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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48: Pub.1738-Jan. 30, 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458261


Background: Vascular access port (VAP) was developed for the administration of chemotherapeutic agents, minimizinglocal drug reactions and complications associated with migration of peripheral venous catheter (PVC) in humans. Thedevice is widely used in human oncology and has gained importance in veterinary oncology, especially in long treatmentregimens, as in the case of canine lymphoma. VAP favors therapy and the animals life quality. The aim of this study wasto describe the use of VAP in dogs, comparing to PVC access, during canine lymphoma chemotherapeutic treatment.Materials, Methods & Results: Eleven dogs with multicentric lymphoma which required chemotherapy were selectedfor the study. The dogs were randomly allocated to two groups with five and six animals, and each group received thechemotherapy protocol through the PVC (n= 5) or VAP (n= 6). For the sake of standardization, assessments were madewhenever the dogs received vincristine sulfate, despite the use of the infusion system in all sessions of the MadisonWisconsin protocol. A VAP was implanted into the right external jugular vein of six dogs under inhalational anesthesia,using the Seldinger technique. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) levels and handling time during chemotherapy sessions werecompared in both groups in three time periods during the procedures: 10 min after arrival to each chemotherapy (P1);immediately after placement of the PVC or puncture of the VAP reservoir (P2); and at the end of chemotherapy (P3). Thearithmetic mean of five consecutive assessments was used in each time period. In the chemotherapy sessions, the mean ofSBP variation decreased statistically significant in the VAP group compared to PVC group. SBP decreased from P1 to P2and from P1 to P3 in all sessions (S1, S2, and S3) in the VAP group, and increased in the PVC...

Animais , Cães , Linfoma/veterinária , Preparações Farmacêuticas/administração & dosagem , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterinária , Catéteres/veterinária , Cães
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48: Pub. 1738, June 16, 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29810


Background: Vascular access port (VAP) was developed for the administration of chemotherapeutic agents, minimizinglocal drug reactions and complications associated with migration of peripheral venous catheter (PVC) in humans. Thedevice is widely used in human oncology and has gained importance in veterinary oncology, especially in long treatmentregimens, as in the case of canine lymphoma. VAP favors therapy and the animals life quality. The aim of this study wasto describe the use of VAP in dogs, comparing to PVC access, during canine lymphoma chemotherapeutic treatment.Materials, Methods & Results: Eleven dogs with multicentric lymphoma which required chemotherapy were selectedfor the study. The dogs were randomly allocated to two groups with five and six animals, and each group received thechemotherapy protocol through the PVC (n= 5) or VAP (n= 6). For the sake of standardization, assessments were madewhenever the dogs received vincristine sulfate, despite the use of the infusion system in all sessions of the MadisonWisconsin protocol. A VAP was implanted into the right external jugular vein of six dogs under inhalational anesthesia,using the Seldinger technique. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) levels and handling time during chemotherapy sessions werecompared in both groups in three time periods during the procedures: 10 min after arrival to each chemotherapy (P1);immediately after placement of the PVC or puncture of the VAP reservoir (P2); and at the end of chemotherapy (P3). Thearithmetic mean of five consecutive assessments was used in each time period. In the chemotherapy sessions, the mean ofSBP variation decreased statistically significant in the VAP group compared to PVC group. SBP decreased from P1 to P2and from P1 to P3 in all sessions (S1, S2, and S3) in the VAP group, and increased in the PVC...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Linfoma/veterinária , Preparações Farmacêuticas/administração & dosagem , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterinária , Cães , Catéteres/veterinária
Ci. Rural ; 48(1)2018. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734858


The purpose of this study was to develop a laparoscopic-assisted prepubic urethorstomy (PPU) technique using rabbits as an experimental model. Six male New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) over six months old and weighing between 3 and 4kg (3.5kg ± 0.4) were used in this study. The animals underwent laparoscopic dissection of the pelvic urethra, which was then exposed for the laparoscopic-assisted urethrostomy procedure. The proposed model for training of laparoscopic-assisted PPU in rabbits was considered effective and feasible. It proved to be a simple technique even for surgeons under basic endosurgery skills training, with possibilities of employing the technique for the treatment of cats with loss of function of the distal urethra.(AU)

