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Acta cir. bras. ; 35(10): e202001008, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30295


Purpose: To compare JPEG and RAW image file extensions to direct measurement of the breast region. Methods: Points were marked on the breasts and arms of 40 female volunteers. The joining of these points in each hemibody formed seven linear segments, one angular segment and one median segment common to both hemibodies. Volunteers were photographed in a standardized fashion and evaluated by three raters using the software Adobe Photoshop CS6® and three image file extensions (RAW, high resolution JPEG and low resolution JPEG); values were compared to direct anthropometry. Results: All variables had interclass correlation coefficient higher than 0.8 (ICC>0.8). On average, all variables in all methods showed differences (p 0.05) when compared to direct measurement. A formula was created for each segment and each image file extension in comparison with the direct measurement. Conclusion: Measurements were similar among the correlated JPEG and RAW image file extensions but differed from the actual breast measurement obtained with a caliper.(AU)

Mama , Diagnóstico por Imagem , Fotogrametria , Antropometria
Acta cir. bras. ; 30(7): 509-516, July 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23179


PURPOSE: To determine the limitations of the photographs used to obtain the anthropometric measurements of the breast region. METHODS: Five women, between the ages of 18 to 60 years, were evaluated. Photographs of the frontal and left and right profile views of their breasts were taken. Based on the current literature, the most commonly used anthropometric and anatomic landmarks for breast measurement were marked in their different positions. The different points were used to evaluate if the direct anthropometry was possible in a standardized way and determine how the points and the positions can to be used in any breast measurements. RESULTS: There were some limitations to the use of defining points of the breast fold, as well as of its lower portion and lateral extension positions in both profiles. CONCLUSION: The defining points of the breast fold and the profile photographs have some limitations and we suggested how the points and positions can be used for breasts measurements.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/métodos , Mama/anatomia & histologia , Mamoplastia/métodos
Acta cir. bras. ; 29(10): 688-695, 10/2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-11147


PURPOSE: To compare breast measurements performed using the software packages ImageTool(r), AutoCAD(r) and Adobe Photoshop(r) with direct anthropometric measurements. METHODS: Points were marked on the breasts and arms of 40 volunteer women aged between 18 and 60 years. When connecting the points, seven linear segments and one angular measurement on each half of the body, and one medial segment common to both body halves were defined. The volunteers were photographed in a standardized manner. Photogrammetric measurements were performed by three independent observers using the three software packages and compared to direct anthropometric measurements made with calipers and a protractor. RESULTS: Measurements obtained with AutoCAD(r) were the most reproducible and those made with ImageTool(r) were the most similar to direct anthropometry, while measurements with Adobe Photoshop(r) showed the largest differences. Except for angular measurements, significant differences were found between measurements of line segments made using the three software packages and those obtained by direct anthropometry. CONCLUSION: AutoCAD(r) provided the highest precision and intermediate accuracy; ImageTool(r) had the highest accuracy and lowest precision; and Adobe Photoshop(r) showed intermediate precision and the worst accuracy among the three software packages. .(AU)

Animais , Diagnóstico por Imagem , Fotogrametria , Antropometria/métodos , Mama
Acta cir. bras. ; 26(1): 25-30, Jan.-Feb. 2011. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-7818


Purpose: To quantify keloid fibroblasts after irradiation with 470nm blue LED, in vitro. Methods: Fibroblasts from keloid and adjacent skin have been obtained from 6 patients. Cells have been cultivated and maintained in DMEM culture medium. In Petri dishes, they were irradiated with energy doses of 6J, 12J and 18J. After 24 h, counting was done by the average of the triplicates for each sample. Results: There were no significant differences in the number of irradiated keloid fibroblasts at the studied doses (p=0.261). In adjacent skin fibroblasts, differences were observed (p=0.025) concerning the doses of 18 J and 6 J (p=0.03). Conclusions: There was a reduction in the number of adjacent skin fibroblasts irradiated with 470nm blue LED at the energy dose of 18 J compared to the ones irradiated at the energy dose of 6 J. There were no changes in keloid fibroblasts counting at any of the doses applied, 24 h after irradiation.(AU)

Objetivo: Quantificar fibroblastos de queloide apos irradiacao com LED azul de 470nm, in vitro. Metodos: Foram obtidos fibroblastos de queloide e pele adjacente, de seis pacientes. As celulas foram cultivadas e mantidas em meio de cultura DMEM. Em placas de Petri, receberam irradiacao com doses de energia de 6J, 12J e 18J. Apos 24 horas a contagem foi feita pela media da triplicata para cada amostra. Resultados: Nao houve diferenca na quantidade de fibroblastos de queloide irradiados nas doses estudadas (p=0,261). Observou-se diferenca nos fibroblastos de pele adjacente (p=0,025), com relacao as doses de 18 J e 6 J (p=0,03). Conclusoes: Houve reducao dos fibroblastos de pele adjacente irradiados com LED azul de 470 nm na dose de energia de 18 J em relacao a dose de 6 J. Nao houve alteracao na quantidade de fibroblastos de queloide nas doses aplicadas apos 24 horas da irradiacao.(AU)

Fibroblastos , Queloide/terapia , Fototerapia , Lasers , Pele/lesões , Anormalidades da Pele/terapia , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Terapia a Laser
Acta cir. bras. ; 24(3): 170-172, May-June 2009.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-4685


The article captures the essence of the advisor-advisee relationship as the fulcrum of the graduate program, and its influence and implications in the present formation process of new researchers.(AU)

O artigo resgata a essência da relação orientador-orientado como núcleo de sustentação de um programa de pós-graduação senso estrito e suas influências e implicações no processo atual de formação dos pesquisadores.(AU)

Humanos , Educação de Pós-Graduação/métodos , Mentores , Pesquisa Aplicada , Educação/métodos