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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1889, 2022. ilus, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401063


Background: Goat farming has been on the rise in Brazil in recent years. Overall, 93% of the national herd is concentrated in the Northeast, with the state of Paraíba being the largest goat milk producer in the country. Considering Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) as a sanitary issue for the development of animal farming with risks for human health and that is a notifiable disease, this research was structured with the objective of confirming the presence and performing a molecular characterization of MAP in goat milk destined for processing plants in the semiarid region of the Brazilian Northeast. Materials, Methods & Results: Samples from 179 production units and 5 collective bulk tanks and 4 samples of pasteurized goat milk were analyzed through Real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Genetic material (DNA) for MAP was found in the goat milk sample from 1 production unit (1/179). From this positive sample, 9 lactating goats were identified in the original property, 7 of which showed MAP DNA in milk samples (77.77%). The characterization of the nucleotide sequence detected in the positive sample has 99% identity with KJ173784. Discussion: One sample (1/179), from the production units, had MAP genetic material (DNA) detected using the molecular test. Samples from these production units represent the milk from all lactating goats from each producer. Therefore, it was possible to identify from which farm the samples originated, allowing individual animals to then be tested, with milk samples collected from 9 goats and MAP DNA detected in 7 of them (77.77%) via PCR. Control and/or prevention programs need this type of surveillance in reason that it allows the tracking of possible foci from milk samples collected from dairy products or cooling stations. The use of PCR to detect MAP foci via goat milk is thus advantageous because samples are obtained in a non-invasive manner, with faster results when compared to the culture technique. The low detection via PCR in goat milk may be related to factors such as the small amount of MAP eliminated and the intermittent excretion in asymptomatic animals, as also false-positive samples. Samples from the collective bulk tanks was negative. It is possible that the combination of milk from all the properties diluted the amount of MAP. This suggests that the sensitivity of the PCR can be improved if the samples are obtained from the pooled milk from the same property. In some regions of Brazil, for example, showed the frequency of Zona da Mata region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, found 1.94% of positive samples (9/464) and 9.76% (4/41) of properties with at least 1 positive sample for MAP. Different results to what were found in the semiarid region of Paraíba, where climate and production characteristics are different. Goats are susceptible to 3 strains: type "S" (Sheep), "Bison type" and type "C" (Cattle). Previous contact with this species may explain the similarity between the strain found in goat milk and those detected from bovine samples. This must also be taken into consideration during diagnosis and upon implementation of control measures for paratuberculosis in goats. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis was recorded for the first time in goat milk in the semiarid region, which may reveal a potential biological risk to humans and suggests the need for active surveillance of the agent.

Animais , Paratuberculose/diagnóstico , Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis/isolamento & purificação , Leite/microbiologia , Cabras , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1872, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400708


Background: Leptospirosis is an important infectious disease in goat farming, with a worldwide distribution. It is usually transmitted by rodents and the genital route, may cause reproductive losses, negatively impacting goat farming. The diagnosis lies on serological, molecular and isolation techniques. Considering the importance of this disease for small ruminants, this work aimed to evaluate the serological, molecular findings and isolation of pathogenic leptospires in the urinary tract (kidney and bladder tissues) of goats. Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty-four adult goats were used for slaughter. Renal samples (n = 34), bladder (n = 34), were collected for isolation of the agent and molecular detection of Leptospira sp. and blood samples (n = 34) for serological testing. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used as a molecular test and the microscopic serum agglutination test (MAT) was used as a serological test. Samples with DNA amplification were subjected to genetic sequencing. The presence of Leptospira DNA was found in the tissues of 8 (23.4%) goats, and of these, only 2 were positive in PCR and MAT. There was a slight agreement between the PCR and MAT techniques (k = 0.150; P = 0.436). In 6 (17.6%) samples of renal tissue and 2 (5.8%) bladder samples, Leptospira DNA was detected. The genes in a kidney tissue sample were sequenced and demonstrated 99% similarity to Leptospira interrogans. Anti-Leptospira sp. were detected in 6 (17.6%) of the animals tested. Discussion: Serology identified 3 predominant serogroups: Icterohaemorrhagiae, Tarassovi and Autumnalis, serogroups that are related to the presence of rodents that coexist in rural environments. Autumnalis has been reported in small ruminants, raising the hypothesis that goats are adapted, becoming chronic carriers and possible maintenance hosts. The frequency obtained (17.6%) may be the result of the mixed breed pattern and rustic characteristics inherent to the goat species. Given the characteristics of the semi-arid region, such as low rainfall and high solar incidence, it is essential to use an adapted methodology, with a lower cut-off point (1:50), as the serological titer is an established relationship between the animal species, the level of exposure throughout its evolution and the region studied. Molecular findings and bacterial isolation reveal the agent's ability to colonize the urinary tract of goats. These data show the importance that urine has in the epidemiological chain, being able to transmit the agent through direct contact with this product or through contamination of soil and water. There was no statistical agreement between the diagnostic techniques used in this study, in this case, an association between PCR and MAT is recommended to obtain data with high sensitivity and specificity. A bladder sample was sequenced and showed 99% similarity to Leptospira interrogans. In the semiarid region, the most common form of leptospirosis spread is through the sale of animals in business fairs for breeding, rearing or slaughter, as well as sharing the same property with several breeders. The introduction of chronic and asymptomatic carriers on the properties represents a serious risk for the spread of the disease. The results show the presence of Leptospira spp. in semi-arid goat herds, having as risk factors the presence of rodents and intercropping. The association of MAT and PCR is necessary for a better diagnosis of the disease.

Animais , Feminino , Doenças Urológicas/veterinária , Cabras/microbiologia , Leptospira/isolamento & purificação , Leptospirose/diagnóstico , Leptospirose/veterinária , Brasil , Zona Semiárida
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(05): 3047-3056, set.-out. 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501889


Between November 2017 and August 2018, in order to determine the occurrence of tuberculosis in cattle slaughtered in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte, 11,610 bovine carcasses underwent a routine post-mortem inspection. One animal presented suggestive lesions and samples from lung, spleen and heart were submitted to microbiological culture in Stonebrink medium for 90 days and molecular analysis by nested-PCR. For histopathological examination and Ziehl Neelsen staining, the omentum was used. In the cultured samples, two of them (heart and spleen) showed growth, but were not confirmed as M. bovis by conventional PCR. At nested-PCR, the samples showed amplification for the TbD1 region. The presence of numerous granulomas was detected in the histopathological examination characterized by anecrotic center and areas of mineralization, as well as the presence of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in the Ziehl Neelsen stain. Microbiological culture can show false negative results, despite being considered a gold standard technique, although it takes time. Nested-PCR and histopathology show fast and effective results for the diagnosis of the disease. The presence of positive animals represents a public health risk in the studied region. Therefore, one of the essential systems applied to the control of bovine tuberculosis is the epidemiological surveillance of animals in slaughterhouses.

