One hundred commercial wheat grain samples were collected during the 2015 sea-son across 78 municipalities in the states of Paraná (PR), Rio Grande do Sul (RS), and São Paulo (SP), Brazil. Separate subsamples were analyzed for the concentration of deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenona (ZEA) and ochratoxin A (OTA) mycotoxins using two methods: UHPLC-MS/MS (reference method) and a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (AgraQuant®). The OTA mycotoxin was not found in the samples by both methods. DON and ZEA were detected in 55 % and 39 % of the samples by the reference method, with overall mean levels of 795.2 g kg1 and 79.78 g kg1, respectively. There was a significant and positive correlation (Spearman rank) between DON and ZEA estimates by the reference method (r = 0.77, p 0.001). The DON levels estimated by the immunoassay agreed poorly with the reference, being largely overestimated. Based on a cut-off level of 1000 g kg1, the immunoassay correctly classified 57 samples as true negatives and 15 as true positives. Only 28 were classified as false positives. For ZEA, the levels estimated by the two methods were in better agreement than for DON. Using the cut-off level of 200 g kg1, 96 % of the samples were classified correctly as true positives and only one sample was classified as false positive. The levels for both mycotoxins were mostly acceptable for human consumption. Further studies should focus on multi-toxin methods compared with immunoassays to understand the reasons of overestimation and the role of immunoassays as a cost-effective solution for fast screening of mycotoxins in the food chain.
Cromatografia Líquida , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Ocratoxinas/análise , Tricotecenos/análise , Triticum , Imunoensaio/métodos , Micotoxinas/análise , Produtos AgrícolasResumo
One hundred commercial wheat grain samples were collected during the 2015 sea-son across 78 municipalities in the states of Paraná (PR), Rio Grande do Sul (RS), and São Paulo (SP), Brazil. Separate subsamples were analyzed for the concentration of deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenona (ZEA) and ochratoxin A (OTA) mycotoxins using two methods: UHPLC-MS/MS (reference method) and a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (AgraQuant®). The OTA mycotoxin was not found in the samples by both methods. DON and ZEA were detected in 55 % and 39 % of the samples by the reference method, with overall mean levels of 795.2 g kg1 and 79.78 g kg1, respectively. There was a significant and positive correlation (Spearman rank) between DON and ZEA estimates by the reference method (r = 0.77, p 0.001). The DON levels estimated by the immunoassay agreed poorly with the reference, being largely overestimated. Based on a cut-off level of 1000 g kg1, the immunoassay correctly classified 57 samples as true negatives and 15 as true positives. Only 28 were classified as false positives. For ZEA, the levels estimated by the two methods were in better agreement than for DON. Using the cut-off level of 200 g kg1, 96 % of the samples were classified correctly as true positives and only one sample was classified as false positive. The levels for both mycotoxins were mostly acceptable for human consumption. Further studies should focus on multi-toxin methods compared with immunoassays to understand the reasons of overestimation and the role of immunoassays as a cost-effective solution for fast screening of mycotoxins in the food chain.(AU)
Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Cromatografia Líquida , Tricotecenos/análise , Ocratoxinas/análise , Triticum , Micotoxinas/análise , Imunoensaio/métodos , Produtos AgrícolasResumo
A cultivar de trigo 'BRS Marcante' foi desenvolvida pela Embrapa, envolvendo um híbrido F1 do cruzamento entre as linhagens PF 980533 e PF 970227 com a cultivar 'BRS Guamirim', realizado em telado, na Embrapa Trigo, no inverno de 2003. As gerações segregantes foram conduzidas pelo método genealógico e a linhagem resultante, nomeada de PF 080310. A cultivar caracteriza-se pela sua ampla capacidade de adaptação às condições de cultivo do sul do Brasil, pelo bom potencial de rendimento de grãos e qualidade industrial da classe Pão.(AU)
The wheat cultivar 'BRS Marcante' was developed by Embrapa, as a result a cross between F1 hybrid between lines PF 980533 and PF 970227 with 'BRS Guamirim' and carried out in a green-house of Embrapa Wheat, on 2003 winter season. The segregate generations were conducted by genealogic method and the genotype resulted was named PF 080310. It has wide adaptation ability to south Brazilian conditions, high grain yield potential and belongs to Bread Class.(AU)
Grão Comestível/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Triticum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , 24444Resumo
Technological performance represents an opportunity to add market value to wheat, especially considering international market and industrial sector which seek to achieve distinctive quality of their products. Genetic, metereological, and management factors are crucial to obtain the desired quality. With respect to the selection of an adequate cultivar, knowledge about the climatic limitations of the wheat-growing region and soil fertility, and accomplishing the management practices recommended by research can substantially contribute toward obtaining the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics that lend quality to flour and flour-based products, as discussed in this review.
A aptidão tecnológica representa uma oportunidade de agregar valor de mercado ao trigo, principalmente em face do mercado internacional e do setor industrial, o qual busca diferencial de qualidade aos seus produtos. Os fatores genéticos, meteorológicos e de manejo são determinantes para a obtenção da qualidade desejada. Nesse sentido, a adequada escolha da cultivar, o conhecimento das limitações climáticas da região de cultivo e da fertilidade do solo e a execução dos tratos culturais recomendados pela pesquisa podem contribuir substancialmente para a obtenção das características físicas, químicas e biológicas que conferem qualidade à farinha e aos produtos derivados de farinha, conforme abordado nesta revisão.
Technological performance represents an opportunity to add market value to wheat, especially considering international market and industrial sector which seek to achieve distinctive quality of their products. Genetic, metereological, and management factors are crucial to obtain the desired quality. With respect to the selection of an adequate cultivar, knowledge about the climatic limitations of the wheat-growing region and soil fertility, and accomplishing the management practices recommended by research can substantially contribute toward obtaining the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics that lend quality to flour and flour-based products, as discussed in this review.
A aptidão tecnológica representa uma oportunidade de agregar valor de mercado ao trigo, principalmente em face do mercado internacional e do setor industrial, o qual busca diferencial de qualidade aos seus produtos. Os fatores genéticos, meteorológicos e de manejo são determinantes para a obtenção da qualidade desejada. Nesse sentido, a adequada escolha da cultivar, o conhecimento das limitações climáticas da região de cultivo e da fertilidade do solo e a execução dos tratos culturais recomendados pela pesquisa podem contribuir substancialmente para a obtenção das características físicas, químicas e biológicas que conferem qualidade à farinha e aos produtos derivados de farinha, conforme abordado nesta revisão.
Technological performance represents an opportunity to add market value to wheat, especially considering international market and industrial sector which seek to achieve distinctive quality of their products. Genetic, metereological, and management factors are crucial to obtain the desired quality. With respect to the selection of an adequate cultivar, knowledge about the climatic limitations of the wheat-growing region and soil fertility, and accomplishing the management practices recommended by research can substantially contribute toward obtaining the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics that lend quality to flour and flour-based products, as discussed in this review.
A aptidão tecnológica representa uma oportunidade de agregar valor de mercado ao trigo, principalmente em face do mercado internacional e do setor industrial, o qual busca diferencial de qualidade aos seus produtos. Os fatores genéticos, meteorológicos e de manejo são determinantes para a obtenção da qualidade desejada. Nesse sentido, a adequada escolha da cultivar, o conhecimento das limitações climáticas da região de cultivo e da fertilidade do solo e a execução dos tratos culturais recomendados pela pesquisa podem contribuir substancialmente para a obtenção das características físicas, químicas e biológicas que conferem qualidade à farinha e aos produtos derivados de farinha, conforme abordado nesta revisão.