Abstract The protozoans include many intracellular human pathogens. Accurate detection of these pathogens is necessary to treat the diseases. In clinical epidemiology, molecular identification of protozoan is considered a more reliable and rapid method for identification than microscopy. Among these protozoans, Cryptosporidium considered being one of the important water-borne zoonotic pathogens and a major cause of a diarrheal disease named cryptosporidiosis in humans, domestic animals, and wild animals. This study was aimed to identify Cryptosporidium in zoo felids (N= 56) belonging to different zoo of China, but accidentlly Colpodella was encountered in the zoo felids sample and phylogenetic data confirmed this unexpected amplification from fecal samples using two-step nested-PCR. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the fact about the specific primers used previously by many researchers and cross-genera amplification. We came to know that genetically sequenced amplicon gives more accurate identification of species. This study suggests more investigation on Colpodella which has been neglected previously but gains the attention of researchers after identified from humans and animals and has been known to correlate with neurological symptoms in patients.
Resumo Os protozoários incluem muitos patógenos humanos intracelulares. A detecção acurada desses patógenos é necessária para tratar as doenças. Na epidemiologia clínica, a identificação molecular de protozoários é considerada o método de identificação mais confiável e rápido do que a microscopia. Entre esses protozoários, o Cryptosporidium é considerado um dos importantes patógenos zoonóticos transmitidos pela água e uma das principais causas de uma doença diarreica denominada criptosporidiose em humanos, animais domésticos e selvagens. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar Cryptosporidium em zoofelídeos (N = 56) pertencentes a diferentes zoológicos da China, mas acidentalmente Colpodella foi encontrada na amostra de zoofelídeos e os dados filogenéticos confirmaram essa amplificação inesperada de amostras fecais usando nested-PCR em duas etapas. A análise filogenética revelou o fato sobre os primers específicos usados anteriormente por muitos pesquisadores e a amplificação entre gêneros. Ficamos sabendo que o amplicon sequenciado geneticamente fornece uma identificação mais acurada das espécies. Este estudo sugere mais investigação sobre Colpodella, que foi negligenciada anteriormente, mas ganha a atenção dos pesquisadores depois de identificada em humanos e animais e é conhecida por se correlacionar com sintomas neurológicos em pacientes.
Abstract The protozoans include many intracellular human pathogens. Accurate detection of these pathogens is necessary to treat the diseases. In clinical epidemiology, molecular identification of protozoan is considered a more reliable and rapid method for identification than microscopy. Among these protozoans, Cryptosporidium considered being one of the important water-borne zoonotic pathogens and a major cause of a diarrheal disease named cryptosporidiosis in humans, domestic animals, and wild animals. This study was aimed to identify Cryptosporidium in zoo felids (N= 56) belonging to different zoo of China, but accidentlly Colpodella was encountered in the zoo felids sample and phylogenetic data confirmed this unexpected amplification from fecal samples using two-step nested-PCR. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the fact about the specific primers used previously by many researchers and cross-genera amplification. We came to know that genetically sequenced amplicon gives more accurate identification of species. This study suggests more investigation on Colpodella which has been neglected previously but gains the attention of researchers after identified from humans and animals and has been known to correlate with neurological symptoms in patients.
Resumo Os protozoários incluem muitos patógenos humanos intracelulares. A detecção acurada desses patógenos é necessária para tratar as doenças. Na epidemiologia clínica, a identificação molecular de protozoários é considerada o método de identificação mais confiável e rápido do que a microscopia. Entre esses protozoários, o Cryptosporidium é considerado um dos importantes patógenos zoonóticos transmitidos pela água e uma das principais causas de uma doença diarreica denominada criptosporidiose em humanos, animais domésticos e selvagens. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar Cryptosporidium em zoofelídeos (N = 56) pertencentes a diferentes zoológicos da China, mas acidentalmente Colpodella foi encontrada na amostra de zoofelídeos e os dados filogenéticos confirmaram essa amplificação inesperada de amostras fecais usando nested-PCR em duas etapas. A análise filogenética revelou o fato sobre os primers específicos usados anteriormente por muitos pesquisadores e a amplificação entre gêneros. Ficamos sabendo que o amplicon sequenciado geneticamente fornece uma identificação mais acurada das espécies. Este estudo sugere mais investigação sobre Colpodella, que foi negligenciada anteriormente, mas ganha a atenção dos pesquisadores depois de identificada em humanos e animais e é conhecida por se correlacionar com sintomas neurológicos em pacientes.
Humanos , Animais , Criptosporidiose/epidemiologia , Cryptosporidium/genética , Filogenia , China , Fezes , GenótipoResumo
Eggshell ultrastructure organization, including effective layer thickness, mammillary layer thickness, and average size of mammillary cones, is important for breeding and significantly influences eggshell mechanical properties. Several matrix proteins were known to be important in eggshell formation. However, the proteins and variations that determine eggshell ultrastructure organization are not known. Results: In this study, 17 single-nucleotide polymorphisms of three major genes in a hen population using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Five single-nucleotide polymorphisms with a very low minor allele frequency ( 1%) were excluded from further analysis. The remaining 12 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were used for analysis of associations with eggshell ultrastructure organization. Associations were found for (i) ovocleidin-116 with effective layer thickness (EFF), mammillary layer thickness (MAM), and average size of mammillary cones (SMAM); (ii) ovalbumin with eggshell thickness (ESH), effective layer thickness, and density of the mammillary cone (DMAM); and (iii) calmodulin1 with density of the mammillary cone. Conclusions: The single-nucleotide polymorphisms identified in the present study may be used as potential markers to improve eggshell quality.(AU)
Ovos/análise , Ovos , Polimorfismo Genético , Ovalbumina/análiseResumo
Eggshell ultrastructure organization, including effective layer thickness, mammillary layer thickness, and average size of mammillary cones, is important for breeding and significantly influences eggshell mechanical properties. Several matrix proteins were known to be important in eggshell formation. However, the proteins and variations that determine eggshell ultrastructure organization are not known. Results: In this study, 17 single-nucleotide polymorphisms of three major genes in a hen population using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Five single-nucleotide polymorphisms with a very low minor allele frequency ( 1%) were excluded from further analysis. The remaining 12 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were used for analysis of associations with eggshell ultrastructure organization. Associations were found for (i) ovocleidin-116 with effective layer thickness (EFF), mammillary layer thickness (MAM), and average size of mammillary cones (SMAM); (ii) ovalbumin with eggshell thickness (ESH), effective layer thickness, and density of the mammillary cone (DMAM); and (iii) calmodulin1 with density of the mammillary cone. Conclusions: The single-nucleotide polymorphisms identified in the present study may be used as potential markers to improve eggshell quality.