A adaptação à vida extra-uterina é um período crítico para o recém-nascido. Inúmeras alterações ocorrem em diferentes sistemas e órgãos, incluindo a função respiratória e o equilíbrio ácido-básico. Os neonatos podem morrer devido à hipóxia ou traumas sofridos durante a parturição. Visando avaliar a influência do tipo parturição (normal ou distócico) em relação ao escore Apgar de vitalidade neonatal e aos valores de hemogasometria de bezerros nascidos de partos eutócicos ou distócicos, foram utilizados 30 bezerros da raça Nelore, sendo 18 animais nascidos de partos eutócicos e 12 de partos laboriosos. As amostras sanguíneas foram colhidas por venopunção jugular, imediatamente após o nascimento e às 24 horas de vida. O pH, a pressão parcial de oxigênio (pO2), a pressão parcial de dióxido de carbono (pCO2), o dióxido de carbono total (TCO2), a concentração de bicarbonato (HCO3-), o excesso de bases (BE), e a
Com os objetivos de determinar a prevalência de corpos estranhos metálicos nos animais de rebanhos da região de Araçatuba-Brasil, verificar a presença de animais com reticuloperitonite traumática nestes rebanhos e correlacionar a presença de sinais clínicos de reticuloperitonite traumática à positividade quando da avaliação pelo detector de metais, foram pesquisados 138 animais adultos, sendo 48 animais na propriedade 1, sendo 24 animais positivos à passagem do detector de metais, 32 animais na propriedade 2, nenhum positivo, 28 animais na propriedade 3 sendo 3 positivos e 30 animais na propriedade 4 sendo 7 animais positivos. Sangue de 11animais foram colhidos para a realização de hemograma, porém nenhum deles apresentou alteração. Podemos concluir que a utilização do detector de metais como auxiliar de diagnóstico é de fundamental importância, pois permite um diagnóstico mais precoce o que diminui os gastos e melhora a chance de sucesso no tratamento e que propriedades melhores manejadas tem menor incidência de ingestão de corpos estranhos metálicos e portanto menor probabilidade da ocorrência da doença.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Bovinos. Reticuloperitonite. Reticulopericardite. Corpo estranho.
In order to verify the morphological changes of the female reproductive tract of Nelore cows, 20 right and left ovaries of 20 3-to-7-years-old cows and 20 heifers aged approximately 2 years were collected in a slaughterhouse. After anatomical measurements and histological analysis were carried out, conclusions were: 1 - The highest measurements and weights were of the ovaries of cows, as well as the right organs for two groups; however, height showed no significant difference between groups, although significant difference was documented between sides; 2 - The frequency of corpora lutea was higher for cows and significantly greater in the right side in the group of cows and heifers; the frequency of mature follicles was higher for heifers, though no significant difference between the sides was observed in both groups; 3 - The ovaries of cows showed a more developed cortical as compared to the medulla, whereas heifers presented the medullar region more extensive than the cortical; 4 - The coating epithelium varied from pavimentous to cubic, and the tunica albuginea and interstitial tissue were typical for cows and heifers; 5 - Primordial, primary and growing follicles were present in small numbers in cows, whereas a great quantity of the two latter was seen in heifers; 6 The mature follicles were typical, although vesicular structures near the oocytes were
Com a finalidade de se verificar as variações morfológicas do aparelho reprodutor de bovinos fêmeas da raça Nelore, foram coletados em abatedouro, 20 ovários direitos e esquerdos de 20 vacas com idade variando de 3 a 7 anos e de 20 novilhas com idade aproximada de 2 anos. Após as mensurações anatômicas e análises histológicas, concluiu-se que: 1- As maiores mensurações e pesos foram dos ovários das vacas e dos lados direitos para os dois grupos; porém a altura não apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos, mas apresentou diferença significativa entre os lados, 2- A freqüência de corpos lúteos foi maior para as vacas e significativamente maior para os lados direitos nos grupos de vacas e novilhas e a freqüência de folículos maturos foi maior para as novilhas, porém, sem diferença significativa entre os lados para ambos os grupos, 3- Os ovários das vacas mostraram cortical mais desenvolvida que a medular e as novilhas acusaram a medular mais extensa que a cortical, 4- O epitélio de revestimento variou de pavimentoso a cúbico, a túnica albug&
