ABSTRACT Products such as milk and cheese produced by hand and sold by small producers in open markets and at home are a reality in Brazil, despite legal prohibitions. In many cases, this leads to the production of food without hygienic conditions, which may constitute an important source of transmission of foodborne diseases and a danger to public health. This study proposes to examine the hygienic-sanitary quality of milk and cheese sold illegally in municipalities of northern Mato Grosso, Brazil, to undertake a phenotypical investigation of the presence of resistance of isolated colonies to antimicrobials and to detect the production of -lactamase enzymes: extended-spectrum -lactamase (ESBL), AmpC -lactamases (AmpC) and carbapenemases. The 25 milk and 37 cheese samples analyzed were subjected to the most probable number (MPN) test, isolation on eosin-methylene blue agar (EMB) agar and Escherichia coli identification by biochemical tests and disk diffusion test. Results showed that 76% of the milk samples and 67.57% of the cheese samples had thermotolerant coliform counts above the value allowed by the legislation. The milk and cheese isolates showed 15.79 and 5.88% resistance, respectively, to at least one of the tested antimicrobials. No -lactamase enzyme production was observed in the isolates.
Products such as milk and cheese produced by hand and sold by small producers in open markets and at home are a reality in Brazil, despite legal prohibitions. In many cases, this leads to the production of food without hygienic conditions, which may constitute an important source of transmission of foodborne diseases and a danger to public health. This study proposes to examine the hygienic-sanitary quality of milk and cheese sold illegally in municipalities of northern Mato Grosso, Brazil, to undertake a phenotypical investigation of the presence of resistance of isolated colonies to antimicrobials and to detect the production of ß-lactamase enzymes: extended-spectrum ß-lactamase (ESBL), AmpC ß-lactamases (AmpC) and carbapenemases. The 25 milk and 37 cheese samples analyzed were subjected to the most probable number (MPN) test, isolation on eosin-methylene blue agar (EMB) agar and Escherichia coli identification by biochemical tests and disk diffusion test. Results showed that 76% of the milk samples and 67.57% of the cheese samples had thermotolerant coliform counts above the value allowed by the legislation. The milk and cheese isolates showed 15.79 and 5.88% resistance, respectively, to at least one of the tested antimicrobials. No ß-lactamase enzyme production was observed in the isolates.
Queijo , Leite , Escherichia coli , Vigilância Sanitária de Produtos , Contaminação de Alimentos , Higiene dos Alimentos , Inspeção de Alimentos , Saúde Pública , Doenças Transmitidas por AlimentosResumo
O consumo de carne de frango tem aumentado nos últimos anos, favorecido por diferentes fatores. No entanto, quando esse alimento é manipulado sem cuidados higiênicos pode ser fonte de agentes etiológicos causadores de enfermidades. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de 60 amostras de carnes de frango industrial resfriadas in natura, coletadas de 20 estabelecimentos comerciais do município de Sinop Mato Grosso. As avaliações microbiológicas foram compostas por: enumeração de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, pesquisa de Escherichia coli e identificação de Salmonella spp. Em 100% das amostras foram encontrados coliformes totais. Seis amostras apresentaram valores de coliformes termotolerantes > 3NMP/g, porém não extrapolaram o padrão, 104NMP/g, exigido pela legislação brasileira. Das 60 amostras avaliadas, 8,3% apresentaram contaminação por E. coli e 8,3% estavam contaminadas por Salmonella spp. Em 30% dos mercados foram obtidas amostras contaminadas por E. coli (10%) e Salmonella spp. (20%), sendo consideradas impróprias para o consumo. Os sorovares de Salmonella spp. encontrados foram: Hadar, Minnesota, Heidelberg e Kentucky. Dessa forma, há a necessidade de que sejam aplicadas boas práticas de fabricação, higiene e manipulação de alimentos nos estabelecimentos a fim de reduzir a contaminação por microrganismos no produto final e os riscos para a saúde coletiva.