Entre novembro de 2017 e agosto de 2018, com objetivo de determinar a ocorrência de tuberculose em bovinos abatidos no semiárido do Rio Grande do Norte, 11.610 carcaças de bovinos passaram por inspeção post-mortem de rotina. Um animal apresentou lesões sugestivas e amostras de pulmão, baço e coração foram submetidas ao cultivo microbiológico em meio Stonebrink por 90 dias e análise molecular pela nested-PCR. O omento foi utilizado para exame histopatológico e coloração de Ziehl Neelsen. Nas amostras cultivadas, duas (coração e baço) evidenciaram crescimento, mas M. bovis não foi confirmado na PCR convencional. Já na nested-PCR, as amostras exibiram amplificação para a região TbD1. Foi detectada a presença de inúmeros granulomas no exame histopatológico caracterizados por possuírem um centro necrótico e áreas de mineralização, bem como a presença de bacilos Álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR)na coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen. A cultura microbiológica pode apresentar resultados falso-negativos, apesar de ser considerada uma técnica padrão-ouro, embora demorada. A nested-PCR e a histopatologia apresentam resultados rápidos e eficazes para o diagnóstico da enfermidade. A presença de animais positivos representa um risco a saúde pública na região estudada. Portanto, um dos sistemas essenciais aplicados ao controle da tuberculose bovina é a vigilância epidemiológica dos animais em abatedouros.

Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Infecções por Mycobacterium/diagnóstico , Infecções por Mycobacterium/veterinária , Tuberculose/diagnóstico , Tuberculose/veterinária
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(1): 439-446, jan.-fev. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501905


The aim of the present study was to detect and identify Mycobaterium spp. in 50 samples of coalho cheese sold in the Northeast region of Brazil. Of the 50 analyzed samples, 35 were produced by the artisanal process, using raw milk, and 15 originated from industrialized establishments that pasteurize milk. Conventional and real-time nested PCR for the rv2807 gene of the M. tuberculosis complex was performed directly from the 50 analyzed samples. Samples of coalho cheese were grown simultaneously in Stonebrink medium, and conventional PCR was performed from the bacterial isolates with primers that flank differentiation region 4 (DR4), specific to M. bovis, mb400F. Bacterial isolates negative by PCR for RD4 were subjected to PCR for hsp65 of Mycobacterium spp., with subsequent DNA sequencing. The cultures were negative for the M. tuberculosis complex, but two samples (4%) from the artisanal process (with raw milk) exhibited identity with hsp65 of Mycobacterium lehmanii (Sequence ID: KY933786.1, identities: 312/363 [86%]); and Mycobacterium rutilum (sequence ID: LT629971.1, identities: 331/371 [89%]), showing to be indicative environmental contamination. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria are emergent and ubiquitous microorganisms; therefore, they deserve greater attention in the cheese production chain, both in terms of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)

O presente estudo teve como objetivo detectar e identificar Mycobaterium spp. em 50 amostras de queijo de coalho comercializados na região Nordeste do Brasil. Das 50 amostras analisadas, 35 foram produzidas pelo processo artesanal, com leite cru e 15 provenientes de estabelecimentos industrializados que realizam a pasteurização do leite. Nested-PCR convencional e em tempo real para o gene rv2807 do Complexo M. tuberculosis foi realizada diretamente das cinquenta amostras analisadas. Paralelamente, as amostras de queijo de coalho foram cultivadas em meio de Stonebrink e dos isolados bacterianos foi realizada PCR convencional com iniciadores que flanqueiam a região de diferenciação 4 (RD4), específica de M. bovis, mb400F. Os isolados bacterianos negativos na PCR para RD4 foram submetidos à PCR para hsp65 de Mycobacterium spp., com posterior sequenciamento do DNA. As culturas mostraram-se negativas para o Complexo M. tuberculosis, porém duas amostras oriundas do processo artesanal (com leite cru) (4%) apresentaram identidade com hsp65 de Mycobacterium lehmanii (ID da sequência: KY933786.1, identidades: 312/363 [86%]); e Mycobacterium rutilum (ID da sequência: LT629971.1, identidades: 331/371 [89%]), apontando-se como indicativos de contaminação ambiental. As micobactérias-não-tuberculosas (MNT) são microrganismos emergentes e de natureza ubíqua. Devido a essas características merecem maior atenção na cadeia produtiva de queijos, tanto nas boas práticas agropecuárias (BPAs) quanto nas boas práticas de fabricação de alimentos (BPFs).

Infecções por Mycobacterium/diagnóstico , Mycobacterium/classificação , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e Serviços , Queijo/economia , Queijo/microbiologia
Semina Ci. agr. ; 42(05): 3047-3056, set.-out. 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33315


Between November 2017 and August 2018, in order to determine the occurrence of tuberculosis in cattle slaughtered in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte, 11,610 bovine carcasses underwent a routine post-mortem inspection. One animal presented suggestive lesions and samples from lung, spleen and heart were submitted to microbiological culture in Stonebrink medium for 90 days and molecular analysis by nested-PCR. For histopathological examination and Ziehl Neelsen staining, the omentum was used. In the cultured samples, two of them (heart and spleen) showed growth, but were not confirmed as M. bovis by conventional PCR. At nested-PCR, the samples showed amplification for the TbD1 region. The presence of numerous granulomas was detected in the histopathological examination characterized by anecrotic center and areas of mineralization, as well as the presence of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in the Ziehl Neelsen stain. Microbiological culture can show false negative results, despite being considered a gold standard technique, although it takes time. Nested-PCR and histopathology show fast and effective results for the diagnosis of the disease. The presence of positive animals represents a public health risk in the studied region. Therefore, one of the essential systems applied to the control of bovine tuberculosis is the epidemiological surveillance of animals in slaughterhouses.(AU)

Entre novembro de 2017 e agosto de 2018, com objetivo de determinar a ocorrência de tuberculose em bovinos abatidos no semiárido do Rio Grande do Norte, 11.610 carcaças de bovinos passaram por inspeção post-mortem de rotina. Um animal apresentou lesões sugestivas e amostras de pulmão, baço e coração foram submetidas ao cultivo microbiológico em meio Stonebrink por 90 dias e análise molecular pela nested-PCR. O omento foi utilizado para exame histopatológico e coloração de Ziehl Neelsen. Nas amostras cultivadas, duas (coração e baço) evidenciaram crescimento, mas M. bovis não foi confirmado na PCR convencional. Já na nested-PCR, as amostras exibiram amplificação para a região TbD1. Foi detectada a presença de inúmeros granulomas no exame histopatológico caracterizados por possuírem um centro necrótico e áreas de mineralização, bem como a presença de bacilos Álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR)na coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen. A cultura microbiológica pode apresentar resultados falso-negativos, apesar de ser considerada uma técnica padrão-ouro, embora demorada. A nested-PCR e a histopatologia apresentam resultados rápidos e eficazes para o diagnóstico da enfermidade. A presença de animais positivos representa um risco a saúde pública na região estudada. Portanto, um dos sistemas essenciais aplicados ao controle da tuberculose bovina é a vigilância epidemiológica dos animais em abatedouros.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Tuberculose/diagnóstico , Tuberculose/veterinária , Infecções por Mycobacterium/diagnóstico , Infecções por Mycobacterium/veterinária
Semina Ci. agr. ; 42(1): 439-446, jan.-fev. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31430


