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Vet. Zoot. ; 24(3): 509-514, set. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17863


This is a case report that describes a severe condition of exungulation with distal phalanx avulsion in a mare, Quarter Horse of nine years old, attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HCV) from the Santa Catarina State University (CAV/UDESC), Lages, SC, Brazil. The animal showed exungulation of the right hindlimb due to transportation trauma and presented with severe lameness. All radiographs demonstrated osteoproliferative reaction in the proximal and middle phalanges and absence of the distal phalanx and the alar cartilage and severe peripheral soft tissue swelling. Due to the extensive injury with severe involvement of the distal phalanx and poor prognosis euthanasia was recommended and performed.(AU)

Este é um relato de caso que descreve uma condição grave de exungulação com avulsão da falange distal em uma égua, Quarto de Milha, de nove anos de idade, atendida no Hospital Veterinário (HCV) da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (CAV/UDESC), Lages, SC, Brasil. O animal apresentou exungulação no membro pélvico direito, decorrente de trauma durante o transporte, apresentando intensa claudicação. Nas radiografias obtidas observaram-se reação osteoproliferativa nas falanges proximal e média e ausência de grande parte da falange distal e da cartilagem alar e aumento de volume dos tecidos moles. Devido à extensa lesão com grave comprometimento da falange distal e prognóstico ruim, recomendou-se a eutanásia.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cavalos , Fratura Avulsão/veterinária , Casco e Garras/lesões
Vet. zootec ; 24(3): 509-514, set. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503448


This is a case report that describes a severe condition of exungulation with distal phalanx avulsion in a mare, Quarter Horse of nine years old, attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HCV) from the Santa Catarina State University (CAV/UDESC), Lages, SC, Brazil. The animal showed exungulation of the right hindlimb due to transportation trauma and presented with severe lameness. All radiographs demonstrated osteoproliferative reaction in the proximal and middle phalanges and absence of the distal phalanx and the alar cartilage and severe peripheral soft tissue swelling. Due to the extensive injury with severe involvement of the distal phalanx and poor prognosis euthanasia was recommended and performed.

Este é um relato de caso que descreve uma condição grave de exungulação com avulsão da falange distal em uma égua, Quarto de Milha, de nove anos de idade, atendida no Hospital Veterinário (HCV) da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (CAV/UDESC), Lages, SC, Brasil. O animal apresentou exungulação no membro pélvico direito, decorrente de trauma durante o transporte, apresentando intensa claudicação. Nas radiografias obtidas observaram-se reação osteoproliferativa nas falanges proximal e média e ausência de grande parte da falange distal e da cartilagem alar e aumento de volume dos tecidos moles. Devido à extensa lesão com grave comprometimento da falange distal e prognóstico ruim, recomendou-se a eutanásia.

Feminino , Animais , Casco e Garras/lesões , Cavalos , Fratura Avulsão/veterinária
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457664


Background: Hemogasometric analysis is used in the interpretation of acid-base balance (ABB) and to access pulmonary ventilation. Already mixed venous oxygen saturation obtained at pulmonary artery correlates with tissue oxygenation. However, both samples can be difficult to access because of the difficulties in arterial and pulmonary catheterization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of replacing the arterial and mixed venous bloods, the end tidal pressure of carbon dioxide (EtCO2) and central venous blood in the analysis of pulmonary ventilation, tissue oxygenation and ABB in dogs under different hemodynamic states.Material, Methods & Results: Nine dogs were used with an average weight of 19.6 ± 1.3 kg, anesthetized with isoflurane at 1.4 V% diluted on oxygen 60% (Baseline), and subsequently undergoing mechanical ventilation (MV) and the hypodinamic state (Hypo) with isoflurane at 3.5V% and mean arterial pressure (MAP) lower than 50 mmHg and hyperdynamic state (Hyper) by dobutamine infusion at 5 g/kg/min and with MAP 30% higher than baseline. For each time allowed a 15 min of stabilization by each hemodynamic status. Simultaneously were collected samples of 0.6 mL of arterial blood by metatarsal artery, mixed and central venous blood by pulmonary artery and right atrium for hemogasometric analysis. To access lung function we correlated and compared th