The chicken meat consumption has increased in recent years favored by different factors. However, when this food is manipulated without hygienic care, can be a source of etiological agents that cause diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of 60 samples of fresh chilled chicken meat cooled in nature, collected from 20 commercial establishments in the municipalyti of Sinop Mato Grosso. The microbiological assessments were composed of: enumeration of total and thermotolerant coliforms, Escherichia coli research and identification of Salmonella spp. In 100% of the samples total coliforms were found. Six samples presented thermotolerant coliform values >3 NMP / g, but did not extrapolate the standard 104NMP / g required by brazilian legislation. Of the 60 samples evaluated, 8.3% presented contamination by E. coli and 8.3% were contaminated by Salmonella spp.. In 30% of markets were obtained contaminated samples by E. coli (10%) and Salmonella spp. (20%), being considered unsuitable for consumption.Theserovars of Salmonella spp. found were: Hadar, Minnesota, Heidelberg and Kentucky.In this way, there is a need for good manufacturing practices applied, hygiene and food handling in establishments in order to reduce contamination by microorganisms in the final product and the risks to collective health.
Carne/análise , Carne/microbiologia , Escherichia coli , Microbiologia de Alimentos , Salmonella , Galinhas/microbiologiaResumo
O consumo de carne de frango tem aumentado nos últimos anos, favorecido por diferentes fatores. No entanto, quando esse alimento é manipulado sem cuidados higiênicos pode ser fonte de agentes etiológicos causadores de enfermidades. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de 60 amostras de carnes de frango industrial resfriadas in natura, coletadas de 20 estabelecimentos comerciais do município de Sinop Mato Grosso. As avaliações microbiológicas foram compostas por: enumeração de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, pesquisa de Escherichia coli e identificação de Salmonella spp. Em 100% das amostras foram encontrados coliformes totais. Seis amostras apresentaram valores de coliformes termotolerantes > 3NMP/g, porém não extrapolaram o padrão, 104NMP/g, exigido pela legislação brasileira. Das 60 amostras avaliadas, 8,3% apresentaram contaminação por E. coli e 8,3% estavam contaminadas por Salmonella spp. Em 30% dos mercados foram obtidas amostras contaminadas por E. coli (10%) e Salmonella spp. (20%), sendo consideradas impróprias para o consumo. Os sorovares de Salmonella spp. encontrados foram: Hadar, Minnesota, Heidelberg e Kentucky. Dessa forma, há a necessidade de que sejam aplicadas boas práticas de fabricação, higiene e manipulação de alimentos nos estabelecimentos a fim de reduzir a contaminação por microrganismos no produto final e os riscos para a saúde coletiva.(AU)
The chicken meat consumption has increased in recent years favored by different factors. However, when this food is manipulated without hygienic care, can be a source of etiological agents that cause diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of 60 samples of fresh chilled chicken meat cooled in nature, collected from 20 commercial establishments in the municipalyti of Sinop Mato Grosso. The microbiological assessments were composed of: enumeration of total and thermotolerant coliforms, Escherichia coli research and identification of Salmonella spp. In 100% of the samples total coliforms were found. Six samples presented thermotolerant coliform values >3 NMP / g, but did not extrapolate the standard 104NMP / g required by brazilian legislation. Of the 60 samples evaluated, 8.3% presented contamination by E. coli and 8.3% were contaminated by Salmonella spp.. In 30% of markets were obtained contaminated samples by E. coli (10%) and Salmonella spp. (20%), being considered unsuitable for consumption.Theserovars of Salmonella spp. found were: Hadar, Minnesota, Heidelberg and Kentucky.In this way, there is a need for good manufacturing practices applied, hygiene and food handling in establishments in order to reduce contamination by microorganisms in the final product and the risks to collective health.(AU)