The aim of the present study was to detect and identify Mycobaterium spp. in 50 samples of coalho cheese sold in the Northeast region of Brazil. Of the 50 analyzed samples, 35 were produced by the artisanal process, using raw milk, and 15 originated from industrialized establishments that pasteurize milk. Conventional and real-time nested PCR for the rv2807 gene of the M. tuberculosis complex was performed directly from the 50 analyzed samples. Samples of coalho cheese were grown simultaneously in Stonebrink medium, and conventional PCR was performed from the bacterial isolates with primers that flank differentiation region 4 (DR4), specific to M. bovis, mb400F. Bacterial isolates negative by PCR for RD4 were subjected to PCR for hsp65 of Mycobacterium spp., with subsequent DNA sequencing. The cultures were negative for the M. tuberculosis complex, but two samples (4%) from the artisanal process (with raw milk) exhibited identity with hsp65 of Mycobacterium lehmanii (Sequence ID: KY933786.1, identities: 312/363 [86%]); and Mycobacterium rutilum (sequence ID: LT629971.1, identities: 331/371 [89%]), showing to be indicative environmental contamination. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria are emergent and ubiquitous microorganisms; therefore, they deserve greater attention in the cheese production chain, both in terms of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)(AU)

O presente estudo teve como objetivo detectar e identificar Mycobaterium spp. em 50 amostras de queijo de coalho comercializados na região Nordeste do Brasil. Das 50 amostras analisadas, 35 foram produzidas pelo processo artesanal, com leite cru e 15 provenientes de estabelecimentos industrializados que realizam a pasteurização do leite. Nested-PCR convencional e em tempo real para o gene rv2807 do Complexo M. tuberculosis foi realizada diretamente das cinquenta amostras analisadas. Paralelamente, as amostras de queijo de coalho foram cultivadas em meio de Stonebrink e dos isolados bacterianos foi realizada PCR convencional com iniciadores que flanqueiam a região de diferenciação 4 (RD4), específica de M. bovis, mb400F. Os isolados bacterianos negativos na PCR para RD4 foram submetidos à PCR para hsp65 de Mycobacterium spp., com posterior sequenciamento do DNA. As culturas mostraram-se negativas para o Complexo M. tuberculosis, porém duas amostras oriundas do processo artesanal (com leite cru) (4%) apresentaram identidade com hsp65 de Mycobacterium lehmanii (ID da sequência: KY933786.1, identidades: 312/363 [86%]); e Mycobacterium rutilum (ID da sequência: LT629971.1, identidades: 331/371 [89%]), apontando-se como indicativos de contaminação ambiental. As micobactérias-não-tuberculosas (MNT) são microrganismos emergentes e de natureza ubíqua. Devido a essas características merecem maior atenção na cadeia produtiva de queijos, tanto nas boas práticas agropecuárias (BPAs) quanto nas boas práticas de fabricação de alimentos (BPFs).(AU)

Queijo/economia , Queijo/microbiologia , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e Serviços , Mycobacterium/classificação , Infecções por Mycobacterium/diagnóstico
Ci. Rural ; 51(2)2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763441


Canine brucellosisis an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella, with world wide distribution and zoonotic impact, and in humans and animals is a neglected disease. In the present study, the sero prevalence of B. canis and B. abortus were determined in a probabilistic sample of housed dogs from the Atlantic Rainforest area of the state of Paraíba, Brazil, and the factors associated with sero positivity. A total of 386 dogs over three months of age were used. For the search for anti-B.canis antibodies the agar gel immune diffusion test (IDGA) was used as a screening and IDGA+2ME as confirmatory test, and to search for anti-B. abortus antibodies the Rose Bengal test (RBT) test was used. Apparent and real prevalences were calculated, and robust Poisson regression was used to identify factors associated with prevalence. The real prevalence fB. Canis was 12.6% and of B. abortus was 22.8%. The factors associated with sero positivity for B. canis were age greater than 10 years (prevalence ratio; PR = 6.38; P = 0.024) and dogs reared in they ard (PR = 5.20; P = 0.035) and for B. abortus was no treplacement of water of animals everyday (PR = 1.48; P = 0.033). It can be concluded that the prevalence of B. canis and B. Abortus in the region is high, which warns to the adopting of control and prevention measures, as well as greater care in the management of animals, especially for elderly dogs.(AU)

A brucelose canina é uma doença infecciosa causada por bactérias do gênero Brucella, com distribuição mundial e de caráter zoonótico, e em humanos e animais é uma doença negligenciada. No presente estudo foram determinados as soroprevalências de B. canis e B. abortusem uma amostra probabilística de cães domiciliados da área urbana de oito municípios localizados na região da Mata Atlântica do Estado da Paraíba, Brasil, e os fatores associados com a soropositividade. Foram utilizados 386 cães com mais de três meses de idade. Para a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-B. canis foi utilizado o teste de imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA) como triagem e IDGA+2ME como confirmatório, e para a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-B. abortusfoi utilizado o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado (AAT). Foram calculadas as prevalências aparente e real, e para a identificação de fatores associados com a prevalência foi empregada regressão robusta de Poisson. A prevalência real de B. canis foi de 12,6% e de B. abortusfoi 22,8%. Os fatores associados com a soropositividade para B. canis foram idade maior que 10 anos (razão de prevalência; RP = 6,38; P = 0,024) e cães criados presos no quintal (RP = 5,20; P = 0,035) e para B. abortus foi não trocar a água dos animais todos os dias (RP = 1,48; P = 0,033). Conclui-se que a prevalência de B. canis e B. abortusem cães da região é alta, o que alerta para a necessidade de adoção de medidas de controle e prevenção, bem como são sugeridos maiores cuidados no manejo dos animais, sobretudo cães idosos.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Brucella abortus/patogenicidade , Brucelose/epidemiologia , Brucelose/prevenção & controle , Brucelose/veterinária , Brucella canis/patogenicidade
Ci. Rural ; 50(12): e20200424, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29601


We used 12 tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae) from northeastern Brazil, and we reported nine (75%) Leptospira sp. PCR-positive animals and six (50%) seropositive. Leptospira sp. DNA sequencing revealed 99% similarity with L. interrogans. Our findings indicated that this species may play a role in the transmission of human leptospirosis.(AU)

Foram utilizados 12 lagartos Teiús (Tupinambis merianae) do Nordeste do Brasil. Encontramos nove animais positivos (75%) para Leptospira sp. na PCR e seis (50%) soropositivos. O sequenciamento de DNA de Leptospira sp. revelou 99% de semelhança com L. interrogans. Os resultados indicam que esta espécie pode desempenhar um papel importante na transmissão da leptospirose humana.(AU)

Animais , Lagartos , Leptospira interrogans/patogenicidade , Leptospirose/veterinária , Interações entre Hospedeiro e Microrganismos
R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 27(1): 22-28, 2020. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28756


The aims of this study were to perform serological and molecular detection of Leptospira sp. infection in cattle and sheep under semiarid conditions. Based on a preliminary study performed in our research group, we selected six rural properties showing a positivity ≥ 60% for Sejroe serogroup with titer ≥ 200 measured in serological tests from cattle. In the present study, blood and urine samples were collected from 99 females of reproductive age (51 cattle and 48 sheep) for serological diagnosis, molecular detection and Leptospira sp. attempt to strain recovery. Of the 99 analyzed animals 38.4% (38/99) were positively reactive at the serological tests. Of them, 49% (25/51) were cattle and 27.1% (13/48) sheep. The serogroups detected in cattle were Sejroe (36.8%), Hebdomadis (26.3%), Australis (10.5%), Djasiman (10.5%), Ballum (5.3%), Pomona (5.3%), and Cynopteri (5.3%) with titers of 100–800. In sheep, the reactive serogroups were Australis (27.3%), Ballum (27.3%), Djasiman (18.1%), Tarassovi (9.1%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (9.1%), and Cynopteri (9.1%) with titers of 100–400. Leptospiral DNA was detected in nine urine samples, including five cattle and four sheep. Property 1 showed the highest serological positivity frequencies for both cattle (70.6%) and sheep (70.6%). Similarly, the highest frequency of DNA detection was also found (eight samples, 89%). In this property, we observed the existence of consorted rearing of cattle and sheep with close coexistence between these species. In semiarid conditions, transmission among animals of the same species seems to be the main form of Leptospira sp. dissemination in cattle and sheep herds. However, the contribution of other domestic and wild animals cannot be discarded. The practice of consorted rearing of cattle and sheep and their close coexistence may facilitate the spread of the pathogen in rural properties.(AU)