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457671


Background: General anesthetics and sedatives are commonly used for long-term sedation in veterinary medicine; however, they can lead to cardiac suppression. Cardiac troponin I is a biomarker used to detect myocardial pathology, monitor treatment, and assess outcomes in veterinary patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum concentration of troponin I (cTnI), the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, and the ventricular stroke work index in dogs undergoing two long-term sedation protocols over 24 h.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve healthy mongrel dogs with an average weight of 13.2 ± 2.3 Kg were admitted for this study. Twenty-four h before the experiment began (M-24), venous blood samples were collected for chemiluminescent cTnI evaluation and ECG data were obtained, specifically heart rate (HR); P, PR, QRS and T wave duration; P, R, T wave amplitude; and ST segment depression. On the day of the experiment, the animals were anaesthetized with propofol and isoflurane, and instrumented. After instrumentation, right and left ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI and LVSWI respectively) and intrapulmonary shunt (Qs/Qt) were performed as baseline parameters. The isoflurane was then discontinued and the animals randomly allocated to two groups (n = 6 each): Midazolam and fentanyl group (GMF), in which the animals received a bolus and continuous rate infusion (CRI)

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 33(5): 1911-1918, 2012.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1498926


The formulation of a drug can interfere with its absorption into the circulatory system and may result in changes in the dose required to achieve that particular effect. The aim of this study was to determine the lethal dose 50 (LD 50) and 100 (LD100) of a nanoemulsion of propofol and the lipid emulsion in mice intraperitoneally. One hundred sixty animals weighing 36.47±4.6g, which were distributed randomly into two groups: NANO and EMU who received propofol 1% in the nanoemulsion and lipid emulsion, respectively, intraperitoneally. Began with a dose of 250mg/kg (n=10) and from this isdecreased or increased the dose until achieving 0 and 100% of deaths in each group thus formed were seven subgroups in NANO (each subgroup n = 10) at doses 200, 250, 325, 350, 400, 425 and 475 mg/kg and in EMU eight subgroups (n= 10 each subset) 250, 325, 350, 400, 425, 475, 525 and 575 mg/kg. In the CONTROL group (n=10) animals received saline in the largest volume used in the other groups to rule out death by the volume injected. Analysis of LD 50 and LD 100 were obtained by linear regression. The LD 50 was 320, 95 mg / kg and 4243, 51mg / kg and the LD 100 was445.99 mg / kg and 595.31 mg / kg to groups NANO and EMU, respectively. It follows that nanoemulsion is propofol in 25% more potent compared to the lipid emulsionintraperitoneally.

A formulação de um fármaco pode interferir na sua absorção para o sistema circulatório, podendo resultar em alterações da dose necessária para que se consiga determinado efeito. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as doses letais 50 (DL 50) e 100 (DL100) do propofol em nanoemulsão e emulsão lipídica em camundongos pela via intraperitoneal. Foram utilizados 160 animais pesando 36,47 ± 4,6g, os quais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: NANO e EMU que receberam propofol à 1% em nanoemulsão e em emulsão lipídica, respectivamente, pela via intraperitoneal. Iniciou-se com a dose de 250mg/kg (n=10) e a partir desta diminuiu-se ou aumentou-se a dose até que se obtivesse 0 e 100% de óbitos em cada grupo, desta forma foram constituídos sete subgrupos no NANO (n=10 cada subgrupo) nas doses de 200, 250, 325, 350, 400, 425 e 475 mg/kg e oito subgrupos no EMU (n=10 cada subgrupo) 250, 325, 350, 400, 425, 475, 525 e 575 mg/kg. No grupo CONTROLE (n=10) os animais receberam solução fisiológica no maior volume utilizado nos demais grupos para descartar óbito pelo volume injetado. As análises de DL50 e DL 100 foram obtidas através de regressão linear simples. A DL 50 foi de 320,95 mg/kg e 423,51 mg/kg e a DL 100 foi de de 445,99 mg/kg e 595,31 mg/kg para os grupos NANO e EMU, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o propofol em nanoemulsão é 25 % mais potente quando comparado à emulsão

