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Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 35-35, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466598


The direct determination of carcass composition as experimental routine, despite being the most accurate method, is time consuming, laborious and expensive. Indirect methods have been developed to estimate on quick, simple, economical and reliable ways empty body composition of beef cattle. This study was performed with the objective of developing accurate regression equations to predict carcass composition of Nellore animals using 9-10-11th ribs chemical composition and performance measures as independent variables. Sixty-seven non-castrated Nellore bulls were randomly selected for finishing period in two consecutive years (2008 and 2009) and were finished in individual pens for approximately 100 days, until they reached four millimeters of subcutaneous fat thickness over Longissimus muscle. They were slaughtered at 540 days of average age and body weight at slaughter (BW) and carcass weight (CW) were taken. The 9-10-11th ribs cut was obtained according to Hankins and Howe (1946) and weighted (RW). The carcass composition was obtained after grinding, homogenizing, sampling and analyzing the left side of the carcass. Chemical analysis of 9-10-11th ribs cut and carcass were carried for protein (RP and CP), fat (RF and CF), ashes (RA and CA) and water (RWt and CWt). Stepwise and Mallows Cp options were used in PROC GLMSELECT (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC) to determine significant (

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 6-6, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466606


This study aimed to evaluate feed intake and behavior during feed efficiency test of Nellore males from different residual feed intake (RFI) classes. Data from 85 Nellore males, with initial average age of 270 ± 23 days and body weight of 239 ± 41 kg were used. The feed efficiency test was performed during 119 days, divided in four periods. The first period (adaptation) had 28 days, and the three subsequent periods had, respectively, 28, 28 and 31 days. Animals were fed ad libitum at GrowSafe System® with 10 feeders, which recorded bunk attendance (BA), frequency of visits (FV) and feed intake (FI) individual data. After test end, RFI was calculated by the difference between observed and predicted feed intake, based on average daily gain and metabolic body weight. Then, animals were classified into low ( mean - 0.5 standard deviation-SD), medium (± 0.5 SD from mean) and high (>mean + 0.5 SD) RFI. Statistical analyzes were performed by PROC MIXED (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC), including in the model effects of test period (1, 2, 3 or 4), RFI classes (low, medium or high) and interaction, being animal age considered as linear covariate. Feeding behavior pattern was not different among the efficiency test periods (P>0.05), however differences were detected among RFI classes inside the periods (P 0.01) (Figure 1). Low RFI animals, when compared to the medium and high RFI

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 26-26, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466610


This study was carried out to identify associations among carcass traits and residual feed intake (RFI) in young Nellore males feedlot finished. Data was obtained in four experiments, after the animals had been evaluated in individual pens and classified in low RFI( mean - 0.5 standard deviation), medium RFI (± 0.5 standard deviation from mean) and high RFI (> mean + 0.5 standard deviation). One hundred-sixteen non castrated males from low and high RFI classes, with 369 kg of initial body weight and 439 days of initial age, were used for finishing phase. Animals were distributed in individual pens for 100 days and weighed at the beginning and end of experimental period after 16 hours solids fasting. Animals were slaughtered with a minimum of 4 mm for subcutaneous fat thickness over Longissimus muscle between the 12th and 13th ribs. Slaughter was carried out in experimental slaughter houses following the normal procedures of Federal inspection. After slaughter, carcasses were weighed (hot carcass weight) and transferred to chilling room where they were kept at 2C for 24h. Dressing percentage was calculated as the ratio between hot carcass weight and slaughter body weight. After chilling, carcasses right halves were divided into carcass primary cuts: forequarter, hindquarter and spare ribs, which were also weighed. Data were analyzed using the SAS MIXED procedure (SAS Inst