Os objetivos deste estudo foram realizar detecção sorológica e molecular da infecção por Leptospira sp. em bovinos e ovinos em condições semiáridas. Com base em estudo preliminar realizado em nosso grupo de pesquisa, foram selecionadas seis propriedades rurais com soropositividade ≥ 60% para o sorogrupo Sejroe com título ≥ 200 em bovinos. No presente estudo, amostras de sangue e urina foram coletadas de 99 fêmeas em idade reprodutiva (51 bovinos e 48 ovinos) para diagnóstico sorológico, detecção molecular e tentativa de recuperação de estirpesde Leptospira sp. Dos 99 animais analisados, 38,4% (38/99) foram sororeativos nos testes sorológicos. Destes, 49% (25/51) eram bovinos e 27,1% (13/48) ovinos. Os sorogrupos detectados em bovinos foram Sejroe (36,8%), Hebdomadis (26,3%), Australis (10,5%), Djasiman (10,5%), Ballum (5,3%), Pomona (5,3%) e Cynopteri (5,3%) com títulos de 100 a 800. Nos ovinos, os sorogrupos reativos foram Australis (27,3%), Ballum (27,3%), Djasiman (18,1%), Tarassovi (9,1%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (9,1%) e Cynopteri (9,1%) com títulos de 100-400. O DNA leptospiral foi detectado em nove amostras de urina, incluindo cinco bovinos e quatro ovinos. A propriedade 1 apresentou as maiores frequências de positividade sorológica para bovinos (70,6%) e ovinos (70,6%). Da mesma forma, a maior frequência de detecção de DNA também foi encontrada (oito amostras, 89%). Nesta propriedade observou-se a existência de criação consorciada de bovinos e ovinos com estreita convivência entre estas espécies. Em condições semiáridas, a transmissão entre animais da mesma espécie parece ser a principal forma de disseminação de Leptospira sp. em rebanhos bovinos e ovinos. No entanto, a contribuição de outros animais domésticos e selvagens não pode ser descartada. A prática de criação consorciada de bovinos e ovinos e sua estreita convivência podem facilitar a disseminação do patógeno em propriedades rurais.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos/microbiologia , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Ovinos/microbiologia , Leptospirose
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(1): 22-28, jan./mar. 2020. il.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1379247


The aims of this study were to perform serological and molecular detection of Leptospira sp. infection in cattle and sheep under semiarid conditions. Based on a preliminary study performed in our research group, we selected six rural properties showing a positivity ≥ 60% for Sejroe serogroup with titer ≥ 200 measured in serological tests from cattle. In the present study, blood and urine samples were collected from 99 females of reproductive age (51 cattle and 48 sheep) for serological diagnosis, molecular detection and Leptospira sp. attempt to strain recovery. Of the 99 analyzed animals 38.4% (38/99) were positively reactive at the serological tests. Of them, 49% (25/51) were cattle and 27.1% (13/48) sheep. The serogroups detected in cattle were Sejroe (36.8%), Hebdomadis (26.3%), Australis (10.5%), Djasiman (10.5%), Ballum (5.3%), Pomona (5.3%), and Cynopteri (5.3%) with titers of 100­800. In sheep, the reactive serogroups were Australis (27.3%), Ballum (27.3%), Djasiman (18.1%), Tarassovi (9.1%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (9.1%), and Cynopteri (9.1%) with titers of 100­400.Leptospiral DNA was detected in nine urine samples, including five cattle and four sheep. Property 1 showed the highest serological positivity frequencies for both cattle (70.6%) and sheep (70.6%). Similarly, the highest frequency of DNA detection was also found (eight samples, 89%). In this property, we observed the existence of consorted rearing of cattle and sheep with close coexistence between these species. In semiarid conditions, transmission among animals of the same species seems to be the main form of Leptospira sp. dissemination in cattle and sheep herds. However, the contribution of other domestic and wild animals cannot be discarded. The practice of consorted rearing of cattle and sheep and their close coexistence may facilitate the spread of the pathogen in rural properties.

Os objetivos deste estudo foram realizar detecção sorológica e molecular da infecção por Leptospira sp. em bovinos e ovinos em condições semiáridas. Com base em estudo preliminar realizado em nosso grupo de pesquisa, foram selecionadas seis propriedades rurais com soropositividade ≥ 60% para o sorogrupo Sejroe com título ≥ 200 em bovinos. No presente estudo, amostras de sangue e urina foram coletadas de 99 fêmeas em idade reprodutiva (51 bovinos e 48 ovinos) para diagnóstico sorológico, detecção molecular e tentativa de recuperação de estirpesde Leptospira sp. Dos 99 animais analisados, 38,4% (38/99) foram sororeativos nos testes sorológicos. Destes, 49% (25/51) eram bovinos e 27,1% (13/48) ovinos. Os sorogrupos detectados em bovinos foram Sejroe (36,8%), Hebdomadis (26,3%), Australis (10,5%), Djasiman (10,5%), Ballum (5,3%), Pomona (5,3%) e Cynopteri (5,3%) com títulos de 100 a 800. Nos ovinos, os sorogrupos reativos foram Australis (27,3%), Ballum (27,3%), Djasiman (18,1%), Tarassovi (9,1%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (9,1%) e Cynopteri (9,1%) com títulos de 100-400. O DNA leptospiral foi detectado em nove amostras de urina, incluindo cinco bovinos e quatro ovinos. A propriedade 1 apresentou as maiores frequências de positividade sorológica para bovinos (70,6%) e ovinos (70,6%). Da mesma forma, a maior frequência de detecção de DNA também foi encontrada (oito amostras, 89%). Nesta propriedade observou-se a existência de criação consorciada de bovinos e ovinos com estreita convivência entre estas espécies. Em condições semiáridas, a transmissão entre animais da mesma espécie parece ser a principal forma de disseminação de Leptospira sp. em rebanhos bovinos e ovinos. No entanto, a contribuição de outros animais domésticos e selvagens não pode ser descartada. A prática de criação consorciada de bovinos e ovinos e sua estreita convivência podem facilitar a disseminação do patógeno em propriedades rurais.