This study had as its object the determination of the helminthic fauna in dogs living in the urban zone of the city of Ara çatuba in the state of São Paulo. Parasitological necropsies were done on 65 dogs, 36 males and 29 females, with ages from 3 months to 8 years, in order to identify and count the helminthes. Three (4,62%) had Physaloptera praeputialis, in a density of 1 or 2 specimens. Thirteen (20%) were the hosts to 1 to 29 specimens of Trichuris vulpi. In the small intestine we counted from 1 to 967 specimens of Dipylidium caninum in 39 of the dogs (60%), of 1 to 49 examples of Toxocara canis in 16 of the dogs (24,62%), and form 1 to 984 Ancylostoma spp. in 49 dogs (75,38%). There was no correlation (p>0,05) between the helminthoses and the sex or age of the dogs we examined. D. caninum was responsible for the most intense infections, while the genus Ancylostoma was the most prevalent. Parasitic infections due to A. braziliense occured in 22 dogs, with varying intensity (1 to 112). Association of A. braziliense with A. caninum was seen in 12 animals. The elevated frequency and intensity of helminthi
O presente estudo objetivou determinar a fauna helmíntica de cães domiciliados na zona urbana do Município de Araçatuba, SP. Foram executadas necropsias parasitológicas em 65 cães, 36 machos e 29 fêmeas, com idades entre três meses a oito anos, para contagem e identificação dos helmintos. Três (4,62%) cães apresentaram Physaloptera praeputialis, numa quantidade variando de 1 a 2 exemplares. Treze (20%) cães albergavam de 1 a 29 espécimes de Trichuris vulpis. No intestino delgado foram encontrados de 1 a 967 exemplares de Dipylidium caninum em 39 (60%) cães, de 1 a 49 espécimes de Toxocara canis em 16 (24,62%) animais e de 1 a 984 Ancylostoma spp. em 49 (75,38%) cães. Pelo Teste Exato de Fisher, não houve correlação (p > 0,05) entre helmintoses e o sexo ou a faixa etária dos animais examinados. D. caninum foi responsável pelas infecções mais intensas, enquanto que o gênero Ancylostoma foi o mais freqüente. Parasitoses por A. braziliense ocorreram em 22 cães com intensidade variando entre 1 a 112 e associação de A. caninum e A. braziliense atingiram 12 animais. A elevad
Leptopspirosis is a syndrome with different clinical manifestations including the most severe and often fatal forms of pulmonary disease of unknown etiology. Pulmonary injury during the inflammatory process has been associated with the excessive number of alveolar macrophages (AMs) and polymorphonuclear leukocytes stimulated in the lungs and with the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates and other inflammatory mediators. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the cellular immune response of AMs or inflammatory cells of hamsters during leptospirosis. The activity of AMs was determined by measuring nitric oxide (NO) and protein production as well as inflammatory cell infiltration in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. Pulmonary activity during infection was monitored by measuring pH, pressure of oxygen (PaO2), and pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) in blood samples. Cellular immune response and its role in the genesis of leptospirosis have been incriminated as the main causes of tissue and pulmonary injuries, which consequently lead to the pulmonary dysfunction in severe cases of leptospirosis. The present results show a low production of NO in both supernatant of alveolar macrophage culture and BAL. In the latter, protein production was high and constant, especially during acute infection. Total and differential cell count values were 2.5X10(6) on day 4; 7.3X10(6) on day 21; and 2.3X10(6) on day 28 after infection, with lymphocytes (84.04%) predominating over neutrophils (11.88%) and monocytes (4.07%). Arterial blood gas analysis showed pulmonary compromising along with the infectious process, as observed in parameter values (mean±SD) evidenced in the infected versus control group: PaO2 (60.47mmHg±8.7 vs. 90.09mmHg±9.18), PaCO2 (57.01mmHg±7.87 vs. 47.39mmHg±4.5) and pH (7.39±0.03 vs. 6.8±1.3). Results indicated that Leptospira infection in hamsters is a good experimental model to study leptospirosis. However, some of the immune parameters showed variations which might be associated with the animal species.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the kinetics of humoral and cellular responses during leptospirosis. We observed that the presence of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) was associated with antibody production and bacterial recovery, and the compromising of both TNF-alpha and IL-6 in the immunopathogenesis of leptospirosis during an experimental infection of BALB/c mice inoculated with Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola was verified. Results showed higher levels of TNF-alpha and IL-6 in the initial phase of infection, in which the greatest bacterial clearance was observed. However, when the bacterial recovery was compared with the kinetics of the production of antibodies, the results revealed a kinetics proportionally inverted to antibody production. This fact may be related to some inhibitory factor which could be responsible for the selective suppression of the cellular immune response. We concluded that during leptospirosis there was a greater mobilization of the cellular immune response activity, mainly in the initial phase of the infectious process, for posterior involvement of the humoral response, and that both TNF-alpha and IL-6 could be associated with the immunopathogenesis of the disease.
