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Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 18(1): 150-153, 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488302


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a distribuição intra-planta de lagartas de Crysodeixis includens no cultivar convencional FM 993 e na sua isolinha transgênica FM 975 WS (WideStrike), que expressa as proteínas tóxicas Cry1Ac e Cry1F. O experimento foi realizado com o delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com seis tratamentos (três terços da planta x duas faces foliares) e 40 repetições. As plantas foram visualmente divididas em três terços (superior, médio e inferior) e nas faces adaxial e abaxial das folhas, registrando-se o número de lagartas. Lagartas de C. includens foram identificadas em maior número no cultivar não-Bt (FM 993), enquanto que, na cultivar transgênica FM 975 WS (WideStrike), foram constatadas apenas as pequenas, em número significativamente menor que na sua isolinha não-Bt (FM 993). As lagartas, independentemente do tamanho e do cultivar, foram mais encontradas na parte inferior e mediana do dossel das plantas e, ainda, na face abaxial das folhas.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the intra-plant distribution of Crysodeixis includens in conventional FM 993 and transgenic FM 975 WS (WideStrike), which express the toxic proteins Cry1Ac and Cry1F. The experiment was carried out in a split-plot design arranged under a complete block design with six treatments (three thirds x two plant leaf surface) and 40 repetitions. The plants were visually divided into three thirds (upper, middle and lower) and into adaxial and abaxial leaves, registering the number of caterpillars. C includens caterpillars were found at higher numbers in the non-Bt cultivar (FM 993), while in the transgenic cultivar FM 975 WS (WideStrike) were found only small caterpillars, and significantly fewer compared to their non-Bt isoline (FM 993). Caterpillars, regardless of size and cultivar, were most commonly found at the bottom and middle thirds of the plant canopy and on the abaxial leaf surface.

Gossypium , Lepidópteros/parasitologia , Plantas Geneticamente Modificadas , Pragas da Agricultura
R. Ci. agrovet. ; 18(1): 150-153, 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29005


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a distribuição intra-planta de lagartas de Crysodeixis includens no cultivar convencional FM 993 e na sua isolinha transgênica FM 975 WS (WideStrike), que expressa as proteínas tóxicas Cry1Ac e Cry1F. O experimento foi realizado com o delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com seis tratamentos (três terços da planta x duas faces foliares) e 40 repetições. As plantas foram visualmente divididas em três terços (superior, médio e inferior) e nas faces adaxial e abaxial das folhas, registrando-se o número de lagartas. Lagartas de C. includens foram identificadas em maior número no cultivar não-Bt (FM 993), enquanto que, na cultivar transgênica FM 975 WS (WideStrike), foram constatadas apenas as pequenas, em número significativamente menor que na sua isolinha não-Bt (FM 993). As lagartas, independentemente do tamanho e do cultivar, foram mais encontradas na parte inferior e mediana do dossel das plantas e, ainda, na face abaxial das folhas.(AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the intra-plant distribution of Crysodeixis includens in conventional FM 993 and transgenic FM 975 WS (WideStrike), which express the toxic proteins Cry1Ac and Cry1F. The experiment was carried out in a split-plot design arranged under a complete block design with six treatments (three thirds x two plant leaf surface) and 40 repetitions. The plants were visually divided into three thirds (upper, middle and lower) and into adaxial and abaxial leaves, registering the number of caterpillars. C includens caterpillars were found at higher numbers in the non-Bt cultivar (FM 993), while in the transgenic cultivar FM 975 WS (WideStrike) were found only small caterpillars, and significantly fewer compared to their non-Bt isoline (FM 993). Caterpillars, regardless of size and cultivar, were most commonly found at the bottom and middle thirds of the plant canopy and on the abaxial leaf surface.(AU)

Lepidópteros/parasitologia , Plantas Geneticamente Modificadas , Gossypium , Pragas da Agricultura
Sci. agric ; 71(6): 464-471, nov-Dez. 2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497453


Integrated pest management programs for soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) must be based on efficient sampling plans for estimating the pest population. Based on the spatial distribution of the Neotropical brown stink bug Euschistus heros (Fabricius, 1794) found on soybean, it was possible to construct a sequential sampling plan for the survey of this insect found on soybean. The experiment was carried out during two growing seasons, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, using the transgenic soybean cultivar M 7908 RR, in plots of 10,000 m² subdivided into 100 plots of 100 m² (10 m × 10 m). Nymphs > 0.5 cm (4th and 5th instars) plus adults were counted weekly from five drop cloth technique samplings per plot. To evaluate insect dispersion in the area, the following indices were used: variance/mean ratio, Morisita's index, Green's coefficient, the k exponent of the negative binomial distribution, and estimation of the common exponent k (kc). To study probabilistic models to describe the spatial distribution of the insects, adjustments of the Poisson and negative binomial distributions were tested. Two sequential sampling plans for separate fields, one for grain production and the other for seed production, were prepared. The data fitted a negative binomial distribution and a sampling plan was drawn up using the sequential likelihood ratio test (SLRT). The maximum sampling unit number expected for control-related decision making was six in grain production fields, and nine in seed production fields.

