condiciones ambientales, nutricionales e inmunológicas, junto con un control parasitario inadecuado, favoreció el desarrollo de la enfermedad, destacando la importancia de la enfermedad como diagnóstico diferencial de enfermedades respiratorias bovinas en la Región Sur de Brasil.

Animais , Bovinos , Dictyocaulus/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Dictyocaulus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Dictyocaulus/etiologia , Infecções por Dictyocaulus/patologia , Brasil , Broncopneumonia/parasitologia , Complexo Respiratório Bovino , Pneumopatias Parasitárias/veterinária
Vet. Zoot. ; 27: 1-6, 18 jul. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33206


A dictiocaulose é uma afecção respiratória causada por helmintos do gênero Dictyocaulus spp., considerada potencial causa de queda na produtividade e morte de bovinos no Brasil e em outros países do mundo. Este trabalho descreve o relato de infecção por Dictyocaulus viviparus e dictiocaulose em bovinos no município de Londrina, PR. A associação das condições ambientais, nutricionais e imunológicas, juntamente com controle parasitário inadequado favoreceu o desenvolvimento da doença, ressaltando a importância da afecção no diagnóstico diferencial de doenças respiratórias dos bovinos na Região Sul do Brasil.(AU)

Dictyocaulosis is a respiratory disease caused by helminths of the genus Dictyocaulus spp., considered a potential cause of decline in the productivity and death of cattle in Brazil and in other countries of the world. This work describes a report of infection by Dictyocaulus viviparous and dictyocaulosis in cattle in Londrina, PR. The association of environmental, nutritional and immunological conditions, along with an inadequate parasitic control favored the development of the disease, emphasizing the importance of the disease as a differential diagnosis of the bovine respiratory diseases in the Southern Region of Brazil.(AU)

Dictiocaulosis es una enfermedad respiratoria causada por helmintos del género Dictyocaulus spp., considerada una causa potencial de declive en la productividad y muerte del ganado en Brasil y en otros países del mundo. Este trabajo describe el reporte de infección por Dictyocaulus viviparus y dictiocaulose en bovinos en Londrina, PR. La asociación de condiciones ambientales, nutricionales e inmunológicas, junto con un control parasitario inadecuado, favoreció el desarrollo de la enfermedad, destacando la importancia de la enfermedad como diagnóstico diferencial de enfermedades respiratorias bovinas en la Región Sur de Brasil.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Infecções por Dictyocaulus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Dictyocaulus/etiologia , Infecções por Dictyocaulus/patologia , Dictyocaulus/isolamento & purificação , Broncopneumonia/parasitologia , Complexo Respiratório Bovino , Brasil , Pneumopatias Parasitárias/veterinária
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(5): 1591-1600, set.-out. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1372694


Due to the growing increase in the dental routine in equine medicine, along with the need for patient sedation to perform this procedure, this study aimed to assess sedation by detomidine alone and/or associated with lidocaine under continuous infusion. Twenty-two horses from the dental routine of the veterinary hospital of the institution of origin were used. A jugular catheter was implanted on the day of study and animals were allocated into two distinct groups (n=11): GD, which received detomidine (20 µg kg−1), followed by continuous infusion (20 µg kg−1 h−1); and GDL, animals which received detomidine (10 µg kg−1) and lidocaine (1.3 mg kg−1), followed by continuous infusion of detomidine (10 µg kg−1 h−1) and lidocaine (25 µg kg−1 min−1). The assessed moments were as follows: M0, before catheter placement; M1, 5 minutes after bolus and beginning of infusion; M2, placement of mouth speculum; and M3, wear with an electric rasp. The assessed parameters were heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and intestinal motility. In addition to the clinical parameters, sedation was assessed by measuring head height in relation to the ground before (M0) and after treatment administration (M1) and during the dental procedure using a scale adapted for dental procedures. Statistical analysis was performed using the Shapiro-Wilk normality test by applying one-way RM ANOVA, followed by the Dunnett test for comparison in relation to M0, t-test, and Mann-Whitney test between groups (p ≤ 0.05). HR decreased by 20% at M2 and M3 compared to M0 only in GD, while SBP increased 35% at the same moments compared to M0 in GD and 27, 42, and 27% at M1, M2, and M3 compared to M0 in GDL, respectively. Intestinal motility decreased by 75% at all moments compared to M0 in both groups. Head height decreased by 67% in GD and 60% in GDL, with no difference between groups. Sedation scores provided by the scale did not differ between groups, with values of 1 [0­3] in GD and 3 [0­4] in GDL at M2 and 1 [0­3] in GD and 1 [1.5­3] in GDL at M3. Thus, sedation by the association between detomidine and lidocaine allowed reducing detomidine dose in half but offering similar results for dental procedures.(AU)