Este estudo objetivou o desenvolvimento de uma técnica de uretrostomia pré-púbica (UPP) vídeo-assistida, utilizando coelhos como modelo experimental. Foram utilizados seis coelhos Nova Zelândia (Oryctolagus cuniculus), machos, com peso médio de 3.5kg (± 0.4), com idade acima de seis meses. Os animais foram submetidos à dissecação laparoscópica da uretra pélvica e posterior exposição desta para a realização de uretrostomia vídeo-assistida. O modelo proposto para treinamento de UPP vídeo-assistida em coelho foi considerado eficaz e factível, mostrando-se uma técnica exequível mesmo por videocirurgiões iniciantes, havendo possibilidade de seu emprego no tratamento de gatos com perda na função da uretra distal.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/métodos , Uretra/cirurgia , Laparoscopia , Modelos Animais
Ci. Rural ; 45(4): 718-723, 04/2015. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-66460


O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a taxa e a forma de incorporação do aloenxerto ósseo cortical, submetido ao congelamento em nitrogênio líquido e inserido em tíbias de ovelhas. Foram utilizadas seis ovelhas clinicamente sadias que, aos pares, foram simultaneamente submetidas à ostectomia da diáfise tibial para a retirada de um segmento de 7cm que, após a desvitalização em nitrogênio líquido, foi implantado imediatamente no outro paciente e fixado com placa de compressão dinâmica (PCD) e parafusos corticais. Realizaram-se avaliações clínicas e radiográficas, imediatamente e a cada 30 dias, até o 180º dia de pós-operatório. Aos 180 dias, foi realizada eutanásia e coletou-se a tíbia direita para avaliação histopatológica. Aos 60 dias de pós-operatório, foi observado o uso funcional do membro operado, sendo a união radiográfica das interfaces proximal e distal verificadas, em média, aos 95 dias. Com isso, pôde-se concluir que o nitrogênio líquido é um método adequado de desvitalização de aloimplantes ósseos corticais de ovelhas, proporcionando altas taxas de incorporação óssea, em média, aos 95 dias de pós-operatório.(AU)

This study evaluated the allogeneic cortical bone graft incorporation after submission of the harvested fragment to a bout freezing in liquid nitrogen. Six adult sheep, clinically healthy, were submitted to a 7cm ostectomy of the tibial diaphysis. The fragment was submersed in a liquid nitrogen and implanted in another sheep missing a same-sized segment at the corresponding bone. Stabilization of the allograft in the host bone was accomplished by a dynamic compressive plate (DCP). Clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed in the immediate post-operatory period and in every 30 days for six months after surgery. The proximal and distal host-graft interfaces showed radiographic union at a mean postoperative time of 95 days in all the animals. The cortical bone allograft submitted to liquid nitrogen freezing provided adequate bone healing in the sheep model.(AU)

Animais , Ortopedia/veterinária , Transplante Ósseo/veterinária , Ovinos/anormalidades
Ci. Rural ; 44(5): 878-883, May 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28143


Feridas cutâneas crônicas e complicadas são frequentemente encontradas na rotina da medicina veterinária e, muitas vezes, transformam os tratamentos em verdadeiro desafio. A eletroterapia tem sido indicada como alternativa aos tratamentos convencionais, devido à sua capacidade de promover cicatrização. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um ensaio experimental utilizando a eletroestimulação (ES) na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas em coelhos. Para tanto, foram utilizados 10 coelhos Nova Zelândia, machos, hígidos, submetidos à anestesia geral para a indução experimental de duas feridas cutâneas de 1cm² localizadas no dorso, caudal à borda das escápulas. As lesões foram higienizadas com solução salina 0,9%, sendo a do lado direito tratada por ES e a do lado esquerdo, como controle. Para ES utilizou-se a frequência de 60Hz, por 10 minutos a cada dois dias, sendo aplicadas quatro agulhas de acupuntura em pontos equidistantes ao redor da lesão, a 0,5cm da borda. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos, de oito e de 15 dias, conforme o período de tratamento e avaliação macroscópica e histopatológica. Não houve diferença significativa no tempo de cicatrização das lesões tratadas com ES. Porém, apresentaram qualidade tecidual, tanto na avaliação macro quanto microscópica, superior às do grupo controle. Com isso, é possível indicar a ES como tratamento de feridas cutâneas, por ser uma técnica eficiente, de fácil aplicação e de relativo baixo custo.(AU)