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466526


The main factor that affects performance and animal efficiency is the feed intake. This trait is important for diets formulation, animal performance prediction, and planning and controlling yield systems. In addition, estimating digestibility values is essential to determine nutritional value of feed. The objective of this study was to evaluate feed intake and nutrient digestibility of beef cattle. The tests were performed at Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte Instituto de Zootecnia - Sertãozinho-SP, on 2012 and 2013, with 95 Nellore animals. Forty-seven animals (25 heifers and 22 young bulls) were kept on Marandu grass (Urochloa brizantha) paddocks in the dry season for 46 days. The forages NDF content on this period was 56.71% and 14.63% of CP. Forty-eight animals (24 heifers and 24 young bulls) were kept on feedlot system receiving a diet containing corn silage, grass hay, ground corn, soybean meal with a NDF content of 50.18% and a CP content of 13.98% for 70 days. After the feedlot period, the 48 animals that were in the pens were allocated on Marandu grass (Urochloa brizantha) paddocks in the rainy season for 46 days, when the NDF content of the forage was 65.09% and the CP was 9.02%. Data were analyzed using PROC MIXED in SAS 9.2, the mixed model analysis included the fixed effects of sex and diet and the linear effect of covariate weight and the lsmeans were compared by F

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466544


This study was conducted to describe the ingestive behavior in Nellore and Bonsmara cattle during the feed efficiency test. The test was performed at the Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte Instituto de Zootecnia, Sertãozinho, São Paulo State. Twenty-three Nellore and 19 Bonsmara calves, aging 276 ± 19.2 and 278 ± 29.2 days and weighing 246 ± 26.7 and 273 ± 30.7 kg, on average, at the beginning of the test, respectively, were used. Animals were randomly located in individual pens, during four periods of 28 days, being the first period a pre-test adjustment period. Calves were fed twice a day, with the same diet. Daily the amount of food offered was adjusted in order to maintain 5 to 10% of refusals. Dry matter intake (DMI) was calculated by the difference between food offered and refusals. Animals were weighed each seven days. Average daily gain (ADG) was obtained by linear regression of weights in days in test. Feed conversion was obtained by the DMI:ADG ratio. Ingestive behavior was measured three times, every 28 days, excluding de pre-test period. Observations lasted 24 hours, with records at intervals of five minutes. The behavioral traits analyzed were: bunk attendance duration (BAD), rumination time (RT) and idle time (IT) expressed in minutes per day. Data were analyzed using the PROC MIXED procedure (SAS 9.3). The model included the fixed effects of period, breed and weight

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466548


The technique of ultrasound is a noninvasive method performed in vivo. The technology has been used to measure carcass traits as longissimus muscle area (LMA), subcutaneous fat and marbling. It allows accurate data measures with no animal slaughter and a greater number of animals evaluated in a period, resulting in economic benefit. Some technicians recommend the use of the relation between longissimus muscle height and width as a better indicator trait of retail beef yield than LMA itself. The purpose of this study was to calculate the ratio between longissimus muscle height and width (RATIO) in order to estimate the simple correlation between RATIO, obtained in vivo, and dressing percentage (DP%), retail beef yield expressed in kg (YIELD_kg) and percentage of retail beef yield (YIELD_%), obtained after slaughter. A total of 116 Nellore bulls born between 2006 and 2009, with an average age and weight of 18 ± 1.10 months and 437 ± 60 kg at slaughter, which were raised and finished at Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte, Sertãozinho, São Paulo, Brazil, were used. Among 116 animals, 33 were slaughtered in 2008, 34 in 2009, 25 in 2010 and 24 in 2011. Before slaughter images were obtained by ultrasound between the 12th and 13th ribs, transversely over the longissimus muscle with immobilized animals in containment chamber, using the ultrasound machine Pie Medical 401347 - Aquila (Esaote Eu

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466551


Several studies have reported relationship between eating behavior and performance in feedlot cattle. The evaluation of behavior traits demands high degree of work and trained manpower, therefore, in recent years has been used an automated feed intake measurement system (GrowSafe System ®), that identify and record individual feeding patterns. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between feeding behavior traits and average daily gain in Nellore calves undergoing feed efficiency test. Date from 85 Nelore males was recorded during the feed efficiency test performed in 2012, at Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte, Instituto de Zootecnia, São Paulo State. Were analyzed the behavioral traits: time at feeder (TF), head down duration (HD), representing the time when the animal is actually eating, frequency of visits (FV) and feed rate (FR) calculated as the amount of dry matter (DM) consumed by time at feeder (g.min-1). The ADG was calculated by linear regression of individual weights on days in test. ADG classes were obtained considering the average ADG and standard deviation (SD) being: high ADG (>mean + 1.0 SD), medium ADG (± 1.0 SD from the mean) and low ADG ( mean - 1.0 SD). Data were analyzed using the PROC MIXED procedure (SAS 9.3). The model included animal and residue as random effects and the fixed effects of ADG class (1, 2 and 3) and age at the middle of t