Devido ao crescente aumento da rotina odontológica na medicina equina, juntamente com a necessidade de sedação dos pacientes para a realização destes procedimentos, objetivou-se avaliar a sedação promovida pela detomidina isolada e, ou, associada com lidocaína sob regime de infusão contínua. Foram utilizados 22 equinos provindos da rotina odontológica do hospital veterinário da instituição de origem. No dia do estudo, foi implantado um cateter na jugular, alocando-se os animais em 2 grupos distintos (n = 11): GD, os quais receberam detomidina (20 µg kg-1) seguido de infusão contínua (20 µg kg-1 h-1); GDL, os quais receberam detomidina (10 µg kg-1) e lidocaína (1,3 mg kg-1), seguido de infusão contínua de detomidina (10 µg kg-1 h-1) e lidocaína (25 µg kg-1 min-1). Os momentos avaliados foram: M0, antes da colocação do cateter; M1, 5 minutos após o bolus e início da infusão; M2, no momento da colocação do abre bocas; M3, momento do desgaste com a grosa elétrica. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (f), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e motilidade intestinal. Além dos parâmetros clínicos, foi avaliada a sedação medindo-se a altura de cabeça em relação ao solo antes (M0) e após a administração dos tratamentos (M1), assim como durante o procedimento odontológico através de uma escala adaptada para procedimentos odontológicos. A análise estatística foi realizada através do teste de normalidade Shapiro-Wilk, aplicando-se One Way RM ANOVA seguido por Dunnet para comparação em relação ao M0, teste de t e Mann-Whitney entre grupos (p ≤ 0,05). A FC reduziu 20% no M2 e M3 em relação ao M0 somente no GD, já a PAS aumentou 35% nos mesmos momentos em relação ao M0 no GD e no M1, M2 e M3 do GDL também houve um aumento de 27%, 42% e 27%, respectivamente, em relação ao M0. A motilidade intestinal reduziu 75% em todos os momentos em relação ao M0 em ambos os grupos. A altura da cabeça diminuiu 67% no GD e 60% no GDL, sem diferença entre os grupos. Os escores de sedação fornecidos pela escala não diferiram entre os grupos, sendo este no M2 de 1 [0 ­ 3], no GD, e 3 [0 ­ 4], no GDL, e no M3, no GD 1 [0 ­ 3], e 1 [1,5 ­ 3], no GDL. Conclui-se que a sedação ofertada pela associação de detomidina e lidocaína reduziu a dose de detomidina pela metade, oferecendo sedação similar para procedimentos odontológicos.(AU)

Animais , Receptores Adrenérgicos alfa 2/efeitos dos fármacos , Anestesia Local/efeitos adversos , Lidocaína/efeitos adversos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Bucais/veterinária , Cavalos/cirurgia
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 26(3): 93-98, jul./set. 2019. il.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1391016


This study aimed to measure the concentrations of minerals in different regions and pigmentation of horses' hooves, mules and donkeys. A total of 20 Crioulo horses, 20 mules and 20 Pega donkeys were used. They formed two groups: pigmented (dark) or non-pigmented (bright) hooves. All animals were unshod and with adequate foot conformation. Females were non-pregnant and without foal and no animals were in training. Samples were collected from the hooves of all limbs in the regions of wall, sole and frog. The concentrations of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry; sodium and potassium concentrations were determined by atomic emission spectrophotometry. Among the groups it was observed that the wall, sole and frog of donkeys' hooves presented higher concentrations of sodium and calcium and with the exception of the frog that also obtained higher levels of copper in this species. Mules had lower concentrations of zinc in the wall and the horses had higher concentrations of potassium and zinc in the sole and higher magnesium in the frog and wall. There was no difference (P>0.05) in concentrations regarding the pigmentation of the hooves. The different regions of the hooves in each group presented similar concentrations of minerals and it was regardless of the pigmentation. The mineral concentrations may be related to desirable functional properties of the donkeys' hooves. Pigmented and non-pigmented hooves have similar concentrations of minerals.

O objetivo desse trabalho foi mensurar os teores de minerais nas diferentes regiões e pigmentações dos cascos de equinos, muares e asininos. Utilizaram-se 20 equinos da raça Crioula, 20 muares e 20 asininos da raça Pêga. Formaram-se dois grupos conforme os cascos pigmentados (escuros) e não pigmentados (claros). Todos os animais estavam desferrados e com adequada conformação podal e as fêmeas estavam não gestantes e sem potro ao pé e nenhum animal estava em treinamento. Amostras foram coletadas dos cascos de todos os membros nas regiões de parede, sola e ranilha. As concentrações de cálcio, magnésio, cobre, ferro e zinco foram determinadas por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica e as concentrações de sódio e potássio foram determinadas por espectrofotometria de emissão atômica. Entre os grupos observou-se que a parede, sola e ranilha nos asininos apresentaram maiores valores de sódio e cálcio e, exceto para a ranilha, também obteve-se maiores teores de cobre nesta espécie. Os muares apresentaram menores teores de zinco na parede e, os equinos, maiores teores de potássio e zinco na sola e ranilha e de magnésio na ranilha e parede. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) nos teores dos minerais quanto à pigmentação dos cascos. As diferentes regiões dos cascos em cada grupo apresentaram teores similares de minerais e este independeu da pigmentação. As variações dos teores de minerais entre os grupos podem estar relacionados a propriedades funcionais desejáveis dos cascos dos asininos. Cascos pigmentados e não pigmentados apresentam teores similares dos minerais.

Animais , Espectrofotometria Atômica/veterinária , Equidae/anatomia & histologia , Casco e Garras/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos , Minerais/análise , Podiatria
R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 26(3): 93-98, jul.-set. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24705


This study aimed to measure the concentrations of minerals in different regions and pigmentation of horses hooves, mules and donkeys. A total of 20 Crioulo horses, 20 mules and 20 Pega donkeys were used. They formed two groups: pigmented (dark) or non-pigmented (bright) hooves. All animals were unshod and with adequate foot conformation. Females were nonpregnant and without foal and no animals were in training. Samples were collected from the hooves of all limbs in the regions of wall, sole and frog. The concentrations of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry; sodium and potassium concentrations were determined by atomic emission spectrophotometry. Among the groups it was observed that the wall, sole and frog of donkeys hooves presented higher concentrations of sodium and calcium and with the exception of the frog that also obtained higher levels of copper in this species. Mules had lower concentrations of zinc in the wall and the horses had higher concentrations of potassium and zinc in the sole and higher magnesium in the frog and wall. There was no difference (P>0.05) in concentrations regarding the pigmentation of the hooves. The different regions of the hooves in each group presented similar concentrations of minerals and it was regardless of the pigmentation. The mineral concentrations may be related to desirable functional properties of the donkeys hooves. Pigmented and non-pigmented hooves have similar concentrations of minerals.(AU)