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-732007


Background: General anesthetics and sedatives are commonly used for long-term sedation in veterinary medicine; however, they can lead to cardiac suppression. Cardiac troponin I is a biomarker used to detect myocardial pathology, monitor treatment, and assess outcomes in veterinary patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum concentration of troponin I (cTnI), the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, and the ventricular stroke work index in dogs undergoing two long-term sedation protocols over 24 h.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve healthy mongrel dogs with an average weight of 13.2 ± 2.3 Kg were admitted for this study. Twenty-four h before the experiment began (M-24), venous blood samples were collected for chemiluminescent cTnI evaluation and ECG data were obtained, specifically heart rate (HR); P, PR, QRS and T wave duration; P, R, T wave amplitude; and ST segment depression. On the day of the experiment, the animals were anaesthetized with propofol and isoflurane, and instrumented. After instrumentation, right and left ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI and LVSWI respectively) and intrapulmonary shunt (Qs/Qt) were performed as baseline parameters. The isoflurane was then discontinued and the animals randomly allocated to two groups (n = 6 each): Midazolam and fentanyl group (GMF), in which the animals received a bolus and continuous rate infusion (CRI)

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-731389


Background: General anesthetics and sedatives are commonly used for long-term sedation in veterinary medicine; however, they can lead to cardiac suppression. Cardiac troponin I is a biomarker used to detect myocardial pathology, monitor treatment, and assess outcomes in veterinary patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum concentration of troponin I (cTnI), the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, and the ventricular stroke work index in dogs undergoing two long-term sedation protocols over 24 h.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve healthy mongrel dogs with an average weight of 13.2 ± 2.3 Kg were admitted for this study. Twenty-four h before the experiment began (M-24), venous blood samples were collected for chemiluminescent cTnI evaluation and ECG data were obtained, specifically heart rate (HR); P, PR, QRS and T wave duration; P, R, T wave amplitude; and ST segment depression. On the day of the experiment, the animals were anaesthetized with propofol and isoflurane, and instrumented. After instrumentation, right and left ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI and LVSWI respectively) and intrapulmonary shunt (Qs/Qt) were performed as baseline parameters. The isoflurane was then discontinued and the animals randomly allocated to two groups (n = 6 each): Midazolam and fentanyl group (GMF), in which the animals received a bolus and continuous rate infusion (CRI)

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-730864


Background: General anesthetics and sedatives are commonly used for long-term sedation in veterinary medicine; however, they can lead to cardiac suppression. Cardiac troponin I is a biomarker used to detect myocardial pathology, monitor treatment, and assess outcomes in veterinary patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum concentration of troponin I (cTnI), the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, and the ventricular stroke work index in dogs undergoing two long-term sedation protocols over 24 h.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve healthy mongrel dogs with an average weight of 13.2 ± 2.3 Kg were admitted for this study. Twenty-four h before the experiment began (M-24), venous blood samples were collected for chemiluminescent cTnI evaluation and ECG data were obtained, specifically heart rate (HR); P, PR, QRS and T wave duration; P, R, T wave amplitude; and ST segment depression. On the day of the experiment, the animals were anaesthetized with propofol and isoflurane, and instrumented. After instrumentation, right and left ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI and LVSWI respectively) and intrapulmonary shunt (Qs/Qt) were performed as baseline parameters. The isoflurane was then discontinued and the animals randomly allocated to two groups (n = 6 each): Midazolam and fentanyl group (GMF), in which the animals received a bolus and continuous rate infusion (CRI)

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-730203


Background: General anesthetics and sedatives are commonly used for long-term sedation in veterinary medicine; however, they can lead to cardiac suppression. Cardiac troponin I is a biomarker used to detect myocardial pathology, monitor treatment, and assess outcomes in veterinary patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum concentration of troponin I (cTnI), the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, and the ventricular stroke work index in dogs undergoing two long-term sedation protocols over 24 h.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve healthy mongrel dogs with an average weight of 13.2 ± 2.3 Kg were admitted for this study. Twenty-four h before the experiment began (M-24), venous blood samples were collected for chemiluminescent cTnI evaluation and ECG data were obtained, specifically heart rate (HR); P, PR, QRS and T wave duration; P, R, T wave amplitude; and ST segment depression. On the day of the experiment, the animals were anaesthetized with propofol and isoflurane, and instrumented. After instrumentation, right and left ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI and LVSWI respectively) and intrapulmonary shunt (Qs/Qt) were performed as baseline parameters. The isoflurane was then discontinued and the animals randomly allocated to two groups (n = 6 each): Midazolam and fentanyl group (GMF), in which the animals received a bolus and continuous rate infusion (CRI)

Semina Ci. agr. ; 33(5): 1911-1918, 2012.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-470462