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466556


In study of more efficient animals for food utilization, it is of great importance to know differences between genders. There are differences between male and female cattle in growing and body composition, mainly those related to the action of sex hormones. This study aimed to evaluate the sex effect on feed efficiency traits in young Nellore animals. Individual feed intake data from eight tests, performed from 2005 to 2012 at Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte-Instituto de Zootecnia-Sertãozinho-SP were utilized. The tests began after weaning, when the animals had, on average, 286 days of age and 229 kg of body weight. The tests duration ranged from 56 to 112 days, depending on the year. Traits analyzed were final body weight (FBW), dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed efficiency ratio (FER), residual feed intake (RFI) and Kleiber ratio (KR). Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. The model included the fixed effect age at the test beginning as linear covariate and the random effects: sex, facilities and year. Least square means were calculated and compared by t test. Males had greater FBW than females, what was expected, due to the action of male hormones which benefits the muscle deposition. Greater means of ADG and DMI were also detected for males, when compared to females, because heavier animals have higher gains and

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 69: 34-34, 2012.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466464


Residual feed intake (RFI) is a feed efficiency trait defined as the difference between actual feed intake and the one predicted on the basis of requirements for production and maintenance of body weight. Evidence exists of a positive correlation between RFI and fat thickness in Bos taurus, suggesting that low RFI cattle (feed efficient ones) are leaner. The objective of this study was to access the relationship between fat thickness and RFI by partial correlation including all animals (n=603, 300 bulls and 303 heifers), and by means comparison including only animals divergently classified by RFI (low RFI, n=192 and high RFI, n=186). The animals were born from 2004 to 2010, and were performance tested after weaning for 56 to 112 days, depending of test year and sex. The average age and body weight at the beginning of performance test were 286±42 days and 225±51kg. At the end of performance test images of backfat thickness (BF) were obtained by ultrasound (Pie Medical-Aquila-3.5 MHz linear probe) between the 12th and 13th ribs, transversely over the longissimus muscle. Images of rump fat thickness (RF) were obtained at the junction of the gluteus medius and biceps femoris muscles between the hook and pin bones. The images were saved and subsequently analyzed using Echo Image Viewer 1.0. For partial correlations (MANOVA, SAS 9.3), the model included fixed effect of contemporary g

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 69: 20-20, 2012.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466439


Several studies have reported differences between male and female cattle in growing and body composition. The differences occur mainly by hormonal factors, however, there is little information about the relationship between sex and feed efficiency traits in beef cattle. The residual feeding intake (RFI) is a feed efficiency measurement and has been an alternative to improve the profit in beef production system. It is defined as the difference between dry matter intake observed and estimated by regression in function of weight gain and metabolic body weight. More efficient animals have the intake observed smaller than the predicted (low RFI), unlike the less efficient ones have the intake bigger than predicted (high RFI). This study aimed to evaluate the sex effect (male and female) on growing and feeding efficiency traits in young Nellore bulls selected for post weaning weight. Data from males and females Nellore animals obtained during RFI evaluation tests were utilized. The tests were performed at Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte Instituto de Zootecnia - Sertãozinho-SP, between 2005 and 2011. The tests duration ranged from 56 to 112 days, with the adaption period raging from 28 to 56 days, depending of the year. At the tests beginning the animals had, on average, 286 ± 42 days of age. The traits analyzed were initial body weight (IBW), final body weight (FBW), average daily gai

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 67(2): 115-124, 2010.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466401


