This study was conducted to investigate the effects of amylin, a pancreatic hormone polypeptide, on egg quality traits in laying hens. A total of 40 birds (14 wk of age) were randomly divided into two treatments with two replicates, 10 birds in each replicate. Twenty birds were subcutaneously injected with amylin at 75 µg/kg every other day (treatment 1), and the remaining animals (20 hens) were given only water as the control group (treatment 2). Eggs collected from the two groups (140 eggs per group) were examined for several quality performance traits such as egg weight, specific gravity, shape index, eggshell strength, eggshell thickness, eggshell ash, eggshell weight, Haugh unit (HU), albumen index, yolk index, yolk color, and albumen height. The results indicated that amylin had a positive effect on some egg quality traits in laying hens. Specific gravity, eggshell thickness, eggshell weight, HU, albumen index, yolk index, and albumen height, which are all considered as important quality parameters from the consumer point of view, especially HU, were relatively improved in the amylin treatment group. These results showed that the injection of 75 µg/kg amylin has a significant effect on some egg quality traits. Considering that egg quality characteristics are crucial for the egg industry, this study can be a reference for the detailed investigation of the use of amylin in the different stages of egg production.