The formulation of a drug can interfere with its absorption into the circulatory system and may result in changes in the dose required to achieve that particular effect. The aim of this study was to determine the lethal dose 50 (LD 50) and 100 (LD100) of a nanoemulsion of propofol and the lipid emulsion in mice intraperitoneally. One hundred sixty animals weighing 36.47±4.6g, which were distributed randomly into two groups: NANO and EMU who received propofol 1% in the nanoemulsion and lipid emulsion, respectively, intraperitoneally. Began with a dose of 250mg/kg (n=10) and from this isdecreased or increased the dose until achieving 0 and 100% of deaths in each group thus formed were seven subgroups in NANO (each subgroup n = 10) at doses 200, 250, 325, 350, 400, 425 and 475 mg/kg and in EMU eight subgroups (n= 10 each subset) 250, 325, 350, 400, 425, 475, 525 and 575 mg/kg. In the CONTROL group (n=10) animals received saline in the largest volume used in the other groups to rule out death by the volume injected. Analysis of LD 50 and LD 100 were obtained by linear regression. The LD 50 was 320, 95 mg / kg and 4243, 51mg / kg and the LD 100 was445.99 mg / kg and 595.31 mg / kg to groups NANO and EMU, respectively. It follows that nanoemulsion is propofol in 25% more potent compared to the lipid emulsionintraperitoneally. 

A formulação de um fármaco pode interferir na sua absorção para o sistema circulatório, podendo resultar em alterações da dose necessária para que se consiga determinado efeito. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as doses letais 50 (DL 50) e 100 (DL100) do propofol em nanoemulsão e emulsão lipídica em camundongos pela via intraperitoneal. Foram utilizados 160 animais pesando 36,47 ± 4,6g, os quais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: NANO e EMU que receberam propofol à 1% em nanoemulsão e em emulsão lipídica, respectivamente, pela via intraperitoneal. Iniciou-se com a dose de 250mg/kg (n=10) e a partir desta diminuiu-se ou aumentou-se a dose até que se obtivesse 0 e 100% de óbitos em cada grupo, desta forma foram constituídos sete subgrupos no NANO (n=10 cada subgrupo) nas doses de 200, 250, 325, 350, 400, 425 e 475 mg/kg e oito subgrupos no EMU (n=10 cada subgrupo) 250, 325, 350, 400, 425, 475, 525 e 575 mg/kg. No grupo CONTROLE (n=10) os animais receberam solução fisiológica no maior volume utilizado nos demais grupos para descartar óbito pelo volume injetado. As análises de DL50 e DL 100 foram obtidas através de regressão linear simples. A DL 50 foi de 320,95 mg/kg e 423,51 mg/kg e a DL 100 foi de de 445,99 mg/kg e 595,31 mg/kg para os grupos NANO e EMU, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o propofol em nanoemulsão é 25 % mais potente quando comparado à emulsão

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 34(4): 1783-1792, 2013.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1499264


Parvovirus is an infectious viral disease, highly contagious, affecting dogs causing acute enteritis. Dehydration is a minor problem and acute evolution, which is the main focus of treatment. The objective of this study was to evaluate two treatments volume replacement in dogs with confirmed diagnosis of parvovirus infection by antigen detection in stool by ELISA. A total of 15 dogs, mixed, male and female, aged from 3 to 6 months, these four they had died during treatment and 11 were included in the study. Patients were randomly divided into two groups: hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (HES, n=6) and Group Ringer Lactate (RL, n=5), which received fluid resuscitation with hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 and Ringers solution lactate, respectively, based on calculations of fluid deficit. All animals received intravenously: cephalothin, metronidazole, ranitidine and metoclopramide. During hospitalization, every 12 hours were evaluated arterial blood gas, electrolyte dosing and clinical examination (heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, capillary refill time, vomiting, appetite, dehydration, weight gain, hematochezia, melena, hematemesis and presence abdominal pain) and 24 hours each blood count was performed. In group RL was increase in the values of PaO2 and decreases in hemoglobin, hematocrit, phosphorus and magnesium, and group HES, a decrease in the percentage of dehydrati