Carne/análise , Carne/microbiologia , Microbiologia de Alimentos , Escherichia coli , Salmonella , Galinhas/microbiologiaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological conditions chilled beef innatura subjected to softening steak comparing it to meat without thismanipulation process, commercialized at Sinop-MT. Were realized aerobicmesophilic count, enumeration of total thermotolerant coliforms, researchof Escherichia coli and identification of Salmonella spp. In aerobicmesophilic count was observed in samples submitted at softener avariation of 1.8x10² CFU /g to 9.1x104 CFU/g and the samples without thathandling process a variation was 1.4x10² CFU/g to 7.3x104 CFU/g. Therewas no significant statistic difference as the totals aerobic mesophiliccount. Total coliforms were found in 100% of samples. Six (40%) samplessubmitted at softener and three (20%) samples not subjected to thatprocessing had values >3 MPN/g of thermotolerant coliforms. The E. coliwas isolated in 26.66% of the samples submitted at softener and 6.66 % ofnot subject to that processing. In both groups were not identified strains of Salmonella. It is indispensable that they are applied in goodmanufacturing practice tools, hygiene and handling in all meat processingsectors in order to minimize the risk of transmission of etiological agents of foodborne illness.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as condições microbiológicas de carne bovina resfriada in natura, submetida a amaciadores de bife,comparando-a à das carnes sem esse processo de manipulação,comercializadas no município de Sinop-MT. Foi realizada a contagem deaeróbios mesófilos totais, a enumeração de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, uma pesquisa de Escherichia coli e a identificação de Salmonella spp. Na contagem de aeróbios mesófilos, observou-se nas amostras submetidas ao amaciador uma variação de 1,8x10² UFC/g a9,1x104 UFC/g; e nas amostras sem esse processo de manipulação, avariação foi de 1,4x10² UFC/g a 7,3x104 UFC/g. Não houve diferença estatística significativa quanto à contagem de aeróbios mesófilos totais.Coliformes totais foram encontrados em 100% das amostras. Seis (40%)amostras submetidas ao amaciador e três (20%) não submetidas a esse processamento apresentaram valores >3 NMP/g de coliformes termotolerantes. A E. coli foi isolada em 26,66% das amostras submetidas ao amaciador e 6,66% das não submetidas a esse processamento. Em ambos os grupos não foram identificadas estirpes de Salmonella. Torna-se imprescindível que sejam aplicadas ferramentas de boas práticas de fabricação, higiene e manipulação em todos os setores de processamento de carne, a fim de minimizar os riscos de transmissão de agentes etiológicos causadores de doenças alimentares.
Carne Vermelha/análise , Carne Vermelha/microbiologia , Contaminação de Alimentos , Escherichia coli , Salmonella , Boas Práticas de Fabricação , Boas Práticas de Manipulação , BovinosResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological conditions chilled beef innatura subjected to softening steak comparing it to meat without thismanipulation process, commercialized at Sinop-MT. Were realized aerobicmesophilic count, enumeration of total thermotolerant coliforms, researchof Escherichia coli and identification of Salmonella spp. In aerobicmesophilic count was observed in samples submitted at softener avariation of 1.8x10² CFU /g to 9.1x104 CFU/g and the samples without thathandling process a variation was 1.4x10² CFU/g to 7.3x104 CFU/g. Therewas no significant statistic difference as the totals aerobic mesophiliccount. Total coliforms were found in 100% of samples. Six (40%) samplessubmitted at softener and three (20%) samples not subjected to thatprocessing had values >3 MPN/g of thermotolerant coliforms. The E. coliwas isolated in 26.66% of the samples submitted at softener and 6.66 % ofnot subject to that processing. In both groups were not identified strains of Salmonella. It is indispensable that they are applied in goodmanufacturing practice tools, hygiene and handling in all meat processingsectors in order to minimize the risk of transmission of etiological agents of foodborne illness.(AU)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as condições microbiológicas de carne bovina resfriada in natura, submetida a amaciadores de bife,comparando-a à das carnes sem esse processo de manipulação,comercializadas no município de Sinop-MT. Foi realizada a contagem deaeróbios mesófilos totais, a enumeração de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, uma pesquisa de Escherichia coli e a identificação de Salmonella spp. Na contagem de aeróbios mesófilos, observou-se nas amostras submetidas ao amaciador uma variação de 1,8x10² UFC/g a9,1x104 UFC/g; e nas amostras sem esse processo de manipulação, avariação foi de 1,4x10² UFC/g a 7,3x104 UFC/g. Não houve diferença estatística significativa quanto à contagem de aeróbios mesófilos totais.Coliformes totais foram encontrados em 100% das amostras. Seis (40%)amostras submetidas ao amaciador e três (20%) não submetidas a esse processamento apresentaram valores >3 NMP/g de coliformes termotolerantes. A E. coli foi isolada em 26,66% das amostras submetidas ao amaciador e 6,66% das não submetidas a esse processamento. Em ambos os grupos não foram identificadas estirpes de Salmonella. Torna-se imprescindível que sejam aplicadas ferramentas de boas práticas de fabricação, higiene e manipulação em todos os setores de processamento de carne, a fim de minimizar os riscos de transmissão de agentes etiológicos causadores de doenças alimentares.(AU)