The research aimed to evaluate the influence of irrigation and sequential grazing day on chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of Napiergrass and Mombaça-guinea grass. The irrigation supplied the previous ten-year mean daily evapotranpiration (ET0). It was adopted the rotational grazing, with grazing period of four days, resting period of 32 days and variable stocking, with grazing pressure of four kg of leaf dry matter per 100 kg live weight. The samples were collected during eight sequential days, corresponding to the four days of occupation of two plots, using four esophagus fistulated steers. During dry season, it was not observed irrigation influence on dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and lignin content, and on in vitro digestibility of extrusated DM (IVDMD) for the two grass species, but it was observed higher organic matter (OM) content in extrusa from irrigated forages. During season, forages did not differ regarding to OM, CP, ADF and lignin contents. However, Napier grass showed higher NDF content and IVDMD. During rainy season, irrigation had no influence on chemical composition or IVDMD and Napier grass showed lower contents of NDF, ADF and lignin than Mombaça grass and similar contents of DM, OM and CP and IVDMD. Regression analysis revealed linear decrease in the content of DM, CP and in

A pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de se avaliar a influência da irrigação e do dia de ocupação do piquete sobre a composição química e digestibilidade in vitro do capim-elefante cv. Napier e capim-Mombaça. Irrigou-se repondo 100 % da evapotranspiração (ET0) média diária observada em dez anos. Adotou-se lotação rotacionada, com quatro dias de ocupação e 32 de descanso, carga animal variável e pressão de pastejo de 4 kg de matéria seca foliar/100 kg de peso vivo. As amostras foram obtidas durante oito dias consecutivos, nos quatro dias de ocupação em dois piquetes, utilizando-se quatro novilhos providos de fístula esofágica. Na época seca, não se verificou efeito de irrigação sobre os teores MS, PB, FDN, FDA e lignina e DIVMO da extrusa para as duas espécies estudadas. No entanto, observaram-se maiores teores de MO nas extrusas correspondentes às forrageiras irrigadas. Não houve ainda, na época seca, diferença entre forrageiras quanto aos teores de MO, PB, FDA e lignina, entretanto, o capim Napier apresentou maior teor de FDN e maior DIVMS. Na época chuvosa, não se verificou efeito de irrigação sobre os teores dos componentes químicos e sobre a DIVMS. Nessa época, o capim Napier apresentou menores teores de FDN, FDA e lignina e teores semelhantes de MS, MO e PB e DIVMS. No estudo referente ao dia de ocupação, a análise de regressão revelou quedas lineares nos teores de MS

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 70(2): 187-194, 2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-468131


The aim of this study was to evaluate digestibility and feeding behavior of Nellore heifers belonging to different classes of residual feed intake (RFI). Thirty-two heifers ranked high in RFI (0.491± 0.51 kg/d; n=15) and RFI low (- 0.447 ± 0.51 kg/d; n=17) with a mean age of 502 ± 23.61 days and average weight 364 ± 27.96 kg were kept in confinement for 48 days, with formulated diet based on Tifton 85 hay, corn, cottonseed meal and urea, and ratio of forage: concentrate ratio of 45:55%. The parameters analyzed were digestibility, ingestive behavior and their correlation. Animals low RFI showed higher digestibility of dry matter (DMD), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and cellulose that high RFI animals (49.14% versus 45.38%, 56.65% versus 49.88%, 49.96% versus 45.08%, 61.61% versus 56.40% for DMD, NDFD, ADFD, CELD, respectively). These results indicate that more efficient animals have better food utilization. No differences were found in the variables of ingestive behavior among classes of RFI. Changes in the RFI can be partly explained by the digestibility of nutrients, which is related to ingestive behavior of animals.