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anormalidades , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Ovinos/anormalidades , Transmissão de Doença Infecciosa/veterinária , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Molecular/veterinária , Leptospira/patogenicidade , Leptospirose/veterinária , Zona Semiárida
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(1): 22-28, jan./mar. 2020. map, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491661


The aims of this study were to perform serological and molecular detection of Leptospira sp. infection in cattle and sheep under semiarid conditions. Based on a preliminary study performed in our research group, we selected six rural properties showing a positivity ≥ 60% for Sejroe serogroup with titer ≥ 200 measured in serological tests from cattle. In the present study, blood and urine samples were collected from 99 females of reproductive age (51 cattle and 48 sheep) for serological diagnosis, molecular detection and Leptospira sp. attempt to strain recovery. Of the 99 analyzed animals 38.4% (38/99) were positively reactive at the serological tests. Of them, 49% (25/51) were cattle and 27.1% (13/48) sheep. The serogroups detected in cattle were Sejroe (36.8%), Hebdomadis (26.3%), Australis (10.5%), Djasiman (10.5%), Ballum (5.3%), Pomona (5.3%), and Cynopteri (5.3%) with titers of 100–800. In sheep, the reactive serogroups were Australis (27.3%), Ballum (27.3%), Djasiman (18.1%), Tarassovi (9.1%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (9.1%), and Cynopteri (9.1%) with titers of 100–400. Leptospiral DNA was detected in nine urine samples, including five cattle and four sheep. Property 1 showed the highest serological positivity frequencies for both cattle (70.6%) and sheep (70.6%). Similarly, the highest frequency of DNA detection was also found (eight samples, 89%). In this property, we observed the existence of consorted rearing of cattle and sheep with close coexistence between these species. In semiarid conditions, transmission among animals of the same species seems to be the main form of Leptospira sp. dissemination in cattle and sheep herds. However, the contribution of other domestic and wild animals cannot be discarded. The practice of consorted rearing of cattle and sheep and their close coexistence may facilitate the spread of the pathogen in rural properties.

Os objetivos deste estudo foram realizar detecção sorológica e molecular da infecção por Leptospira sp. em bovinos e ovinos em condições semiáridas. Com base em estudo preliminar realizado em nosso grupo de pesquisa, foram selecionadas seis propriedades rurais com soropositividade ≥ 60% para o sorogrupo Sejroe com título ≥ 200 em bovinos. No presente estudo, amostras de sangue e urina foram coletadas de 99 fêmeas em idade reprodutiva (51 bovinos e 48 ovinos) para diagnóstico sorológico, detecção molecular e tentativa de recuperação de estirpesde Leptospira sp. Dos 99 animais analisados, 38,4% (38/99) foram sororeativos nos testes sorológicos. Destes, 49% (25/51) eram bovinos e 27,1% (13/48) ovinos. Os sorogrupos detectados em bovinos foram Sejroe (36,8%), Hebdomadis (26,3%), Australis (10,5%), Djasiman (10,5%), Ballum (5,3%), Pomona (5,3%) e Cynopteri (5,3%) com títulos de 100 a 800. Nos ovinos, os sorogrupos reativos foram Australis (27,3%), Ballum (27,3%), Djasiman (18,1%), Tarassovi (9,1%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (9,1%) e Cynopteri (9,1%) com títulos de 100-400. O DNA leptospiral foi detectado em nove amostras de urina, incluindo cinco bovinos e quatro ovinos. A propriedade 1 apresentou as maiores frequências de positividade sorológica para bovinos (70,6%) e ovinos (70,6%). Da mesma forma, a maior frequência de detecção de DNA também foi encontrada (oito amostras, 89%). Nesta propriedade observou-se a existência de criação consorciada de bovinos e ovinos com estreita convivência entre estas espécies. Em condições semiáridas, a transmissão entre animais da mesma espécie parece ser a principal forma de disseminação de Leptospira sp. em rebanhos bovinos e ovinos. No entanto, a contribuição de outros animais domésticos e selvagens não pode ser descartada. A prática de criação consorciada de bovinos e ovinos e sua estreita convivência podem facilitar a disseminação do patógeno em propriedades rurais.

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos/microbiologia , Leptospirose , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Ovinos/microbiologia
Semina Ci. agr. ; 40(5): 1867-1878, set.-out. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21923


In the Northeast of Brazil, goat breeding plays an important socioeconomic and strategic role in coexistence within the semi-arid region. The rural nature of the species and adaptations that are appropriate for the climate are some of the characteristics that favor the Northeast as the largest national producer of goats (93% of the national herd). In spite of this, sanitary deficiencies facilitate the appearance and diffusion of pathogenic agents that compromise the productivity, e.g., Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, which are widespread in the national herd and cause damages in the industry. The objective of this study was to characterize caseous lymphadenitis (CL) in lamb cuttings at semi-arid abattoirs. The research was carried out between March and August 2017 at the Municipal Abattoir of Patos, State of Paraíba, Brazil, where the caprines from this region are slaughtered. We studied 304 animals with no defined racial pattern, of both the sexes, characterized according to their age group as evidenced by their teeth, submitted to ante- and post-mortem examinations with microbiological confirmation. Cheek material was processed for diagnostic confirmation, using the techniques of isolation and microbiological identification (gold standard). The bacteriological examination confirmed the presence of the agent in 21.38% of the animals, in which 13.16% were females and 8.22% were males. Of those affected, 11.51% had the clinical form of the disease, while 9.87% had the subclinical form and 1.31% had both the clinical form as well as the internal impairment. The precrural (25.71%), mammary (11.43%), and prescapular (11.43%) lymph nodes were the most affected. Internally, the most affected were the liver (63.33%), lung (13.33%), and medium mediastinal lymph nodes (10%).[...](AU)

No Nordeste do Brasil a caprinocultura desempenha importante função socioeconômica e estratégica na convivência em região semiárida. A boa adaptação ao clima somado a rusticidade da espécie são algumas das caraterísticas que favorecem o Nordeste como maior produtor nacional (93% do efetivo). Apesar dessa condição, deficiências sanitárias proporcionam surgimento e difusão de agentes patogênicos que comprometem a produtividade, destacando-se o Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, difundido no rebanho nacional e que gera prejuízos à atividade. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a Linfadenite Caseosa (LC) na caprinocultura de corte em abatedouro do semiárido. Desenvolveu-se a pesquisa entre março e agosto 2017 no Abatedouro Municipal de Patos, Estado da Paraíba, Brasil, onde ocorre abate de caprídeos provenientes desta região geográfica intermediária. Foram estudados 304 animais sem padrão racial definido, ambos os sexos, caracterizados conforme faixa etária evidenciada pelos dentes, submetidos a exames ante e post mortem com confirmação microbiológica. Processou-se material caseoso dos doentes; para confirmação de diagnóstico se empregou a técnica de isolamento e identificação microbiológica (padrão ouro). O exame bacteriológico confirmou presença do agente em 21.38% dos animais. As fêmeas representaram 13.16% dos doentes, enquanto os machos, 8.22%. Dos acometidos, 11.51% apresentaram a forma clínica, enquanto 9.87% a subclínica; 1.31% tiveram simultaneamente forma clínica e comprometimento interno. Os linfonodos pré-crurais 25.71%, mamários 11.43% e pré-escapulares 11.43% foram mais afetados; internamente, fígado 63.33%, pulmão 13.33% e linfonodo do mediastino médio 10%.[...](AU)

Animais , Ruminantes , Linfadenite/epidemiologia , Linfadenite/veterinária , Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis , Matadouros , Perfis Sanitários/análise
Semina Ci. agr. ; 40(4): 1513-1522, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21898


The objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of leptospirosis and the predominant serogroups in serological tests of ruminants performed at the Transmissible Diseases Laboratory of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Patos, Paraíba, northeastern Brazil, between 2010 and 2017. This research included the records of serological tests for leptospirosis from 5594 animals, including 1527 cattle, 1761 goats, 2170 sheep, and 136 buffaloes from four Brazilian states (Paraíba, Pernambuco, Maranhão, and Rio Grande do Norte). Of the 5594 serum samples, 662 were serologically positive, corresponding to a frequency of 11.8%. Serjoe (30.6%), Autumnalis (13.6%), and Icterohaemorrhagiae (11.3%) were the most frequent subgroups among all species. The individual frequencies in cattle, goats, sheep, and buffaloes were 20% (306/1527), 8.3% (147/1761), 7.9% (171/2170), and 27.9% (38/136), respectively, with titers ranging from 1:100 to 1:3200. The most frequent serogroups according to animal species were as follows: Serjoe predominated in cattle (62%), followed by Icterohaemorrhagiae (12.5%) and Tarassovi (6.6%); Autumnalis was the most frequent in goats and sheep (29.4% and 26.9%, respectively), followed by Seramanga (12.5%) in goats and Icterohaemmorrhagiae (13.5%) in sheep; and Australis predominated in buffaloes (39.5%), followed by Pomona (31.6%) and Canicola (21.1%). Leptospira sp. infection, determined by serology, is widespread in ruminants (cattle, goats, sheep, and buffaloes) in northeastern Brazil, suggesting the existence of alternative transmission routes that are less dependent on environmental factors. Identification of the most frequent serogroups highlights the need to improve sanitary conditions, and implement efficient and targeted control measures directed at the primary infection sources.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a soropositividade para leptospirose e os sorogrupos predominantes nos testes sorológicos realizados no Laboratório de Doenças Transmissíveis (LDT) da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), Patos, Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil, em bovinos, caprinos, ovinos e bubalinos no período de 2010 a 2017. Foram computados os registros dos exames sorológicos para leptospirose de 5.594 animais, que incluíram 1.527 bovinos, 1.761 caprinos, 2.170 ovinos e 136 bubalinos, provenientes de quatro estados brasileiros (Paraíba, Pernambuco, Maranhão e Rio Grande do Norte). Das 5.594 amostras de soro de bovinos, caprinos, ovinos e bubalinos, 662 amostras foram positivas no teste sorológico, resultando em uma frequência de 11,8%. Serjoe (30,6%), Autumnalis (13,6%) e Icterohaemorrhagiae (11,3%) foram os sorogrupos mais frequentes para todas as espécies. As frequências individuais de bovinos, caprinos, ovinos e bubalinos foram de 20% (306/1.527), 8,3% (147/1.761), 7,9% (171/2.170), e 27,9% (38/136), respectivamente, com títulos variando de 1:100 a 1:3200. Com relação aos sorogrupos mais frequentes por espécie animal, o Serjoe predominou em bovinos (62%), seguido de Icterohaemorrhagiae (12,5%) e Tarassovi (6,6%); Autumnalis foi o mais frequente em caprinos e ovinos (29,4% e 26,9%, respectivamente), seguido de Seramanga (12,5%) em caprinos e Icterohaemmorrhagiae (13,5%) em ovinos; Australis predominou nos bubalinos (39,5%), seguido de Pomona (31,6%) e Canicola (21,1%)...(AU)

Animais , Ruminantes/sangue , Ruminantes , Sorologia/métodos , Leptospirose/veterinária , Leptospirose/sangue , Leptospirose/diagnóstico , Leptospirose/transmissão , Leptospirose/prevenção & controle
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 40(4): 1513-1522, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501433


The objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of leptospirosis and the predominant serogroups in serological tests of ruminants performed at the Transmissible Diseases Laboratory of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Patos, Paraíba, northeastern Brazil, between 2010 and 2017. This research included the records of serological tests for leptospirosis from 5594 animals, including 1527 cattle, 1761 goats, 2170 sheep, and 136 buffaloes from four Brazilian states (Paraíba, Pernambuco, Maranhão, and Rio Grande do Norte). Of the 5594 serum samples, 662 were serologically positive, corresponding to a frequency of 11.8%. Serjoe (30.6%), Autumnalis (13.6%), and Icterohaemorrhagiae (11.3%) were the most frequent subgroups among all species. The individual frequencies in cattle, goats, sheep, and buffaloes were 20% (306/1527), 8.3% (147/1761), 7.9% (171/2170), and 27.9% (38/136), respectively, with titers ranging from 1:100 to 1:3200. The most frequent serogroups according to animal species were as follows: Serjoe predominated in cattle (62%), followed by Icterohaemorrhagiae (12.5%) and Tarassovi (6.6%); Autumnalis was the most frequent in goats and sheep (29.4% and 26.9%, respectively), followed by Seramanga (12.5%) in goats and Icterohaemmorrhagiae (13.5%) in sheep; and Australis predominated in buffaloes (39.5%), followed by Pomona (31.6%) and Canicola (21.1%). Leptospira sp. infection, determined by serology, is widespread in ruminants (cattle, goats, sheep, and buffaloes) in northeastern Brazil, suggesting the existence of alternative transmission routes that are less dependent on environmental factors. Identification of the most frequent serogroups highlights the need to improve sanitary conditions, and implement efficient and targeted control measures directed at the primary infection sources.

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a soropositividade para leptospirose e os sorogrupos predominantes nos testes sorológicos realizados no Laboratório de Doenças Transmissíveis (LDT) da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), Patos, Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil, em bovinos, caprinos, ovinos e bubalinos no período de 2010 a 2017. Foram computados os registros dos exames sorológicos para leptospirose de 5.594 animais, que incluíram 1.527 bovinos, 1.761 caprinos, 2.170 ovinos e 136 bubalinos, provenientes de quatro estados brasileiros (Paraíba, Pernambuco, Maranhão e Rio Grande do Norte). Das 5.594 amostras de soro de bovinos, caprinos, ovinos e bubalinos, 662 amostras foram positivas no teste sorológico, resultando em uma frequência de 11,8%. Serjoe (30,6%), Autumnalis (13,6%) e Icterohaemorrhagiae (11,3%) foram os sorogrupos mais frequentes para todas as espécies. As frequências individuais de bovinos, caprinos, ovinos e bubalinos foram de 20% (306/1.527), 8,3% (147/1.761), 7,9% (171/2.170), e 27,9% (38/136), respectivamente, com títulos variando de 1:100 a 1:3200. Com relação aos sorogrupos mais frequentes por espécie animal, o Serjoe predominou em bovinos (62%), seguido de Icterohaemorrhagiae (12,5%) e Tarassovi (6,6%); Autumnalis foi o mais frequente em caprinos e ovinos (29,4% e 26,9%, respectivamente), seguido de Seramanga (12,5%) em caprinos e Icterohaemmorrhagiae (13,5%) em ovinos; Australis predominou nos bubalinos (39,5%), seguido de Pomona (31,6%) e Canicola (21,1%)...