O objetivo desse trabalho foi mensurar os teores de minerais nas diferentes regiões e pigmentações dos cascos de equinos, muares e asininos. Utilizaram-se 20 equinos da raça Crioula, 20 muares e 20 asininos da raça Pêga. Formaram-se dois grupos conforme os cascos pigmentados (escuros) e não pigmentados (claros). Todos os animais estavam desferrados e com adequada conformação podal e as fêmeas estavam não gestantes e sem potro ao pé e nenhum animal estava em treinamento. Amostras foram coletadas dos cascos de todos os membros nas regiões de parede, sola e ranilha. As concentrações de cálcio, magnésio, cobre, ferro e zinco foram determinadas por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica e as concentrações de sódio e potássio foram determinadas por espectrofotometria de emissão atômica. Entre os grupos observou-se que a parede, sola e ranilha nos asininos apresentaram maiores valores de sódio e cálcio e, exceto para a ranilha, também obteve-se maiores teores de cobre nesta espécie. Os muares apresentaram menores teores de zinco na parede e, os equinos, maiores teores de potássio e zinco na sola e ranilha e de magnésio na ranilha e parede. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) nos teores dos minerais quanto à pigmentação dos cascos. As diferentes regiões dos cascos em cada grupo apresentaram teores similares de minerais e este independeu da pigmentação. As variações dos teores de minerais entre os grupos podem estar relacionados a propriedades funcionais desejáveis dos cascos dos asininos. Cascos pigmentados e não pigmentados apresentam teores similares dos minerais.(AU)

Animais , Equidae/anatomia & histologia , Casco e Garras/química , Minerais/análise , Pigmentação
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 26(3): 93-98, jul./set. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491648


This study aimed to measure the concentrations of minerals in different regions and pigmentation of horses’ hooves, mules and donkeys. A total of 20 Crioulo horses, 20 mules and 20 Pega donkeys were used. They formed two groups: pigmented (dark) or non-pigmented (bright) hooves. All animals were unshod and with adequate foot conformation. Females were nonpregnant and without foal and no animals were in training. Samples were collected from the hooves of all limbs in the regions of wall, sole and frog. The concentrations of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry; sodium and potassium concentrations were determined by atomic emission spectrophotometry. Among the groups it was observed that the wall, sole and frog of donkeys’ hooves presented higher concentrations of sodium and calcium and with the exception of the frog that also obtained higher levels of copper in this species. Mules had lower concentrations of zinc in the wall and the horses had higher concentrations of potassium and zinc in the sole and higher magnesium in the frog and wall. There was no difference (P>0.05) in concentrations regarding the pigmentation of the hooves. The different regions of the hooves in each group presented similar concentrations of minerals and it was regardless of the pigmentation. The mineral concentrations may be related to desirable functional properties of the donkeys’ hooves. Pigmented and non-pigmented hooves have similar concentrations of minerals.

O objetivo desse trabalho foi mensurar os teores de minerais nas diferentes regiões e pigmentações dos cascos de equinos, muares e asininos. Utilizaram-se 20 equinos da raça Crioula, 20 muares e 20 asininos da raça Pêga. Formaram-se dois grupos conforme os cascos pigmentados (escuros) e não pigmentados (claros). Todos os animais estavam desferrados e com adequada conformação podal e as fêmeas estavam não gestantes e sem potro ao pé e nenhum animal estava em treinamento. Amostras foram coletadas dos cascos de todos os membros nas regiões de parede, sola e ranilha. As concentrações de cálcio, magnésio, cobre, ferro e zinco foram determinadas por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica e as concentrações de sódio e potássio foram determinadas por espectrofotometria de emissão atômica. Entre os grupos observou-se que a parede, sola e ranilha nos asininos apresentaram maiores valores de sódio e cálcio e, exceto para a ranilha, também obteve-se maiores teores de cobre nesta espécie. Os muares apresentaram menores teores de zinco na parede e, os equinos, maiores teores de potássio e zinco na sola e ranilha e de magnésio na ranilha e parede. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) nos teores dos minerais quanto à pigmentação dos cascos. As diferentes regiões dos cascos em cada grupo apresentaram teores similares de minerais e este independeu da pigmentação. As variações dos teores de minerais entre os grupos podem estar relacionados a propriedades funcionais desejáveis dos cascos dos asininos. Cascos pigmentados e não pigmentados apresentam teores similares dos minerais.

Animais , Casco e Garras/química , Equidae/anatomia & histologia , Minerais/análise , Pigmentação
Semina Ci. agr. ; 40(3): 1365-1372, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21866


Medulloblastomas are neuroectodermal tumors of embryonic origin developing in cerebellum and spinal cord and have an unusual occurrence. When occurs in cattle, it is observed in neonatal cases, leading to multiple neurological clinical signs. Flemish cattle are considered at risk of extinction and the rare specimens of Brazil are in Lages, Santa Catarina. The case of a two-month-old calf with difficulty to remain in a standing position, imbalance, opisthotonus, strabismus, and broad-based gait is described in this study. The animal was euthanized and the necropsy showed an irregular, whitish pink, and friable mass in the cerebellar vermis region, measuring 5×6×3.8 cm associated with the dilation of the lateral ventricles, which extended through the interventricular foramen, midbrain aqueduct, and fourth ventricle. Histologically, it presented elongated triangular neuronal cells arranged in a dense sheet that sometimes encircled small areas of neuropil to form Homer-Wright pseudorosettes. These tumor characteristics were compatible with a medulloblastoma. The immunohistochemical (IHC) evaluation of the tumor demonstrated a positive staining for vimentin in neoplastic cells and glial fibrillary acidic protein in neoplastic stromal cells, non-reactive for synaptophysin, and negative for S100 protein and pan-cytokeratin. The histological and topographical characteristics were paramount for determining the medulloblastoma diagnosis and the IHC panl is similar to that observed in other studies. Tumor growth is limited by skull bony structures, allowing determining that the clinical signs expressed by the animal were directly related to the compression of important functional structures due to tumor expansion. Medulloblastoma is an unusual tumor in all animal species, not previously reported in Flemish cattle, and necropsy followed by histopathological examination is essential for diagnosis.(AU)