Chronic skin wounds are frequently found in veterinary medicine routine and it becomes a challenge for clinicians. Sometimes the treatment routinely used end up failing. The electrotherapy has been indicated as an alternative to conventional treatments because of its ability to promote healing. The aim of this paper is to report an experimental study using electrical stimulation (ES) in wound healing in rabbits. It was evaluated 10 healthy New Zealand rabbits that were submitted to general anesthesia for resection of two wounds with 1cm² located in both sides of the back behind the scapula edge. It was determinate that the right wound would be treated by ES and the left would be used as a control, both cleaned with solution of NaCl 0,9%. The frequency used to ES was 60Hz for 10 minutes every two days, being applied by acupuncture needles in four equidistant points around the lesion, to 0.5cm from the edge. The animals were divided in one group of 15 days and another one of 8 days for treatment and macroscopic and histopathological evaluation. The results showed that the lesions treated by ES do not have significant difference in healing time. However, those treated had higher scarring macroscopic and microscopic quality than the control group. Therefore, it is possible to indicate the use of ES as a skin wounds treatment, whereas it was demonstrated to be an effective technique, easy to use and has relatively low cost.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Coelhos/lesões , Cicatrização , Terapia por Estimulação Elétrica/veterinária , Testes Cutâneos/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 42: Pub. 1178, Apr. 11, 2014. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30694


Background: Individuals submitted to situations of deep sedation have a marked decrease in their ventilatory capacity.The provision of adequate ventilation and oxygenation in critically ill patients submitted to sedation in intensive therapyhas been the subject of special care. In such cases, exposure to low inspired oxygen fractions (FIO2) is a factor that caninfl uence alveolar perfusion and respiratory performance. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of three inspiredoxygen fractions (80%, 60% or 40%) on the cardiorespiratory dynamics of pigs submitted to mechanical ventilation byintermittent positive pressure in deep sedation with propofol-remifentanil.Material, Methods & Results: Twenty crossbred pigs weighing between 17 and 25 kg and aged between 60 and 90 dayswere used. Each animal was submitted to deep sedation for 2h in randomly assigned FIO2 (80%, 60% or 40%). Scores suchas heart and respiratory rate, blood pressure, respirometry (PaO2, P(A-a)O2, PIP, Vmin), physiological dead space, pulmonaryshunt and blood gas analysis (pH, PaO2, PaCO2, HCO3) were observed, evaluated and compared. Patients were evaluatedafter sedation was induced with propofol (12 and remifentanil (1 To maintain the level of sedation weused propofol (an average of 18 and remifentanil (0.5 Intubation was preceded after the onsetof sedation to mechanical ventilation - volume-cycled, intermittent positive pressure. Patients received a tidal volume of10 and an I:E ratio of 1:2, positive end-expiratory pressure of 4 cmH2O with three inspired oxygen fractions. Patients respiratory rate was adjusted so as to maintain end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure between 35 and 45 mmHg. Datawere subjected to analysis of variance for repeated measures followed by a Tukey test. Patients receiving a 40% oxygenconcentration showed an average heart rate higher than the others. Shunt levels...(AU)

Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Respiração Artificial/veterinária , Sedação Profunda/veterinária , Taxa Respiratória/fisiologia , Propofol/administração & dosagem
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 42: Pub.1178-Dec. 12, 2014. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457231


Background: Individuals submitted to situations of deep sedation have a marked decrease in their ventilatory capacity.The provision of adequate ventilation and oxygenation in critically ill patients submitted to sedation in intensive therapyhas been the subject of special care. In such cases, exposure to low inspired oxygen fractions (FIO2) is a factor that caninfl uence alveolar perfusion and respiratory performance. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of three inspiredoxygen fractions (80%, 60% or 40%) on the cardiorespiratory dynamics of pigs submitted to mechanical ventilation byintermittent positive pressure in deep sedation with propofol-remifentanil.Material, Methods & Results: Twenty crossbred pigs weighing between 17 and 25 kg and aged between 60 and 90 dayswere used. Each animal was submitted to deep sedation for 2h in randomly assigned FIO2 (80%, 60% or 40%). Scores suchas heart and respiratory rate, blood pressure, respirometry (PaO2, P(A-a)O2, PIP, Vmin), physiological dead space, pulmonaryshunt and blood gas analysis (pH, PaO2, PaCO2, HCO3) were observed, evaluated and compared. Patients were evaluatedafter sedation was induced with propofol (12 and remifentanil (1 To maintain the level of sedation weused propofol (an average of 18 and remifentanil (0.5 Intubation was preceded after the onsetof sedation to mechanical ventilation - volume-cycled, intermittent positive pressure. Patients received a tidal volume of10 and an I:E ratio of 1:2, positive end-expiratory pressure of 4 cmH2O with three inspired oxygen fractions. Patients’ respiratory rate was adjusted so as to maintain end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure between 35 and 45 mmHg. Datawere subjected to analysis of variance for repeated measures followed by a Tukey test. Patients receiving a 40% oxygenconcentration showed an average heart rate higher than the others. Shunt levels...