Avaliou-se a digestibilidade e comportamento ingestivo em novilhas Nelore pertencentes a duas classes de consumo alimentar residual (CAR) a fim de elucidar as fontes de variação envolvidas nas diferenças de eficiência alimentar observadas entre os animais. Trinta e duas novilhas classificadas em alto CAR (0,491± 0,51 kg de matéria seca/dia; n=15) e baixo CAR (- 0,447 ± 0,51 kg de matéria seca/dia; n=17), com idade média de 502 ± 23,61 dias e peso vivo médio 364 ± 27,96 kg foram mantidas em confinamento por 42 dias, com dieta formulada à base de feno de Tifton 85, milho moído, farelo de algodão e uréia, com relação volumoso:concentrado de 45:55%. Foram avaliados a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e o comportamento ingestivo dos animais. Animais baixo CAR apresentaram maior digestibilidade aparente de matéria seca (DMS), fibra em detergente neutro (DFDN), fibra em detergente ácido (DFDA) e celulose (DCEL) que animais alto CAR (49,14% versus 45,38%; 56,65% versus 49,88%; 49,96% versus 45,08%; 61,61% versus 56,40% para DMS, DFDN, DFDA, DCEL, respectivamente). Esses resultados indicaram que animais mais eficientes têm melhor aproveitamento dos alimentos. Não foram detectadas diferenças nas variáveis de comportamento ingestivo entre as classes de CAR. As variações entre os animais mais e menos eficientes podem ser, em parte, explicadas pela capacidade de digestibilidade dos nu

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-468060


In study of more efficient animals for food utilization, it is of great importance to know differences between genders. There are differences between male and female cattle in growing and body composition, mainly those related to the action of sex hormones. This study aimed to evaluate the sex effect on feed efficiency traits in young Nellore animals. Individual feed intake data from eight tests, performed from 2005 to 2012 at Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte-Instituto de Zootecnia-Sertãozinho-SP were utilized. The tests began after weaning, when the animals had, on average, 286 days of age and 229 kg of body weight. The tests duration ranged from 56 to 112 days, depending on the year. Traits analyzed were final body weight (FBW), dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed efficiency ratio (FER), residual feed intake (RFI) and Kleiber ratio (KR). Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. The model included the fixed effect age at the test beginning as linear covariate and the random effects: sex, facilities and year. Least square means were calculated and compared by t test. Males had greater FBW than females, what was expected, due to the action of male hormones which benefits the muscle deposition. Greater means of ADG and DMI were also detected for males, when compared to females, because heavier animals have higher gains and

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467880


Several studies have reported relationship between eating behavior and performance in feedlot cattle. The evaluation of behavior traits demands high degree of work and trained manpower, therefore, in recent years has been used an automated feed intake measurement system (GrowSafe System ®), that identify and record individual feeding patterns. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between feeding behavior traits and average daily gain in Nellore calves undergoing feed efficiency test. Date from 85 Nelore males was recorded during the feed efficiency test performed in 2012, at Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte, Instituto de Zootecnia, São Paulo State. Were analyzed the behavioral traits: time at feeder (TF), head down duration (HD), representing the time when the animal is actually eating, frequency of visits (FV) and feed rate (FR) calculated as the amount of dry matter (DM) consumed by time at feeder (g.min-1). The ADG was calculated by linear regression of individual weights on days in test. ADG classes were obtained considering the average ADG and standard deviation (SD) being: high ADG (>mean + 1.0 SD), medium ADG (± 1.0 SD from the mean) and low ADG ( mean - 1.0 SD). Data were analyzed using the PROC MIXED procedure (SAS 9.3). The model included animal and residue as random effects and the fixed effects of ADG class (1, 2 and 3) and age at the middle of t

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467821


The technique of ultrasound is a noninvasive method performed in vivo. The technology has been used to measure carcass traits as longissimus muscle area (LMA), subcutaneous fat and marbling. It allows accurate data measures with no animal slaughter and a greater number of animals evaluated in a period, resulting in economic benefit. Some technicians recommend the use of the relation between longissimus muscle height and width as a better indicator trait of retail beef yield than LMA itself. The purpose of this study was to calculate the ratio between longissimus muscle height and width (RATIO) in order to estimate the simple correlation between RATIO, obtained in vivo, and dressing percentage (DP%), retail beef yield expressed in kg (YIELD_kg) and percentage of retail beef yield (YIELD_%), obtained after slaughter. A total of 116 Nellore bulls born between 2006 and 2009, with an average age and weight of 18 ± 1.10 months and 437 ± 60 kg at slaughter, which were raised and finished at Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte, Sertãozinho, São Paulo, Brazil, were used. Among 116 animals, 33 were slaughtered in 2008, 34 in 2009, 25 in 2010 and 24 in 2011. Before slaughter images were obtained by ultrasound between the 12th and 13th ribs, transversely over the longissimus muscle with immobilized animals in containment chamber, using the ultrasound machine Pie Medical 401347 - Aquila (Esaote Eu