Meduloblastomas são tumores da neuroectoderme com origem embrionária, que se desenvolvem no cerebelo e na medula espinhal com ocorrência incomum. Quando ocorre em bovinos é observado em casos neonatal, levando a múltiplos sinais clínicos neurológicos. Os bovinos da raça Flamenga estão considerados em risco de extinção e os raros exemplares do Brasil estão localizados em Lages, Santa Catarina. Descreve-se o caso de um bezerro com dois meses de idade, apresentando dificuldade para manter-se em estação, desequilíbrio, opistótono, estrabismo e caminhar em base ampla. O animal foi submetido a eutanásia e na necropsia observou-se na região do vérmis do cerebelo uma massa irregular, rosa esbranquiçada e friável, medindo 5x6x3,8cm associado a dilatação dos ventrículos laterais, que prolongava pelo forame interventricular, aqueduto do mesencéfalo e IV ventrículo. Histologicamente, observava células neuronais triangulares alongadas organizadas em um lençol denso, que às vezes circundavam pequenas áreas de neurópilo para formar pseudorosetas de Homer-Wright, estas características do tumor eram compatíveis com um meduloblastoma. A avaliação imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) do tumor demonstrou marcação positiva para vimentina em células neoplásicas e para proteína glial fibrilar ácida em células do estroma neoplásico, não reagente para sinaptofisina e negativo para proteína S100 e pan-citoqueratina. As características histológicas e topográficas foram primordiais para a determinação do diagnóstico de meduloblastoma e o painel IHQ é semelhante à observada em outros trabalhos. O crescimento do tumor é limitado pelas estruturas ósseas do crânio, permitindo determinar que os sinais clínicos expressos pelo animal estavam diretamente relacionados com a compressão de estruturas funcionais importantes em decorrência da expansão tumoral.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Meduloblastoma/veterinária , Meduloblastoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Meduloblastoma/fisiopatologia , Sistema Nervoso Central/patologia , Neoplasias Cerebelares/veterinária
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 40(3): 1365-1372, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501421


Medulloblastomas are neuroectodermal tumors of embryonic origin developing in cerebellum and spinal cord and have an unusual occurrence. When occurs in cattle, it is observed in neonatal cases, leading to multiple neurological clinical signs. Flemish cattle are considered at risk of extinction and the rare specimens of Brazil are in Lages, Santa Catarina. The case of a two-month-old calf with difficulty to remain in a standing position, imbalance, opisthotonus, strabismus, and broad-based gait is described in this study. The animal was euthanized and the necropsy showed an irregular, whitish pink, and friable mass in the cerebellar vermis region, measuring 5×6×3.8 cm associated with the dilation of the lateral ventricles, which extended through the interventricular foramen, midbrain aqueduct, and fourth ventricle. Histologically, it presented elongated triangular neuronal cells arranged in a dense sheet that sometimes encircled small areas of neuropil to form Homer-Wright pseudorosettes. These tumor characteristics were compatible with a medulloblastoma. The immunohistochemical (IHC) evaluation of the tumor demonstrated a positive staining for vimentin in neoplastic cells and glial fibrillary acidic protein in neoplastic stromal cells, non-reactive for synaptophysin, and negative for S100 protein and pan-cytokeratin. The histological and topographical characteristics were paramount for determining the medulloblastoma diagnosis and the IHC panl is similar to that observed in other studies. Tumor growth is limited by skull bony structures, allowing determining that the clinical signs expressed by the animal were directly related to the compression of important functional structures due to tumor expansion. Medulloblastoma is an unusual tumor in all animal species, not previously reported in Flemish cattle, and necropsy followed by histopathological examination is essential for diagnosis.

Meduloblastomas são tumores da neuroectoderme com origem embrionária, que se desenvolvem no cerebelo e na medula espinhal com ocorrência incomum. Quando ocorre em bovinos é observado em casos neonatal, levando a múltiplos sinais clínicos neurológicos. Os bovinos da raça Flamenga estão considerados em risco de extinção e os raros exemplares do Brasil estão localizados em Lages, Santa Catarina. Descreve-se o caso de um bezerro com dois meses de idade, apresentando dificuldade para manter-se em estação, desequilíbrio, opistótono, estrabismo e caminhar em base ampla. O animal foi submetido a eutanásia e na necropsia observou-se na região do vérmis do cerebelo uma massa irregular, rosa esbranquiçada e friável, medindo 5x6x3,8cm associado a dilatação dos ventrículos laterais, que prolongava pelo forame interventricular, aqueduto do mesencéfalo e IV ventrículo. Histologicamente, observava células neuronais triangulares alongadas organizadas em um lençol denso, que às vezes circundavam pequenas áreas de neurópilo para formar pseudorosetas de Homer-Wright, estas características do tumor eram compatíveis com um meduloblastoma. A avaliação imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) do tumor demonstrou marcação positiva para vimentina em células neoplásicas e para proteína glial fibrilar ácida em células do estroma neoplásico, não reagente para sinaptofisina e negativo para proteína S100 e pan-citoqueratina. As características histológicas e topográficas foram primordiais para a determinação do diagnóstico de meduloblastoma e o painel IHQ é semelhante à observada em outros trabalhos. O crescimento do tumor é limitado pelas estruturas ósseas do crânio, permitindo determinar que os sinais clínicos expressos pelo animal estavam diretamente relacionados com a compressão de estruturas funcionais importantes em decorrência da expansão tumoral.

Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Meduloblastoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Meduloblastoma/fisiopatologia , Meduloblastoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Cerebelares/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso Central/patologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47: Pub.1629-2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458027


Background: Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is an important infectious agent in cats, responsible for great health damages anda large death amount. Among the most common clinical disorders caused by FeLV, severe hematological changes are relatedat the progressive infection, ordinarily presented as cytopenias. Regarding its oncogenic potential, lymphoma and leukemiaare the most observed illness originated by the agent. Therefore, this study has the goal of describing and comparing clinicaland hematological disorders in FeLV positive cats from a selected population.Materials, Methods & Results: Data of clinical evaluations of felines from a previously performed cross-sectional epidemiological study were compiled. This study obtained the prevalence of FeLV infected cats in Santa Catarina Plateau. Threegroups were established from the original sample of 274 cats; Group 1 (control), FeLV negative and none clinical changes (n= 80); Group 2, FeLV positive and none clinical changes (n = 9); Group 3, FeLV positive cats with clinical disorders (n = 29).Physical and hematological examination data were obtained from the medical records. The clinical changes at Group 3 weremucosal pallor (65.51% [19/29]), neurological disorders (20.69% [6/29]), lymphoma (20.69% [6/29]), coinfections (10.34%[3/29]) and leukemia (6.9% [2/29]). The most observed hematological disorders of Group 3 were anemia (65.51% [19/29]) andthrombocytopenia (62.7% [18/20]). At the complete blood count, the medium erythrocyte and eosinophil count, hemoglobinconcentration and hematocrit were lower for Group 3 than the other two groups. The mean number of platelets count werehigher for Group 1 than Group 2 and 3. The mean of the other variables remained between reference numbers. However, adescriptive analysis within the groups demonstrated that lymphopenia was observed in 34.48% (10/29) and neutropenia in17.24% (5/29) at the Group 3...

Animais , Gatos , Leucemia Felina , Trombocitopenia/etiologia , Trombocitopenia/veterinária , Vírus da Leucemia Felina , Linfoma/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47: Pub. 1629, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18480


Background: Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is an important infectious agent in cats, responsible for great health damages anda large death amount. Among the most common clinical disorders caused by FeLV, severe hematological changes are relatedat the progressive infection, ordinarily presented as cytopenias. Regarding its oncogenic potential, lymphoma and leukemiaare the most observed illness originated by the agent. Therefore, this study has the goal of describing and comparing clinicaland hematological disorders in FeLV positive cats from a selected population.Materials, Methods & Results: Data of clinical evaluations of felines from a previously performed cross-sectional epidemiological study were compiled. This study obtained the prevalence of FeLV infected cats in Santa Catarina Plateau. Threegroups were established from the original sample of 274 cats; Group 1 (control), FeLV negative and none clinical changes (n= 80); Group 2, FeLV positive and none clinical changes (n = 9); Group 3, FeLV positive cats with clinical disorders (n = 29).Physical and hematological examination data were obtained from the medical records. The clinical changes at Group 3 weremucosal pallor (65.51% [19/29]), neurological disorders (20.69% [6/29]), lymphoma (20.69% [6/29]), coinfections (10.34%[3/29]) and leukemia (6.9% [2/29]). The most observed hematological disorders of Group 3 were anemia (65.51% [19/29]) andthrombocytopenia (62.7% [18/20]). At the complete blood count, the medium erythrocyte and eosinophil count, hemoglobinconcentration and hematocrit were lower for Group 3 than the other two groups. The mean number of platelets count werehigher for Group 1 than Group 2 and 3. The mean of the other variables remained between reference numbers. However, adescriptive analysis within the groups demonstrated that lymphopenia was observed in 34.48% (10/29) and neutropenia in17.24% (5/29) at the Group 3... (AU)

Animais , Gatos , Leucemia Felina , Vírus da Leucemia Felina , Trombocitopenia/etiologia , Trombocitopenia/veterinária , Linfoma/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-6, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734031


Background: Endocarditis is one of the most important heart diseases in cattle and a rare disease in sheep. This illness could be caused by any bacteria when related to bacteremia, being Staphylococcus aureus one uncommon cause for this disorder in ruminants. The clinical sings at the early stages are unspecific and many cases are only diagnosed just at the final stages of the disease, resulting in heart insufficiency with bad prognosis. The aim of this study is to report two cases of endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus spp. leading to sepsis in a sheep and osteoarthritis in a cow, showing the importance of this bacteria in the pathogenesis of this disease.Cases: Case 1. A 8-month-old sheep, female, Texel showed lameness in the left thoracic limb, and even treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug had anorexia, locomotion difficulty and on the day before of death showed neurological sings, with less than one week of total clinical course. At necropsy, in the heart was observed thrombus in the tricuspid, mitral and aortic valves and pale areas in the myocardium. Multiples abscesses were observed in the lungs, liver and kidneys and infarcts in kidneys, spleen and brain. At the histopathology exam was observed in the tricuspid, mitral and aortic valves subacute endocarditis with intralesional coccoids bacteria Gram positives. There were multifocal fibrinonecrotic myocarditis, abscess in lung, liver and kidney with intralesional bacterial myriads. In kidneys, spleen and brain was observed thrombosis associated to multiple infarct areas. Samples of cardiac thrombus, heart, spleen, kidney and meningeal swabs were submitted for bacterial cultivation and was isolated Staphylococcus aureus in all samples, in pure culture. Case 2. A 2-year-old cow, female, mixed breed Angus and Charolais showed a wound in the distal part of the thoracic limb that was done topical treatment.[...](AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Ovinos/microbiologia , Endocardite Bacteriana/complicações , Endocardite Bacteriana/diagnóstico , Endocardite Bacteriana/veterinária , Staphylococcus/patogenicidade , Infecções Estafilocócicas/complicações , Infecções Estafilocócicas/veterinária , Osteoartrite/veterinária , Sepse/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457937