Animais , Leptospirose/diagnóstico , Leptospirose/sangue , Leptospirose/transmissão , Leptospirose/veterinária , Ruminantes , Ruminantes/sangue , Sorologia/métodos , Leptospirose/prevenção & controle
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 40(5): 1867-1878, set.-out. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501475


In the Northeast of Brazil, goat breeding plays an important socioeconomic and strategic role in coexistence within the semi-arid region. The rural nature of the species and adaptations that are appropriate for the climate are some of the characteristics that favor the Northeast as the largest national producer of goats (93% of the national herd). In spite of this, sanitary deficiencies facilitate the appearance and diffusion of pathogenic agents that compromise the productivity, e.g., Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, which are widespread in the national herd and cause damages in the industry. The objective of this study was to characterize caseous lymphadenitis (CL) in lamb cuttings at semi-arid abattoirs. The research was carried out between March and August 2017 at the Municipal Abattoir of Patos, State of Paraíba, Brazil, where the caprines from this region are slaughtered. We studied 304 animals with no defined racial pattern, of both the sexes, characterized according to their age group as evidenced by their teeth, submitted to ante- and post-mortem examinations with microbiological confirmation. Cheek material was processed for diagnostic confirmation, using the techniques of isolation and microbiological identification (gold standard). The bacteriological examination confirmed the presence of the agent in 21.38% of the animals, in which 13.16% were females and 8.22% were males. Of those affected, 11.51% had the clinical form of the disease, while 9.87% had the subclinical form and 1.31% had both the clinical form as well as the internal impairment. The precrural (25.71%), mammary (11.43%), and prescapular (11.43%) lymph nodes were the most affected. Internally, the most affected were the liver (63.33%), lung (13.33%), and medium mediastinal lymph nodes (10%).[...]

No Nordeste do Brasil a caprinocultura desempenha importante função socioeconômica e estratégica na convivência em região semiárida. A boa adaptação ao clima somado a rusticidade da espécie são algumas das caraterísticas que favorecem o Nordeste como maior produtor nacional (93% do efetivo). Apesar dessa condição, deficiências sanitárias proporcionam surgimento e difusão de agentes patogênicos que comprometem a produtividade, destacando-se o Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, difundido no rebanho nacional e que gera prejuízos à atividade. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a Linfadenite Caseosa (LC) na caprinocultura de corte em abatedouro do semiárido. Desenvolveu-se a pesquisa entre março e agosto 2017 no Abatedouro Municipal de Patos, Estado da Paraíba, Brasil, onde ocorre abate de caprídeos provenientes desta região geográfica intermediária. Foram estudados 304 animais sem padrão racial definido, ambos os sexos, caracterizados conforme faixa etária evidenciada pelos dentes, submetidos a exames ante e post mortem com confirmação microbiológica. Processou-se material caseoso dos doentes; para confirmação de diagnóstico se empregou a técnica de isolamento e identificação microbiológica (padrão ouro). O exame bacteriológico confirmou presença do agente em 21.38% dos animais. As fêmeas representaram 13.16% dos doentes, enquanto os machos, 8.22%. Dos acometidos, 11.51% apresentaram a forma clínica, enquanto 9.87% a subclínica; 1.31% tiveram simultaneamente forma clínica e comprometimento interno. Os linfonodos pré-crurais 25.71%, mamários 11.43% e pré-escapulares 11.43% foram mais afetados; internamente, fígado 63.33%, pulmão 13.33% e linfonodo do mediastino médio 10%.[...]

Animais , Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis , Linfadenite/epidemiologia , Linfadenite/veterinária , Matadouros , Perfis Sanitários/análise , Ruminantes
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471135


Considering the importance of leptospirosis in both equine husbandry and public health, as well as the relevance of knowledge of current serogroup and the small number of studies addressing this disease in equines in Northeastern Brazil, the present study performed a serological survey of Leptospira spp. in a serum bank of 1,267 equines originating from 177 municipalities, located in four states in Northeastern Brazil: Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Pernambuco. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was used for diagnosis of leptospirosis using 24 serovars as antigens. The frequency of reagent equines was 29.7% (376/1,267), and 68.9% (122/177) of municipalities had at least one positive reaction. The serogroups reagent were Australis (37.2%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (29.3%), Tarassovi (9.6%), Sejroe (5.8%), Pomona (5.3%), Grippotyphosa (4.5%), Pyrogenes (2.4%), Bataviae (1.9%), Ballum and Hebdomadis (1.3%), Mini (0.5%), Celledoni, Shermani, and Javanica (0.3% each). There were significant statistical differences regarding sex and age, with a higher frequency in females (P= 0.014), and in animals 6 years (P=0.001). We concluded that seropositivity to Leptospira spp. is high in equines in Northeastern Brazil, with a predominance of serologic reactions to the Australis serogroup in the border areas between the states, and the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup in coastal areas

Considerando a importância da leptospirose na equinocultura e na saúde pública, bem como a relevância do conhecimento dos sorogrupos circulantes e do pequeno número de estudos realizados sobre esta doença em equinos no Nordeste do Brasil, o presente trabalho foi delineado para realizar um inquérito sorológico de Leptospira spp. em um banco de soros de 1.267 equinos provenientes de 177 municípios distribuídos em quatro estados: Piaui, Ceará, Paraíba e Pernambuco, localizados na região Nordeste do Brasil. Os soros foram examinados com o teste de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (SAM), utilizando uma coleção de 24 sorovares como antígenos. A frequência de equinos reagentes foi de 29,7% (376 / 1.267) e 68,9% (122/177) dos municípios que tiveram pelo menos uma reação positiva. Os sorogrupos reagentes foram Australis (37,2%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (29,3%), Tarassovi (9,6%), Sejroe (5,8%), Pomona (5,3%), Grippotyphosa (4,5%), Pyrogenes (2,4%), Bataviae (1,9%), Ballum e Hebdomadis (1,3%), Mini (0,5%), Celledoni, Shermani e Javanica (0,3%). Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes quanto ao sexo e idade, com maior frequência no sexo feminino (P = 0,014) e no animal com idade 6 anos (P = 0,001). Conclui-se que a infecção por Leptospira spp. tem ocorrência significativa em equídeos do Nordeste do Brasil, com predominância de reações para o sorogrupo Australis nas áreas de fronteira ent

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471160


Considering the importance of leptospirosis in both equine husbandry and public health, as well as the relevance of knowledge of current serogroup and the small number of studies addressing this disease in equines in Northeastern Brazil, the present study performed a serological survey of Leptospira spp. in a serum bank of 1,267 equines originating from 177 municipalities, located in four states in Northeastern Brazil: Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Pernambuco. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was used for diagnosis of leptospirosis using 24 serovars as antigens. The frequency of reagent equines was 29.7% (376/1,267), and 68.9% (122/177) of municipalities had at least one positive reaction. The serogroups reagent were Australis (37.2%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (29.3%), Tarassovi (9.6%), Sejroe (5.8%), Pomona (5.3%), Grippotyphosa (4.5%), Pyrogenes (2.4%), Bataviae (1.9%), Ballum and Hebdomadis (1.3%), Mini (0.5%), Celledoni, Shermani, and Javanica (0.3% each). There were significant statistical differences regarding sex and age, with a higher frequency in females (P= 0.014), and in animals 6 years (P=0.001). We concluded that seropositivity to Leptospira spp. is high in equines in Northeastern Brazil, with a predominance of serologic reactions to the Australis serogroup in the border areas between the states, and the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup in coastal areas