Animais , Respiração Artificial/veterinária , Sedação Profunda/veterinária , Suínos/fisiologia , Taxa Respiratória/fisiologia , Propofol/administração & dosagem
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 38(2): 133-137, 2010.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1456782


The use of animals in biomedical research is of great importance. It is fundamental for the development and improvement of new practices and technologies. The selection of the species must take into consideration the practicality of handling and the suitability for the experiment, and it must have low operational costs. Swine are important as an experimental model in several experiment areas, because the functionality of many of their organic systems is developed similarly as it is in humans. Swine are animals that become easily stressed. For that reason, their conditioning is necessary to allow the obtainment of data that is closer to normal parameters. This study aims at reporting the physiological values obtained from awake swine, under normal conditions and minimum stress.

Animais , Fisiologia/métodos , Pesquisa Biomédica/educação , Suínos/classificação , Endoscopia , Laparoscopia/métodos , Transplante/educação
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 38(2): 133-137, 2010.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-5015


The use of animals in biomedical research is of great importance. It is fundamental for the development and improvement of new practices and technologies. The selection of the species must take into consideration the practicality of handling and the suitability for the experiment, and it must have low operational costs. Swine are important as an experimental model in several experiment areas, because the functionality of many of their organic systems is developed similarly as it is in humans. Swine are animals that become easily stressed. For that reason, their conditioning is necessary to allow the obtainment of data that is closer to normal parameters. This study aims at reporting the physiological values obtained from awake swine, under normal conditions and minimum stress.(AU)

Animais , Suínos/classificação , Fisiologia/métodos , Pesquisa Biomédica/educação , Laparoscopia/métodos , Endoscopia , Transplante/educação
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 38(3): 237-243, 2010.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1456805


Background: Animals with extensive cutaneous lesions remain hospitalized for long periods. In addition to increasing treatment costs, this also causes stress in these animals. Low-power laser is widely used to support tissue repair processes. Its use in the treatment of cutaneous wounds has been studied, as it reduces the wound healing period and the consequences caused by the lesion. The study aimed to evaluat the wound healing process of experimental cutaneous wounds in rabbits with the use of laser therapy. Materials, Methods & Results: Ten healthy New Zealand rabbits were used in the study, which were divided in two groups (n=5). Skin biopsies were carried out on day 16 in Group 1 and on day 8 in Group 2. The animals were under general anesthesia for the experimental cutaneous lesion to be carried out. Two 1 cm2 wounds were made on the back of each animal. The lesions were measured by a pachymeter in the immediate postoperative period, then covered with sterile gauze and maintained with rubber bandages. The animals were treated only with Tramadon 3 twice a day, during 3 days. Only the lesions on the right side of the animals were irradiated regularly, on each side of the wound, at a distance of 0.5 cm from the margin. The equipment used was a 660 nm wavelength AlGaInP laser diode (Laserpulse, Ibramed), pulsed at a frequency of 20 Hz, at a dose of 3 J and stimulation time of 12 s. The left-side lesions represented the control and the treatment administered to them consisted only of a cleanse using a NaCl solution at 0.9% once a day. The measurement of the lesion area was made every two days with a pachymeter, and the macroscopic characteristics were noted on a control card. For the histological evaluation of the wound healing process, biopsy specimens were taken from the right and left lesions on the sixteenth day in G1 and on the eighth day in G2, by means of a 6mm punch.(...)

Animais , Coelhos , Cicatrização , Pele/lesões , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Coelhos
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 38(3): 237-243, 2010.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-5091