A parvovirose é uma doença infecciosa viral, altamente contagiosa, que acomete cães causando enterite aguda. A desidratação é um problema secundário e de evolução aguda, sendo este o foco principal do tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar dois tratamentos de reposição volêmica em cães com diagnóstico confirmado de parvovirose por detecção do antígeno nas fezes por meio de ELISA. Foram utilizados 15 cães, mestiços, machos e fêmeas, com idade de 3 a 6 meses, destes, quatro vieram a óbito durante o tratamento e 11 foram incluídos no estudo. Os pacientes foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Grupo Hidroxietilamido 130/0,4 (HES, n=6) e Grupo Ringer Lactato (RL, n=5), os quais receberam fluidoterapia com hidroxietilamido 130/0,4 e solução de Ringer Lactato, respectivamente, com base nos cálculos de déficit hídrico. Todos os animais receberam por via intravenosa: cefalotina, metronidazol, ranitidina e metoclopramida. Durante o internamento, a cada 12 horas foram avaliados os gases sanguíneos arteriais, eletrólitos e realizou-se exame clínico completo (frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória, temperatura retal, tempo de preenchimento capilar, vômito, apetite, desidratação, ganho de peso, hematoquezia, melena, hematêmese e dor abdominal) e a cada 24 horas hemograma. Em comparação ao basal, no grupo RL houve aumento nos valores de PaO2 e diminuição nos níveis de he

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-731957


Background: Hemogasometric analysis is used in the interpretation of acid-base balance (ABB) and to access pulmonary ventilation. Already mixed venous oxygen saturation obtained at pulmonary artery correlates with tissue oxygenation. However, both samples can be difficult to access because of the difficulties in arterial and pulmonary catheterization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of replacing the arterial and mixed venous bloods, the end tidal pressure of carbon dioxide (EtCO2) and central venous blood in the analysis of pulmonary ventilation, tissue oxygenation and ABB in dogs under different hemodynamic states.Material, Methods & Results: Nine dogs were used with an average weight of 19.6 ± 1.3 kg, anesthetized with isoflurane at 1.4 V% diluted on oxygen 60% (Baseline), and subsequently undergoing mechanical ventilation (MV) and the hypodinamic state (Hypo) with isoflurane at 3.5V% and mean arterial pressure (MAP) lower than 50 mmHg and hyperdynamic state (Hyper) by dobutamine infusion at 5 g/kg/min and with MAP 30% higher than baseline. For each time allowed a 15 min of stabilization by each hemodynamic status. Simultaneously were collected samples of 0.6 mL of arterial blood by metatarsal artery, mixed and central venous blood by pulmonary artery and right atrium for hemogasometric analysis. To access lung function we correlated and compared th

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-731567


Background: Hemogasometric analysis is used in the interpretation of acid-base balance (ABB) and to access pulmonary ventilation. Already mixed venous oxygen saturation obtained at pulmonary artery correlates with tissue oxygenation. However, both samples can be difficult to access because of the difficulties in arterial and pulmonary catheterization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of replacing the arterial and mixed venous bloods, the end tidal pressure of carbon dioxide (EtCO2) and central venous blood in the analysis of pulmonary ventilation, tissue oxygenation and ABB in dogs under different hemodynamic states.Material, Methods & Results: Nine dogs were used with an average weight of 19.6 ± 1.3 kg, anesthetized with isoflurane at 1.4 V% diluted on oxygen 60% (Baseline), and subsequently undergoing mechanical ventilation (MV) and the hypodinamic state (Hypo) with isoflurane at 3.5V% and mean arterial pressure (MAP) lower than 50 mmHg and hyperdynamic state (Hyper) by dobutamine infusion at 5 g/kg/min and with MAP 30% higher than baseline. For each time allowed a 15 min of stabilization by each hemodynamic status. Simultaneously were collected samples of 0.6 mL of arterial blood by metatarsal artery, mixed and central venous blood by pulmonary artery and right atrium for hemogasometric analysis. To access lung function we correlated and compared th

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-730811


Background: Hemogasometric analysis is used in the interpretation of acid-base balance (ABB) and to access pulmonary ventilation. Already mixed venous oxygen saturation obtained at pulmonary artery correlates with tissue oxygenation. However, both samples can be difficult to access because of the difficulties in arterial and pulmonary catheterization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of replacing the arterial and mixed venous bloods, the end tidal pressure of carbon dioxide (EtCO2) and central venous blood in the analysis of pulmonary ventilation, tissue oxygenation and ABB in dogs under different hemodynamic states.Material, Methods & Results: Nine dogs were used with an average weight of 19.6 ± 1.3 kg, anesthetized with isoflurane at 1.4 V% diluted on oxygen 60% (Baseline), and subsequently undergoing mechanical ventilation (MV) and the hypodinamic state (Hypo) with isoflurane at 3.5V% and mean arterial pressure (MAP) lower than 50 mmHg and hyperdynamic state (Hyper) by dobutamine infusion at 5 g/kg/min and with MAP 30% higher than baseline. For each time allowed a 15 min of stabilization by each hemodynamic status. Simultaneously were collected samples of 0.6 mL of arterial blood by metatarsal artery, mixed and central venous blood by pulmonary artery and right atrium for hemogasometric analysis. To access lung function we correlated and compared th