Background: The occurrence of congenital defects in the sheep is estimated to be between 0.2% and 2%. For congenital anatomical alterations, diagnostic imaging allows objective understanding and evaluation, and is a great aid in the formulation of clinical decisions. Most of these anomalies are diagnosed by radiography; but computed tomography (CT) can provide important additional information. In the current literature there are no descriptions of the use of radiography and CT for a more detailed evaluation of the anatomical structures in cases of congenital cervical malformations in lambs. The objective of this study is to report the clinical, radiographic and tomographic findings in two cases of congenital cervical vertebral malformation in lambs.Cases: Two lambs with cervical morphological alterations since birth were attended. A 4-month-old mixed-breed lamb, weighing 11 kg, with lateroventrocaudal deviation of the neck was observed to the right side, not yielding to the attempt of repositioning. The owner reported that these changes were identified since birth, leading to difficulties in suckling colostrum, necessitating artificial feeding. With the growth of the animal, worsening of the cervical deviation resulted in the impossibility of grazing. The radiographs of the cervical spine identified marked scoliosis, and the axis presented small dimensions and morphological changes with a slight loss of atlantoaxial articular relationship. Spondylopathies were detected along the cervical spine. Other lamb of the Lacaune breed, weighing 4.2 kg, was presented shortly after birth with changes in the shape and posture of the neck, difficult locomotion and in sternal decubitus. The owner reported that the lamb came from a twin eutocic birth, with the other lamb being apparently normal. The animal was unable to ingest the colostrum, in which the sheep was milked and colostrum was offered through a bottle.[...]

Animais , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Ovinos , Vértebras Cervicais/anormalidades , Vértebras Cervicais/embriologia , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-6, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457966


Background: The eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (EBP) is characterized by pulmonary infiltration with eosinophils. The etiology of canine EBP remains unclear, although hypersensitivity to aeroallergens is suspected. Dogs affected are usually young. The persistent cough is the most common clinical sign, often associated with respiratory difficulty and exercise intolerance. The diagnosis is based on signalment, radiographic and bronchoscopic findings, and the tissue eosiphilic infiltration demonstrated by cytology of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). No reports were found in Brazil. The aim of this paper is report four cases of canine BPE, with emphasis on clinical aspects, diagnosis and therapy.Cases: Case 1. A 18-month-old female dog with 12 kg of body weight was presented for consultation with a 60-day history of cough, inappetence and weariness. It presented cough and tachypnea. The complementary exams demonstrated peripheral eosinophilia, bronchointersticial pulmonary pattern on radiography, moderate amount of mucus on bronchoscopy and tissue eosinophilis infiltration on the BAL. The treatment was based on steroids, with improvement of clinical signs. Case 2. A 24-month-old female dog with 16 kg of body weight was presented for consultation with one-year history of cough, inappetence and lethargy. It presented only cough, and in complementary exams showed transitory peripheral eosinophilia, bronchointersticial pattern on radiography and predominantly eosinophilic inflammation on citology of BAL. The therapy was based on steroids, with improvement followed by worsening of signs, with need of readjustment of doses. Case 3. A 8-year-old male dog with 6.2 kg of body weight was presented for consultation with 3-weeks history of productive cough, vomiting and weight loss. The complementary exams showed peripheral eosinophilia, bronchointersticial pulmonary pattern on radiography and eosinophils infiltration on cytology of BAL.[...]

Animais , Cães , Broncopneumonia/veterinária , Eosinofilia Pulmonar/diagnóstico por imagem , Eosinofilia Pulmonar/terapia , Eosinofilia Pulmonar/veterinária , Diagnóstico Diferencial
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-6, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457970


Background: Endocarditis is one of the most important heart diseases in cattle and a rare disease in sheep. This illness could be caused by any bacteria when related to bacteremia, being Staphylococcus aureus one uncommon cause for this disorder in ruminants. The clinical sings at the early stages are unspecific and many cases are only diagnosed just at the final stages of the disease, resulting in heart insufficiency with bad prognosis. The aim of this study is to report two cases of endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus spp. leading to sepsis in a sheep and osteoarthritis in a cow, showing the importance of this bacteria in the pathogenesis of this disease.Cases: Case 1. A 8-month-old sheep, female, Texel showed lameness in the left thoracic limb, and even treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug had anorexia, locomotion difficulty and on the day before of death showed neurological sings, with less than one week of total clinical course. At necropsy, in the heart was observed thrombus in the tricuspid, mitral and aortic valves and pale areas in the myocardium. Multiples abscesses were observed in the lungs, liver and kidneys and infarcts in kidneys, spleen and brain. At the histopathology exam was observed in the tricuspid, mitral and aortic valves subacute endocarditis with intralesional coccoids bacteria Gram positives. There were multifocal fibrinonecrotic myocarditis, abscess in lung, liver and kidney with intralesional bacterial myriads. In kidneys, spleen and brain was observed thrombosis associated to multiple infarct areas. Samples of cardiac thrombus, heart, spleen, kidney and meningeal swabs were submitted for bacterial cultivation and was isolated Staphylococcus aureus in all samples, in pure culture. Case 2. A 2-year-old cow, female, mixed breed Angus and Charolais showed a wound in the distal part of the thoracic limb that was done topical treatment.[...]