Background: Animals with extensive cutaneous lesions remain hospitalized for long periods. In addition to increasing treatment costs, this also causes stress in these animals. Low-power laser is widely used to support tissue repair processes. Its use in the treatment of cutaneous wounds has been studied, as it reduces the wound healing period and the consequences caused by the lesion. The study aimed to evaluat the wound healing process of experimental cutaneous wounds in rabbits with the use of laser therapy. Materials, Methods & Results: Ten healthy New Zealand rabbits were used in the study, which were divided in two groups (n=5). Skin biopsies were carried out on day 16 in Group 1 and on day 8 in Group 2. The animals were under general anesthesia for the experimental cutaneous lesion to be carried out. Two 1 cm2 wounds were made on the back of each animal. The lesions were measured by a pachymeter in the immediate postoperative period, then covered with sterile gauze and maintained with rubber bandages. The animals were treated only with Tramadon 3 twice a day, during 3 days. Only the lesions on the right side of the animals were irradiated regularly, on each side of the wound, at a distance of 0.5 cm from the margin. The equipment used was a 660 nm wavelength AlGaInP laser diode (Laserpulse, Ibramed), pulsed at a frequency of 20 Hz, at a dose of 3 J and stimulation time of 12 s. The left-side lesions represented the control and the treatment administered to them consisted only of a cleanse using a NaCl solution at 0.9% once a day. The measurement of the lesion area was made every two days with a pachymeter, and the macroscopic characteristics were noted on a control card. For the histological evaluation of the wound healing process, biopsy specimens were taken from the right and left lesions on the sixteenth day in G1 and on the eighth day in G2, by means of a 6mm punch.(...)(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Pele/lesões , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Cicatrização , Coelhos
Vet. foco ; 5(2): 173-190, jan.-jun. 2008.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1502738


Existe consenso entre os médicos veterinários a respeito de os animais, assim como os seres humanos, serem suscetíveis aos processos dolorosos e suas decorrências. Com o advento de novos fármacos anestésicos e novas técnicas de administração de drogas, tornou-se possível anestesiar um paciente de forma mais precisa e segura, com alta eficácia e menos efeitos adversos. Nessas condições, realizar uma anestesia balanceada vem se tornando uma prática comum que traz inúmeros benefícios para o paciente. O uso de opióides de curta ação por infusão contínua no transoperatório de pacientes anestesiados é um bom exemplo. Este trabalho, resultado de pesquisa bibliográfica, abor¬da novos conceitos sobre a administração de opióides no transoperatório de cães e gatos, a partir dos quais se pode melhor prevenir processos dolorosos, além de se obter outras vantagens para o procedimento cirúrgico, bem como visando à otimização das condições de recuperação do paciente

Nowadays there is already a consense among veterinary doctors that animals, just as human beings, are highly susceptible to pain. With the incoming of new anesthetic drugs and new drugs administration techniques, it’s possible to anesthetize a patient in a more precise and safety way, with high efficacy and less side effects. Under these conditions, to make a balanced anesthesia is becoming a common practice that brings many benefits to the patient. The use of short action opioids by continuous infusion in the transoperative of anesthetized patients is an example of this. This paper, a bibliography review, brings news concepts about the opioids administration in the transoperative of dogs and cats, and from them we can better prevent painful process, beyond getting others advantages for surgical procedures and aiming an optimization of the patient recovering

Masculino , Animais , Analgésicos Opioides/administração & dosagem
Vet. Foco ; 5(2): 173-190, jan.-jun. 2008.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-3329


Existe consenso entre os médicos veterinários a respeito de os animais, assim como os seres humanos, serem suscetíveis aos processos dolorosos e suas decorrências. Com o advento de novos fármacos anestésicos e novas técnicas de administração de drogas, tornou-se possível anestesiar um paciente de forma mais precisa e segura, com alta eficácia e menos efeitos adversos. Nessas condições, realizar uma anestesia balanceada vem se tornando uma prática comum que traz inúmeros benefícios para o paciente. O uso de opióides de curta ação por infusão contínua no transoperatório de pacientes anestesiados é um bom exemplo. Este trabalho, resultado de pesquisa bibliográfica, abor¬da novos conceitos sobre a administração de opióides no transoperatório de cães e gatos, a partir dos quais se pode melhor prevenir processos dolorosos, além de se obter outras vantagens para o procedimento cirúrgico, bem como visando à otimização das condições de recuperação do paciente(AU)

Nowadays there is already a consense among veterinary doctors that animals, just as human beings, are highly susceptible to pain. With the incoming of new anesthetic drugs and new drugs administration techniques, its possible to anesthetize a patient in a more precise and safety way, with high efficacy and less side effects. Under these conditions, to make a balanced anesthesia is becoming a common practice that brings many benefits to the patient. The use of short action opioids by continuous infusion in the transoperative of anesthetized patients is an example of this. This paper, a bibliography review, brings news concepts about the opioids administration in the transoperative of dogs and cats, and from them we can better prevent painful process, beyond getting others advantages for surgical procedures and aiming an optimization of the patient recovering(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Analgésicos Opioides/administração & dosagem
MEDVEP. Rev. cient. Med. Vet. ; 9(28): 40-44, jan.-mar. 2011.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-1633