Considerando a importância da leptospirose na equinocultura e na saúde pública, bem como a relevância do conhecimento dos sorogrupos circulantes e do pequeno número de estudos realizados sobre esta doença em equinos no Nordeste do Brasil, o presente trabalho foi delineado para realizar um inquérito sorológico de Leptospira spp. em um banco de soros de 1.267 equinos provenientes de 177 municípios distribuídos em quatro estados: Piaui, Ceará, Paraíba e Pernambuco, localizados na região Nordeste do Brasil. Os soros foram examinados com o teste de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (SAM), utilizando uma coleção de 24 sorovares como antígenos. A frequência de equinos reagentes foi de 29,7% (376 / 1.267) e 68,9% (122/177) dos municípios que tiveram pelo menos uma reação positiva. Os sorogrupos reagentes foram Australis (37,2%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (29,3%), Tarassovi (9,6%), Sejroe (5,8%), Pomona (5,3%), Grippotyphosa (4,5%), Pyrogenes (2,4%), Bataviae (1,9%), Ballum e Hebdomadis (1,3%), Mini (0,5%), Celledoni, Shermani e Javanica (0,3%). Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes quanto ao sexo e idade, com maior frequência no sexo feminino (P = 0,014) e no animal com idade 6 anos (P = 0,001). Conclui-se que a infecção por Leptospira spp. tem ocorrência significativa em equídeos do Nordeste do Brasil, com predominância de reações para o sorogrupo Australis nas áreas de fronteira ent

Anim. Reprod. ; 15(4): 1199-1204, out.-dez. 2018. ilus, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19467


Goats and sheep have morphological characteristics for adaptation to desert and semiarid regions. The appearance of scrotum division known as scrotum bipartition has already been reported in goats. This anatomy increases the surface of each testicle exposed to environmental temperature, favoring heat dissipation and improving reproductive efficiency. Considering that there are already studies on the goat species demonstrating the presence of this characteristic as an influence on reproductive parameters, the prevalence of scrotum bipartition was estimated in the sheep herds reared in the municipality of Patos, Paraiba backwoods, Brazil. A total of 331 rams were examined from farms in four municipalities in the micro-region of Patos, Paraiba, Brazil, and the same study was also carried out at the municipal slaughterhouse in this city, where 456 animals were examined. According to the analysis, 66.67% of the farms visited presented one or more sheep with scrotum bipartition, with a prevalence of 11.48% on the farms and 14.47% at the slaughterhouse. The degree of bipartition was 9.59 ± 1.035% of the total scrotum length for the animals in the field and 12.89 ± 0.749% for those from the slaughterhouse, characterizing bipartition of less than 50% of the scrotum length. The variables intensive rearing (OR = 16.6) and the Dorper breed (OR = 6.91) were identified as factors associated to the presence of scrotum bipartition. It was concluded that scrotum bipartition is a characteristic present in sheep reared in the municipality of Patos in the semiarid region of Paraiba state, northeastern Brazil, and high prevalence was observed of farms with bipartition sheep, but a low number of animals with scrotum bipartition was identified.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos/anormalidades , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Escroto/anormalidades , Escroto/anatomia & histologia
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 15(4): 1199-1204, out.-dez. 2018. ilus, map, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461375


Goats and sheep have morphological characteristics for adaptation to desert and semiarid regions. The appearance of scrotum division known as scrotum bipartition has already been reported in goats. This anatomy increases the surface of each testicle exposed to environmental temperature, favoring heat dissipation and improving reproductive efficiency. Considering that there are already studies on the goat species demonstrating the presence of this characteristic as an influence on reproductive parameters, the prevalence of scrotum bipartition was estimated in the sheep herds reared in the municipality of Patos, Paraiba backwoods, Brazil. A total of 331 rams were examined from farms in four municipalities in the micro-region of Patos, Paraiba, Brazil, and the same study was also carried out at the municipal slaughterhouse in this city, where 456 animals were examined. According to the analysis, 66.67% of the farms visited presented one or more sheep with scrotum bipartition, with a prevalence of 11.48% on the farms and 14.47% at the slaughterhouse. The degree of bipartition was 9.59 ± 1.035% of the total scrotum length for the animals in the field and 12.89 ± 0.749% for those from the slaughterhouse, characterizing bipartition of less than 50% of the scrotum length. The variables intensive rearing (OR = 16.6) and the Dorper breed (OR = 6.91) were identified as factors associated to the presence of scrotum bipartition. It was concluded that scrotum bipartition is a characteristic present in sheep reared in the municipality of Patos in the semiarid region of Paraiba state, northeastern Brazil, and high prevalence was observed of farms with bipartition sheep, but a low number of animals with scrotum bipartition was identified.

Animais , Escroto/anatomia & histologia , Escroto/anormalidades , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Ovinos/anormalidades
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 38(4,supl): 2531-2542, Jul.-Ago.2017. tab, map
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1500953


Rural settlements are defined as family-run agrarian spaces. Their purpose, based on public policies, is to strengthen family agriculture. They are peculiar environments that can predispose to the risk of diseases, especially zoonotic diseases, due to close natural contact with animals that can be sources of infection. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of anti-Leptospira antibodies in dogs from rural settlements in the state of Paraíba, Northeast Brazil, and to identify the risk factors associated with infection. A total of 306 dogs were sampled and Leptospira screening was performed using the microscopic agglutination test. In all, 27 of 306 (8.82%; 95% CI = 6.13-12.5%) dogs were seropositive for Leptospira spp. The most frequent serotype was Pomona. Street access (odds ratio = 3.53, p = 0.012) was indicated as a risk factor for infection. The results indicate that leptospirosis is present in dogs from rural settlements in the state of Paraíba, Northeast Brazil. This reinforces the need to limit contact between dogs and wild reservoirs and perform serological monitoring of swine. It also reinforces the need for implementation of control measures such as improvements in hygienic-sanitary conditions in the settlements, including the construction of pigsties away from homes, and the introduction of vaccination to reduce the occurrence of this disease, which will prevent transmission to humans andanimals.

Os assentamentos rurais são definidos como espaços agrários de organização familiar, cuja finalidade é o fortalecimento da agricultura familiar a partir de políticas públicas. São ambientes peculiares que podem predispor ao risco de doenças, especialmente de caráter zoonótico, considerando naturalmente o convívio estreito com os animais, que de certo modo, podem atuar como fontes de infecção. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a frequência de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. em cães de assentamentos rurais do Estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil, bem como identificar os fatores de risco associados com a infecção. Foram utilizados 306 cães e o diagnóstico de Leptospira spp. realizados pela técnica de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (MAT). Foram identificados 27/306 (8,82%; IC 95% = 6,13 - 12,5%) cães soropositivos para Leptospira spp. O sorotipo mais frequente foi o Pomona. A criação do tipo solto (Odds ratio = 3,53; p = 0,012) foi apontada como fator de risco para a infecção. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que a leptospirose está presente em cães de áreas de assentamentos rurais do estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. Isso reforça a necessidade de limitar o contato de cães com reservatórios silvestres, bem como fazer o monitoramento sorológico dos suínos e implantação de medidas de controle como melhorias nas condições higiênico-sanitárias nos assentamentos, destacando-se a construção de pocilgas afastadas das residências e a introdução de vacinação com o intuito de reduzir a ocorrência dessa doença e, consequentemente, prevenir a transmissão da infecção aos sereshumanos e animais.

Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Fatores Epidemiológicos , Fatores de Risco , Leptospira , População Rural , Zona Semiárida