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Endocardite Bacteriana/complicações , Endocardite Bacteriana/diagnóstico , Endocardite Bacteriana/veterinária , Ovinos/microbiologia , Staphylococcus/patogenicidade , Infecções Estafilocócicas/complicações , Infecções Estafilocócicas/veterinária , Osteoartrite/veterinária , Sepse/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-6, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19008


Background: The eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (EBP) is characterized by pulmonary infiltration with eosinophils. The etiology of canine EBP remains unclear, although hypersensitivity to aeroallergens is suspected. Dogs affected are usually young. The persistent cough is the most common clinical sign, often associated with respiratory difficulty and exercise intolerance. The diagnosis is based on signalment, radiographic and bronchoscopic findings, and the tissue eosiphilic infiltration demonstrated by cytology of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). No reports were found in Brazil. The aim of this paper is report four cases of canine BPE, with emphasis on clinical aspects, diagnosis and therapy.Cases: Case 1. A 18-month-old female dog with 12 kg of body weight was presented for consultation with a 60-day history of cough, inappetence and weariness. It presented cough and tachypnea. The complementary exams demonstrated peripheral eosinophilia, bronchointersticial pulmonary pattern on radiography, moderate amount of mucus on bronchoscopy and tissue eosinophilis infiltration on the BAL. The treatment was based on steroids, with improvement of clinical signs. Case 2. A 24-month-old female dog with 16 kg of body weight was presented for consultation with one-year history of cough, inappetence and lethargy. It presented only cough, and in complementary exams showed transitory peripheral eosinophilia, bronchointersticial pattern on radiography and predominantly eosinophilic inflammation on citology of BAL. The therapy was based on steroids, with improvement followed by worsening of signs, with need of readjustment of doses. Case 3. A 8-year-old male dog with 6.2 kg of body weight was presented for consultation with 3-weeks history of productive cough, vomiting and weight loss. The complementary exams showed peripheral eosinophilia, bronchointersticial pulmonary pattern on radiography and eosinophils infiltration on cytology of BAL.[...](AU)

Animais , Cães , Eosinofilia Pulmonar/diagnóstico por imagem , Eosinofilia Pulmonar/terapia , Eosinofilia Pulmonar/veterinária , Broncopneumonia/veterinária , Diagnóstico Diferencial
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17883


Background: The occurrence of congenital defects in the sheep is estimated to be between 0.2% and 2%. For congenital anatomical alterations, diagnostic imaging allows objective understanding and evaluation, and is a great aid in the formulation of clinical decisions. Most of these anomalies are diagnosed by radiography; but computed tomography (CT) can provide important additional information. In the current literature there are no descriptions of the use of radiography and CT for a more detailed evaluation of the anatomical structures in cases of congenital cervical malformations in lambs. The objective of this study is to report the clinical, radiographic and tomographic findings in two cases of congenital cervical vertebral malformation in lambs.Cases: Two lambs with cervical morphological alterations since birth were attended. A 4-month-old mixed-breed lamb, weighing 11 kg, with lateroventrocaudal deviation of the neck was observed to the right side, not yielding to the attempt of repositioning. The owner reported that these changes were identified since birth, leading to difficulties in suckling colostrum, necessitating artificial feeding. With the growth of the animal, worsening of the cervical deviation resulted in the impossibility of grazing. The radiographs of the cervical spine identified marked scoliosis, and the axis presented small dimensions and morphological changes with a slight loss of atlantoaxial articular relationship. Spondylopathies were detected along the cervical spine. Other lamb of the Lacaune breed, weighing 4.2 kg, was presented shortly after birth with changes in the shape and posture of the neck, difficult locomotion and in sternal decubitus. The owner reported that the lamb came from a twin eutocic birth, with the other lamb being apparently normal. The animal was unable to ingest the colostrum, in which the sheep was milked and colostrum was offered through a bottle.[...](AU)

Animais , Vértebras Cervicais/anormalidades , Vértebras Cervicais/embriologia , Ovinos , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/veterinária
Vet. Zoot. ; 24(1): 130-134, mar. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-688158


Se presenta un caso de atrofia de los músculos supra y infraespinosos por el daño del nervio supraescapular comúnmente llamado "Sweeny" en un caballo, mestizo, macho, castrado, de 15 años de edad, con un peso de 350 kg, que se utiliza para la tracción, asistimos en el Hospital Clínicas veterinarias (HCV) de Centro de Ciencias Agroveterinarias (CAV) de la Universidad del Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Lages, SC, Brasil. El animal mostró signos clínicos tales como la atrofia muscular de la región limitada por los músculos que se llenan los tanques de la escápula y la inestabilidad moderada de la articulación del hombro del húmero de la extremidad anterior izquierda, que se encuentran en movimiento durante la inspección. Debido a los cambios crónicos e irreversibles en la musculatura y estable, no traen más daño al animal, se decidió no iniciar ningún tratamiento y recomendó al propietario reduce la carga de trabajo y la adecuación de guarnicionería utilizado en el animal. Esta es la primera discreción clínica en Brasil atrofia de la lesión muscular arriba y infraespinoso al nervio supraescapular con evolución crónica en equinos.(AU)

This is a case report of atrophy of the shoulder muscles (sweeny) supra and infraspinatus due to suprascapular nerve injury in a horse, cross breed, male, with 15 years of age, weigh 350 kg, used for traction, seen at the Veterinary Hospital (HCV) from the Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), Agroveterinary Sciences Center (CAV) from Lages, SC, Brazil. The animal showed clinical signs such as muscle atrophy of the scapular region and moderate instability of the shoulder joint of the left forelimb. Due to chronic and irreversible changes in the musculature, with no further complications to the animal, treatment was based on reducing workload and suitability of tack used in the animal. This is the first clinical description in Brazil of atrophy of the supra and infraspinatus muscles due to injury of the suprascapular nerve with chronic presentation.(AU)