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467748


This study was conducted to describe the ingestive behavior in Nellore and Bonsmara cattle during the feed efficiency test. The test was performed at the Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte Instituto de Zootecnia, Sertãozinho, São Paulo State. Twenty-three Nellore and 19 Bonsmara calves, aging 276 ± 19.2 and 278 ± 29.2 days and weighing 246 ± 26.7 and 273 ± 30.7 kg, on average, at the beginning of the test, respectively, were used. Animals were randomly located in individual pens, during four periods of 28 days, being the first period a pre-test adjustment period. Calves were fed twice a day, with the same diet. Daily the amount of food offered was adjusted in order to maintain 5 to 10% of refusals. Dry matter intake (DMI) was calculated by the difference between food offered and refusals. Animals were weighed each seven days. Average daily gain (ADG) was obtained by linear regression of weights in days in test. Feed conversion was obtained by the DMI:ADG ratio. Ingestive behavior was measured three times, every 28 days, excluding de pre-test period. Observations lasted 24 hours, with records at intervals of five minutes. The behavioral traits analyzed were: bunk attendance duration (BAD), rumination time (RT) and idle time (IT) expressed in minutes per day. Data were analyzed using the PROC MIXED procedure (SAS 9.3). The model included the fixed effects of period, breed and weight

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 69: 34-34, 2012.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467552


Residual feed intake (RFI) is a feed efficiency trait defined as the difference between actual feed intake and the one predicted on the basis of requirements for production and maintenance of body weight. Evidence exists of a positive correlation between RFI and fat thickness in Bos taurus, suggesting that low RFI cattle (feed efficient ones) are leaner. The objective of this study was to access the relationship between fat thickness and RFI by partial correlation including all animals (n=603, 300 bulls and 303 heifers), and by means comparison including only animals divergently classified by RFI (low RFI, n=192 and high RFI, n=186). The animals were born from 2004 to 2010, and were performance tested after weaning for 56 to 112 days, depending of test year and sex. The average age and body weight at the beginning of performance test were 286±42 days and 225±51kg. At the end of performance test images of backfat thickness (BF) were obtained by ultrasound (Pie Medical-Aquila-3.5 MHz linear probe) between the 12th and 13th ribs, transversely over the longissimus muscle. Images of rump fat thickness (RF) were obtained at the junction of the gluteus medius and biceps femoris muscles between the hook and pin bones. The images were saved and subsequently analyzed using Echo Image Viewer 1.0. For partial correlations (MANOVA, SAS 9.3), the model included fixed effect of contemporary g

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 71: 26-26, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467455


This study was carried out to identify associations among carcass traits and residual feed intake (RFI) in young Nellore males feedlot finished. Data was obtained in four experiments, after the animals had been evaluated in individual pens and classified in low RFI( mean - 0.5 standard deviation), medium RFI (± 0.5 standard deviation from mean) and high RFI (> mean + 0.5 standard deviation). One hundred-sixteen non castrated males from low and high RFI classes, with 369 kg of initial body weight and 439 days of initial age, were used for finishing phase. Animals were distributed in individual pens for 100 days and weighed at the beginning and end of experimental period after 16 hours solids fasting. Animals were slaughtered with a minimum of 4 mm for subcutaneous fat thickness over Longissimus muscle between the 12th and 13th ribs. Slaughter was carried out in experimental slaughter houses following the normal procedures of Federal inspection. After slaughter, carcasses were weighed (hot carcass weight) and transferred to chilling room where they were kept at 2C for 24h. Dressing percentage was calculated as the ratio between hot carcass weight and slaughter body weight. After chilling, carcasses right halves were divided into carcass primary cuts: forequarter, hindquarter and spare ribs, which were also weighed. Data were analyzed using the SAS MIXED procedure (SAS Inst