The serum protein profile from 15 newborn calves and 15 newborn kids submitted to natural suckling of colostrum. Animals were studied from birth to 60 days of age. The gana glutamyl transferase activity was higher in calves than in kids, but, in both species, the serum levels were higher in the first days of life. The total serum protein levels had no difference in relation to species and age. The albumin was the predominant fraction in the serum after the consumption of the colostrums, whereas increased levels occurred in calves from 48 hours after the colostrum intake and in kids after 15 days of age. Higher values of alpha globulin fraction in calves were observed at 24 hours of life, but in goats no significant changes were observed from 24 hours of age to 60 days of age. The beta globulin levels had no difference between species and age. At 24 of life, the gamaglobulins levels in calves and kids were 1.76 ± 0.92 g/L and 1.13 ± 1.24 g/L ( p = 0.3150), respectively. Lower values were observed at 30 days of age in calves and around 9 days of age in kids. The determination of serum protein profile and GGT are excellent indicators of passive immunity transfer in calves and kids. Colostrums from cattle had higher concentrations of immunoglobulins than that from goats. KEY-WORDS: calves, caprine, protein profile, colostrum, passive immunity
Immune response to leptospirosis is mainly humorally mediated, and involves opsonization of leptospires for phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils. However, some aspects are still unknown. For a more detailed analysis of the cellular immune response to leptospirosis infection, trials were carried out in order to determine the hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide (H2O2 and NO) production stimulated or not by Interferon-gamma. The participation of some specific cytokines, such as Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha); Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma); Interleukin-6 (IL-6); and Interleukin-4 (IL-4), in the immunopathology of this infection was also investigated. For this purpose, we analyzed the supernatant from peritoneal macrophage cell culture and the splenic cells of mice genetically selected as High (H) and Low (L) antibody producers, and inbred Balb/c mice infected with Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae. The IL-6 production varied from release peaks to inhibition in H, L, and Balb/c mice. Similar behavior was observed for IL-4, produced only by H and Balb/c mice. The three strains presented constant and elevated production of TNF-alpha until day 14, suggesting its effective participation in the initial phase of the infection. Meanwhile, all the three strains presented a constant and irregular IFN-gamma production, with release peaks between the 7th and 14th days in L mice. The H and Balb/c mice strains presented a higher tendency to Th2 response pattern, whereas L mice tended towards Th1 response.
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O artigo não apresenta resumo.
O artigo não apresenta resumo.
O artigo não apresenta resumo.
O artigo não apresenta resumo.
Um dos maiores entraves na criação de avestruzes é relacionado à contaminação da região umbilical de avestruzes recém-eclodidos. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a cicatrização umbilical de avestruzes (Struthio camelus) mediante a antissepsia com clorexidina associada à secção total ou parcial do cordão umbilical. Foram utilizados 168 filhotes, cujo cordão umbilical foi seccionado totalmente ou 0,5 cm acima da sua inserção. A antissepsia da região umbilical consistiu na aplicação de clorexidina, em solução aquosa ou alcoólica, nas concentrações de 0,5%, 1,0% e 2,0%, durante três dias. Também foi incluído um grupo sem tratamento. A cicatrização umbilical foi avaliada aos 14 e 28 dias de idade do filhote. Os resultados mostraram que as soluções de clorexidina reduziram o risco de onfalite, sendo a solução alcoólica 2% a mais eficiente. A cicatrização foi mais rápida nas aves em que o cordão umbilical foi seccionado totalmente. Conclui-se que o uso de clorexidina para a antissepsia da região umbilical de avestruzes recémeclodidos é seguro e favorece a cicatrização umbilical, sendo necessário para uma maior efetividade remover o cordão umbilical na altura da sua inserção.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cicatrização. Desinfecção. Onfalite. Struthio camelus.