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-730165


Background: Hemogasometric analysis is used in the interpretation of acid-base balance (ABB) and to access pulmonary ventilation. Already mixed venous oxygen saturation obtained at pulmonary artery correlates with tissue oxygenation. However, both samples can be difficult to access because of the difficulties in arterial and pulmonary catheterization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of replacing the arterial and mixed venous bloods, the end tidal pressure of carbon dioxide (EtCO2) and central venous blood in the analysis of pulmonary ventilation, tissue oxygenation and ABB in dogs under different hemodynamic states.Material, Methods & Results: Nine dogs were used with an average weight of 19.6 ± 1.3 kg, anesthetized with isoflurane at 1.4 V% diluted on oxygen 60% (Baseline), and subsequently undergoing mechanical ventilation (MV) and the hypodinamic state (Hypo) with isoflurane at 3.5V% and mean arterial pressure (MAP) lower than 50 mmHg and hyperdynamic state (Hyper) by dobutamine infusion at 5 g/kg/min and with MAP 30% higher than baseline. For each time allowed a 15 min of stabilization by each hemodynamic status. Simultaneously were collected samples of 0.6 mL of arterial blood by metatarsal artery, mixed and central venous blood by pulmonary artery and right atrium for hemogasometric analysis. To access lung function we correlated and compared th

Semina Ci. agr. ; 34(4): 1783-1792, 2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-472298


Parvovirus is an infectious viral disease, highly contagious, affecting dogs causing acute enteritis. Dehydration is a minor problem and acute evolution, which is the main focus of treatment. The objective of this study was to evaluate two treatments volume replacement in dogs with confirmed diagnosis of parvovirus infection by antigen detection in stool by ELISA. A total of 15 dogs, mixed, male and female, aged from 3 to 6 months, these four they had died during treatment and 11 were included in the study. Patients were randomly divided into two groups: hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (HES, n=6) and Group Ringer Lactate (RL, n=5), which received fluid resuscitation with hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 and Ringers solution lactate, respectively, based on calculations of fluid deficit. All animals received intravenously: cephalothin, metronidazole, ranitidine and metoclopramide. During hospitalization, every 12 hours were evaluated arterial blood gas, electrolyte dosing and clinical examination (heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, capillary refill time, vomiting, appetite, dehydration, weight gain, hematochezia, melena, hematemesis and presence abdominal pain) and 24 hours each blood count was performed. In group RL was increase in the values of PaO2 and decreases in hemoglobin, hematocrit, phosphorus and magnesium, and group HES, a decrease in the percentage of dehydrati

A parvovirose é uma doença infecciosa viral, altamente contagiosa, que acomete cães causando enterite aguda. A desidratação é um problema secundário e de evolução aguda, sendo este o foco principal do tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar dois tratamentos de reposição volêmica em cães com diagnóstico confirmado de parvovirose por detecção do antígeno nas fezes por meio de ELISA. Foram utilizados 15 cães, mestiços, machos e fêmeas, com idade de 3 a 6 meses, destes, quatro vieram a óbito durante o tratamento e 11 foram incluídos no estudo. Os pacientes foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Grupo Hidroxietilamido 130/0,4 (HES, n=6) e Grupo Ringer Lactato (RL, n=5), os quais receberam fluidoterapia com hidroxietilamido 130/0,4 e solução de Ringer Lactato, respectivamente, com base nos cálculos de déficit hídrico. Todos os animais receberam por via intravenosa: cefalotina, metronidazol, ranitidina e metoclopramida. Durante o internamento, a cada 12 horas foram avaliados os gases sanguíneos arteriais, eletrólitos e realizou-se exame clínico completo (frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória, temperatura retal, tempo de preenchimento capilar, vômito, apetite, desidratação, ganho de peso, hematoquezia, melena, hematêmese e dor abdominal) e a cada 24 horas hemograma. Em comparação ao basal, no grupo RL houve aumento nos valores de PaO2 e diminuição nos níveis de he