Animais , Grupos de População Animal , Heterópteros , Glycine max/parasitologia , Estudos de Amostragem
Sci. Agric. ; 71(6): 464-471, nov-Dez. 2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27932


Integrated pest management programs for soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) must be based on efficient sampling plans for estimating the pest population. Based on the spatial distribution of the Neotropical brown stink bug Euschistus heros (Fabricius, 1794) found on soybean, it was possible to construct a sequential sampling plan for the survey of this insect found on soybean. The experiment was carried out during two growing seasons, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, using the transgenic soybean cultivar M 7908 RR, in plots of 10,000 m² subdivided into 100 plots of 100 m² (10 m × 10 m). Nymphs > 0.5 cm (4th and 5th instars) plus adults were counted weekly from five drop cloth technique samplings per plot. To evaluate insect dispersion in the area, the following indices were used: variance/mean ratio, Morisita's index, Green's coefficient, the k exponent of the negative binomial distribution, and estimation of the common exponent k (kc). To study probabilistic models to describe the spatial distribution of the insects, adjustments of the Poisson and negative binomial distributions were tested. Two sequential sampling plans for separate fields, one for grain production and the other for seed production, were prepared. The data fitted a negative binomial distribution and a sampling plan was drawn up using the sequential likelihood ratio test (SLRT). The maximum sampling unit number expected for control-related decision making was six in grain production fields, and nine in seed production fields.(AU)

Animais , Heterópteros , Grupos de População Animal , Glycine max/parasitologia , Estudos de Amostragem
Jaboticabal; s.n; 16/02/2012. 89 p.
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-1611


O conhecimento do comportamento de infestação dos insetos em sistemas agrícolas facilita as amostragens, economiza tempo sem perder a confiabilidade para a tomada de decisões no sistema de manejo de pragas. Assim o objetivo foi estudar a distribuição vertical e temporal de ovos de Alabama argillacea e de Heliothis virescens, e o parasitismo de ovos por Trichogramma pretiosum em cultivares de algodoeiro. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (cultivares DeltaOPAL, FMX-933, FMT-701, FMX-910 e NuOPAL), com oito repetições. As avaliações foram semanais, a partir da emergência das plantas. Para a distribuição vertical, as plantas foram avaliadas nas partes superior, média e inferior, anotando-se o número de ovos. Os ovos de A. argillacea e de H. virescens foram parasitados por Trichogramma pretiosum. Não houve preferência para oviposição por A. argillacea e por H. virescens durante os estágios fenológicos das plantas, tal como o grau de parasitismo por T. pretiosum também não foi influenciado. Quanto à distribuição vertical dos ovos, o terço superior e o médio das plantas foram os mais preferidos para oviposição por A. argillacea nas cultivares NuOPAL, DeltaOPAL e FMX-910, enquanto que H. virescens preferiu ovipositar no terço superior das plantas. T. pretiosum preferiu ovipositar em ovos de A. argillacea presentes no terço superior e médio das plantas, sendo que ovos de H. virescens presentes no terço superior das plantas foram mais parasitados por T. pretiosum

The knowledge of a pest infestation behavior on agricultural areas help the sampling and reduce time without lose confidence on decisions in integrated pest management. This work aimed to study the vertical and temporal distribution of Alabama argillacea and Heliothis virescens eggs, as well as parasitism of its eggs by Trichogramma pretiosum in cotton cultivars. The experimental design was randomized blocks with five treatments with five treatments (cultivars DeltaOPAL, FMX-933, FMT-701 and FMX-910 and NuOPAL) and with eight replicates. Evaluations were performed weekly since plant emergence. For the vertical distribution, plants were divided into three parts, upper, middle and bottom. The number of eggs present in plants was recorded. A. argillacea and H. virescens eggs were parasitized by Trichogramma pretiosum. There was no preference for oviposition by A. argillacea and H. virescens during the plants phenological stages, as well as T. pretiosum parasitism. Concerning the vertical distribution of eggs, the upper and middle parts of the plants were the most preferred for oviposition by A. argillacea on cultivars NuOPAL, DeltaOPAL and FMX-910, and H. virescens preferred to oviposit in the upper part of the plants. T. pretiosum preferred to oviposit in A. argillacea eggs on the upper and middle parts of the plants, and in H. virescens on the upper part of the plants