Desde a antiguidade remota chinesa, a acupuntura, método que utiliza a inserção de agulhas no corpo para o tratamento de desequilíbrios e doenças, vem se constituindo num recurso terapêutico extremamente eficaz. A acupuntura pode conseguir efeitos analgésicos importantes em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias. Esta técnica tem sido proposta com várias finalidades no período peri-operatório: sedação pré-operatória, redução do uso intra-operatório de opióides e diminuição da dor pós-operatória. Os estudos sobre esta temática têm permitido, além de uma compreensão maior dos mecanismos de ação da acupuntura, fazer com que esta se torne mais aceitável nos meios acadêmicos ocidentais. Essa terapia apresenta bons resultados diante de muitas enfermidades e possui vantagens acentuadas sobre outras, como, por exemplo, o fato de os instrumentos utilizados serem simples e de fácil domínio, de ser econômica e segura. Dessa forma, esse estudo tem como objetivo mostrar, do ponto de vista teórico, a partir de uma revisão dos mecanismos de percepção da dor; a eficácia terapêutica da acupuntura no tratamento da dor, condizente com os mecanismos neurohumorais desta técnica(AU)

Since chinese remote antiquity, the acupuncture, a method that uses the insertion of needles into the body to treat this imbalance, is becoming an extremely effective therapeutic use. Scientific works show that acupuncture could achieve significant analgesic effects in patients undergoing surgery.This technique has been proposed with different purposes in the peri-operative period: preoperative sedation, reduction of intra-operative use of opioids and decreased postoperative pain. These studies have allowed a greater understanding of the mechanisms of action of acupuncture, to ensure that it becomes more acceptable in western academic circles. This therapy gives good results in front of many diseases and has marked advantages over others, for example, the instruments used are simple and easy to field, economic and safe. Thus, this study aims to show, from the theoretical point of view, by a review of the mechanisms of perception of pain, the therapeutic efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of pain, consistent with the neurohumoral mechanisms of this technique(AU)

Animais , Analgesia por Acupuntura , Analgesia por Acupuntura/veterinária , Neurofisiologia , Dor , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1485422


Desde a antiguidade remota chinesa, a acupuntura, método que utiliza a inserção de agulhas no corpo para o tratamento de desequilíbrios e doenças, vem se constituindo num recurso terapêutico extremamente eficaz. A acupuntura pode conseguir efeitos analgésicos importantes em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias. Esta técnica tem sido proposta com várias finalidades no período peri-operatório: sedação pré-operatória, redução do uso intra-operatório de opióides e diminuição da dor pós-operatória. Os estudos sobre esta temática têm permitido, além de uma compreensão maior dos mecanismos de ação da acupuntura, fazer com que esta se torne mais aceitável nos meios acadêmicos ocidentais. Essa terapia apresenta bons resultados diante de muitas enfermidades e possui vantagens acentuadas sobre outras, como, por exemplo, o fato de os instrumentos utilizados serem simples e de fácil domínio, de ser econômica e segura. Dessa forma, esse estudo tem como objetivo mostrar, do ponto de vista teórico, a partir de uma revisão dos mecanismos de percepção da dor; a eficácia terapêutica da acupuntura no tratamento da dor, condizente com os mecanismos neurohumorais desta técnica

Since chinese remote antiquity, the acupuncture, a method that uses the insertion of needles into the body to treat this imbalance, is becoming an extremely effective therapeutic use. Scientific works show that acupuncture could achieve significant analgesic effects in patients undergoing surgery.This technique has been proposed with different purposes in the peri-operative period: preoperative sedation, reduction of intra-operative use of opioids and decreased postoperative pain. These studies have allowed a greater understanding of the mechanisms of action of acupuncture, to ensure that it becomes more acceptable in western academic circles. This therapy gives good results in front of many diseases and has marked advantages over others, for example, the instruments used are simple and easy to field, economic and safe. Thus, this study aims to show, from the theoretical point of view, by a review of the mechanisms of perception of pain, the therapeutic efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of pain, consistent with the neurohumoral mechanisms of this technique

Animais , Analgesia por Acupuntura , Analgesia por Acupuntura/veterinária , Dor , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Neurofisiologia