Estudos relativos ao reconhecimento e importância da doença articular degenerativa em gatos requerem maior divulgação, em virtude das particularidades associadas à espécie. Sendo assim, a presente revisão teve por objetivo discorrer sobre os métodos diagnósticos da doença articular degenerativa/osteoartrite do esqueleto apendicular e enfatizar os aspectos nutricionais associados à afecção. Para o diagnóstico da afecção é necessário inicialmente efetuar anamnese completa e exame físico geral e ortopédico específico. Entretanto, os sinais clínicos da afecção podem ser sutis em gatos, incluindo alterações comportamentais ou mudanças do estilo de vida, tais como manter-se mais tempo deitado, relutância em subir ou saltar, entre outros. Baseada nos achados clínicos, a confirmação da lesão deverá ser efetuada com o uso de métodos de imagem. Dentre os vários aspectos da doença, o papel da nutrição precisa ser evidenciado. A nutrição pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de doenças que levam à osteoartrite, de forma direta ou indireta, entre elas a obesidade, que além da sobrecarga nas estruturas articulares, contribui para o processo inflamatório. Em contrapartida, a nutrição pode auxiliar no mecanismo de controle ou mesmo prevenção, pela modificação do processo degenerativo ou resposta inflamatória, contudo seus efeitos benéficos ainda não estão elucidados. Portanto, estudos das diferentes particularidades do papel da nutrição no manejo da doença articular degenerativa/osteoartrite do esqueleto apendicular em gatos são necessários.(AU)
Studies related to recognition and importance of degenerative joint disease in cats must be better divulgation, due to some peculiarities related to the species. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to overview of diagnosis methods of degenerative joint disease/osteoarthritis of the appendicular skeleton, and to emphasize the nutritional aspects associated with the disease. For the diagnosis should be performed initially a complete medical history, and general physical examination followed by specific orthopedic examination. However, clinical signs of the disease can be subtle in cats, including behavioral changes, or lifestyle' changes such as spend more time lying down, and reluctance to climb or jump, among others. Based on clinical findings, the confirmation of the lesion requires the use of imaging techniques, but the poor correlation between radiographic severity and clinical signs should be considered. Among the several aspects of the disease, the role of nutrition must be highlighted. The nutrition can contribute to the development of diseases that lead to osteoarthritis in a direct or indirect manner. For example, the obesity that promotes overloading of the articular structures as well as contributes to inflammation. On the other hand, the nutrition can help in the control mechanism or even prevention of disease, by modification of degenerative process or inflammatory response. Among of the possible modifying agents for osteoarthritis are glucosamine, chondroitin and omega-3 fatty acids, but the beneficial effects are not fully understood. Therefore, multicenter trial or based on a large standard population are needed to validate the different aspects of the role of nutrition in the management of degenerative joint disease/osteoarthritis of the appendicular skeleton in cat.(AU)
Los estudios sobre el reconocimiento y la importancia de la enfermedad degenerativa de las articulaciones en los gatos requieren una mayor difusión debido a las particularidades asociadas con la especie. Por lo tanto, la presente revisión tuvo como objetivo discutir los métodos de diagnóstico de la enfermedad articular degenerativa / osteoartritis del esqueleto apendicular y enfatizar los aspectos nutricionales asociados con la afección. Para el diagnóstico de la afección, inicialmente es necesario realizar una anamnesis completa y un examen físico general y ortopédico específico. Sin embargo, los signos clínicos de la afección pueden ser sutiles en los gatos, incluidos cambios de comportamiento o cambios en el estilo de vida, como estar acostado por más tiempo, renuencia a trepar o saltar, entre otros. Según los hallazgos clínicos, la lesión debe confirmarse mediante métodos de imagen. Entre los diversos aspectos de la enfermedad, debe destacarse el papel de la nutrición. La nutrición puede contribuir al desarrollo de enfermedades que conducen a la osteoartritis, directa o indirectamente, incluida la obesidad, que además de sobrecargar las estructuras articulares, contribuye al proceso inflamatorio. Por otro lado, la nutrición puede ayudar en el mecanismo de control o incluso en la prevención, al modificar el proceso degenerativo o la respuesta inflamatoria, sin embargo, sus efectos beneficiosos aún no se han dilucidado. Por lo tanto, se necesitan estudios sobre las diferentes particularidades del papel de la nutrición en el tratamiento de la enfermedad articular degenerativa / osteoartritis esquelética apendicular en los gatos.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Osteoartrite/diagnóstico por imagem , Artropatias/diagnóstico por imagem , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Doença Crônica/veterinária , RevisãoResumo
Background: Whole-body vibration is a modality of exercise used in humans for therapeutic purposes or to increase physical performance. In veterinary medicine there are only a few reports on the use of this technology. The Whole-body vibration derivate from vibrating rhythmic movements caused by vibrating platforms. Vibrating platforms are used over 30 years in the treatment and prevention of injuries and other debilitating conditions in humans. This paper aims to describe the first report of a possible spontaneous opening of the cervix in a female dog with purulent metritis by Whole-body vibration using a platform vibration.Case: A sexually intact female American Pit Bull Terrier dog showed an acute effect after a single session of Wholebody vibration training. Physical examination and physiological parameters were within normal. Slight edema of the vulva was observed without signs of discharge. Complete blood cell count, serum chemistry and urinalysis yielded no significant abnormal findings. An enlarged uterus with content was observed during a transabdominal ultrasound. Despite this, a vibrating-platform session was performed during 15 min. A purulent vulvar discharge was observed 6 min. after Whole-body vibration exercise and remained continuous through session. After the Whole-body vibration exercise, the dog was treated with cephalexin for 15 days. Escherichia coli were [...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Endometrite/terapia , Endometrite/veterinária , Vibração/uso terapêutico , Doenças Uterinas/terapia , Doenças Uterinas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Whole-body vibration is a modality of exercise used in humans for therapeutic purposes or to increase physical performance. In veterinary medicine there are only a few reports on the use of this technology. The Whole-body vibration derivate from vibrating rhythmic movements caused by vibrating platforms. Vibrating platforms are used over 30 years in the treatment and prevention of injuries and other debilitating conditions in humans. This paper aims to describe the first report of a possible spontaneous opening of the cervix in a female dog with purulent metritis by Whole-body vibration using a platform vibration.Case: A sexually intact female American Pit Bull Terrier dog showed an acute effect after a single session of Wholebody vibration training. Physical examination and physiological parameters were within normal. Slight edema of the vulva was observed without signs of discharge. Complete blood cell count, serum chemistry and urinalysis yielded no significant abnormal findings. An enlarged uterus with content was observed during a transabdominal ultrasound. Despite this, a vibrating-platform session was performed during 15 min. A purulent vulvar discharge was observed 6 min. after Whole-body vibration exercise and remained continuous through session. After the Whole-body vibration exercise, the dog was treated with cephalexin for 15 days. Escherichia coli were [...](AU)