Relata-se um caso de atrofia dos músculos supra e infraespinhoso por lesão do nervo supraescapular comumente denominada Sweeny, em um equino, mestiço, macho, castrado, de 15 anos de idade, pesando 350 kg, utilizado para tração, atendido no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias (HCV) do Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias (CAV) da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Lages, SC, Brasil. O animal apresentava como sinais clínicos a atrofia muscular da região delimitada pelos músculos que preenchem as fossas escapulares e moderada instabilidade da articulação escapulo umeral do membro torácico esquerdo, constatado durante inspeção em movimento. Devido à cronicidade, as alterações irreversíveis na musculatura e ao quadro estável, não trazendo maiores prejuízos ao animal, optou-se por não instaurar qualquer tratamento e recomendou-se ao proprietário a redução da carga de trabalho e adequação do arreamento utilizado no animal. Trata-se da primeira descrição clínica no Brasil de atrofia dos músculos supra e infraespinhoso por lesão ao nervo supraescapular de evolução crônica em equino.(AU)

Animais , Atrofia Muscular/terapia , Atrofia Muscular/veterinária , Cavalos/lesões , Escápula/lesões , Úmero
Vet. zootec ; 24(1): 130-134, mar. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503404


Se presenta un caso de atrofia de los músculos supra y infraespinosos por el daño del nervio supraescapular comúnmente llamado "Sweeny" en un caballo, mestizo, macho, castrado, de 15 años de edad, con un peso de 350 kg, que se utiliza para la tracción, asistimos en el Hospital Clínicas veterinarias (HCV) de Centro de Ciencias Agroveterinarias (CAV) de la Universidad del Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Lages, SC, Brasil. El animal mostró signos clínicos tales como la atrofia muscular de la región limitada por los músculos que se llenan los tanques de la escápula y la inestabilidad moderada de la articulación del hombro del húmero de la extremidad anterior izquierda, que se encuentran en movimiento durante la inspección. Debido a los cambios crónicos e irreversibles en la musculatura y estable, no traen más daño al animal, se decidió no iniciar ningún tratamiento y recomendó al propietario reduce la carga de trabajo y la adecuación de guarnicionería utilizado en el animal. Esta es la primera discreción clínica en Brasil atrofia de la lesión muscular arriba y infraespinoso al nervio supraescapular con evolución crónica en equinos.

This is a case report of atrophy of the shoulder muscles (sweeny) supra and infraspinatus due to suprascapular nerve injury in a horse, cross breed, male, with 15 years of age, weigh 350 kg, used for traction, seen at the Veterinary Hospital (HCV) from the Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), Agroveterinary Sciences Center (CAV) from Lages, SC, Brazil. The animal showed clinical signs such as muscle atrophy of the scapular region and moderate instability of the shoulder joint of the left forelimb. Due to chronic and irreversible changes in the musculature, with no further complications to the animal, treatment was based on reducing workload and suitability of tack used in the animal. This is the first clinical description in Brazil of atrophy of the supra and infraspinatus muscles due to injury of the suprascapular nerve with chronic presentation.

Relata-se um caso de atrofia dos músculos supra e infraespinhoso por lesão do nervo supraescapular comumente denominada Sweeny, em um equino, mestiço, macho, castrado, de 15 anos de idade, pesando 350 kg, utilizado para tração, atendido no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias (HCV) do Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias (CAV) da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Lages, SC, Brasil. O animal apresentava como sinais clínicos a atrofia muscular da região delimitada pelos músculos que preenchem as fossas escapulares e moderada instabilidade da articulação escapulo umeral do membro torácico esquerdo, constatado durante inspeção em movimento. Devido à cronicidade, as alterações irreversíveis na musculatura e ao quadro estável, não trazendo maiores prejuízos ao animal, optou-se por não instaurar qualquer tratamento e recomendou-se ao proprietário a redução da carga de trabalho e adequação do arreamento utilizado no animal. Trata-se da primeira descrição clínica no Brasil de atrofia dos músculos supra e infraespinhoso por lesão ao nervo supraescapular de evolução crônica em equino.

Animais , Atrofia Muscular/terapia , Atrofia Muscular/veterinária , Cavalos/lesões , Escápula/lesões , Úmero
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 14(4): 1034-1042, Oct.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461299


The aim of this research was to evaluate pubertal development characteristics of Crioulo Lageano breed bulls (n = 10) using morphometric measurements and semen analysis, to identify factors that can be used to estimate age at puberty in this locally adapted breed. Monthly measurement of body weight and fortnightly measurement of scrotal circumference, chest girth, testicular length, width, thickness, and volume were recorded for each of the 10 Crioulo Lageano breed bulls, which were between 10 and 20 months old. During this period, semen samples were collected every two weeks using electro ejaculation method and analyzed physically and morphologically. The ages of the appearance of first spermatozoa in the ejaculate (FSE), the first motile spermatozoa in the ejaculate (FSEM), seminal puberty (PUB) and total detachment between glans penis and prepuce (DPP) were ascertained. Crioulo Lageano bulls reached puberty at 14.1 ± 2.0 months old with lower weight and larger testicles than those of other bovine breeds. Similarly, the period from FSEM to PUB was shorter and the period from FSE to FSEM was longer than those reported for other breeds. The most important characteristics studied in order to estimate puberty age in Crioulo Lageano bulls were the measures of testicular length, width, and volume. These parameters can be used as criteria to select young bulls as sires.

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Técnicas Reprodutivas/classificação , Técnicas Reprodutivas/veterinária , Peso Corporal