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 71: 6-6, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467377


This study aimed to evaluate feed intake and behavior during feed efficiency test of Nellore males from different residual feed intake (RFI) classes. Data from 85 Nellore males, with initial average age of 270 ± 23 days and body weight of 239 ± 41 kg were used. The feed efficiency test was performed during 119 days, divided in four periods. The first period (adaptation) had 28 days, and the three subsequent periods had, respectively, 28, 28 and 31 days. Animals were fed ad libitum at GrowSafe System® with 10 feeders, which recorded bunk attendance (BA), frequency of visits (FV) and feed intake (FI) individual data. After test end, RFI was calculated by the difference between observed and predicted feed intake, based on average daily gain and metabolic body weight. Then, animals were classified into low ( mean - 0.5 standard deviation-SD), medium (± 0.5 SD from mean) and high (>mean + 0.5 SD) RFI. Statistical analyzes were performed by PROC MIXED (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC), including in the model effects of test period (1, 2, 3 or 4), RFI classes (low, medium or high) and interaction, being animal age considered as linear covariate. Feeding behavior pattern was not different among the efficiency test periods (P>0.05), however differences were detected among RFI classes inside the periods (P 0.01) (Figure 1). Low RFI animals, when compared to the medium and high RFI

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 67(2): 115-124, 2010.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467369


The research aimed to evaluate the influence of irrigation and sequential grazing day on chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of Napiergrass and Mombaça-guinea grass. The irrigation supplied the previous ten-year mean daily evapotranpiration (ET0). It was adopted the rotational grazing, with grazing period of four days, resting period of 32 days and variable stocking, with grazing pressure of four kg of leaf dry matter per 100 kg live weight. The samples were collected during eight sequential days, corresponding to the four days of occupation of two plots, using four esophagus fistulated steers. During dry season, it was not observed irrigation influence on dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and lignin content, and on in vitro digestibility of extrusated DM (IVDMD) for the two grass species, but it was observed higher organic matter (OM) content in extrusa from irrigated forages. During season, forages did not differ regarding to OM, CP, ADF and lignin contents. However, Napier grass showed higher NDF content and IVDMD. During rainy season, irrigation had no influence on chemical composition or IVDMD and Napier grass showed lower contents of NDF, ADF and lignin than Mombaça grass and similar contents of DM, OM and CP and IVDMD. Regression analysis revealed linear decrease in the content of DM, CP and in

A pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de se avaliar a influência da irrigação e do dia de ocupação do piquete sobre a composição química e digestibilidade in vitro do capim-elefante cv. Napier e capim-Mombaça. Irrigou-se repondo 100 % da evapotranspiração (ET0) média diária observada em dez anos. Adotou-se lotação rotacionada, com quatro dias de ocupação e 32 de descanso, carga animal variável e pressão de pastejo de 4 kg de matéria seca foliar/100 kg de peso vivo. As amostras foram obtidas durante oito dias consecutivos, nos quatro dias de ocupação em dois piquetes, utilizando-se quatro novilhos providos de fístula esofágica. Na época seca, não se verificou efeito de irrigação sobre os teores MS, PB, FDN, FDA e lignina e DIVMO da extrusa para as duas espécies estudadas. No entanto, observaram-se maiores teores de MO nas extrusas correspondentes às forrageiras irrigadas. Não houve ainda, na época seca, diferença entre forrageiras quanto aos teores de MO, PB, FDA e lignina, entretanto, o capim Napier apresentou maior teor de FDN e maior DIVMS. Na época chuvosa, não se verificou efeito de irrigação sobre os teores dos componentes químicos e sobre a DIVMS. Nessa época, o capim Napier apresentou menores teores de FDN, FDA e lignina e teores semelhantes de MS, MO e PB e DIVMS. No estudo referente ao dia de ocupação, a análise de regressão revelou quedas lineares nos teores de MS