In order to verify the morphological changes of the female reproductive tract of Nelore cows, 20 right and left ovaries of 20 3-to-7-years-old cows and 20 heifers aged approximately 2 years were collected in a slaughterhouse. After anatomical measurements and histological analysis were carried out, conclusions were: 1 - The highest measurements and weights were of the ovaries of cows, as well as the right organs for two groups; however, height showed no significant difference between groups, although significant difference was documented between sides; 2 - The frequency of corpora lutea was higher for cows and significantly greater in the right side in the group of cows and heifers; the frequency of mature follicles was higher for heifers, though no significant difference between the sides was observed in both groups; 3 - The ovaries of cows showed a more developed cortical as compared to the medulla, whereas heifers presented the medullar region more extensive than the cortical; 4 - The coating epithelium varied from pavimentous to cubic, and the tunica albuginea and interstitial tissue were typical for cows and heifers; 5 - Primordial, primary and growing follicles were present in small numbers in cows, whereas a great quantity of the two latter was seen in heifers; 6 The mature follicles were typical, although vesicular structures near the oocytes were
Com a finalidade de se verificar as variações morfológicas do aparelho reprodutor de bovinos fêmeas da raça Nelore, foram coletados em abatedouro, 20 ovários direitos e esquerdos de 20 vacas com idade variando de 3 a 7 anos e de 20 novilhas com idade aproximada de 2 anos. Após as mensurações anatômicas e análises histológicas, concluiu-se que: 1- As maiores mensurações e pesos foram dos ovários das vacas e dos lados direitos para os dois grupos; porém a altura não apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos, mas apresentou diferença significativa entre os lados, 2- A freqüência de corpos lúteos foi maior para as vacas e significativamente maior para os lados direitos nos grupos de vacas e novilhas e a freqüência de folículos maturos foi maior para as novilhas, porém, sem diferença significativa entre os lados para ambos os grupos, 3- Os ovários das vacas mostraram cortical mais desenvolvida que a medular e as novilhas acusaram a medular mais extensa que a cortical, 4- O epitélio de revestimento variou de pavimentoso a cúbico, a túnica albug&
O artigo não apresenta resumo.
Foram avaliadas as concentrações séricas de proteína total (PT), imunoglobulina G (IgG) e cortisol de 251 bezerros nelores, comparando-se quanto ao tipo de parto (normal ou distócico) e o tempo de duração. Os teores médios de proteína total não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação ao tipo e nem ao tempo de duração dos partos. Os valores médios de imunoglobulina G não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação ao tipo de parto. Já o tempo de duração dos partos teve influência nos valores séricos de IgG, sendo que os animais que demoraram entre quatro e seis horas para o seu nascimento apresentaram menores valores (1250,00 mg/dL) do que os que levaram entre zero e duas horas para nascerem (3200,00 mg/dL). Os teores de cortisol não foram influenciados pelo tipo ou duração dos partos.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Neonatos. Proteína total. Distocia. Imunidade passiva.
The serum protein profile from 15 newborn calves and 15 newborn kids submitted to natural suckling of colostrum. Animals were studied from birth to 60 days of age. The gana glutamyl transferase activity was higher in calves than in kids, but, in both species, the serum levels were higher in the first days of life. The total serum protein levels had no difference in relation to species and age. The albumin was the predominant fraction in the serum after the consumption of the colostrums, whereas increased levels occurred in calves from 48 hours after the colostrum intake and in kids after 15 days of age. Higher values of alpha globulin fraction in calves were observed at 24 hours of life, but in goats no significant changes were observed from 24 hours of age to 60 days of age. The beta globulin levels had no difference between species and age. At 24 of life, the gamaglobulins levels in calves and kids were 1.76 ± 0.92 g/L and 1.13 ± 1.24 g/L ( p = 0.3150), respectively. Lower values were observed at 30 days of age in calves and around 9 days of age in kids. The determination of serum protein profile and GGT are excellent indicators of passive immunity transfer in calves and kids. Colostrums from cattle had higher concentrations of immunoglobulins than that from goats. KEY-WORDS: calves, caprine, protein profile, colostrum, passive immunity
Objetivando avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias de carcaças ovinas destinadas à alimentação humana, o estudo consistiu em realizar a quantificação das populações de microrganismos indicadores: microrganismos heterotróficos mesófilos e psicrotróficos, bolores e leveduras, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus spp. e a identificação de microrganismos patogênicos (Salmonella sp. e Listeria spp.). O estudo foi desenvolvido em matadouro-frigorífico de ovinos, situado no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Foram colhidas amostras, através de swabs, da superfície muscular das regiões dianteira e traseira de 30 meias carcaças ovinas, após as etapas de esfola, evisceração e lavagem. As populações encontradas estiveram entre os seguintes valores em log10: 2,00 ± 0,32 e 2,59 ± 0,76 UFC/cm2 para mesófilos; 1,52 ± 0,98 e 2,35 ± 1,17 UFC/cm2 para psicrotróficos; 0,75 ± 0,87 e 1,23 ± 0,97 UFC/cm2 para bolores e leveduras; 0,00 ± 0,00 e 0,31 ± 0,84 NMP/cm2 para Escherichia col